HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-11-05, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO TT. T1Tr S I N WHAT IS SIN? The thought of foolishness is sin.—Prov. 24: 9 :Whatsoever is not of faith is sin - Rom. 14: 23. Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and 4' doeth it not, to him it is sin jos 4: 17. 4. Sin is the transgression of the law - jno. 3: 4. All unright4Ousness is.sin. I Jno. 5: 17. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL IVIESSENGER Box 50, R. R. 1 — Zurich, Ontario r11111041110MMilitteadfiRSOMMISMIZIMMIZEIPUNIENnti •MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, November 17th, at 2:00 p.m All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than November 14th, 1953 A. H.. Erskine, County Clerk. Goderich, Ontario. " Nte'onkt..0:-..armaiseaareaaa,,,,eaaaaa • -**,< • .2.'re:MAWIC'''441i' , •••44ge.• 111 of uc ke r fir 0,0 r - •a • • assisseraa'::: Believe it or not, you'll likely earn more than that during your working years. So the big question is: How much of this will still be yours when you retire? You owe it to yourself to make sure you keep enough., Bank a regular amount from each pay from now on. — at the B of M. And hold on to a worthwhile share of the fortune you will earn. \IY HANK' rc MOON CANADIANS BANK or MONTREAL ear714.4t Val414 Zurich Branch: CARL SCOTT, Manager Hensall Branch: WALTER JARRETT, Manager Crediton Branch: RAYMOND KING, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashwood (Sub -Agency:) Open Mon., Wed. Sr Fri, D-TC)00 MraltrAfgAIMMIXISMIMSCOMIMPRIIMEWMCOMMANNSISTEMOVI St. Joseph & Blue Water Area 1&Ir and Mrs Alex Aubin of Bruce- hed on 'Sunday last Called ,on relati- ves and friends on the B. W. High- way, the Aubins Iva natives of this Pariah. IN,Ir and Mi' .Charrette and- Wir and Mrs Avila Ducharme o1 the . W. southmotored to London on &flaky aaa, ea a visiting tall. Mr. Neleon Panineau of Wimi4or, itee(yrminied by his trothet, spent the Week-r.nd„ OF() attended tae itegier -1 :tri. g•I:1•1 to report that Mr. AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE On, the premises, Part of Lot 21, Stephen Tamp., in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned Auctioneer 'is In- structed to sal by spublic Auction on SATURDAY NOV. 21et, At 2.30 p.m. sharp: The desirable Real Estate, consis- ting of part of Lot 21, Stephen Twp. one acre of land on which is situated a well built newly remodelled 2 - story insul-brick home, with modern conveniences. Has full basement,. never failing ;well, best of garden land, property is in very suitable lo- cation. Convince yourself by in- specting this property before day of sale. Terms of Property. 10% on day of Sale, balance in 30 days. Sold sub- ject to a reasonable reserved bid. Dennis Corrieveau, Proprietor. Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer. '...2URICH HERALD Youth For Christ THE GREAT LIGHT .;,.. Nov. 7th, at 8 p.m. IN THE Clinton Collegiate Auditorium I • A idramatic and intriguing moving Picture- filmed in ,Nuremburg, Ger- many amidst Bavarian Medieval Scehery. A wonderful presentation accompani- ed by ,LondonDY.F.C. talent. Clinton Area Youth for Christ Clearing Auction Sale Of Household Effects and Misc. Items on the premiaes, one block nort of Main Corner in the VILLAGE OF DA.SHWOOD The undersigned Auctioneer is ira structed to sell by public auction on • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14th. . Commencing at 1 .p.m. sharp Diningaaom suite, buffet, ,china cab- inet, rust mohair .chesterfield suite occasional chair, Philo radio and table, •Singer sewing machine, -Mc- Clary stove, 'General. Eleetric wash- ing machine, like new; gas stove arid oven, electric kitchen clork. oil heat- er, various end tables, Wilton rug 9x12', ,Congoleum rug 91in; z com- piete bedroom suites with spring filled mattress, dressers arta ocenm-• odes, 2 wardrobes, one with full length mirror, 2 large fish bawls, ball rack, rocking .chairs, 5 dining room chairs, ironing board, various mir- rors, long pantry table, 2 benches, cedar chest, -cash register, caah, box,. living room furniture and table lamps, pi-tnre and picture frames, sheets and pillow cases, quilts, com- forters, flannelette ,and woolen blan- kets, chenille and woollen blankets, chenille and satin hedsnreads, linen table ,cloth, mats, ,hedding, ,candle 1 sticks and holders, towelling, silver- ware, glass ware, antioue dishes, full line of 'kitchen utennsils, coal scuttle, garden tools, sealers, crocks, and. many ,articles too numerous to men- tion. No reserve,- everything will'be sold. Terms — Cash Mrs., Roselle Krueger, Proprietress. Ivan Yungiblut, Clerk. Alvin Wolper, Auetioneer. • •r° 0 0• • f,) tfs • • • • EXTENSIVE AUCTION -SALE Of Real Estate, small 4 -room cottage home, Threshing Machine,. valuable farm implements, Livestock, Hay, Grain and. Household Effects. On the premises, Lot 19, Con. 9, Babylon line, .Hay.: Twp 134 miles- east • .o Zurich and first farm south. The un- dersigned Auctioneer is instructed to sell by public Auction on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18L. Commencing at 12 o'clock p.m. sharp Real Estate -- Consists of Lot' 19, Con. 8, Hay Twp; 75 acres of choice loam land with 25 acres in fall wheat 43 .acres of newly seeded grass land and 7 acres of good maple and elm bush. Terms of real estate 10% on claw of Sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Cottage Horne — Newly built 4- rbomed cottage with modern oonven- I fiences, situated on the premises, Lot 119, Con. 8, Hav, built on skids, is irt- , '.ed throughout. jlouet.prAo ver 2 -furrow tractor plow like newq plfilrie:orf72 sut4. -",oveci from premises with ar- I to be ret. rangem.ents L, : "ntor used. tw—o g "--eshing alfachine Massey Harris 44" Tr. Tractors and Tit. ,' condition. ri seasons in guaranteed nem Allis Chalmers "B" Tractor, •uSed 2 condition. seasons in guaranteed new • Dion Threshing Machine 'tlx138 fn. 'all around new condition with shredder, fully equipped for grain, beans or clover. Farm Implements — McDeeringoi3i1 furrow Tractor plow lilke new; M -H binder 7 -ft. cut, McDeering 1.°3- I run fertilizer drill, tractor 32.2t)tch and markers; Allis 'Chalmers' power 'mower like new; New Idea 4 -bar side deliv- er,yrake, 81,i1 -ft. rubber tire tractor cultivator, 6 -ft. tractor cultivator, 8 - ft. Bissell double tractor disc like new 6 -ft. double disc; M -H. 2 -drum roller, 2 -row tractor scuffler, new dump rake, MaDeering bay loader like new, 2 sets 3 -section diamond harrows, 16 - ft. flat hay rack brand new; 2 sliding raeksi 2 rubber tired wagons with roller bearing, like new; 2 -wheel trailer with stock rack, bean puller foraAllis Tractor, circular saw and stand, large. emery; set of sleighs, M -g. .cream separator, White -wash sprayer, •Co.ckshutt 10 -inch grinder like new; 120 -ft. 6 -inch drive belt, 504t.: ruhiber belt; 600 jute bags, 3 sets bean knives, colony house 10x12, 324nch buzz saw complete; 75 new steel- posts, 50 cedar posts, quantity of luinib.er and mixed wood, 300 on- ion, ,crates, uniform size; onion scre- ens, 3 large self hog feeders, •caop Otaxes, 3 ,complete sets of M -H. hin- der canvass, 2 heavy steel logging chains, small chains, sling ropes, lar- - and .collars, 4 chicken shelters, hag trucks, maple syrup outfit with pails and spiles, quarter h.p. electric inoter„hay fork, large copper kettle, fo4rS; shovels and manyartistes too numerous to mention. 'Ti'Vestock — 2 Holstein Cows, mil- king, 10 yearling grass cattle, Dur- ham and Hereford. Hay and Grain — 700 bales of chaice, timothy hay, 900 bales of chalice red clover hay; 600 ;bushels of mixed grain, 400 .bushels Cartier seed: oats, 6 bushels timothy seed Household Effects — Beach enam- elaccrok stove, conaplete dining room sifite, small tables, kitchen set, tap- estry rug 7 1-2x9; day bed, dressers, commodes, iron kettle, window sash, Quebec heater, 2 lawn mowers, fire extinguisher, ,copper boiler, sausage slander and press, wooden tub, all kinds of dishes, sealers, 2/ complete toilet sets, apple peeler, etc., etc. • Xteing this is an extra large sale, sling will start sharp on, time. No reserve, as the farm is sold. Terms—Cash Hebert Desjardine, Proprietor. Glen Webb, Earl Weido, !Clerks. Algin Wolper, Auctioneer. 44itimmtta%TaZaelimeasiSsalarsiaga§magm Thursdeop, November fith, 195a , • IT'S COMING The C x 4.14, 4. Broa h.. c st From the COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH. 8 p.m. Sharp, On SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7th. Featuring STARS OF RADIO, STAGE, ETC. Adults $1,00 Children 50c. Dance to follow Clearing Auction Sale Of Auto, Livestock, Farm Imple- ments, Household Effects and Misc. Items. On the premises, Lot 10, Con. 1.16, Stephen Twp; first farm east of ,Shipka. Tbe undersigned Auct- ioneer is .instructed to sell by public Auction on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER lith. At 1 o'clock p.m. sharp Cattle — Holstein cow, due first part of December; red Durham cow .with calf at- foot; roan Durham cow, with calf at foot; 8 red Durham cows with calves at foot; blue roan heifer, with calf at foot; red Durham heifer rising 2 years old; 8 Durham and ,Hereford Steers, rising 2 yrs. old; 7 Hereford and Durham heifers, ris- ing 2 years old. This is an extra good herd of cattle. Auto — 1951 Pontiac 'Coach, in all round new condition, correct mile- age aomo. Convince yourself by seeing this car on day •of 'Sale, if not ipreviousla. sold. Farm Implements Misc. Items— Massey Harris 10 -ft cultivator; M -R. grain grinder, .10", like'new; 2 -drum steel roller; M -H. 4-wheet manure spreader on rubber; hay loader, -Inter aa:'.:MaStera.. '•C'StP - 9.30 to 12., national corn loader, like new; limb spreader, pickup, adjustable harrowg for Fordson traetor, 14 -ft wide; liffs. H. bean scuffler; Parker horseadrawn bean puller, dump rake, auto track. heavy read end, ditching scraper, la horse scuffler, milk cart, 2 Internatai ional cram separators, International stainless milking machine, double laa. it, like new; quantity asphalt ehinVa les, buzz saw, steel tire wagoni-qnan tity of lumber, cutter, 2 sets of bah; sleighs, forage .blower, colony 1101/16e. chicken shelters, sap pails, sausage grinder and press, set of taps and: dies, 1 -2 -inch. And inan.y articles teet • numeroas to mention.. • Household Effects — Sunshine elee. ctric range like new; electric sloaErtk heater; refrigerator, 91cu. ft., • like new; dialing • room suite, inclUding, . table, 6 chairs and buffett; oak table, pianoWillis ingoodand woodoodcondiorange like ser, Findlay coal like new, Beach cook stove; equippete jwith oil -burner; Singer sewing mach,. the, 2 beds, springs anal imattreso coal oil heater; kitchen table with matching chairs, stepladder dials., ;child's playpen, Axminster rug 9x 10 some bedding, fruit jara, et. Terms—Cash No Reserve, Everything will be soli/ Albert Geiser, Proprietor Glen Webb., Clerk. Alvin 'Wolper, Auctioneer. aaara'a-'' Chef Henri Freitag Chateau Laurier Hotel, iA Canadian. Natio,ial Riiffiitilifilotei „,,......„e"C'174,,r71.4.17-17M - -',y..f-,• _....„:..:::sk -- II- 0 1 - -, 'tirichness and ligher quali-Ey in cook/e- ll ever you have dined at Ottawa's famous Chateau Laurier, you'll agree ... Chef Freitag knows whereof he cooks! In all his tempting dishes, he uses only butter. No substitute could possittly give the delicate flavour, the smooth, golden richness, of fresh creamery butter. Loftus Denomme is improving after a few weeks of bed tontfinment. I Mr and Mrs Fred. Ducharme spent a few days with the Hartman family of the Goshen line south. I On •Saturday night was known as Hallowe'en. Many • of the paraders were on hand in this vicinity, and were as usual dressed to fit the oc- 1 -- easiOn. There wore two different! groups, one from .the north and .onel waized and showed the southern part of the pariah. Theyorn well orgai great ability to conaeal their ident- ity. They were given. a 'cheery ,wel- come, at the visitors hotries they wore called in. 1 alwa. Befter Taste Chef Freitag's own recipe for BUTTER MEUNIERE a sauce for sauteed fish, steak% or chops What fish or aeat is ready jc+ Oervee.. squeeze the juice of a quartered lemon over it. Sprinkle Withk fresh chopped parsley or chives. In a frying pan brown 2 ounces of butter. . for each person. Pour over fish or meat. • , As eVery housewife knows, for good eating and good living, you just can't beat butter. From the simplest hot biscuits to the most elegant layer cake, everything you make tastes so much better with butter. • ENJOY NA7UkE S F.51 MOOS • rsmm ...sx:>avalaaae Toc>ra:kV/CZ 39LTP..E.217.7 ra1911.0811.•*•=m4•11110.1{(1". For our Marie Fraser's free booklet of tasty, tested butter recipes, write: 409 auxoz.rit4,.Toroz•tca 4111111.1•11001.11•••••.. • ritb ONTARIO DEPARIMEtri Of HIGHWAYS Geo. Doutett, Minister