Zurich Herald, 1953-11-12, Page 4ZURICH , ONTARIO r- DASHWOOL) Mrs. Robt..Baxter• and babayi of 'Chatham spent a few days with Mrs .,eonard .Schenk, while their hush - Wads were deer hunting. Mrs. Ada !Patterson of Grand %Bend es spending some eatne with her 11la.ughter ana family, Mr and Mrs. Arvin Rader. The fowl supper at Zion Lutheran lurch last Wednesday was .greatty enjoyed by the Ladies Aid members •rand their hus'b'ands. Group four was in charge. A eecial time was enjoyed ley all. Mr and Mas. L. H. Rader spent the weekend in i.endon with their 'dau- ghter and family, OEir and Mrs. 'Wen's del Gahnbie, 1Vir and Mrs Gordon Weiberg, of, Waterloo spent theweek-enot with! their parents, Mr and Mrs Fred Wei berg and Mr and Mrs Victor Tyler. The W.a'r;s. of Da tin wood E.U.B. was held Friday, Nov. 6th, with Mrs. Carl Oestreicbaer in the chair for the annnual '1'lasenkoff- ering meeting. Mrs. Eben Weigand read the scripture lesson sad. Mrs. Wes. Wolfe led in prayer. 'Mfrs: Chas Snell gave a short reading on Spir- itual Life. Rev W. F. 'Krotz took the study book and Li' ..M. Tiernan k's Notice Of First Posting of Voters' Lids for Year 1 9 5 3 MUNICIPALITY OF HAY TOWNSHIP, COUNTY OF HURON 44+44 b4+44+*++++ NOTICE is hereby given that I:have complied with Section 9 of the VOTERS' LISTS ACT and I have posted up in my Office, at Zurich, Ontario, on the 3rd DAY OF NOVElVMER, 1953 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municip- ality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or •omissions corrected ac_ cording to Law, the last day for•appeal 'being the 17th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1953 Dated at Zurich, Ontario, this 3rd Day of November, 1953. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, CLERK OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY ng solo. '11e 'Ilhankoflering boxes were re- ceived. An invitation from .Grand 13a;nd to attend their butler on Nov. 2'lst was acce'pt'ed. It was de- cided to iwld the sznnual turkey dinne ner to entertain their husbands in Dec. A large bale of clothing was packed and sent to Korea. Mr and Mrs Wm. Haugh and Vibe ley and Mee. Utban Pfile spent the week -end in 'Bad Axe and Pigeon,'Mch Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher spentarew daays in Chatham with Dr. and 1vtrs D. L. Oestreicher. air and Mrs Nelson Tiernan of New Hamburg visited with Mrs, G. Wildfong and other relatives and fri- ends for a few days. • PROCLAMATION TOWNSHIP OF HAY PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with By -Law No. 12, passed October Sth, 1953 under authority of Chapter 266, Section 76 of the Municipal Act, a meeting of the Electors of the Township of Hay will 'be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, ZURICH, ONTARIO On FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1953 The Clerk will be in the Township Hall, Zurich, from 1 to 2 p.m. to receive Nominations for one Reeve, one Deputy Reeve, and three Councillors for the Year 1954, also for two Hay Township School Area Trustees for the swears )1954 and 1955. When a proposed Candidate is not present, his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there, 4s attached thereto-` evidence satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be so nominated. A meeting of the Electors will be held in the Township Hall, Zurich, at 2 ,pan., on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1953 To hear proposed Candidates, and in ease more than the required (number of candidates to fill the office are nominated, and a vote demanded, A Poll will be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1953. From 9.00 'a.m. until 5.00 p.m., at the following places: Poll Polling Place 1. School House No. 2 2,. School House No. 14 3. Zurich Town Hall 4. Zurich Town Hall 5. School House No. 12 6. Earl Guenther Block 7. School House No. 3 8. Jas. Masse Residence Dated at Zurich, Ont. November 9th, 1953. 4. WHAT IS SIN? + The thought of foolishness is sin.—Prov. 24: 9 ,a. Whatsoever is not of faith is sin - Rom. 14: 23. Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and + doeth it not, to him it is sin - Jos 4; 17, * Sin is the transgression of the law - Jno. 3: 4. 4. .j D.R.O. Percy Campbell Hugh McEwen Leroy O'Brien Albert Hess Hilton Truemner Reinhold Miller Jas. McAllister Fred Ducharme Poll Clerk Lorne lehapman Sid McArbhur Gordon Surerus Lorne Klopp Ed. J. Stare Sidney Baker Garnet Jacobe Ed. Corriveau H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Returning Officer SIN! • • • • • The next meeting of the Huron County Council • will be held in the Council Chambers, Court 0 House, Goderich, commencing 0 • Tuesday, November ('7th, M 2:00 p.m to All accounts, notices of deputations and other byess requiring the attention of Council should • be In lj?p hands of the County Clerk not later than Novernber 14th, 1953 A. H. Erskine, County Clerk. Goderich, Ontario. All unrighteousness is sin. - I Jno. 5: 17. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER Box 50, R. R. 1 Zurich, Ontario MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL • • 0 w 4 ZURICH HERALD STANLEY TOWNSHIP Thursday, November 12th, 1958 'aillored wait with rblaek accessories and wore a 'corsage of orchids on their r& lam they have taken up re- sidence in Goderie'h where they will 'reside. LOCAL NEWS Brownies To 'Meet A Brownie 'meeting will be 'held in Zurich Town Hall on November 1.7, at 6.145 p.m. Girls in age group of 8-10 from Zurich Dastriet wishing to join Brownies please attend this meeting. Mrs. J. 'McClynnont has returned', to her home in Kippen following 'a pleasant visit with her daughter, Mrs. Alice 'Cook, in Landon. Mr. Earl Oesch has sold his farm; Lot 14, Con. 10, Stanley, to Mr. Kenneth Parke, who gets possession next spring. Mrs. Jos. Ducharme, Dashwood and Mrs. Orval !McClinchey and daughter Goshen fine, Stanley, were recent visitors with their mother, Mrs. J. M1cClymont, Kippen. Recent visitors with Mee. Robert - McBride, Kipper were, her son, lir. Leonard 'McBride, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert McBride, Kitchen-, er; Mr and Mrs Walter .McBride and: family, Exeter; Pupils Enjoy Program The pupils of S.S. No. 14 Stanley' entertained their mothers and the younger children of the section at a• Hallowe'en party. 'There was a cos- tume parade while Mrs. Aaex ai12e Beth played a march on the piano. Asking For Funds The Bayfield Lions Club has or- ganized a drive for funds to com- plete oinplete the Mayfield Community Centre. Some friends have already made. do- nations to this worthy enterprise, and others pledged. 'Many others have volunteered labour or given mater- ials. Prizes have been donated by merchants and others for various .pasties and dances, proceeds of which have gone towards the !building fund. To all these people the board of management of the community centre' wish to •sa,,i a hearty "Thank You." FIENSALI- A number of Hunters have .'re turned from a deer hunt at Green- ook, near Formosa. They returned with one deer which was shot by Don Harburn.. Mr 'and Mrs. M.: A. ,Hopkinson off,. Lions Head, spent the week=end With the letters .parents, Mr' and Mrs N. E. Cook. They flew from •Goderich Monday morning to Indianopolis Ind, where they will visit with frien- de this week. 1 atihy and Jimmy McCloy, Toron- to, are visiting witph their grandpar- ents, Mr and Mrs. Geirhge Hess for two weeks, A Hallowe'en party for the chil- dren of the community was held in the town hall, Saturday night last, sponsored by the IOOF anal Amber Rebekah Lodges. Over 250 bags of candy were distributed to ti e child- ren. Many Deer Bagged ' Twenty-six hunters of the Hensall district were successful in bagging 17 deer and five red foxes in a deer hunt in Hay Township in a four Clay hunt in 'bhe 7,000 acre Township swamp. Included was a buck five and a half years old, oldest one to be shot during the season, game offi- cials said. The buck 'vas shot by Ed. Fink of Hensell. There were 2,435 pounds of deer meat. BLA};.E Mr and Mrs. Archie .Mustard end fainly spent the weekend at ,the home of Mr and Mrs S. Hey. Mr and Mrs Keith Gingerich are happy to announce the birth of a son, °Harold Keith) at the Farwell Nursing 'Home, Zurich, on Friday, November 6th, 1953. Hey — Maclnnes Lucknow Presbyterian Manse was the scene of a very quiet but pretty wedding when 'Catharine Isobel Mabel ,Maclnnes, daughter of Mr. John C. aMaclnnes and the late Mrs. Maclnnes, 'became the bride of Vic- tor Charles 'Hey of Goderich, son of :Mr and Mrs. Samuel Hey, Blake, Ont. The Reverend Winn officiated while Mrs. Winn played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was very charming in a gown of chantilly lace and net tulle over taffeta. Her long veil of French illusion was taught to a eor-- onet of sequins and pearls. She wore silver slippers and carried a se bouquet of red roses and ivy, Mrs. Norma Mustard, sister or the groom was maid of honor, and was dressed in lime green lace and net over taffeta, with matching headdress and mittens and carried a cascade of yellow mums. • Mr. Archie Mustard of Brucefxeld, 2 was groomsman. Following the wedding a reception swas held in the Auxiliary Room of the Legion Hall, where about forty el guests sat down to a 'hot turkey din- 0 ner. ..After Which the happy couple 4# left mid showers of coneetti,•,, for Niagara Falls and the States, For travelling, the bride Apneas' gagrea • 0 w A. EXETER MERCHANTS BREAK LAW S (Exeter Times -Advocate) Exeter grocery stores, restaurants, drug stores, garages—all businesses which sell tobacco—are operating illegally, according to 'town by-law. Sale of tobacco in any form is pro- hibited under the "Public Morals" section of The Consolidated By -Laws of Exeter, 1923. This was discovered by Town Clerk C. V. (Pickard after he was requested to investigate what regulations govern the sale of cig- .rettes •to minors. The by-law men- tions nothing about minors. It pro- hibits selling of tobacco to anyone— young or old. Merchandise AUCTION SALE' Of 'Men's and Boys' Clothing, Etc. Under instructions received by Mr. Louis Thiel a Sale of Merchandise will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich On SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28th. Commencing at 1.0e o'clock p.m. Sharp. Men's and Boys' Clothing, including Dress. and Work Clothes, llarge selec- tion of Jackets, Sweaters, Men's and Boys' Underwear , Pyjamas, Shirts, Smocks, Overalls, Boys' Suits, Boys' and Mens Ties, Socks, Leather Belts, Children's Wear, Snow Suits, , Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Etc., Etc. never failing well, best of garden land, property is in very sutt,alble low cation. 'Convince yourself by in- specting this property before day of sale. bush. Terms ,of real estate da ea. on darn of Sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Cottage Home --- Newly built 4 - roomed cottage with modern convene Terms of 'Property. 10% on day of iences, situated on the ,premises, Lot Sale, balance in 30 days. Sold s'u'b -,19, Con. 8, Hay, built on skid's; is in-. ject to a reasonable reserved bid. Isulated throughout. A fine dwelling, Dennis Corrieveau, Proprietor. to be removed from premises with ar- Alvin• Walper, Auctioneer, rangements by the proprietor. Tractors and Tbresl Ing Machine — r vlasSseY Harris 44" `Tractor used two Clearing Auction Sale seasons in guaranteed new ico'ndltion, Of Household Effects and ,Misc. Items I Allis Chalmers "B" Tractor, used on the premises, one black Hort of seasons in, guaranteed new condition. Main Corner in the 'Dion Threshing Machine 22x38 in gall I around new :condition 'with ,shredder,, Village of Zurich fully equipped for grain, :beans or The undersigned Auctioneer is in- cloves. struoted to sell by public auction on Farm Implements --- McDeering 8 - SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14th. . furrow Tractor plow lilke new; 01i - Commencing at 1 pan. sharp ver 2 -furrow tractor plow like new; Diningroom suite, buffet, china cab- M -H binder 7 -ft. ,cut, ,McDeering 18- inet, rust mohair chesterfield suite; run fertilizer drill, tractor hitch and• occasional chair, Philco radio and markers; Allis Chalmers power nano suer table, Singer sewing machine, Mc- like new; New Idea 4 -bar side deny - Clary stove, General Electric wash- ery rsuke, 81/2,ft. rubber tire tractor ing machine, like new; gas stove and cultivator, 6 -ft. tractor cultivator, 8-. oven, electric kitchen clock, oil heart- ft. Bissell double tractor disc like new er, various end tables, Wilton rug 6 -ft. double disc; M -H. 2 -drum roller,, 9x12', Congoleum rug 9x11:2; 2 .com- 2 -row tractor scuffler, new dump plete 'bedroom suites with spring rake, McDeering hay loader like new,, filled .mattress, dressers and comm- 2 sets 3 -section diamond harrows, 16 - odes, 2 wardrobes, one with full ft. flat hay rack brand new; 2 sliding lerugth mirror, 2 large fish bowls, hall racks, 2 rubber tired wagons with rads, rocking chairs, 5 dining room roller bearing, like new; 2 -wheel' chairs, ironing board, various mir- trailer with stock rack, bean puller rors, long pantry table, 2 !benches, for Allis Tractor, circular saw and cedar chest, cash register, cash.. box, stand, large emery; set of sleighs, living room furniture and table M -H. cream separator, White -wash lamps, picture and picture frames, sprayer, Co•cksbutt 10 -inch grinder sheets and ;pillow cases, quilts, coin- like new; 120 -ft. 6 -inch drive belt, fosters, flannelette and woolen blan- 50 -ft. rubber belt; 600 jute bags, 3. kets, chenille and woollen (blankets, sets bean knives, colony house 10x12,. chenille and satin -bedspreads, linen 32 -inch buzz saw complete; 75 new table cloth, mats, bedding,candle steel posts, 50 cedar posts, quantity sticks and holders, towelling, silver- of lumber and mixed wood, 300 one ware, glass ware, antique dishes, full ion crates, uniform size; onion sscre- Eine of kitchen utennsils, coal scuttle, ens, 3 large, self hog feeders, eieop garden tools, sealers, crocks, large boxes, 3. complete sets 'of MSH. bin• size Kelvinatom's refrigerator, 2 quilt der canvass, 2 heavy steel logging tops with lining, and many articles chains, small chains, sling ropes, har- to numerous to mention. noes and collars, 4 chicken shelters Sale will be held in the Lutheran ba• g trucks, maple syrup outfit with Church Sheds. pails and spiles, quarter hp. electric motor, hay fork, large copper 'kettle,.. No reserve, everything will be sold. forks, shovels and many articles tots. Terms — Gash numerous to mention. Mrs. Roselle Krueger, Proprietress. Livestock — 2 Holstein Cows, mil -,Ivan Yungblut, Clerk. king, 10 ,yearling grass cattle, Dur-. ham and Hereford. Hay and Grain — 700 bales of choice timothy hay, 900 bales of choice red clover hay; 600 -bushels of mixed grain, 400 'bushels Cartier seed oats, 6 bushels timothy seed Household Effects — Beach mains el cook stove, complete dining rooar suite, small tables, kitchen set, tap- estry rug 7 1-2tx9 ; day bred, dressers,. commodes, iron kettle, window sash,. Quebec heater, 2 lawn 'mowers, fire, extinguisher, copper boiler, sausage - grinder and press, wooden tub, all' kinds of dishes, sealers, 21 .complete toilet sets, apple peeler, etc., etc, ;Being this is an exrtra large sales - selling will start sharp on time. Nei reserve, as the farm is sold. Terms—Cash Herbert Desjardin:e, Proprietor. Glen Webb, Earl Weido, Clerks. Alvin Walper,, Auctioneer. Terms --Cash Louis Thiel, Proprietor. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. AUCTION SAI.; OF REAL ESTATE On the premises, Part of Lot 21, Stephen Twp., in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned Auctioneer is in- structed to selll by public Auction on SATURDAY NOV. 21st. At 2.30 p.m. sharp: The desirable Real Estate, consis- ting of part 'of Lot 21, Stephen Twp. one acre of land on which is situated a well built newly remodelled 2- stoey, Meal -brick home:,,with modern conveniences: las full basement, EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, small 4 -room cottage home, Threshing Machine, valuable farm implements, Livestock, Hay, Grain and Household Effects. On the premises, Lot 19, Con. 9, Babylon line, Hay Twp. 1e1 miles east of Zurich and first farm south. The un- dersigned Auctioneer is instructed to sell by public Auction on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18th. Commencing at 12 o'clock p.m. sharp Real Estate — Consists of Lot 19, Con. 8, Hay Twp; 75 acres of choice loam land with 25 acres in, fall wheat 43 .acres orf newly, seeded grass 'land and 7 acres of good maple and elan �.HOTEI. soitgafElui Dia, rit,o5.265°° y • 1 gr !O.t, 42.e.44 GU Ba a et�tarct/oue �B,ce '°cfrL9ct 'tea &You 0,4 0 its 6v1. yd2,44 70 m/6 $', T.he Army is the career for the young mare who wants to get ahead ... who enjoys travel .. who can face up to adventure,• 1t is not the place for the man who wants it easy.. For there's a lot of training and hard work, But you benefit in new skills ... in financial security. And promotion comes fast for men with ambition and ability.. The Canadian Soldier is one of the best paid,... best fed, best looked after soldiers in the world. From. the long term view, it's a career that offers much: Chances for extra training and promotion, travel and adventure, 30 days annual vacation with pay and financial security for you and your family,. In the Army you are important to Canada because you, are trained to defend our freedom. For your. future ... for Canada's , .. join nowt! To ba eligible you must be 17 to 40 years of age,. skilled tradesmen to 45. When applying bring birth, certificate or other proof of age.. Apply right away -write or visit the Army Recruiting, Centre nearest your home, No.13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot 5t., Kingston, Ont, Canadian Army Recruiting Centre, • 90 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont. ' Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main Sf, W., North Bay, Ont, Army Recruiting Centre, lgmss Street Armoury, 200 James St. North, Hamilton, Ont, Astoew.a SERVE CANADA AND YOURSELF IN THE _ARMY Listen to "Voice of the Armry" -Wednesday 'and Friday evenings over the borololoa Network