HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-11-05, Page 3Jt • r r-. wmawua,,.ux..,rw.s.wxnawxww„m, w.w,-,uK,wwm !,++n!nir+1.�m.�w.n,ml,ww..Aa,rowniwww.waa:,>e+.xMr�tM.MNw IRE Catvat SPORTS COLUMN 4 „,-7;6steoz, W+ For some reason or other we've always been on the side o1' the underdog, no matter what the sport. You would hardly call Ted Williams, the Boston Red Sox • home -run hitter, an underdog, especially if you recalled his - salary, But we' were griped, on occasional visits to the Boston ball -park, by the almost vicious fashion in which Williams was greeted when he fielded a ball, or came to bat. We never understood why such a truly -great athlete should receive such scurvy treatment, and felt it a tribute to W1lh1tl.ms' courage, and tenacity, that he should continue to star in the face of such mysterious hostility. Perhaps it will be different in coming seasons for the splendid Splinter, as the tall, slim batter has been termed, now that he is definitely a war hero. We hope so, particularly after hearing a story that came out of the west coast, after Williams landed there on his return from Korea. He carne from Hawaii on a transport plane on which there were two bunks for sleeping, When told Williams was on that plane, a serviceman is said to have cracked: "I know who'll be in one of those bunks when the plane lands.” After the plane landed, a sports writer picked up a hitch- hiking sailor who had come from Hawaii on the same plane, "What sort of man is Williams?" the writer asked. "A completely right guy," was the answer. "What did he do?" prodded the writer. "Well, he carne aboard with an armful of magazines and dropped them around for us to pick up and read." "Where did he sleep?" "Be just piled on the floor with the rest of us." And from Washington, D.C., we got another Ted Williams story that belies the claim that he's indifferent to requests, gruff and disobliging. A. baseball fan named Jim McNally, a great admirer of Williams, wrote Ted asking for a couple of autographs for himself and his son, Jim Jr., former Washington -Lee High School sports star, Ted replied with two signed photos just three days after the request. Like Ted, both the McNallys are ex -Marines. Williams was Captain Williams o1' the U.S. Marines. lie took no more, as he flew back from the battle -front, than was available for all others, enlisted or otherwise, so we feel pretty sure we're not alone in hoping that Captain Ted Wil- liams regains his eye, his swing and his speed quickly enough to hit .400 for the Boston Red Sox in the years to come, a hope that seems well grounded, for he was clipping off home -runs In his former brilliant fashion, soon after rejoining his club. Year comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto. Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHE6t9T5URG, ONTARIO HE'S THE CHAMPION "SCREEVER" OF LONDON i Alfred Horton, cockney artist in pastels, lives and works In the glow of,:p '`;unset — morn- ing, noon,axlri�ght. He is past .4zf the London street scene. You will see him any fine day on the Thames Embankment, near Charing Cross Pier, kneel- ing on a little pad, and rubbing the crimson and orange glow of the setting sun into the pav- ing stone with a grubby finger. This week his pastels have won for him the title "Screever Number One, London" writes Melita Knowles in The Chris- tian Science Monitor. The word "screever" isn't de- fined in Webster's. In a cockney slang book, however, you would find that it means a pavement artist, one whose canvas is the sidewalk. London's seven top screevers HARNESS & COLLARS Formers attention—Consult your neat est Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Siam Leather goods dealer The goods are right and so aro our prices We rnanufae. tore in our factories: Harness Horse Collars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blankets and leather Travelling Goods Insisr an Staco Brand Trade -Marked Goods ond.you get satisfaction Mode only by SAMUEL TREES CO. LTD. 42 Wellington St G., roronto - Write for Catalogue - were invited to compete in the National Hobbies and Handi- crafts Exhibition at the Central Hall here this week. Seven great slabs of paving stone were taken along as canvases. Alfred got down to work. He took nearly three hours, much longer than usual to complete his picture, "Running. Water." "What with the mike, and the lights, and the flashing bulbs, and the questions of the news- papermen, it was hard to con- centrate," .he told me later. But Alfred knew his subject. And his colleagues applauded as he took off his French beret and rubbed his stuffy beard on re- ceiving the cash prize of £5 from Jean Carson, actress, "I joined the merchant navy when I was 14," he said. "I've seen sunsets all over the world. When I pick up a piece of chalk, the pictures all come crowding back to me." He was doing a repeat of his .. prize-winning picture on the pavement the next day when I visited hien, just a stone's throw (pavement stone) from Cleopat- ra's Needle. A battered old felt hat had a few pennies in it. I dropped in , a coin. It chinked, but Alfred didn't look up. He selected an- other crayon from hundreds on a piece of sacking on the pave- ment. Two sprightly white lambs gamboled into the picture. Alfred took a black crayon and etched in a gate. u crtgo IL LIFF you feel LH These days most people work under pressure, worry more, sleep less. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose—harder to regain. Today's tense living, lowered resistance, overwork, worry—any of these may effect normal kidney action. When kidneys got out of order, excess adds and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "tired -out" heavy - headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better --sleep better—work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at any drug counter, 53 SAFES Protect your BOORS and CASA from FIRE and THIEVES, We have a size and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any par - Me. VW* us or write for price, ete. to Dept. W. R LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS' T44 front St. Be Toronto, Netnldlsbed 1955 Gloria's Style — If fashions h irk back to the Twenties,. Gloria Swanson is afraid the gals' swim . suits will look like this. It's the type of costume that brought wolf whistles from graridpappy when Gloria wore it as a Mack Sennett beauty. "Bit bright, ain't it — that sky?" a voice behind me said. Alfred dropped his chalk. "Time and time again I've seen it," he said. "Where?" the critic asked. "In Scotland when I was in the Army." Alfred joined the Army in the last war, he told me. Maybe it was on maneuvers among -the heathered banks and braes he had seen the golden, sunsets,.'-;:? the wooded copses, the sheep,,s' the water dashing up from black, rocks. He had a precise, well -ordered way of doing his picture — start- ing with sunset. "Never 'ad a lesson in my life,' It's just a gift," he said mod- estly. T could see the faint outlines of the sunsets of other days on'. the pavement. "Do you have to rub them out' each night?" I asked. "Well — yes," he said, "but;': often the rain does it for me It's late when I leave." My own feeling was he couldn't'; bear to part with his sunsets. "Oil paintings — yes I do them, but not for sale. I might do masterpiece one day. Where ; would I be if I sold it?" So Alfred parts only with pas- tels — as pictures and trays. • He is sending one to Jen); Carson, "so she can semeln the screever r she gave the ' p t i s to," Alfred said. IT MAY BE UR LIVER If life's not worth living it may be your liver! It's a fact! It taken up to two pints of liver bile it day to keep your digestive tract in top shape! I1 your liver bile Ss not Bowing freely your food may not digest ... gas bloats up your stomach ... you feel constipated and all the fun and sparkle go out of hfe. That's when you need mild gentle Carter'a Little Liver Pills. These famous vegetable pills help Stimulate the Bow of liver bile. Soon your digestion atarte' functioning properly and you feel that happy days are here again! Dont ever stay sunk. Always keep Carter's Little Liver Pills on hand. Only Warm Morning Has The Patented FIRE -BRICK FLUE Interior Construction The Fire -Brick Flues in each corner, with Fire. Brick Lining, actually turn the coal into coke! Flames travelling through flues to top of firebed burn off volatile gases that <oaf releases gel extra heat from every pound of fuel! Burns All Day and All Night on One filling Patented Fire - Brick Flue interior holds Fire 24 hours or longer on just one Filling of coal. No more early morning fire building—you live warm, sleep warm, wake up warm with a Worm Morning Coal Heated And yov start a fire just ONCE A YEARI Ask 1'o See Gas and Oil Models, Tao! emcee.. Your worm Morning dealer also offers you oil heaters and gas heaters in sizes to heat ono room cabins to b•room homes. For more information on Warm Morning Heaters, tear off and mail the coupon below! COAL, GAS and OR HEATERS 't lloea-Stra(hal Cool Co,, I,t41. 1 Dominion Square 81d5. wr . 1 hiontroet, ase. s er Minlreai Truer aidg, �. Tamura, enure, Please ser d mere information en Warm Morning Healers, tam interested in Cl t`,bal Heaters 0 Oil Hooters ri des Heaters Name .............. .....n..,...,. Address 1 lawn rrevinse 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING t#A71F1 tiIt1C6 I)Ei'IONDABLIO clrleirs. When you pup el}1ane . Tweddla Canadian Approved ehlolta, you can depend on thorn to do the ;ieb they -are intended for, Wo bnwe ape- cial breeds R,O,P. Shed for maximum egg produetion,others for broilers, stillothersfor dual purpose, roaatera and ,capons, When -ordering be sure and tell us what you want the chicks for. We will give ypu chicks that will make you the maxi- mum profits. Get our low prices on pullet chicks. Weekly hatches; Non -sexed, cook - orate or pullets, laying pullets, started chick, and turkeys. Book day old turkey Peelte for 1954. Catalogue. TwsmnLE CHICK TIA'1'CHERI103 LTD, 1rnnous - ONTARIO BUX pullet chicks now and get maximum ' breduction next Summer when eggs are always the highest In price, We recom- mend Rhode Island Rod and Red crosses for maximum egg production. Also broiler chicks, tucker nouns, started chicks, lay- ing pullets, TOP NOTCH CHICK SALES GUELPH ONTARIO BRICK BUILDINGS CLEANED LOON like new — homes, Schools,' Churches, etc, Free Estimates In On- tario, el - E3. Munroe Co, Ltd., Wilton Grove, Ont. Phone London 2-8522, DYEING AND CLEANING 13A VE you anything needs dyeing or clean. ing7 Write to us for Information, We are glad to answer your questions. De. partment 51. Parker's Dyn Works Limited. 791 Ynnge St., Toronto. FOR SALE CRESS' 11TINION SALVE — For amazing relief. Your Druggist sells mess. SPECIAL SALE New Payee Crop Blower 8' — 30' pipe hood, $360, Cockahutt Grain Grinder 10", $79. Coekshutt 0 blade Tiller, caat wheels, power depth control, trash guards, 5435, Svramotor Pressure Systeme with 30 gal. tank, $149,50. Special discount to dealer. McCulloch Chain Saws. 1, l0. 1,.. Chain Sawa. Several good used one and two man chain saws. We carry large stork of parte for all saws. Now Clinton small gasoline Pungines, also several reconditioned small engines cheap. Plastic pipe all sizes cut to order. PRINGLE & COOPER, 346 COLEMAN STREET, BELLEVILLE, ONT. BUDGIES, babies, adults breeding pairs, surplus hens 6 for 526. Canaries singers 67.30. Aviaries, 2 i;dgewood Gardens. Toronto, -POTATO Digger, double row, power take off. nearly new, price for quick sale, Rosehall Nurseries, Brantford, FORD Tractors, 1949 Models, Wagner. Loader (new) Back trading Blades, Weeders, Tillers, and Centre Grading Blades bargain prices to reduce inventory. Rosehail Nurseriee Brantford, BLACK . Currant Bushes beat varieties, six for 89e, Ronehnll Nurseries, Brant- ford. USED TIRES—ALL SIZES WE have the largest stock of used tires in Western Ontario, Passenger Urea, 55,00 up; Truck tires 510.00 up. A11 tires guaranteed 90 days, All orders F.O.B. London, 25ee deposit with order, balance C.O.D. Middlesex Tire Salea, 92 Fullerton St.. London, Ont., phone 2-8741. LADIES! MAKE California Poppy design skirts, stoles, belts, Patterns, 20 floral felt cuts for trim, $1.00. V, Franz, De- signer. 111 to. Fir Avenue, Inglewood, California. win PAY MORE? Wheeling- yarn 51.85 lb. •keingnring Yarn $2.95 lb. Postage extra. Refund. Beeman- . ville Wool Company, Bowinanville, Ont. GUNS, Rifles, etc. — Be sure to write for our free new 1953 catalogue before buying. Large assortment, Scope Sales Co., 250 Bank St„ Ottawa, Ont. 'GUN catalogue free. New 1958-54 edition, Quentitlee limited. Reserve now.. re & W. Kerr Ltd., 1242 St. Catherine' St. !lest, Montreal.. HOGS are scarce, now le the time to buy a choice registered Yorkshire boas sired by British Bradbury 306F., a half brother to the, champion sow of England, Choice boars ready for service, others younger from eight weeks up, also Bows. Also Belglau. Percheron and ,Clyde stallions, 'four, five and six years old. Herbert T. /Miler & Sons, Tt.1, Keene, Ont, SENSATIONAL OFFER Men's Hand Painted Kneektles — ships, birds, ani- mals, girls, flowers, many neat patterns. Wine, blue, brown, grey, navy colours, 98e; 2 for 81.39, Tie Marlon Stirling, Ontario. 01101,Y WVANTF,Is.• EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Cook general wanted immediately for beau- tiful suburban home for two adults; coun- try woman preferred. Excellent home and top wages for someone who is a real homemaker. Give full particulars and phone number. 2,1ms, E. A. Byworth, R,R, No. 3, Weston. BINOCULAR SALE SPECIAL purchase of brand new high Powered prismatic day & night glasses: 6x30 Dienetgles 324.95, 3x30 wide angle .428.50, 7x35 B&L type $29.50, super - powered 12x60 '$45.00, 16x50 549.50. All wltb Individual focus and 'coated lenses. All with solid leather case and fully guaranteed. Rush money order for pre- paid, otherwise $2.00 deposit balance C.O.D. OPTICAL HOUSE P.O. Box 100, Adelaide Street Station, Toronto 1. MALE HELP WANTED SALESMEN whole or part time. To call on farmers in western and Eastern Ontario. No peddling, no collections. Prod- uct well advertised, Every livestock far- mer a buyer. Ninety per cant repeat sales, Build yourself an income in your township or county. Sales help given, age no barrier If active. &pply giving address, phone, past experience If any, territory desired to Boa 522, London, Ont, MACHINERY STORAGE] ,TANKS: 90 gallons round 616. 200.250 gallons oval, 1009 20008000 - 4000 - 6000 e 10,000 • 20,000 teatime now. 1 - 2800 gallon stainless steel tank, 4 - 2000 gallon vertical tanks on stands. Tank Car Tanits Used, Semi-Trallerx, 3300 gallons, 3 oompartmente, Viking Pumps. SNOW PLOWS BOUGHT ,& SOLD R. S2', t'1ER1MMAIN 0608 St, Lawrence - Montreal, Que. MIODiVAI GOOD RESULTS m-- Every sufferer from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should fry Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin, Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid. 0 FEMINIX 0 One woman tells another. Take superior "FEM.INEX" to help alleviate pain, die. tress and nervous tenelen associated with monthly periods, 05.00 Postpaid In plain wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS 880 QUEEN WE EAST TORONTO POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. ltohing, sealing. burning eczema, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem, PRICE 62.50 PER JAR POSY'S REMEDIES Gent Post Free n Receipt of Price 889 Queen St. E., Corner' of Logan Toronto OPPORTUNITIES rex MEN AND WOMEN MEN AND WOMEN Why wait? Prepare yourself now to en- joy a comfortable Fall and Winter, free of unnecessary aches and pains. You owe it to yourself to feel - fit. so learn about the amazing "AtoMegnet." Every home should own one, Write immediate- ly for free literature. 8HYSTCAL FITNESS FOUNDATION of Canada 228 • 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto LEARN priceless, secrets of Teohnical Metapbyefes. Easy to learn. Only School of tte kind. Write: Premier College of Technical Metapbyatcs.• 2632 Meleeneie St.. Vancouver. B.C.. Canada, START a eparetime mail order -business of your own. Inexpenelve manual shows how, Start small anywhere, expand on profits. Details free. Kltert, Nortb Edmonton, Alberta, BE A .HAIRDRESSER rout CANADA'S LEADING OOI;OOL Great Opportunity Learn hairdressing 'pleasant, dignified prefeaafon, good wags Thousands of su000090ul Marvel gradeatill 4msl erloa'GreatJat System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HIAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 8668 Bloor St. W,, Toronto Branches: 45 Xing St„ I3amilton i Rideau St.. Ottawa FREE -- Our now Fall Nursery Catalo0 of outstanding values in Dwarf, Stan and and Bearing Size Trutt Treee, Bus Fruits, Roses, Shrubs, Shade Trees, Rodgrt Planta. Evergreens, Perennials, Plant inn October for batter growth next year. Nor- folk Nursey, Simcoe, Ontario, BARGAINS! American, Foreign, Neto Guns, Mounts, Scopes, Binoculars, Win, Rem, Sarage, Scopes, weaver, LYmon, Alaska, Stith, Write for Pelee, not be, undersold, Phillips General lererchandiee, 706 W. 4th, Lewistown, Pennsylvania, LET 118 Sell your Handicraft products) for you. For details write to: Universal Hendierafts Guild, P.O, Box 11127, Dalian, Texas. PATENTS AN OFFER to every inventor—List of in- ventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorx nova. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. FETB:ERS'rONHAUGH & Com pa a �' Patent Attorneys. Established 189gi, 860 Bay Street, Toronto. Patents a countries, PIB*SSONAL If destroue of ridding Yourself of CIGARETTE ADDICTION Do it the easy way. Tobacco Miming, tor carries a "satisfaction or money book" guarantee. For free booklet, write C. King. Pharmacal Corporation Ltd., Box 303, Walkerville, Ont. 51.00 TR8.448 • otter. Twenty-five deluxe personal roeuirernente, Latest Catalogt80 includedee The -Medico Agency, Box 129 Terminal A. 'Toronto. Ontario. WRITERS! TOUR Manuscripts thoroughly revised for better saleability, by succeee- ful writer, former magazine feature editor. $1 page, typed or hand-written, Helen Avers, 612 Overbrook 8.E., Grand Rapids 2, Michigan, U.S.A. UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away with SACA-PELO, as remarkable discovers' of the age. Free information at Lor -Boer Laboratories Ltd., Ste. 6, 679 Granville St„ or write P,O, Box 99, Vancouver, B.C. WANTED WANTED — National Ifockey T.eaguo Record Books, any year. Bert Dnnovae, Perth, Ontario, Box 825. SAW "�`'stiek TOLE 'iR:?l a,zvow, 1 a ,s' investment in Canada Savings Bonek will give yore • income .. Safety Cash When You Want It On this new Series of Canada Savings Bonds you get 3340% interest right from the date of issue. Every $1,000 you invest can earn $37.50 each year until 1965. And your savings, invested in Canada Savings Bonds, are still as freely available to meet emergencies as cash in the bank. Canada Savings Bonds can always be converted into cash, anytime, at 100 cents on the dollar. Put your savings to work now. Buy Canada Savings Bonds, in any amount from $50 to $5,000, from 36 Kiang Street West Toronto 1 Wood, Gundy & Company Telephone: EMpire 4.2321 T-ionited wuem,mrnem, !' LL AND WINTER TO BRITISH PORTS: First Class from $192 A Thrift/ oce Tourist Class from $140 TO FRENCH PORTS: First Class from $199.50 Tourist Class from $145 VESSEL - From MONTREAL From QUEBEC TO ASCANIA SCYTHIA FRANCONIA ASCANIA *SCYTHIA Wed, OCT. 28 — — Sat. NOV. 2) — --• Wed, NOV. 4 Sat, NOV. 7 --. Sat. NOV. 28 Liverpool Havre and Southampton Liverpool Liverpool Havre and Southampton From NEW YORK From HALIFAX BRITANNIC *FRANCONiA MAU.RETANIA *SAMARIA MEDIA QUEEN ELIZABETH ASCANIA - SCYTHIA FRANCONIA SAMARIA Thurs, DEC. 3 — Sat. DEC, 5 Fri. DEC. 11 Wad, DEC. 16 Fri DEC. 18 Wed. DEC. 23 Sot. JAN. 2(1954) Wed. JAN. 6(ls54) -- Fri. DEC. 4 --- Tues, DEC. B — •— Sun, DEC. 20 Fri. DEC. 25 Mon. JAN. 4(1954) Fri. JAN, Basso Havre and Southampton Greenock and Liverpool Cobh and Liverpool Havre and Southampton Liverpool Cherbourg and Southampton Cobh and Liverpool Havre and Southampton Cobh and Liverpool Havre and Southampton bSF DO. 4081$1160 SA.11.1t4 % personally conducted by experienced members of 008 %toff, r See your local agent -- No one can serve you better AR ;l►;r Li Only TRAVELa few doll orsmmore, he extra luxury 1 far Corner Bay &Wollingtrn Sts., Toronto, Ont. OrteritternerdletNerreitteattretteleintil _-. , ttllttr!?bt lilllele rfs letnettearat atttu> lsso