HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-11-12, Page 1g.; ;•64;; 1 ef.„4 Wished 1900 •••••••••••••••••• ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZTJRICH — ONTARIO .. sitEV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR IL a.m.—Divine Services. a1:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:80 p.m.—Veapera. Everybody Welcome to all Services EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL. U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Mlisisteir Nave Milton Bch . °Islamist SUNDAY SERVICES, - 10:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — cible School. Evening Services lifted for summer Welcome at all Services—"Como &au with ua and vre will do thee geed." Num. 10:29. 1•61.201:1•1113=1"...721.1055,124.1.... WHY PAY Redden Driver Rates F.f you're a careful driver you can get remarkable low rates with State Farm : utaal, the Company that dared to he different. - State Farm's careful drivers make their own law Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 18. Zurich, Ont. ee I Are You Suffering Headaches? From 13..f no your Eyes Miaindineei with taw Latest Methods an.d equi t at OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN tjuhus Galszecry of alma. 74-.P; • „ wilLtake .1,1s40 01; ,e;t•ki,N11,R,,,. 1,,,kvembvt 43C7Bt:,', Boni,face Chum; , . have ZURI HIE RA ONTARIO, THURSDAY-11110$NING, NOVEMBER 12 953 Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin , SUNDAY SERVICES: .1 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School Phone 421 EXE' LER, 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting ' Friday, Saturday Nov. 13-1M WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. Prayer Fellowship (in the homes) YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! Aidon Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, 'Saturday .. June Haver Dan Dailey The Girl Next Door Nov. 13-14 Technicolor It's fast and furious romantic full with a carload of laughs ma toe - tapping tunes. Cartoon and Additional Shorts. Tuesday, Wednesday Nov. 17-18 Plunder Of The Sun Glen Ford Diana Lynn Patricia Medina . Excitement .. „ Adventure ....and Thrill Packed Intrigue. Newsreel and Selected Short Subjects Card of Thanks The family of the late Mr. Albert Hendrick wish to sincerely thank their many friends, neighbours and relatives for their visits, cards and flowers during Dad's illness and also for their many expressions of sym- pathy during our recent bereavement - ANNOUNCEMENT - Mr and Mrs Wm. Dietrich or 'Zur- ich announce the engagement of their ielaughter Theresa. Marie, to Dr. A L COLE ILO GODEB1011 1'4S: h Zs h Reception at Community Centrerich from %sod Glasses all Illamseatigle ?rifts two 'to five, pen. •1.4440-04..44,440001,.......0.. *****.0.9,s4.041e+.“4.,60-0 -.* T. HARRY -HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME :. -v. ..A. Funeral ' ector — Private Car Ambulance : -I. 4 • 4 4 -v. Member- of Ontario Funeral Association . •* r. • e HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFI- e e .*• CATE — PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT e -4 so HOSPITAL EDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN it -0 * s* FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES ess ee WE WE ANYWHERE ' sp se s4 s 24 Irlour Service — Dashwood. Tel /OW 4 -*4 Su 11 error Sto- • Frozen Foods Bird's Bye Frosted Foods FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS . VEGETABLES •. FISH, - ETC. WEEKEND SPECIALS 'Clark's Pork and Beans, 2, 15 -oz tins 27c Raspberry Jam, large 24 oz jar 33c Nabob Coffee., 1-113., 13ag ....... 99c 11urlington Tomato Catsup, 11 -oz bottle -....- 19c Phone 140 - C. IL THIEL - Zurich What Price Glory Jas. Cagney Dan Dailey The story of a ',Captain and eant in World War I, where cob predominates and the battle se are tense. 's5 Returns To Hospital Mr. Dennis Denomme who was a eset'esatient in St. Joseph's Hospital Lon - Ion, and after spending a few weeks seke,:e4t his home here, has returned to the ie hospital for further treatments. Dies at Cavalier ad . • Word was received here of the (3-1.: passing of Edward 'Geiger, at Caval- ier, N. Dak., a former resident of Hay Township, and as a young man went to the Cavalier district. His only surviving sister is Mrs. William Elsie, of Grand Bend, Monday, Tuesday Nov. 1 NIAGARA Marilyn Monroe Joseph Cotton (Adult Entertainment) Fascinating murder thriller packed:: withsuspense, set against the hack ground of the mighty and picturee'S stele Niagara Falls, Vidrednesday, Thursday Nov. 1.84q,' Never Let Me Go . ' ' .Clark Gable Jens Tierney ent in Moscow who ,falls in rove wit% Story of an American Correspone4 —HOCKEY -- a Rurrian Balad Dancer and merriest. ' With four new playens added to • the past year's strong hockey team, First Show Every Saturday at 6 pare, the Zurich Flyers' should make a good showing this season, so says manager ei Lee O'Brien. And the boys are about CARD OF THANKS ready to go, and the fans, although On !behalf of the Canadian Legion, not seemingly like hockey weather, Grand Bend 498, I wish to thank thei will be there to give them the sup - Girl Guides, Cubs and Boy Scouts fo port they need. making Poppie Day such a great sue To Hold Meeting The November meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Cubs and !Scouts is to be held at the home of Mrs. Arnold Merrier, Sr., on the Babylon line on Thursday, Nov. 19th, at 8:00 p.m. We would like to have all the mothers of Cubs and Scouts attend these meetings. Transportation :will •he provided. Mrs. James Reid, is president, and Mrs. Harold Thiel secretary. her. cess in Zurich. --Mrs. WM. Forrester Are Progressing NOTICE The various new :homes being nuilt A Trousseau Tea will be held a the home of Mr and Mrs. Harry Hess„ Zurich, Ont., on Tuesday, Nov ember 1.7th, 1958 from 8 to 5 p.m. and la to 9 pm., in honor of thei daughter 'Pauline Beatrice, to whic the public is cordially invited t ' in town are progressing nrceey and with a few more /lite ''days the two that have sprung up almost over night just south of the Evang. church built by (Charlie Hay and Herb Desjardin e will soon be all closed in. '11he (Inc new home bunt by Mr. Harry Hess the teuth end of town is nearing 4eVillfetto,04-4artd, sOoir.,!..ib • move in. Other new homes are pro - Fiftieth Anniversai7 gressing nicely. . Observing their golden weddieg 0006400 "s. •141.11.1•64•1.•••••••••/./..•••••••••endwl...111 ••••••••••• po••••••winl•Me•MYRamaa Single Copies 5 Ceuta. ataibavription ir4 Canada, Year 4.2. Subseription U.S.A., Year NORMA'S EAUTY SI-IOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAG RUGS. and CARPE TS On a New Modern. Loom, Made to Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zwick, Ont. Phone 128, Ter o r due New Bulova WATERTITE WRIST WATC:-/E.S $35.75 15 JEWELS DUST PROOF CASE SHOCK PROOF SWEEP SECOND HAND THIS IS TRULY A FINE WATCH FOR. ALL YEAR. ROUND IN ANY KIND OF WORK. COME IN AND SEE THEM A. C. HESS jeweler and Registered Optician 11 INVITES YOU. TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LORNE S. ETLER LOCKER SERVICE — ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL 2'hone 10 — HENSALL„ ONT. .•••••••••••••••••-• 000e00oweee0.0000a2a(0000fi to A-- tit •a, dree'v'ssasens ie ,14Utrfti' Licun ensed Embalmer and Feral rArector Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Re3rit FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. Day and N ight Ftervice Tebepiieine: Res. 89 or 122, Zurich h anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. ornas Kyle, highly respected residents of Hempen and formerly of the Purr Line, Hay Twp, were pleasontly sur -- prized on Saturday eve. 7th when members of their family gathered to hold a family dinner and presentation in their honor. 'The home was 'beauti- fully decorated with auteran flowers, while the table centred a three-tier wedding cake with vase, of yellow roses completeing the le.00rations. During the course of the evening Mr and Mrs Kyle were presented with beautiful onyx 11 UC with lia- mond setting from their family.Their granddau ghter ,Miss Be ta:s ma -rue, Women's Institute The Zurich Women's Institute held their regular monthly meeting- in the town hall, Zurich, on Monday eve. 9th. Mrs. T. Meyers, president, op- ened the meeting in the regularway, minutes were read and adopted be the secretary, Mrss Wm. Forrester. Business being transacted, after this Mrs. Elmore Kropp took charge of the program. A piano accordion selection was given by Miss Kathy Kalbfleisch, this 'being encored; IVEss M. Wagner, M. Haberer and R. Kalb- fleisch played a lovely triple piano number, also a piano duett by 'Misses • and Haberer. All were key of London doing the lionore,The.y Wagner greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Meyers gave Were also the recipiems of easily ' • .12 e. a talk on diet .Mrs. John, District other levels' gilts inclu ng °les ets of yellow roses. Their marriage 50 years ago was solemnized at St. Paul's Anglican Rectory, Heiman., by the late Arch—Deacon Rev. W. Doherty. Born in Hay "17osenship, came to Henson twents -one years ago. Their .familly includes four P.ons, Roy of Bryson, Quebec; Russell, St. Catharines; Byran and Dave, Hen - sail; two daughters, Mrs. Clara 'rue - key (Dorothy) London; Mrs. Arnold Merner ( Belle ) Zurich; fourteen grandchildren and three great-grand- children. Members of their family attended the- celebration from Que- bec, St. Catharines, London, 'Zurich, and Hensall, and relatives from Nia- gara Kippen, and Seaforth. Forty were present for the (gamen. ID • - • - • 1 - . ^ ANQUET AN D ANNUAL MEETING Of the Hay Township Federation of A grieulture , in the Community Centre. Zurich On Wednesday, November 25th. President, gave a very profitable talk on "Footprints," what do we 'mean to an institute?, are we workers or knackersAre we willing to. help in some way or let the other members struggle to carry on, ete. e me- eting closed with the Queen. Re- freshments were served by the com- mittees Mrs. Meyers, Mrs. Elmore KIepp. A lovely social time was enjeyed. Lions Club News Had Ladies' Night Zurich Lion entertained their ladies or Lioness to a sumptuous turkey dinner at Monetto. 1111enard's, Exeter, Wednesday eve n in; Oct° ber 28th. With a big attendnrce. Lions and their wives from Exeter Club,. Bayfield and Grand Bend Clubs were present, and there wero n envy as many visitors as the local Carle themselves. Lion Pres'dent, Ed. -Goacho acted as chairman and Lion - tomer Bob McKinley and Lion Alvin Wolper conducted the sing -song, Lion First vice-president, Leroy O'Brien introduced those :sitting at tne head table, while the Toast to. Internation- al was given by Immediate Past President, Rues Grainger; Toast to the ladies ley Lion Reg. Illsley, and the reply by Mrs. Ed. Gasehe. The highlight of the evening was the Presentation of District Governor's 100 'A award by In ternati on al Co un - senor Bill Waterman, of Windsor, aho was Distriet Governor when the Zurich Club was gorganized and • has a very tvaiim spot for the local Club, Acceptance of the award was Lion Vic Diarsin. The eatertan- mont was .supplied by Lloyd Wright cFPL, and, some of his trot*, of London.' The grand evening was brought to a elose with ',(y Canada" followed by a dance,' 1 3 At 7 p.m. Guest Speaker: Mr. Lloyd Jasper, of Mildmay, Ont. Tickets $1.50. Get your's Early! All in the community are cordially invited to attend ,DANCE TO FOLLOW PROGRAM Desjardine Orchestra - remission to Dance oily, 50 cents. Plan to attend and boost. your Fed • ation of Agriculture President, Carl Oeetreiehe), Secrettsey, Clifford PepPer, Ogee @Ogee a 00108 VI; (40 allt1450itiPOOMMOTRO •186•21•01.1.1••••CIMICIM10.51Vellata6197tr./.15K• We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetabies, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL a PRODUCE WANTED. act======== --14= - . ;.. Phone 165 Fall erchandise RUBBER BOOTS for all the Family. Some at Greatly Reduced Prices — Work Shoes, Socks, Overalls, and Lined Jackets GIVE YOUR LAYING FLOCKS THE VERY BEST! BIG - THREE MASH and PELLETTS Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always en Handl GIVE US A CA1.1.1 ME BLAKE STORE Scirertortzentruber, Prop, Phone 1147