HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-11-12, Page 7rt SPORTS CO M �P�7 45emeiz Ietrde tF Where would Canadian football be, today, if the forward pass hadn't been adopted. in the face of very considerable opposition from die-hards, in 1931? We guess it would still be a minor game, with few if any imported stars, shall crowds, moderate enthusiasm. Certanly nothing like the gigantic structure which football has become today.. Origin of the exploitation of the forward pass as an of fensive measure carefully designed is a matter of conten- tion, not that this matters greatly to Canadians who by the hundreds of thousands get their thrills from football today. It has been the custom to give to the late Knute Rockne, and Gus Dorais all the credit for developing the forward pass into the spectacular play which Canada. later borrowed. And 1912 was tabbed as the date. But that isn't the way we hear the story. Into the Legend of the Forward Pass comes another, and less familiar name, that of Edward B. Cochems, former coach of the St. Louis University's, football team of 1906-7-8. He is regarded by old timers as the No. 1 pioneer in the field of forward passing. Coehems, a graduate of Wisconsin University and a mem- ber of one of its greatest teams around the turn of the cen- tury joined the St. Louis University staff as head coach in 1905 and the next year, when the forward pass went into legal effect Cochems exploited the possibilities of the new offen- sive play to the fullest. Cochems had brought two famous players with him from the Wisconsin squad, Bradbury Robinson and Jack Schneider, whose feats in passing and receiving are legendary. In the summer of 1906 Cochems took his squad to Lake Beulah, where they put in their entire summer studying the new rules. Before the season opened Robinson could throw the "pro- jectile pass" as it was called, unbelievable distances and Schneider, racing for the goal line, received the "blimp" as the early type of football was termed. They also had a short pass over the line and other variations. In their early games they completely befuddled the enemy by first hammering the lane or running the ends to pull in the defense, and then bewildering the foe with a shower of forward passes. By the end of the season they had mopped up all opposition, scoring 11 victories. In the course of their successes they fired what is regarded as one of the longest forward passes of all time, a flip that travelled 87 yards, al- most the length of the fieri. Your comments and suggestions for this cofunn will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto. 'they'. t DISTILLERS LIMITED AIAHERSTBURG, ONTARIO Piaiii orse Sense . by NB FLUS Here is hope that the news of the decision of the American government to sell farm sur- pluses to Britain against pay- ment in Sterling will open the eyes of Canadian farmers to the Pact that they have been led around in circles for the last four years. A Little Worried As late as March 5th of this year, Rt. Honourable James G. Gardiner, Minister of Agricul- ture, said that "there is no troublesome surplus of farm products" in Canada. Today federal officials in Ot- tawa are reported as "a little worried" about the American farm surplus disposal program, but believe that "so far" it has not endangered Canadian ex- ports. Of course, it hasn't "so far," because it only started. The first deal reported is the sale of $20,- 000,000 .worth of fine cured Am- erican tobacco. Britain will pay In Sterling and the American farmer will be paid in dollars by the American government. From London comes the re- port that grain, fats, butter, meat and meat products have been mentioned in the negotia- tions. Traditional Markets Ever since the recession in 1949 ,this" columnist has argued for the maintenance of our tra- ditional British markets for farm products, if necessary by the ac- ceptance of payments in Ster- ling. Only a few months ago the Canadian Congress of Labour, in its submission to the Foreign Trade Relations Committee of the Senate suggested that Canada accept Sterling for part of her exports to the United Kingdom, The Canadian government would pay the exporter, in dol- lars and use the Sterling, which would be collected in a "counter- part" fund for its purchases in Britain or for materials pur- chased under the Colombo plan for economic development of Southeast Asia. Martin Levinson of the CCL Department of International Af- fairs said that by this method of trading Canadian farmers could get rid of their surpluses. Natural Markets The Senate Committee pooh- poohed these suggestions and considered them unrealistic and unfeasible. Shortly after the Minister of Trade, Mr, Howe, came out with the opinion that our natural markets were South of the 49th parallel. The Canadian Federation of Agriculture, leaning heavily not only on the Canadian but also on the U.S, government, in its brief to the same Senate Com- mittee, submitted at the same time as the one of CCL; had nothing to offer but advice to the governments of non -dollar countries, These non -dollar countries should improve their competitive position in dollar area markets with sound fiscal and monetary polities. They should also earn more dollars by expanding their export markets in North -Am- erica. The CFA also counseled the U.S. government as to the steps it should take to enable the non -dollar countries to earn more dollars they could use for purchases of Canadian farm surpluses. CFA. Well Satisfied While Mr. Gardiner was "not getting worried about pressure Sttuc(etly-Looking Sportster '-- Looking more like a flying saucer than the earthbound machine it is, this Jowett R-4 Jupiter is ono of the new sports car models shown at the Internatonal Motor Show in London. It's in the 100-mile-an•hour clash. Birthday Party — Madame V. L. Pandit, President of the UN General Assembly, and Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary General of the UN, walk past the rows of flags of member nations. It was the UN's eighth birthday celebration. Thousands of visitors watched celebreties and diplomats take part in the open air ceremonies. because of lost markets," which really were not lost in his opini- on, but merely "cancelled," while the Canadian Federation of Agriculture told the minister that they were "well satisfied with government policy," while our farm organizations were dis- cussing, researching and "re- ferring back for further study" the problem of future markets, our neighbours to the South were practical and took ACTION. What are Canada's farmers going to do about it? This column welcomes sug- gestions, 'wise or foolish, and all criticism, whether constructive or destructive and will try to answer any question. Address your letters to Bob Ellis, Box 1. 123 • 18th Street. New Toronto, Ont This is a tale of the days when the English pound was wcrth a full five dollars — the days when about the only way Sam Lang- ford, the great heavyweight, could get a fight was to promise to go easy on his opponent. * .r There are those — good 3udges Of fighters too — who maintain that Sanfuel was the daddy of them all. With this we de not agree; but you could count on your fingers all those that topped him, and still have a few digits left over. Langford, in fact, was a bit too good for his own ,good. When his name was mentioned, other, heavies got the chills; so fights, to say nothing of nurses, were few and far between * One day, came an offer of ten thousand dollars and .expenses to battle with a character named Iron Hague, who liad been flat- tening all the British heavy- weights in sight. If there hadn't been any boats running Sam and his manager Joe Woodman would probably have swum the Atlantic in their eagerness to have a crack at such a purse. The London sportsmen were very high on Iron Hague and, a few hours before the b o u t, Langford ' heard that thea' was plenty of even money to he had. "Go and bet our end of the purse," said Sam. "That's toc good a chance to be missed. : s * Woodman promptly hied him to the spot Where all the sports gathered — Crockfond's prob- ably — slapped down his pass- port and identification papers and 1oundly announced "I want to bet ten thousand on Langford" The bet was covered promptly and, with the slip on which the wager was recorded in his potaket, Woodman went back to rejoin his fighter. However, according to Bill Stern, he lost his way and Only got to Sam when the latter was just about to enter the ring. "The dough is down," said Woodford gleefully. "ten thousand at even money " Sam peeked at the slip and al- most dropped. "Look what you did," he yelled. '`You've gone and bet FIFTY thousand, and if I should happen to lose they'll probably hang us because we just ain't got that sort of money" "Fifty thousand — you're nuts," replied Woodford, "I only bet ten thousand," "See for yourself," said Sam. "Ten thousand POUNDS — and they say those English jails are tough to break out of. Ten thou- sand pounds OR fifty thousand dollars of our money." 0, 4' * Joe Woodman took'a close look at the ticket, saw that Salr was right, and fell in a dead faint. The handlers dragged him from the ring and tried to revive him. And just then the gong rang to signal the start of the fight. Sam shuffled to• the ceeter of the ring in a daze. All he could think of was the bet and what would happen suppusing he should break some of the English ring rules and lose the fight on a foul. For three rounds Iron Hague, who actually didn't belong in the same ring with the black boy, battered poor Sam all over the place — with Langford try- ing to figure some way out of the .dilemma. And all that time his manager lay sprawled, just outside the ring, dead to the world. Just as the third round was about over, Hague cut loose with a terrific punch to Sam's jaw. But instead of putting Langford to sleep it woke him out of his daze. He suddenly realizes that fighting was his business and that he was in a fight; and that some- thing should be done about it. The fourth round opened. Sam got Hague in a clinch and whis- pered in his ear. "I'm sorry to do this, buster, but I got to — this worry is killing me " * :r. With this Langford let fly one of his sleep -producing specials. Hague dropped as though a safe had fallen on him. Sam took one look at the fallen figure and then walked over to the ropes,„ Hi there,” he yelled at the still - dazed Woodford, "You can wake up now — we ain't going to no jail because I've won." e, And a few days later Sam and his manager sailed for New York, sixty thousand dollars richer for the trip — fifty of it being theirs because Joe Woodford didn't know the difference between pounds and dollars. IT YOUR LIVE If life's not worth living it may be your liver! It's a fact! It takes up to two pints of liver bile a day to keep your digestive tract in top shape) If your liver bile is not flowing freely your food hy not .youefeel constips ated aneate d all the fun and sparkle go out of life. That's when you need mild gentle Carter's Little Livor Pills, These famous vegetable pills help stimulate the flow of livor bile. Soon your digestion starts functioning properly and you ' feel that happy days are here again/ Don't ever stay sunk..4lteayn keep Carter's Little Liver Pills or hand, 37e at your rirnasiet, HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers attention—Consult your near est Harness Shop about Stoco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather. goods dealer The goods are right and so are ow prices We manufac• ture in our factories, Harness Horse Collars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blankets and Leather Travelling Goods insist on Steno Brand Trade•Markecl Goods and you get satisfaction Made only. by SAMUEL Rees Co. I.To. 42 Wellington Si B.. Toronto „. Write for Catalogue •- ISSEl 46 -- 1953 LASSIF9ED AOVERTI I tSABI WICKS DON'T delay longer, Order your Pall hatched chieka now and cash In on the good Prices you will be sure to get next Summer and Fall. BUY egg hreede for egg production, not (neat type, we eon give you moat type for broilers. Loring millets, also booking chicks and turkeys for 1054, TOP NOTCH CHICK SALES GUELPH ONTARIO IT'S the early hatched chick and we mean November and December hatched, that will make you the most money in 1964, Egg prices are always higheet In June to October so order now and cash In. and when ordering be sure and buy the best breeds for maximum egg pro- duction. Our five best are — reser. Sired White Leghorne, White Leghorn X Rhode Island Red, Rhode /eland Red, Rhode %land Red X Barred Rook, Light Sussev X Rhode island Red. For broilers we recommend our cross strain New Hampshire and New Hampshire crosses, 'We also have special breeds for dual purpose, roasters and capons, Also tur- key broilers. We have started chicks, laying pullets, oleo booking chicks and turkey poults for 1954, Catalogue, TwEDDL Pu, CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. 1170RGUS ONTARIO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPERATE Profitable Mail Order Busi- ness! Splendid Opportunity For details. write: Roy Harrison, 14913 So. Wanette Avenue, Bellflower, California, ONLY Drug Store In good Nebraska town, Owner retiring. Total price 94,600 Kashflnder, Wichita, Kansas. nVEIN0 AND OLEAN/NO HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean. Ing? Write to us for information We are glad to answer yaw questions. De- partment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Ynnge St.. Toronto. FOR SALE CRESS CORN SALVE — For sure relief. Your Druggist sells CRESS. TAXTDLRMIST and licensed Tanner, Deer heads mounted 016. Birds and anhnals mounted. Write for informa- tion. Richard Flewell, R.1„ Claremont, Ontario.. 3EWELRY, " Wholesale direct to you Elgin, Bonrus, other National brands, 50% discount. Write today, catalog free. Brock -Way Plan, 1145 Nigh Ave- nue. Topeka, Kansas. OIr'r-OI'-PR/NT Books and Magazines. Send your 'wants', No obligation. (12 Pocket hooks 91,00 postpaid). Pointea Nsrthe, 318 N, E. 9th. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. DRY Cleaning, Tailoring and Furrier Store In Brooklyn, doing 015,000 yearly. $3,500. Kashflnder, 'Wichita, Kansas. COMPLETE KNITTING LIBRARY F'OR PROFESSIONALS AND BEGINNERS. Four hard -hound volumes by Marti, world famous designer; containing over 178 pages, 187 easy -to -follow illustrations. Bach volume worth one dollar, yet while supply lasts can be yours for 91.98 for complete library of four volumes. Vol. 1 "Knitting is Easy". Vol, 2 "Knitting for Children". Vol. 3 "Gloves, Socks, Scarves and Gifts". Vol, 4 "Sweaters and Cardigans". Excellent Christmas gift. Send money order or cheque to Gibson Sales, Box 445, 'germinal "A", Toronto, Ontario. KNITTERS! AGENTS! STOREKEEPERS! Wheeling yarn 91,70 pound, Lowest priced anyhere. Help unload our heavy stock and save! Satisfaction guaranteed. Bowmauville Wool Company, Bowman- ville, Ontario. ineul-Brio Siding and Roofing FREE estimates, 24 months to pay, all material and workmanship carries 15 years' guarantee. Dominion Home Ser. vice, 65 Rainsford Rd., Toronto. BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, RELIGIOUS Cards. Statues, Pictures, Medals. Cruci- fix, Rosaries, etc, Write for FREE Catalogue. Mary's Gift Shop. Dept. 57, 475 Bing St., E, Hamilton, Ont. BUDGIES, babies. adults breeding pairs, surplus bens 6 for 925, Canaries singers 87.50. Aviaries 9 Kdaewood Gardens. Toronto. CHOCOLATE BARS IMPORTED Each box 24 — 10 cents (wi. 3 Ibe.) $1.25 per box Postpaid WHITE HOUSE PACKING CORP. 5827 Terrebonne Montreal, Que. USED BUSSES WE offer the Bus Operator a large stock of reconditioned units suitable for school or adult transportation. These trades carry a thirty -day mechanical warranty and are priced from 0750. Terms arranged. Special 1950 Model M155 Mercury. High headroom, Wilson Body. 25 -adult seating. 2 Heaters. 2- epeed rear Axle. 8.26 x 20 tires. Will paint to order. This unit in excellent condition throughout. 94300. Write or phone, 11E0 MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA Ltd. reaslde. Ontario. Mayfair 1171. 11L9DICAI NATURE'S HELP -- DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS, NEURITIS. THOUSANDS PRAISING IT. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE. 335 ' ELGIN, - OTTAWA $1.25 EXPRESS PREPAID POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rasher and weeping satin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint von itching. scaling. burning; eczema. tone, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment regardless of . hmv etubborn or hopeless they seem. PRICE 82.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES Sent Poet Free n Receipt of Price 689 queen Ft. 10., Corner of Logan ['ornate 0 F E M I N E k Q' One woman cello another. rake superior „FEAf1NIOX" to bell) alleviate pain. die, tress and nervous toneioo ,ssnrieled with monthly periods. 66.00 Postpaid in pieta wrapnes POST'S CHEMICALS 889 QUEEN BT. EAST TORON'T'O OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN & WOMEN GENERAL Store" Texas county poop Stock .and fixtures 1-8 off cost, Writ1 Kaehfindet', Wichita, Raneas, LEARN priceless secrets or Technical Metapbysfce. Hast to learn, Only School of its kind, Write; Premier College et Technical Metaphysics. 2692 Mckenzie at.. Vancouver, B.C., Canada. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession, good wages, Tboueande of successful Marvel graduated, America's' Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLB 858 Moor St. W„ Toronto Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa DEALERS—STOREKEEPERS Phillip's Sales Wholesale Catalogue and Fall & Christmas . Supplement containing over 3000 profitable items and house.• wares, dry -goods, notions, stationer, smoker sundries, toys, gifts and pre- mium merchandise, etc. Write on your letter head or give your trade etyle for free copy. PHILLIP'S SALES REG'D. 939 BUSBY ST., MONTREAL 8, TOOLS WHOLESALE -- MAKE EXTRA., MONEY, SELL TO FRIENDS, ET SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE. GIBSON SALES, BOX 445 TERM1NA1 "A", TORONTO. ONT. HELEN'S BEAUTY SCHOOL LEARN HAIRDRESSING IN 5 MONTHS UNDER EXPERT SUPERVISION 719 Yonge St. TORONTO YOUR OWN BUSINESS WE have items such as stainless steel and aluminum cookware, cutlery, dinner- ware, for cash and instalment selling with mark-ups to 50014 profit. Send 25e for catalog showing selling prices on all articles, Confidential wholesale sheet will be included. Murray Sales, 3822 St, Lawrence, Montreal. PATENTS AN OFFER to every inventor—List of in. ventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Co„ Registered Patent Attor• neys. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. FETHERSTONHA UGH & Com pan R Patent Attorneys, Established 1890, 650 Bay Street, Toronto, Patents all countries. PERSONAL 81.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest Catalogue Included. The Medico Agency. Brix 124 Terminal A. Toronto. Ontario. TOBACCO ELIMINATOR A soientifie remedy for cigaretteaddic- tion. For free booklet, write C. W. King Pharmacal Corporation Ltd,. Box 802, Walkerville, Ont. PET STOCK BEAUTIFUL Budgie Birds 85.00 up. Howard Nichol, 133 Wellington Street, Stratford, Ontario. STAMPS STAMPS Wanted; Top prices paid for all United States and Canadian Collect - tions, duplicates, mixtures. Taube' Stamp Co., 708 E. Tremont Avenue, Bronx, New York. FREE Trinidad and Tobago 24e. Bare gain approvals. Jack Ross, 4410 St. Catherine West, Montreal. WANTED WANTED—Flocks to supply Canadiab Approved Hatchery with hatching egge for 1953-54 season. Apply Box 110, 120 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario, WANTED for Cash. We will pay cash for good used Serve! kerosene operated refrigerators. Wilson Marine Sales and Service. Phone 727. Bay St. Parry Sound, WANTED TO PURCHASE—Laying and ready -to -lay pullets, pure breeds and cross breeds. Apply Box 109, 123 Eigh- teenth Street. New Toronto, Ontario. Start in spare time at home. Everyone uses printing. Print Xmas cards, letter- heads, church and club circulars, advertising. Hundreds al, tobs quickly and easily done With a world-famous ADANA press—uses standard printer's type. Follow simple Instruc- tions—produce professional work. Write for fret literature and samples. ADAHA PI11011EIO EQUIPMENT 56 Adelaide St. East, Toronto SAFES Protect sour 00O1iS and CASH rroar FIRE and THIEVES. We have a size and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any puck Dose. Visit ns or write for price, ete. to !lent. W. ._I,&J.TAYLC R LI M iTl l TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front St. F,.. Taranto Established 1855 IV A t(r •a Everybody gets a bit run-down now and then, fired -out, heavy -headed, and maybe bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just u temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then you feel better, sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney PiUs now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all druggists. You can depend on Dodd's. 52 •