HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-11-12, Page 8II(. _11131111! 111 111 11011 11llJI1l1111111111111111111111111H113111 H 11111111 1 111111 '11111101 I11 110101ii110- ZURICH ONTARIO OVA THE STORE WITH THE STOCK a 1 Goods A Shipment of New Fall Dress Materials now on hand. Newest Cloths in a great variety of designs and colors, such as Orlon Wool Kasha, Rayon Plaids, all wool Tartans, Gaberdines, Chesterlaines, Sharkskins, Velveteens, Feather Flannels, Etc. We will allow a discount of 10ci on all Dress Mat- erials, Prints, Broadcloths, Ginghams, Flannelettes, Etc., to all Public and High School Pupils, for use in Home Economic Courses. Me D's Wear Our Stock in Men's and. Boy's Wear is larger than ever. See us for Overcoats, Men's Suits, Jackets of every description, Sweaters, Fine Shirts, Trous- ers, Hats, Caps, Etc. EVERYTHING IN WORK -CLOTHES Groceries - Dry Goods - Men's Wear 00D TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH amanslecomessionmenerznamonena 0 1 Rap the ysia1 Store Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds of Groceries A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES CO --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! GIVE US A CALLt JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE _.Phone 98 r 1 ZURIV:H-H HEftAl.D ID Mr and M I' P tended the ,Banquet held ax 'Cob�abe- D atone Inn, Springbank, London w1 iieh D w• as sponsored by the Reliance Pet- „' D roleturt �Go., one evening last week. lovely tine vas enjoyed. 4 G Mr and :M1lrs Wilfred Jervis and son of Clinton; Mr. 'Garfield Witmer ij 17 of London; Mr and Mrs Wm. Gibbons QD and children of Woodbridge �t1D VG 1GP Q e DG bG 000 i 4G 0l 0 ,i -e 0 40 4D *G VP LOCAL NEWS 'Mrs Elmore Xlopp and rattgrttdr, Miss Ethel .Hess', Mr. Lloyd K1o.pp spent Tuesday in London. ; . Mr and '�1rs Harvey Pfeil '40 children of Dashwood speavt Sun r ; y at •the home of her ,parents, Mr 'a, d Mrs. L. W. Hoffman. +lir and 11Irs, Vernon .I3eeker, • :of Dorchester were week -end visiftors1a the home. oaf the latter's parents, 1(*r and Mi.'s Wm. 'Koehler. '• Masters Roger and Dougras gerich of Waterloo are spending a few weeks at the home of their grandparents, Mr and Mrs Jacob gin- geridh. ,Misses Kathleen Hess and 14ly Ga:paratto, graduate nurses or •St. Joseph's Hospital, London, spent few days at the home of the forms parents, :klr and Mrs Albert Hess;;. n Mrs Wm. Forrester .a`t- wee Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mns :Sy1v. Witmer, :Miss Ertna Baechler has Ie.rt fbr Saginaw, Mich., where she wtiiII help to teach in the Bib1e .School for the children of the colored mission woz'k. We wish her every success. Away Hunting Mr. Lennis OBrien has joined a group of hunters and is enjoying the deer hunting reason up north this week. By the end of this week more hunters wii1l hit the trail and try for a supply of 'venison. Correction of last Issue In the auction sale insertion 'of Nla s Roselle Krueger's last week's ie:-a.e it stated of the sale being held at Dashwood ir.:teed of Zurich. The sale will be held on Saturday Nov- ember 14th, in the Lutheran Clhttreh shag, Zurich. Zurich Band Plays The Zurich Boys and Girls Band, led by Mr. Robinson of London, made a fine contribution to the Young People's- Anniversary servioe in the Evangelical 'LLB. Church last Mon- d<eyy, evening. They gave three nymn selections, well rendered and much appreciated by the audience. Crop Report G. W. Montgomery. Nov. 7, 1953 The appearance of snow and col- der weather the past week saw more livestock stabled or brought in to the hone farm. There were 3.3 4-H Club Reef Calves and 14 !Commercial 'cat- tle from thiscounty :sold at the Walkerton Christmas Fair, Thursday with a sale average of .22%c. per pound. One hundred and seventy- five persons enrolled in ten courses in the Rural Community Night School which opened in iSeaforth Thursday last. Farah Fnrum There were 37 members who suet l at the home of Mr and M'rs Bert Klapp to participate in the discussion • on "Partners All” led by 1Y3rs. Myrtle ® j Krueger. It was decided the wife roshould co-operate in planning the farm business and planning farm ex- penditures. Farm wives should try to keep informed on farming techni- ques and marketing problems to a certain extent. Mrs. Claire Geiger conducted a driving .contest. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sebade will en- tertain next week's meeting. 2 ErinSRISL'r a yRS'Oytl a�'tu egals;ete eV a itiatC� lRt5.6* t.° a� ^1 lilfini � HARDWARE – SEEDS and FURNITU eds Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? oes Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evctroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stook. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY .. PRICE sERVIae Huron ec Erie DEBENTURES or Canada Trust Certificates NOW PAYING ON INVEST- MENTS: $100.00 OR OVER 1 OR 2 YEARS 3% 3 AND 4 YEARS 3 % % 5 YEARS 4% INTEREST HALF YEARLY J. W. Haberer - Phone 161 Fire, Auto and Casualty Insurance. "Lin in ` i' a •', tate service" IN YOUR LOCALffY F013 Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 4% Guaranteed Investments _ 2% on savings — deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services For prompt attention call RAYE B. PA'1'ERSON Trust Officer Bewail, Ontario, Phony SI or any office of GUARANTY Y TRUST COMP.4NY OF CANADA TORONTO • MONTREAL OTTAWA . WINDSOR NIAGARA FALLS . SUDBURY SAULT STE. FMARiE CALGARY 9 VANCOUyaIt THREE DELICIOUS THANKS- GIVING MEALS Atny Alden, in The _American Weekly with this Sunday's (Nov. 15) issue of Detroit Sunday Times, pre- sents menus and- recipes for three delightful Thanksgiving dinners. Choose menu your family W ii enjoy most .. or combine dishes from all three 'menus. Look for three Thank- sgiving .menus in The • American Weekly with Sunday's Detroit Times 1 1 ":••w.7Y5g1 "Debentures are the safe investment 1 have been looking for" "My Huron & Erie debentures guarantee me 4,% interest on my savings, and they're a most dependable investment. I can buy them for ti 5 -year term, and for as little as $100. Debentures were tailor-made for my, investment needs." Ask for . the folder x'20 Questions' The ...}1u.r6on The&Erle MORTGAGE CORPORATION "Older•' than the Dominion of Canada" District Represen tikes Listed below: oN ,StV,�'... 4 HEAD O1FPICE ZURICH �r. W. HARERER LONDON, ONTARIO 6 a Thursday, November 12th, 1953 SHUR-GAIN Growing Mash YOUR PULLETS NEED REAL GROWTH IF THEY ARE TO BE IN TIP-TOP SHAPE NEXT FAIL TO PRODUCE LARGE EGGS EARLY, DURING THE HIGH PRICE SEA- SON, AND KEEP ON LAYING STEADI,I,,,Y. SHUR-GAIN GROWING MASH IS FULLY TESTED UNDER CANADIAN FARM CONDITIONS. IT IS MANUFACTURED LOCALLY, ELIMINATING FREIGHT COSTS AND MIDDLE. MAN PROFITS, AND SOLD DIRECTLY TO THE CON- SUMER, MILT DEIT'Z & SON Zurich - Ontario 111 NMI 111 I IIIIIIIIII!II gliq 111111111111131111111111111111 111 IIIIIIIIIi 1 11111 111111111111111 1111 1 111111 1111111111 1111 1111 11111111111111111111 01111` TIL zs 0 4 e a • 5 to to Dustbane Sweeping Compounds DROP IN AND TALK OVER YOUR. FLOOR PROBLEMS T. and T. FLOORING SALES AND SERVICE LINOLEUM, TILE and FLOOR -SANDING Phone 240 - Zurich. MARBOLEUM - JASPE - RUBBER - - PLASTIC - ASPHALT Plastic Walltile LET US GIVE YOU A PRICff ON THAT NEW FLOOR YOU HAVE BEEN WANTING Broadloom and Rambow Carpet 4ATERIALS FOR CUPBOARD TOPS and CHROME MOUL- DINGS IN STOCK. Floor Sanding and Re -Finishing PROMPT and EFF'IiCIENT SERVICE RUBBER MATS, STAIR TREADS, FLOOR -FINISHES, WAXES and ;1111111111 5 e e 4 4 4 O 4 5 5 5 Your 8. a 4 arciware Store PREPARE FOR COLD DAYS ! HAVE YOU CHECKED YOUR STOVE OR FURNACE? 5 YOUR PRESENT FURNACE SHOULD BE VACUUM CLEANED WE HAVE THE EQUIPMENT TO DO IT GIVE US A CALL! Have a Look at Our Refrigerators and Deep Freezers. Plumbing - Heating • • 4 4 4 4 4 5 a e 4 5 Kier Tinsrnithing Phone Zurich 1lil(i lillpl JIMI Illllgl Illilllllllllll IH 1111111111111111H1111111111113311. 111111111111 63, 5 4 or. III 103100 H11111111111111I!!1111111111 11(1[►x 1,a w"1 WALL BOARD Easy to paint ox paper. Many grades and types in stock. Per Square Foot as low a5 5 Cents MAPLE FLOORING Select grade, end -matched Maple. Flooring. Per 100 Square Veda $23.00 CONVERT YOUR ATTIC 10% Down 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Space can be easeelly and Economically Converted Sudan extra Bedrooms or an income prow during Apartment. . Yob can der most of the work yourself. Sae our collection of plans and idea. FREE ESTIMATES OUST ARRIVED, A FEW CARLOADS, OF CEMENT. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! Fred C. Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies