HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-11-19, Page 4• 1. iltlt ONTWO • VaICTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE 11th 'the premises. Part of Lot 21, Stephen Twp., in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD !X'he undersigned Auctioneer is In- l3tructed to will by public Auction on SATURDAY NOV. 21st. At 2.30 pan. sharp: 1 The desirable Real Estate, eoncis- lting of part of Lot 21, Stephen Twp. ibne acre of land on which is situated i0 well built newly remodelled 2 - Molly insul-(brick home. with modern onveniences. Has full basement, Meyer failing well, best of garden land, property is in very su'ttalble lo- tation. Convince vont-salt by bi- ipecrting this property before day of Vale. trerns of Property. 10% on day of ."ale, balance in 30 days. Sold sub - tact to a reasonable reserved bid. 1 Dennis Corrieveau. Proprietor. 'Alvin Waiper; -Auctioneer. Merchandise AUCTION SALF Cf iMen's and Boys' Clothing, Etc. Under instructions received by Mr. routs Thiel a Sale of Merchandise will be held in the Town Hall, Ztlrach On. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28th. Commencing at 1.00 o'clock p.m. :Sharp. 1lTfen's and Boys' Clothing, including Liress and Work Clothes, llarge selec- tion of Jackets, Sweaters, Men's Rid Boys' Underwear , Pyjamas, Shirts, Smocks, Overalls, Boys' Suits, Mays' and Mens Ties, Socks, Leather felts, Children's .Wear, Snow Suits, Etc., Etc. Terms—Cash Louis Thiel, Proprietor. Alvin Waiper, Auctioneer. Tenders - —TENDERS" Are called for by the Board • of Trustees for the Tay Township School Area for the complete installation of a toilet system in S.S. No. 1'2 School, Lot 18, Concession 15, Hay. To in- clude: 2 porcelain flush toilets and stack. 1 porcelain wash basin with efficient drinking faucet. 2toilet paper hangers. All necessary plumbing to connect to pump. The installation requires thorough 'insullation to prevent in- jury from frost. Sufficient non-corode pipe and weeping tile. All material to be standard, and work to comply strictly with the Huron County Health Unit, Clinton. (!Septic tank to be installed by the 1 Board.) Tenders to be in by November 30, 1953. H. W. Brokenshire. —TENDERS— Are called for by the Board of Trustees for the Hay Township School Area for the installatron of a deep well pressure System at S.S. No. 12 •Scihool, located on Lot 18, Concession 15, Hay. Type or pump to be for a large pipe within the casing, using wooden or other jerk rods. !Pressure tank to be 60 gallons. Tenders submitted are to give full explanation, price, etc., of pump to be installed. Last date for tender is November 30th, 1953. H. W. BROKE.NSIHIRE, Secy. Treas., Zurich, Ont. When He Grows Up It will be all the average young fellow can do to make a living, pay his taxes, establish a home, raise a family --after he begins to earn his own living. Our Junior Estate policy starte Jun- ior out with a standard $1,000 policy ....rwhen he becomes 21 years of age, the face value automatically be- comes $5,0,00 --.with no increase in premiums. Just imagine how nicely this will fit into his increasing re- sponsibilities. T. Harry Hoffman NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company -- All Profits for Policyholders Phone 70-W Dashwood, Ont. 1 illroSsomussengov PROCLAMATION• TOWNSHIP OF HAY PUBLIC NOTICE h . hereby given. that ' in compliance with By -Law No. 12, passed October 5th, 19-5.3 under authority of Chapter 266, Section 76 Of the Municipal 'Act, a;meeting of the Electors •ef the Township of Hay will be held in the + + + TOWNSHIP HALL, ZURICH, ONTARIO Os The Clerk will be in the Township Hall, Zurich, from 1 to 2 p.m. to receive Nominations for one Reeve, one Deputy Reeve, and three Councillors for the Year 1954, also for two Hay Township School Area Trustees for the nears 1954 and 1955. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1953 When a proposed Candidate is not present, his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be so nominated, A meeting of the Electors will be held in. the Township Hall, Zurich, at 2 p.m., on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1953 To hear proposed Candidates, and in case more than the required trtumber of candidates to fill the office are nominated, and a vote demanded, A Poll will be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1953. From 9.00 a.m. until Poll Polling Place 1. School House No. 2 2. School House No. 14 3. Zurich Town Hall 4. Zurich Town Hall 5. School House No. 12 6. Earl Guenther Block 7. School House No. 3 8. Jas. Masse Residence Dated at Zurich, Ont. November 9th, 1953. 5.00 p.m., at the following D.R.O. Percy Campbell Hugh McEwen Leroy O'Brien Albert Hess Hilton Truemner Reinhold Miller Jas. McAllister Fred Ducharme places: Poll Clerk Lorne (liapman Sid McArthur Gordon Surerus Lorne Klopp Ed. J. Stir() Sidney Baker Garnet Jacobe Ed. Corriveau H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Returning Officer + I Massey - iTarris HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" T,l, S Shnp Iap 149 Klopp Rea. 67 EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! sYr p "URICH HERALD '1 ursday, November 191h, 10:53 • St. Joseph 84 Blue Water Area On Sunday last agroup of our most highly and respected citizens decided on an outing and the result were long before dawn preparation was made, and they were to visit re- latives and friends in Detroit. The group returning the same day, after enjoying themselves to their hearts content. Mr and Mrs Avila Duc'harine and Mr. Fred Ducharme motored to Lon- don on Sunday last visiting the for- mer's son, who is there under med- ical treatment. • Mr and Mrs Mernwedge of Detroit spent the week -end in their cottage at Ducharme's Beach. Making re- pairs on the grounds. Mrs Josephine Ducharane and Miss Bridget Laporte accompanied by the later's parents, motored to Chatham on Sunday last to visit with the tat- ter's daughter, who is a nun at the Pines. Indian Summer? The weather of late has been much summer like. And one has at last to say if it is the Indian summer that comes annually. Altho it is rate en- ough in the season. There has not yet been the depth of snow to warn the Indians. They look for a heavy snow fall before cycling their corn crop. The reason It has been traditional with the tribe, and their secret has been followed centuries iby their an- cestors down to the present generat- ion. Let us hope that the expected snow fall comes first, and then foll- owed by the Indian summer; that would shorten the winter, it would save fuel, and besides the comfort of getting about. Perhaps we are bet- ter not to put too much speculation in the corn and Indian prophesy, as it is getting late n the season. DASHWOOD Mrs. Carl Oestreicher and Mrs. Ervin Rader attneded the district ex- ecutive rmeetrng of the W. Institute in the Town Hensall, last Monday. The Ball Club supper held Thurs- day evening in Mr. V. L. Becker's shop was largely attended, snowing how much the Tigers, Tigerettes and Pee Wees were prized by the fans. Mr and Mrs Whn. Haugh and Mr and Mrs Urban Pfile spent the week- end with Mr and Mrs Clarence Knechtel at Petersburg. Visitors during the week -end with Mr and !Mrs L. H. Rader were: their two daughters and families; Mr and Mrs Ivan Taylor and Ray of Water- loo; Mr and -Mrs Wendel Gamble and Gary of London. Mr and Mrs T Harry Hoffman and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. James Francis and family In Tavistock. Rev W. F. Kratz is attending an area meeting of Conference Super- intendents in Indianapolis, Ind. IMr and Mrs Jack 'Cudmore of Wil- lowdale spent Sunday with relatives here. - . Mr and Mrs Edgar Restemayer and Edward, Mrs. Susan Snyder and Mus Tillie Bestemeyer spent Sunday in London. Mr. Reinhold !Miller, Mr and Mrs Hubert ;Miller spent Sunday in Lon- don with Mr: and Mrs Colin •Hinley. They attended the christening of Mr and 11W Hinley's daughter Where Mr and Mrs Hubert Miller were spon- sors for the (baby, Mns Reinhold M11- ler who' spent sortie time with her daughter returned home with them. lir ' Wan. Stade returned home `from Victoria Hospital, London. Mix, Walter Beisenthol of Hamilton spent > the week -end with relatives. -Miss 'petty Gaiser of London was a visitor at her home here. Many from here saw the film "'Mattixl. Luther" in London and said pit'Was well worth. seeing. '`I561-i't forget the concordian ,Seni- i,tiary Gollege Choir will present their program, Sunday afternoon in Zion Lutheran church. A .capacity aud- ien&e enjoyed this choir four years ago, The •Walther League is holding a workshop series. Last week Zion Luth Walther League held trie first meeting. Bible study, Logan and Mit- chel Leagues were in attendance. This week Mitchel will be host and next week Logan. STANLEY TOWNSHIP The many friends of Rev. T. J. (Pitt, Varna, are glad to see him out after his reccent illness. A number from here attended the Huron Co. Temperance Federation meeting in Brucefield recently. The ladies of Varna United Church held a successful bazaar in the town hall Saturday last. Mrs. Hugh Berry, Brucefield, is visiting friends in St. Catharines. Mr. Royal McClymont of Belle River was a visitor with Mrs. Vas. McClymont, Kippen. Council Meets Stanley Council at its regular monthly meeting at Varma gave a,. grant of $25 to the "South` Huron, Plowmen's Assn. Bruce ,Shapton, of Exeter approached the council, Fo1-- lowing a request from Squad. 'Ldr. H. D. Irwin, RCAF. Station, Clinton„. on behalf of the• station's command-. ing officer, Council passed a by -lays prohibiting vehicles from panting one the shoulders of No. 4 HigRiway, ad . jacent to the RCAF. propest-y. • At the twp. court of revision, at which Reeve Alvin McBride presided,,, the appeal of the Synod of the Dioc- ese of Huron regarding .its church camp in the Twp. was granted. Af- ter this year the church camp will be exempted from taxation. Councillora attending the meeting were Harvey - Coleman, Harvey Taylor, Carl Hous-. ton, Alvin Rau and Clerk, Fred Wat- son. �IIIIIItIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIII IIIICII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111 1 11111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI111111IIIIIIIIIl111111IIIIIIlll 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 Annual Bazaar ommunity Centre - Zurich Friday, November 27th, 1953 PRIZES - WHEELS - GAMES - FISH PONDS BOOTHS - HOME BAKING - COUNTRY STORE TEA ROOM -3 P. M., and 6 P. M. ADMISSION FREE TO BAZAAR. EVENING ENTERTAINMENT BEGINS AT 7.45 YOU ARE INVITED! Dancing 11 p.m. till ? - Desjardine Orchestra AD; SP ISSION TO DANCE 50c SORED BY: NIFACE PARISH -FUN FOR ALL! s ii'•' 1111111111111111111i151111111111111111pi1111111111111111 PRIZE COUPON (Write Your Name and Address Clearly) NAME ,. ADDRESS Please Bring this Coupon. Drop it in Box at Door. You may win a Valuabld Door Prize Ilhlhhll11181111111111111�11,11�1#flli�itillGifi161 ri111litIIIl1I1111H11!`111111'lllrillpigilllllilllillil+lilllil".'C!UIhII( or!ni1rIIIII,IU,lllh� IIII!I(r��,u n� r.;f� �,iq'�I 11:; Vat. ;:rilililrfi�� Here, in the 1953 McCulloch Models, 33, 47 and 4-30, is a complete line of one-man Power Saws, designed to increase production and; reduce labour in a]1 woodcutting activities. Eacl ;.model is the result of in -the -field research together with the most advanced chain saw engineering and manufacturing facilities in the world. Choose the McCulloch model for your needs. MODEL 47 !' MODEL 4-30 This is the world's lightest power chain saw. Rugged and powerful, the Model 33 cuts through trees 18 inches in diameter in less than one minute. Available $265 with 12" or 16" blade. . A chain saw of extra -production per- formance—yet sold at a surprisingly low price. Weighs only 30 pounds, and incorporates the heavy-duty features that make it stand up under the toughest work. Six k..311 models available -14" to 36" blade and 15" bow saw. F.O.B. Vancouver Get a demonstration at any of the 400 McCulloch Dealers in Canada or contact The fastest cutting one man chain saw ever developed. Light weight, with maximum power delivered to the chain makes the 4-30 a real production tool in timber aupvailable-14" it 5 feet. Six tmodels6" available --14" to 36" $369 blade and 15" bow saw. F.O.B. Vancouver Exclusive Canadian Agents 10565116th St. 938 Portage Ave. 861 Landsdowne St., 525 Ist Ave., Edmonton, Alta. Winnipeg. Man. Peterborough, Ont. Quebec City, Que. a s#8..,..•..��•� s`# �:., ?•�xt�Yr�� i�:� k� • ; <'�..•€�` ;•o� I.z�! �Y"'.a�z.a �5.., &•-• ,‘)....>.. There's a McCulloch saw for every purpose. Please send for full information on all models -83-47-4-80-7-55 and the name of nearest dealer. Name Address.. Sold by: F. C. Kalbfleisch 84 Son Ltd., Zurich. R