HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-11-19, Page 1' ''',nrastaden. 4.atablished.1.900 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO -. REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR PLO a.m.—Divine Services. 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome to all Services EMMANUEL • EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario bam.s,.....•••21.•••• REV. H. E ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oosch - Organist "SUNDAY SERVICES. - 10:00 a.m. — Divine Worahip. 11:00 a.m. — -Bible School. 4Evening Services lifted for summer Welcome at all Service. --"Conn® thee with sla aad we Will do thee good." NUM 10129. WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If you're a careful driver you can get remarkable low rates with State Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers malt() their awn taw Auto Inzarance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone' 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. Are You Suffering Froin Headaches? • iff so lave yonur Eyies Examined with : qrahe Latest ,Methods Wad eOptutatat •Ialafe a a14.st013, with the result aerOMETRIST• It4af,,,iWW/14#140044)1*VoIt**04 • , • landhijuied ‘knee""'CiaPs'aiit A. L COLE, IR.O. present a patient in Seaforth Hos- pital. Mrs. Horner is around 93GII f us0A as ummesuala mew years of age and we wish her •every success in a recovery. 51••••••••••••••••••••••••••404-••••••••••••••••••••••• 1. T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME • • • • 14 Funeral Director Private Car .Ambulance -* • Member of Ontario Funeral Association HE ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, ORNING, NOVEMBER 19 1953 ...••••••••••k.4•1•••••••••••• Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 aart. -- Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8 pan, Prayer Fellowship (in the homes) YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! Aidon Theatre GRAND BEND Thurs., Fir., Sat. Nov. 19-20-21 SHANE (Color) Alan Ladd, Jean Arthur Tuesday, Wednesday Nov. 2445 COME BACK. LITTLE SHEBA (Adult) Burt Lancaster, Shirley Booth NOTICE A public meeting in the Interests of the recently conducted soil sur- vey will be held in the Township Hall , Zurich, on Monday, November 23rd, at 8:30 pan, The Agriaultural Rep- resentative and a special speaker from the O.A.C. will be in attend- ance. (Please .plan to attend this im- portant meeting. —The Exeoutive. Injures-. Leg We regret to learn of the injury received by. Mrs. Bertha Horner, who is staying with her daughter at Varna, when on Sunday afternoon enjoying a tar ride, in some way the auto she -was in was .forced to • .4. 0 1 HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFI- : 1. 4. * CATE — PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT • 'a • * • HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN * • • q' FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES • * o va WE WIRE ANYWHERE • -a --a • 24 Hour Service —Dashwood. Tel. 70W • * ,4). • '41EMESIJIMMKIMMITS6". 11.11105=i9lEMENISEMMEERECIEWZOIMMEMMOTIVSOMPREAMMEMIRSMEW 11 •+, Store r0 e 0 Bird's Eye Frosted Foods FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS - VEGETA LES - FISH, - ETC. Clark's Pork and Beans, 2, 15 -oz , tins .27c Raspberry jarn, large 24 oz jar 33c Nabob Coffee, 1-1b. bag 99c Burlington Tomato Catsup, I 1 -oz bottle —.—, 19c ntomimartaatakmeameieti Phone .4O C. H. THIEL Zurich Lyric The Phone 421 Friday, Saturday , Call Me Madam Donald O'Convir,,'.`,,, Ethel Merman A topnotch teehnitolor nrusie enchanting music, singing aan. liant dance routines. -a!ia, 4,0 alaiiMplaaMailarauw.gasaft.....111•MilimilSiatailWIMOISINIONIMS111011•111,411....nualoseinalams. Monday, Tuesday DOUBLE BILL:" " • Girl Who Had EverYt Elizabeth Taylor.: [William Powell , And on the same Progre Forty -Ninth John Ireland _ Richard Wednesday, Thursday Because of Loretta Young Jeff Chandler ADULT ENTERTAIN :• ,... Based on the theme of Moth ,Love Here is a heart tugging di: ' L: . , :that is .entertainment at its ibest..,,,.'";;, (4: S724 57,24 • First Show Every Saturday %,; Pan. W. M. S. MEET Miscellaneous Show- , The November (meeting of the W. On Friday evening, Noire Ac:=.1. 13, M. S., of St. Peter's Lutheran church Miss Pauline Hess wee pleantlY was held at the home of Mrs. E. J. surprized when a large anina)C of Deters. The concluding chapters •of fricands and neighbours met: 2,11'i. : tale the Mission Study Book, entitled basement of the Evangelic*Z nited "Africans on Safari" were review, Brethren Church and presen V ' her ed by Pastor E. W. Heimrich. At -,, with a lovely number of use, a gdts the close of the meeting a Life Me- an aisle by aviisses Gloria. iY,,:). aand valien Mrs. E. Heinrich and Miss Inez prior to her marriage On -.:,,'D (lay. mbership Service ,was conducted by Shirley Fairthairn, and.toek,f a ,alace.Yungblut presented two life Member - The bride elect was esco •' :,;..down the vice-president, Mrs. E. Deters ri."'-:]11gli.Fige'°4740:.' i' -'12.' r[' -.C'' . '. §14120441-,1Pa40.4 X:, -9.4 :th,,taiWaieea• ren- 41ate. After iiiep . '41 t43-iiiidered and as an exiii-easkorioet Mg; address was read by GloriajPietz,Ilove and esteem to Mrs. ,Mousseau, little Linda Gasebo and .Gwendohne whohas served as president during Hay drew in a pretty decorated the past three years, and to Mrs. wagon laden with gifts. Miss Pauline 'Roselle Krueger, on her departure in a few well chosen words thanked from their midst. After the meeting her friends for blvir kindness. a social hour as enjoyed by all; the Following is th Address: • . co -hostesses being Mrs. George Dei - chert, Miss Inez Yungblut and Mrs. E. Deters. Mr. William. Soldan and daughter Of• Pigeon, Mich., were week -end visitors at the home of Mr and Mae Milton Dietz and other friends. Had Birthday Mr and Mrs Elmore Klopp and family, Mr and Mrs. Iert Klopp, Miss Donna aYfeClinchey and /Mr Brute Klopp of Zurich and Miss Marjory Klopp of Toronto, were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Gordon Howald, Highbury Ave., London on Sunday. The occasion also included the celebrating otathe former Mr. Klopp's birthday. ' Were On Fishing Trip 1 Messrs. Stanley Smith of the B.W. Highway and Earl Zimmer of town spent a few days at Bayftelcr Inlet, Parry 'Sound District, where they were assisting with &he Nillhagan's Fuferies, who were fortunate in catching tons of choice whitefish on the reefs at their spawning grounds in. Georgian Bay. It was a beautiful sight to see so many choice quality fish, which were trucked to Parry Sound, some 35 nines and from there shipped for cold storage. We are very grateful to our nephew, Stanley for a nice mess of these choice qual- ity whitefish which just about "hit the spot" as the saying goes. Dear Pauline: We. your friends and neigh- bours have gathered here tonight to express in a small way our love and affection for you and to extend our best wishes, in this coming happy event. any of us have known you since a little girl and have always held you with esteem and admiration. We are pleased that you are not go- ing far from our midst, and also. that you have chosen such a fine young man as your life partner. They say "Life is what you make it". It has it's joys and trials end we feel sure you will do your part in making your home a place where harmony and love abide. We ask you now, to accept these gifts as a slight token of our esteem for you. Sincerely your Friends and Neigh- bours. *NNW WANTED CARETAKER WANTED • Tenders ''ill be received for the caretaking of the Zurich Arena- dur- ing the winter months. Applications to be in by November 23rd. 'Isaerest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. Winfred Schilbe, Secy. Delbert Geiger, 'Chairman. BANQUET AND ANNUAL MEETING Of the Hay Township Federation of Agriculture, in the Community Centre, Zurich on Wednesday, November 25th, At 7 p.m. Guest Speaker: Mr. Lloyd Jasper, of Mildtmay, Ont. Tickets $1.50. Get your's Early! All in the community are cordially invited to attend DANCE TO FOLLOW PROGRAM Syncopators Orchestra. Admission to Dance only, 50 cents.," Plan to attend and boost your Feder- ation of" Agriculture President, Carl Oestreicher. Secretary, Clifford Pepper. • OBITUARY Mrs. William Farrell The community was shocked on Monday to learn of the sadden pas- sing of Mrs. William Farren, 67, as she attended church services on Sunday and seemed to be her usual cheerful self, and it .came as a big surprise to most of us. She was the former Emaline M. Ayotte, of Ste- phen Township, and had lived in this district all her life. First farming in the Blake vieinity before moving to Zurich. To know .Mrs. Farrell was to love her. Surviving besides her husband are one daughter, Mrs. Marie Moubray, London; two broth- ers, Alex Ayotte, Bay City, Mich; and Roy, Saginaw; two sisters, Mrs. Philbert .Gorrin, Cheboygan, 'Mich.; Mrs. James Anderson, Bay City, and two grandchildren. The remains rest- ed at the Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich until Wednesday morning, when requiem high mass was sung -at 10 a.m.. in St. Boniface Church. With Rev. Fr. D. Monaghan officiat- ing. Interment in the adjoining te- metery. Lions Club New A fairly well attended meeting at the Dominion House on Monday eve. 16th, although some of the Lions were absent owing to the deer seas- on, some having already returned to tell about the lucky shooting they did. After the good meal and roll call, etc., the guest speaker of the evening' was :called upon, Lion one Chairman Aaron J. Sweitzer of Exe- eter. This was an official visa; and he entertained the Lions titin an ad- dres.4 along with busineas matters, The local Club has purchased a 21 - inch 'Television set which they will dispose of by a draw at the annual Feather Party some time in Decem- ber, All Lions will have tickets to offer to the public, who are invited to .purchase these liberally. Televis- ion is rapidly coming in and if You can get a set for the purchasing of a ticket or so, Ton will indeed be a lucky winner. But remember that if you don't buy a ticket you will not have a chance to win this valued prize. So be sure and purchase a lot of these tickets. Every cent you put in this will be used for public welfare work. poroo.mails•Amomogaram Single Copies 5 Cents. . Subscription in, Canada, Year $2.01 Subscription U.S.A,, Year $2.50. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. errific )Tolue New Bulova WATERTITE WRIST WATCHES $35.75 15 JEWELS DUST PROOF CASE SHOCK PROOF SWEEP SECOND HAND THIS IS TRULY A FINE WATCH FOR ALL YEAR ROUND IN ANY KIND OF WORK. COME IN AND SEE THEM A. G. HESS jeweler and Registered Optician ABMS. 1011.1=11111119619411.0 RAG RUGS and CARPE TS On a New Modern Loom, Made to Order — Seth 0. Areann, Zurich, Ont. Phone 128, INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF IJENDS ........=.nramogeseamatormoweamfiaaa. LORNE S. EILER, LOCKER SERVICE ROE PEED& WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 liENSALL, Olfre 41211[6111.91461199.11,141116911113191111.111ENOWNOIVIIMEWNINDEMOIMIBIEEN1911111 64101911141.904196000•401100111.04110•0 11041006900.0006110011011111110111***011 1 1 *014 unot41 •gtia* Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Directs Private Car Ambulance Service • • Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent t FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Telephone: 111•111011110011111110 906000 Day and Night Service Res. 89 or 122, Zurich 0;1 z 04141401011141411.**000114111111114000600440400410110 zumews Grocery St r We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well afd Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL 4. 1 PRODUCE WANTED, c,441,4, • r.K..,,t,L44...„.4y, Zurteh Phone 165 - ARRtritodgiMEMIEWEVITIME.Migh erchandise RUBBER BOOTS for all the Family. Some at Greatly Reduced Prices .... Work Shoes, Socks, Overalls, and Lined Jackets GIVE YOUR LAYING FLOCKS THE VERY BEST! BIG, THREE MASH and PELLETTS Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl GIVE US A CAW E Schwartzentruber, Prop. cossaansossassoessassaang JE STO '49 , Phone M37