HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-12-10, Page 7rwECillvPit SPORTS rrHAN
„sieffiet 9&tr-440g
eP "There must be a better way—to
Inake a living" complained Santa Claus
as he serviced his jet -plane preparatory
to his last • round -up of clients for the
1953 Xmas season. "Between the high
cost of living, shortages and strikes
can't get the boys and girls what they're
looking tor. Why, some of the National Hockey League clubs
have been writing in, asking me to provide them with a win-
ner. One can't do that" he added regretfully.
"What," we wanted to know, "is the most important short-
"I'd say common sense," retorted Santa, tugging at his I.ace
curtains, rather irritably. "The things they ask for! For
instance, I have a tear -stained request from Chicago, asking
me to provide
city with spo�I
can't do Those1ckHawks will have to loafter
Santa fished through the mail, and calve up with a tetter
that seemed to amuse him.
"Here's one from Frank King Clancy, coach of the Toronto
Maple Leafs" chuckled Santa. "He's asking for a spare throat,
for he figures the one he has won't last him through the
season. A holler -guy, toreat use a fellow
spor'ts term.that : Wish I could help all
"From a promoter of amateur boxing events, there's a
letter. asking me to deliver him a real amateur. He might
as well ask for a baby plesiosaurus. And Frank Boucher,
coach of the New York Rangers, wants a rabbit's foot. I'll
see et a
coupleat he gets it, but he of tough defense players.. Or anothebe better r Lester dvised a Patrick
to help take the load off Boucher's shoulders.
"Some letters show signs of intelligence. 1 have one from
a boxing fan, asking that every manager of boxers should be
sent a picture of Ananias, so that he could see himself as
others see him. One hockey fan wants me to send a noiseless
whistle to all referees and linesmen. And a pair of major -
sized trousers to all football leaders, because the game
is suffering from growing pains and is in fact growing out
of its pants.
"I'm sending a gallon of black ink each to Canny Smythe of
the Leafs, Frank Selke of the Montreal Forum and Jack
Adams of the Detroit Red Wings. Those fellows never seem
to require any red ink. And a cash -register to Jean Beliveau,
the Canadian rookie, so he can count his money without wear-
ing himself out ..."
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto.
A few days ago the daily press
reported Senator W. Ross Mac-
Donald, government leader in the
Senate, as saying that "it is im-
portant that people correct the
wrong impression that farmers
are hard -up this year."
To support this amazing state-
ment the senator argued that
farm farm income this year
would be considerably above the
average of the last eight years,
Farm Income Down
If farm income is above the av-
erage of the last eight years, so
are the - incomes of all other
groups. The income of wage and
salary earners has increased and
so has the income of industry.
The important point is that the
income of Canadian farmers has
not kept up with the increase of
the cost of living and the cost of
Further, that during the last
two years, while cost of living
and cost of production have con-
tinued to rise, farm income has
declined. From its peak of
$2,200,000,000 in 1951 it is expect-
ed to fall to $1,672,000,000 in 1953.
Higher Costs
Not only has the farmers' in-
come receded by 528 million dol-
lars or 24 per cent in two years,
their cost of production has gone
up in the same period by about
five per cent.
Senator MacDonald ought to
know better, as a matter of fact
he must know better. Up to the
Fair Pair — A pair of queens,
back-to-back, lend their blonde
beauty to Waikiki (each in
Honolulu., Hawaii,
E e+4
end • of the last session, the sen-
ator sat in the House of Com-
mons as the Liberal member for
Brantford; centre of Canada's
farm implement industry.
Surely the senator has heard of
the lay-offs of workers in his
own home town, where the farm
implement factories have dismiss-
ed more than half the number
of their employees.
A Nickel Per Pound
Why did the companies have to
lay off these men? Because farm-
ers cannot afford to buy their
goods any more.
With cows selling for 10 cents
a pound, canners and cutters a
nickel per pound, milk as low as
$2.30 per hundredweight, mixed
grain $35 per ton, farmers simply
do not have the money to pay
the exorbitantly high prices of
farm machinery.
' Farmers are hard up. They are
not in distress, 'at least not yet,
but cracks are showing, and
without a more positive and
constructive approach than the
one of the government leader in
the Senate, these cracks may
threaten the structure of our
whole economy. -
Labour -Farmer Alliance
It is for these reasons that for
the first time in their history or-
ganized labour and organized ag-
riculture have joined forces to
bring their common problems to
the fed"eral government.
"It is significant," writes The
Grower, official organ of The On:
tario Fruit and Vegetable Grow-
ers' Association, "as the pressure
mounts, that organized Labour, to
help itself, now takes up the case
for agriculture as witness the
brief of United Automobile Wor-
kers. Organized labour and far
mers never got along together."
"Many efforts have been made
to keep the two groups apart.
Now, as one labour group exam
ines a trouble spot, it is found
that the welfare of another group
cannot be overlooked and the
two groups find themselves in
common approach to the prob-
"For those who read signs,"
The Grower concludes, "there is
one here that will at least prove
interesting. It inay make some
people think; for an alliance of
organized labour and organized
agriculture could be fraught with
real significance."
This column welcomes sug-
gestions, wise or foolish, and all
criticism, whether constructive
or destructive and will try to
answer. any -question. Address
your letters to Bob Ellis, Box 1,
123 - 18th St„ New Toronto, Ont.
"Floppy" in Shorts --Screen cowboy William Boyd (Hopalong Cas-
sidy) gets out of costume to sWiRiti at a golf ball during his vaca-
tion at Tucker's Town, Bermuda. Looking on is his attractive wife,
former film star Grace Bradley.
Around Grey Cup time, or in
the Spring when the Stanley Cup
Marathon rolls around, a lot of
folks think that Canadians take
their sport far too seriously. But
even. the most rabid supporter
of the Hamilton Ticats or -the
Toronto Maple Leafs would look
like a sissy when compared to
the sort of fans they breed -,down
South America way.
* *
Take what happened three,
years ago, for instance, in:e1110,
where the soccer World Series
was played,' In a game against
Uruguay the home team—Brazil
—was a top-heavy favourite. But,
to the surprise of most ev; a';•
body, Uruguay finished in front,
Did we say "Surprise"? Much
toot- mild a world! Rio became a
dead cityfor the time being,,Do,
tors were kept busy treating i
cases of fits and hysteria. Uru-
guayans were knifed. And one p
man, who had been listening to
the broadcast of the game, shot
his fiancee dead on the sofa, then
ran outside and shot two police-
men before a bullet put an end •
to his mead career. You think
Foster Hewitt or Wes McKnight
are exciting? Let them try and
match that one!
* * *
Firing the manager or the
coach is about as far as we go
to show our disapproval of a
losing club. There was a time — •
and a place — where the action
was a bit more direct. While the -
winners were being regaled with
fruits, flowers and wine, the cap-
tain of the losing side was taken
out and soundly flogged. Might
be an idea for Jack Kent Cooke
and his Toronto Baseball Club
This last-mentioned treatment,
however, occurred in China some
two thousand years ago, and the
game was Soccer—or what may
have been Soccer's most remote
ancestor. Claims have been made
for both the Greeks and the
Romans as originators of the
game, but an eminent professor
has dug up evidence which shows
that the Chinese beat them to it.
* *
FARMERS — Cut your wood for 860
wtith ed ebuiltlisten
s w.1�I)epo IL t $160 guarson
.cutely of machine. You have use of
saw for one month. Deposit 1s returned
can own rental;
sawby Paying 5150 80er $160above yodays ur
deposit. Sawa cost now $760.
Also havo one-man saws, Write for
particulars. Joe Stogdill, 101 Cowan
Avenue, Toronto
BARS 0HI07180
IT'S those December and January hatched
pullets that will bring you average prides
from 55c to 74o per dozen for your eggs
next June to October. We have heavy
breed pullets as low as $17.46 per hundred
for December. Aleo started chick bar-
gains two week old, pullets $28.70: non -
sexed $22,70; cockerels $28,70; three week
old add 10e. Broiler chicks, turkey
noults, Laying pullets. Look now for
It must be admitted that the
Chinese game bore only a faint
resemblance to the brand that
packs the stands at Wembley to-
day. The leather ball was stuff-
ed with feathers, or some such;
the goal was only about a foot
wide; and the contestants took
turns in having a shot at it. But
the Chinks had an alternative
code in which dribbling and ball
control played a part.
All this, and a whole heap
more, we learn from "Soccer—
The World Game," by Geoffrey
Green, a new book that will ap-
peal to everyone' who is a soccer
enthusiast, as well as plenty who
are mere onlookers. Mr. Green,
who writes Soccer for The Lon-
don Times, traces the history of
the sport from its earliest roots
down through all its exciting de-
velopments, and also has lots to
say about current affairs and the
future of the game. He doesn't
like, for instance, the much -criti-
cised transfer system, and thinks
that club and player should be
free to negotiate their own terms;
which isn't likely to make Green
a very popular color with the
top brass of -soccer in the Old
Country, we would say.
The modern game, as a spec-
tacle drawing vast multitudes,
may be said to have started with
professionalism, and appropriate-
ly it was two Scotsmen playing
for Darwen who provided the
first link between the famous
amateur clubs and big business.
The team of unknown artisans
challenged the mighty Old Eton -
tans in the Cup. Competition of
18'79 and it was only after two
drawn games in London that they
were defeated. Their gallant ef-
A Brace For "Duffy"—"Duffy," a Chinese Pug, gets o rewarding
pat from his three-year-old mistress, Nita Ann Jordan, after com-
pleting a trial spin in his new, homemade brace. The dog must
wear the bracts' because of a recent s back legs,
ailment that paralyzed
ONE thing the poultry Man and Farmer
does not want, that is "a good meat
strain that lays a lot of eggs". Too
many of these chicks have fooled too
many farmers. For maximum egg pro-
duction buy egg bred breeds such as
White Leghorn X Rhode Island Red,
White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Rhode
Island Red X Barred Rock. Light Sussex
X Rhode Txland Red, and insist on R.O.P.
Sired, then you will get maximum Pro-
ductlon. We recommend and have the
above. For Broilers we have special
breeds also spacial breeds for dual purpose
and roasters. Also for immediate delivery
started chicks, laying pullets, started
broiler poultc. Catalogue. Book your or-
der today. Special price on 10 week old
pullets January delivery.
4 weeks cid Sussex x Red ) i 47c 4 weeks
old Sussex, x Hamp @ 39e Del, Dec.
10th. 0 weeks old Sussex x Red 07e
0 weeks old Sussex x Hamp 0 59e Del.
Dec. 29th.
Phone 7
ADD to Your present line or Dart time
income by selling highest quality neckties
at exceptlnnal profit. This neckwear has
a proven patented selling quality and
sells on eight. Write Parma -Knot Tie
Co Dept 195. Port Erie. Ont.
Single man. Experienced in feeding Beef
rattle, operating equipment and truck.
Large Modern farm. Living aocomoda-
lion provided. Close to 'rnronto. APplY
Mel Armstrong, R. R. 1 Todmorden
BA, 1.3470.
100 Razor Blades $1,25, double edge Don
Juan. 3-5 shaves or money back. Wm.
J. Dagner, 109-13 Johnson Avenue.
Hackensack, New Jersey.
YOUR FRIENDS will be delighted re-
ceiving your Christmas Greetings, with
stamped Greetings 91.00 Letters, singles,
25e. Kermit Talbott, Evanston, Indiana.
CRESS CORN SALVE — For sure relief,
Your Druggist sells CRESS.
ANGORA Rabbits for sale, five months
to two years old, Bucks $5 each. Donald
R. Hall, R. R. 1. Zephyr, Ontario.
BARN cleaners, stalls, stanchions, feed
trucks, water bowls, litter carriers, Write
today fcr free catalogues. Spramotor
Sales & Equipment Ltd.. 1000 York
Street. London Ontario.
Free ::rice list. Arcade Novelty Store,
6 Linen -ore Crescent, Tornnto, Ontario,
HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to us for information. We
are glad to answer your questions. De-
partment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited.
791 Tonga St., Tornnto.
CHAIN Saws — New, Reduced Prices
on one-man Z" isston'd." Fraser y Avenue.
FLORIDA ,Tobe Waiting! Thousands of
openings for men and women. Send
$1. (details free) for lolortda Opportunityu�
Directory, P.O. Bat 447,
forts "kindled a tiny flame in the
North," writes Geoffrey Green,
i, 0 *
James Love and Fergus Suter
were the two Scots, but what
were they doing in Lancashire?
Answer is that they saw brighter
prospects over the border and
the fact that they were excellent
footballers was a big help in get-
ting good jobs. Professionalism
was not legalized in England un-
til 1885, but long before that the
Scottish invasion had been in
full swing; their goal was golden
sovereigns and regular employ-
After that, football nioved
apace and spread across Europe,
but not without perilous incident.
In 1900 some young Turks be-
came interested and held a meet-
ing to translate the rules from
English into their own language.
They were promptly arrested by
a detachment of soldiers because
a Palace spy had reported the
shirts as uniforms and the ball
as ammunition. These bold pio-
neers — or conspirators as they
were termed — suffered banish-
This nation's government is
grounded in the system of checks
and balances; its citizens are
Mewed trying to balance their
335 Elgin, Ottawa.
$1.25 Express Prepaid
BANISIH the torment of dry erzems rashes
and weeping skin troubles Pnst'e Femme
Salve will not disappoint you
Itching. scaling• burning eczema. acne,
ringworm, pimples and fent eczema, will
respond readily to the stainless odorless
ointment regardless el how stithhnrn or
hopeless they seem
RICE 52.50 PER ,I AR
Sent Pest Free n Receipt et Price
889 Queen St. E,. Corner nr Loam
Ono woman tette another. Take superior
"°2 EMINEE" to help alleviate pain. dig.
areae and oorvone tension eesnelated with
monthly periods
80.00 Postpaid in plain weaooe,
Make spare time profitable. Sell YPZ Wa-
terless Cleaner. amazing band cleaner
with many household and other uses. Lib-
eral Commission. Write 'Harkness & Com-
pany, Niagara Falls, for free sample and
EARN Money learning Sign Lettering.
Amazing. simple, copyrighted code sys-
tem, teaches you art in Sive minutes.
Complete Instructions 50c postpaid. Her-
ron's Art Systeho, 64 Went Newton Street,
Boston. Mass,
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant, dignified profession. good wages.
Thousands of successful Marvel graduates
America's Greatest System
Illustrated Catalogue Free
Write or Call
358 Blom. St W.. Toronto
44 King St.. Ham11ton
72 Rideau St.. Ottawa
OPERATE a septic tank clinic in your
community. Can be a part-time oc•cnPa-
tion for reliable and responsible citizen
with truck or car. This includes sales
and service for chemical treatment of
septic tanks, cesspools, drainlines & pri-
vies. Send full particulars of experience
and phone number to TOWN
Mutual Street, Toronto.
AN OFFER to every inventor—List of in-
ventions and full information sent tree.
The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attor.
nays. 279 Bank Street. Ottawa.
Attorneys, Established 1890. 600 Unta
varsity Ave., Toronto. Patents all countries,
81.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe
personal requirements. Latest Catalogue
included. The Medico Agency. Box 525
Terminal A. Toronto. Ontario,
Make lovely Quilts, Aprons, Runners,
Slipcovers, etc„ from Manufacturer9
Remnants, beautiful materials. Quilt
Pieces 11 pounds $1.00, 5 pounds 51.95.
Free Patterns with each order. Money'
book Guarantee, you'll be_ back tor more.
Wm. T. Dasher, 108-W Tohnenn Avenue,
Hackensack, New Jersey.
STOP SMOKING: This year keep tha5
New Year Resolution with the aid of
"Tobacco Eliminator." A 7 -day mone3r
back guaranteed treatment. For fre
booklet write C. W. Tsang Pharmacal
Corp. Ltd.. Box 305. Walksrville, Ont.
Vanished array with SACA-PELO, e.
remarkable discovery of the age. Free
information at Lor -Beer Laboratories
Ltd., Ste. 5, 679 Granville St., or write
P 0. Box 99. Vancouver, B.C.
ANY Question of feet answered for $1.00,
Write: Laud R. Pitt, 9109 Louie Avenue,
Silver Spring, Maryland.
105 DIFFERENT stamps including tri-
angles, diamonds. rarities, pictorial9,
commemoratives and hi -color only 10o.
With RAPP:male. Cassidy, Hampton 100,
New Brunswick.
%Vented! Pay up to 11 pound. Write for
description, hacking, shipping instruct.
time. Puneden :1n-lt,"T, 19 Hamilton,
Brantford. Ont.
EGGS WANTED — We Pay highest
Prices for ungraded eggs. Fremium 201'
white eggs. Writ for particulars.
Thornbank Poultry Forme. 951 Ossington
Avenue, Tornnto
Itch tl Itch ... itch
ii Was Nearly Crazy
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speeds pewee and comfort treat eruel itching
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reeletutlefo 'teGass. it s seoo, elok+rtw rd
Itch or money Leek. Ask druggist fur 1) 1). D
Preserlptlon iordihary or extraa etre ngth),
When kidneys fad to
remove excess acids
and wastes, back-
soho, tired feeliug,
disturbed rest often
follow. Dodd's
Kidney Pills etimu-
iate kidneys to
normal duty. You
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Get Dedd's at any
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'SSUE 50 — 1953