HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-12-10, Page 141 11 ERALtort' tEitb1iahed 1900 ZURICH, mum:tin, THuRsDAYoto ST. PETER'S ilEvangelical Lutheran Church .ZT.TRICtE1 — ONTARIO .. MI?". E. W. HELMRICH, PASTOR a.m.—Divine Services. LE1:15 a.m.---Sunday School. 7:80 p.m.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome to all Services EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E., ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch Organist ligJIIDAY SERVICES. - 10:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7:30 pen. — Evening Worship Welcome at all Services—"Come fawn with as and we will do thee • good." NUM 1029: WHY PAY eckless Driver ates If you're a careful driver you can set remarkable low rates with Stale Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make their own low Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 19. Zurich, Ont. Are You Suffering From leleadaches? ao have your Eye a Examined with `4he _Latest Methods and equipment at OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN = tow GOD DNS Deed Guises sk Nesswasale reses DECEMBER 1 9,5 3 10 Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.m. — Sunday ,Sehool 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 n, — Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. Prayer Fellowship (in the homes) YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! Addon Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday Dec. 11-1+2 White Witch Doctor Technicolor Susan Hayward, Robert Mitchum, Walter Slezak. - Here is an adventure at it's all-time best, magnificently filmed in Techni- color. Cartoon and Additional Shorts.. Tuesday, Wednesday Dec. 15-16 Lyric Theatt Phone 421 - EXE City of Bad .Men Technicolor (Adult Entertainment) Dale Robertson Jeanne _Crain Lloyd Bridges Action ablaze in the frontier city of six-shooters — The last stand of the West's mos t famous Desperad- oes Newsreel and Selected Shorts. Avon Products MAKE ATTRACTIVE CHRIST7 Friday, Saturday Dee- Air Fair Wind of Java: Fred IVIeMerrafy Vera Ralston An adventure melodrama revolain around the efforts of a tough Ye Sea Captain to locate a fortune. elec.- diamonde. •t•I, 'Monday, Tuesday Dec. 14-11, Island of Desire Linda Darnell Tab .Hunter A Story of two people shipwreekee on an island; (Adult Entertainment) MAS, 91=7k O1DEI614144:VW-ZT Wednesday, Thursday ,P,ere. 16-17; A Slight Case of Larceny . - 'Mickey Rooney eee Elaine Stewart as only Mickey Rooney ea Comedy, make it. If Interested Call Phone 97 r 4, Zurich — Mrs. Albert Erb. 2t* "1)•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ;e4,44.4****••••••••••••••• 34 T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME : -• * • • Funeral Director — Private Car Ambulance • 4 Member of Ontario Funeral Association • *• i • • le HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIr I. . 4, 'II4 3 CATE — PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT 4 • 4• HOSPITAL. REDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN _ • FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES : ' • WE WIRE ANYWHERE * *• • 24 Hour Service — Dashwood. Tel. 70W + * • * • ' 4.44)••••••••••44.44.*********440...+••••••••••••••••• THIEL'S Superior Store rozen Foods Bird's Bye Frosted Foods FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS - VEGETABLES - FISH, - ETC. WEE END S ' ECIALS Elmarr pure Peanut Butter 16 -oz iar 32c Clark's Pork and 13eans. 20oz tin 17c Fancy tomato juices 20 -oz. tin 11c Fhou 140 C,H. THIEL Zurich School Concert THE ZURICH PUBLIC SCHOOle CHRISTIVIAS CONCERT Will be held on. • re THURSDAY, DECEMBEIt 1:7theee, at 7.30 p.m..., Adults 50c.; SOO: Students '215c. Admission • Thank You! I wish to .express my sinceretk appreciation to all any filen who so kindly remembered merWbil a patient in St. Joseph's Hospita London. — Leroy O'Brien. s ' Nomination Closed nomination and election was closed by the Clerk, Mr. H. • "roleenehere, Tuesday evening at , neroe.toak, according to statutes, b. only one nominee had qualified niely John Turheim, a member of g 1952 board. So the Zurich Pol- TeUstee Board will be the same 4"...,.-„.11952: Lloyd O'Brien, Milfred Liebe and John Turkheirn. offEntertain Girl Guide• s he"..4tirich Women's Institute will th'eir regular meeting as usual eiforcday evening, December 14th, t 8 o'clock. The Zurich Girl Guides kilt:fernish the program. The flag *birth Was dated by the Institute O. the Girl- Guides will be officially .resented. Anyone interested In this eeting wi1 ibe welcome. The In- titute will _entertain the Guldes. • C. W L. Meet There .will be a meeting, to -night, unsday, Dec. 10th at the 'Zurich After the business meet - cards will be pla3red. All mem- !Os are easked to -attend and join in he fun, •Each member will the charg- d,twentY-five cents. The proceeds •?env this will go towards a Christ - as treat for the Cathuthism Class • St. :Boniface IPeaish. Lions Club N ews A.THO„pARTY and CHRISTMAS • ..; TREE The armtai pre -Christmas Feather arty, sponsored -by the Zurich Lions rub will ibe held Monday evening, D'ecember 21st, in the Community entre, while the annual •Christmas Tee will be held on Saturday after- , peon December 19th. Be sure to CARD OF THAN16'•eep these dates open. Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscription in Canada, Year $01111: Subseriptioe U.S.A., Year $2.50. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Praia RAG RUGS and CARPETS 1.....m."*.•••••••••••• On a New Modern Loom, Made Order — Seth 0. Amann„ Zurich. Ont. Phone 128. ssslitPMSS=S=..Sat.S.SS.A.,......SMS.gg=SSSVABZSSSSAIISIBMR.? Had Band. Concert We hereby wieh to thane: ever , who., . A. very successful band concert one, neighbours and friends, eympathy in card:4 'was.held in the community centre on kindey gave their• erso ..,,y,,„4„,:pider the leadeeseip,, Terrific Value New Bulova WATERTITE WRIST WATCHES $35.75 15 JEWELS DUST PROOF CASE SHOCK PROOF SWEEP SECOND HAND THIS IS TRULY A FINE WATCH FOR ALL YEAR ROUND IN ANY KIND OF WORK. COME IN AND SEE THEM A. G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician INVriEs YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS vi••••••••••••••••••••••0 •••••••••••,•••1 LORNE, S. EILER LOCKER SERVICE - r. ROE FEED, WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 -- HENSALL, ON% 044410111011.411410441609144144111011.0 syseeosossolososies••••••60401 4 • • ire '11* o *-1 releve ' ..'&5'&045.4fireUiti'dbfeed' • ired heeded, in our sad bereavement'. We openscby the Zurich Lions Clul: again "Thank you." • 'Several solo numbers were given, also musical numbers in meson, which one would can master select- ions for a small community. Mr: Robinson in his ,,remarks emphasized the splendid talent, and urged the ;parents to take an interest in their children's practice. Mr. Ed. 'Gascho, President of the Zurich Lions Club thanked Mr. Robinson for his assist- ance for presenting this splendid program. The Rennie Family. Mr. Stanley Srnith of the Blue Water Highway wishes to greatly thank his many friends for the kirtd- ness. shown with cards, flowers, and treats while a patient at St. Joseplelb Hospial, London. Again I say Thank You! I wish to express sincere thanks to everyone who remembered me with cards, treats and flowers while I was. at the Hospital --Pat O'Brien. STANLEY TOWNSHIP The sympathy of the Brucefleld community goes to Mr and eVers Alex Paterson and .family in the loss of Mrs Paterson's father, Mr. :Sholdice. Hesse for Zurich scored tour goals to ace the winners. Joe IVIaisonville Hockey News Get First Victory Zurich Flyers won their first 057 -- clone League .contest last Friday ev- ening, at Exeter against the Exeter Mohawks bY.the score of 9-6. Don • • • • • • • • Mr and Mrs Orville MaCeinchey, Varna, and Mr. Leonard 'Wagner, Zurich, visiter their aunt, Mrs. Mc- Clymont, Kippen. The anneal meeting of the Kip pen S. S. was held at the home of Jack Sinclair on Nov. 23. It was de- cided to have a Christmas Concert on Tuesday, Dec. 22, featuring a play. The fall Thankoffering meeting of the Varna W.M.S. was held in the church with the Brucefield ladies as guests. The president, 'Mrs. G. Reid, was in charge, assisted by the Parr Line group. Minutes read and ad- opted; 20 were present. Mrs. Fred Reid introduced the guest speaker, Miss Stone, Clinton who had a very interesting story: lIVIrs. G. Reid closed the meeting- with prayer. Lunch fol- lowed. The Voice of Temperance Drinking is the downfall of mk y .teen-agers who get into trouble with was admitted to hospital at 7 p.m. the law. This is the opinion of Alf- and died at 3.45 a.m. The remems red H. Sumpter, recently appointed were released to the Westlake Funer- probation officer for the Yore County al Horne in Zurich. His wife was also courts of Willodale and Newmarket. 1 injured in the accident. Mr Ramie "It brings out the ugly side in them" was a retired farmer living at 131ake, he says. "They may steal throughand spent practically all of his life - conceit or greed or malice, but they time in the cemtnunity. Surviving would'nt do it if they were sober." besides his wife, the former Laura Sobriety is one of the conditions of Broderck, are three sisters, Mrs. Ed. probation under which the offender Broderick and Mrs. Annie Rose, of is given suspended sentence with a Exeter, and Mrs. Thomas Kane of period of supervieion under the pee- Tennessee; and three brothers, Jame• s bation officer, usually a year or more. of Zurich; and Arthur and Leo -need '.\Ir. Sumpter's cases include adults of of Frolbisher, Sask. The body rest - all ages, but the rnajoilby are in the ed at the Westlake Funeral Home, late 'teen-age group and are first of- Zurich till Friday afternoon when a fenders. York County, Mr. Surapter'S large number of sympathizing relati- territory has a' variety and muitiplie- ves and. friends attended the funeral ity of liquor outlets. It would seem Mr. Rennie wasa member of the that their harvest is heavy. ThiC is E-vangelical U. B. Church, in Zurich, * one crop our Huron County does not and .the funeral service was conduct grow well.ed .by the Rem H. E. Roppel of This advertisement is inserted by Zurich and It J. Snell of Exeter. In - The Huron Temperance Fed- torment was kmade in Exeter Cernet- . eV. ,.. and Roger Fortier both scored two with Jimmy Hayter getting a single. For Exeter, who suffered their third defeat of the season, John Anderson scored three, Frank Anderson, Bruce Glenn and Doug Smith scored one each. Zurich Flyers now have one loss to Forest, and one win, an to- night, Wednesday, tangle with the rugged llderton team on the Exeter Arena. Some very stiff hockey is being looked for in the next few weeks in the Cyclone League. • Jona* Ei441,044 4140* Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS • • Tele. Ph -One: 9and8Night S'o ervicer 122; -I- • - - 111•1110411111111001101101400000000000.04010.1041041411•0111110000060410•0 OBITUARV Late William Ronnie. William Ronnie, 76, of R.R. 2, Zur- ich, (Blake) died in St. Joseph's Hospital London, on 'Wednesday December 2nd of head injuries suff- ered in a traffic accident the evening before two miles north of Zurich. He Isesoreinernosiesimistimmolonooseloosiialiiiinwessessemanesseniumiaseavessosseswessoonoses eratIon.—Advt. zuRiews Grocery Store We are ever' at your service with the best line obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL MENNO OIESCIIE Dirk PRODUCE WANTED, •,• Phone 165 Merchandise RUBBER BOOTS for all the Family. Some at Greatly Reduced Prices .... Work Shoes, Socks, Overalls, and Lined Jackets GIVE. YOUR LAYING FLOCKS THE VERY BEST1 BIG - THREE MASH and FELLETTS Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand GIVE US A CAW BLAICE STORE E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11497