HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-10-29, Page 7+r, Il 4.4 144414.044444 iNECa.lVLd SPORTS COLUMN Eeeilt0t 9010404 +w When, recently, the famous former heavyweight boxer, Sam Langford, who was born in Weymouth, N.S., became the first Canadian -born ringster to be cited in the greatest of all sports Halle of Fame, the Helms Foundation of Los Angeles, It unleashed a flood of reminiscences about this mighty slugger. One concerns a match which ended with Langford Scoring. a knockout in the seventh round, a story told us by the veteran Joe Woodman, who discovered Langford in Boston as a young fellow who was earning his living washing windows. We'll have to build a little background for this, primar- ily that Langford is credited with possessing the most lethal left hook in heavyweight Wing history, possibly excelling, in sheer power, that of Jack Dempsey, Also, there existed in Langford's day a considerable amount of racial prejudice, which fortunately has disappeared. Few white fighters, or Negro fighters either, wanted much to do with Langford and his lethal punch, unless there was a "gentleman's agreement," which Sam always kept, religiously, lest he should fight him- self out of opponents. He was a man of amazing courage and stamina, this Langford, as well as fistic skill Not over five feet seven inches tall, and despite short arms, he could, when he cut loose, flatten foes with one sweep of that abbreviated left, even though he had to stand on tip -toe to land it. Langford was, probably is, one of the best -natured boxers of all time, who chuckled his way serenely along in and out of the ring. But once he was angered, and that is the episode of which we spoke. As Joe told it, Sam was fighting a heavyweight named Thompson. It was supposed, by agreement, to go to 10 good fast rounds, with neither fighter injured much. Thompson had, other ideas. In the sixth round, he let go a right cross with everything he had, hit Sam on the chin, dazed him, and almost knocked him out. When they came up for the seventh round, Langford thrust out his gloved right hand, and said "Shake hands." Replied Thompson, surprised: "This ain't the last round, Sam," "It is for you," answered Sam grimly, And so it was. Langford was boxing in St. Loulsy;one night, and his opponent's handlers thought to make hiin''Ii:ervous by delaying the entry of their boxer into the ring. Sam sat on his ring chair for nearly half an hour, before his opponent arrived. When the usual preliminaries had been settled and the timer was about to ring the bell, Sam stepped to the side of the. ring, held up his gloved fist. The surprised crowd fell silent. Announced Langford: "You'll pardon nie, gentlemen, if I make this fight short. I have to catch a train." Then, with one punch, he laid his opponent low. Your comments and suggestions for this column nil/ be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St,, Toronto. Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHSUM RG, ONTARIO ...Plain Horse Sense BOBy Judging by the editorials and after-dinner speeches reported in the daily press, the offensive against "orderly marketing" of tngricultural products is gather- ing momentum. "Hands off free enterprise" is the battle cry, raised by the Prime -Minister himself at the un- veiling of Sir Wilfrid Laurier's statue in Montreal, and immedi- ately picked up by the Globe and Mail in Toronto. The Globe, however, does not like the "talk, from time to time, among his ministers of keeping up state interference with the conditions of marketing the great surpluses of agricultural commo- dities in store in Canada." In the opinion of the Globe and Mail "the right solutions involve governments withdrawing as soon as they can from subsidies, guaranteed prices and most inter- ferences with the functions of free markets. The way is then opened for the development of the whole continent in its trade and productive possibilities." A CHALLENGE Farmers have no objection, -provided, however, that the pro- tecting hands of government be taken not only off agriculture but also off industry, and that the grip of the hands of trusts, cartels and combines on "free en- terprise" be loosened. Farmers have said so again and. again. It was repeated by H. H. Hannam, president of the Can- adian Federation of Agriculture, at the Annual Convention last January 2th in Victoria," B.C„ when he said: "Once again the farmers of Canada challenge other industries to wipe off all tariff protection including all re- striction on , the immigration of industrial workers, and agricul- ture will be happy to do like- wise. Time and again Canadian farmers have thrown out this challenge — yet no one takes it up?, FARMERS TOO Once in a while we even hear farmers object to government intereference with marketing, who overlook the necessity of having monopoly interference eliminated at the same time. In a letter, also published in the Globe and Mail, E, D. Brooke calls for "the right to choose the course to follow based on indi- vidual judgment in the light of conditions which are not subject- ed to tampering by governmental or other controls," Mr. Brooke, a hog producer in Orillia, says that "until cost of :production is in line with hog production in other parts of the world, Canadian farmers . cannot eompete in a world market." He does not say how the farmer it expected to reduce his produc- tion costs which to a large extent (Upend on the materials he has ELLIS to buy like commercial feed, fertilizer, implements, rubber goods, spare parts, gasoline etc. All of..ehese things the farmeh,., has to pay for at exorbitantly high prices set by industry, all too often fixed by combines, BOON? TO WHOM? Mr. Brooke also wants to put Live Stock Sales Limited, which is the central marketing agency of Ontario hog producers, out of business. Mr. Brooke's ideas are bacon on the scrambled views which the Globe and Mail serves us for breakfast with these words: "It would be a great boon to Can- adian, agriculture and the future welfare of the country if men of like views could lead a farm movement back to sanity." It would certainly be a boon for the meat packing industry. This column welcomes sug- gestions, wise or foolish, and all criticism, whether constructive or destructive and will try to answer any question. Address your letters to Bob Ellis, Box 1. 123 - 18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. When' flatterers meet, the Devil goes to dinner, —john Ray How (High The Kilt? — It's too chilly: in most places for Bermuda shorts these days, so some of the boys are considering kilts as an antifreeze measure. But what(s the proper length? One authority says a kilt should be three inches from the floor when the wearer is kneeling. So here's kilted and comely Janet Burrell checking the length of Trig Carter's- kilt. Looking on is Lois Gifford, executive of a men's underwear firm who naturally is vitally concerned with what a Scotsman wears under the kilt. "Well,' said father to little Tommy, "how did you like the circus?" "It was good," Tommy replied, "but I didn't think much of the man who threw knives at the woman." "Why?" "He missed her every time!" tip To Par Again — When Singer Jane Froman was horribly smashed up in a Lisbon plane crash in 1943, she thought she'd never walk again, much. Tess play golf. But here she is, driv- ing off with her badly scarred right arm and metal -braced right leg apparently unable to stymie her skill and spirit. Mapping The Bottom Of The Atlantic It became a matter of inimense importance to know, not only the depth of the 'sea over the whole line along which the (trans-At- lantic) cable was to be laid, but the exact nature of the bottom, so as to guard against chances of cutting or fraying the strands of that costly rope, The Admiralty consequently ordered Captain -Dayman, an old friend and ship- mate of mine, to ascertain the depth over the whole line of the cable, and to bring back speci- mens of the bottom. , . . In the months of June and July, 1857, my friend performed the task.. The result of all these opera - 'tions is, that we know the con- tours and nature of the sur- face -soil covered by the North Atlantic for a distance of 1,700 nines from east to west, as well as we know that .of any part of rylpe . dry land. It is a prodigious • er"aln — one of the widest and most even plains in the world. If the sea were drained off, you might drive a wagon all the way f r o m Valentina, on the west • coast of Ireland, to Trinity Bay in Newfoundland. And except upon one sharp incline about 22 miles from Valentina, I am not sure that it would even be ne- 'cessary to put the skid on, so gentle are the ascents ano des- cents upon that long route From Valentina the road would lie down hill for about 200 miles to the point at which the bottom is now covered by 1,700 fathoms 'of sea -water. Then would come the central plain, more than a thousand miles wide, the ine- qualities of the surface of which would be hardly perceptible, though the depths of the water upon it now varies from 10,000 to 15,000 feet; and there are places where Mont Blanc might be sunk without showing its peak above water. Beyond this, the ascent on the American side colnmences, and gradually leads, for about 300 miles, to the New- foundland shore. — From "On a Piece of Chalk," by Thomas H7.uxley, 1870. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING a&bT CHIOEb you wouldn't take your tractor out for a pleasure drive. Well It le lust as ridiculous to Purchase broiler chicks for maximum egg production, and egg type chicks for meat production. Buy the right breeds for the lob You 'want them to do. For maximum egg production we recommend ,Weddle R.O,P. Sired White I.eghorns white Leghorn X Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island Red X Barred Rook, Light .Sussex X Rhode Island Red, For broilers our One - Mal New Hampshire and New Hampshire Drosses. Buy Fall batched day old pullets now. They will lay eggs when prices are highest next Summer, Our low Pall prices will please you. Prompt de- livery on non -sexed, pullet or oocleerei oh)elte. Started °bloke, laying pullets, broiler chlcke, broiler turkey poults, Cats+ logue, TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. IrERGUS ONTARIO NOT too soon to order your chicks and turkeys for 1954. It you have never bathed Fall hatched chicks do so, Then .you will cash in on the high egg prices you are sure to get when the pullets are in full production next Summer. Aek about our Special Broiler chicks. Also Started chicks, laying pullets, Turkey poults. TOP NOTCH CHICK SALES GUELPH ONTARIO E ROPE FALL A y,D WI =.,;}iT R SAiLINGS TO FRENCH PORTS: TO BRITISH PORTS; � First Class First Class from $192 Air ' ''IE''eft''*+ e�Esers R.+'tes rstCl Class fromom $1 $199.505 Tourist Class from $140 Tourist, TO VESSEL ASCANIA SCYTHIA FRANCONIA ASCANIA *SCYTHiA From MONTREAL _From QUEBEC Wed. OCT. 28 Wed. NOV. 4 Sat, NOV. 7 Sat, NOV. 21 From NEW YORK BRITANNIC *FRANCONIA MAURETANIA "SAMARIA MEDIA QUEEN ELIZA8ETH ASCANIA FRANCONIA SAMARIA Thurs. DEC. 3 Sat. DEC. 5 Fri. DEC. 11 Wed. DEC. 16 Fri. DEC. 18 Sot. JAN. 2(1954) Wed. JAN. 6(1S54) PEC4a.1, CHRISININS SAWINGpersonallY S conductedn your experienced members staff. Sat. NOV. 28 Fro _ in HALIFAX Fri. DEC. 4 Tues. DEC, 8 Sun. DEC. 20 Mon, JAN, 401954' Fri. JAN. 8(1954 See your local agent— No one can serve you better CU ARD LINE Boy & Wellington Sts,, Toronto, ant. Liverpool Havre and Southampton Liverpool Liverpool Hoyre and Southampton Greenock and Liverpool Cobh and Liverpool Havre and Southampton Liverpool Cherbourg and Southampton Cobh and Liverpool Cobh and Liverpool Havre and Southampton Et FIRST CLASS, an a few doltars'more for .._ the extra luxury BRRICE BUILDINGS CLEANED LOOT{ like new — Homes, Schools, Churches, etc. Free Eetimatee in On- tarto, E R. Munroe Co. Ltd., Wilton Grove, Ont. Phone London 2-8022, DYEING AND CLEANING DAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer Your Questions, De- partment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge St., Toronto. FOR SALE BROILER Growers buy the right breeds and crosses for maximum broiler pro- duction. Our special erose strain New Hampshire and New Hampshire crosses will make you maximum profits. Can supply non -sexed or cockerels. Also tur- key broilers. Special prleee for broiler growers. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO CRESS WART REMOVER — Leaves no soars. Your Druggist sells CRESS. BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, RELIGIOUS Cards. Statues, Pictures, Medals, Cruci- fix, Rosaries, eto. Write for FREE Catalogue. Mary's Gift Shop. Dept. 57, 475 King St., E, Hamilton, Ont. MAKE UP YOUR OWN BATTERY-OP- erated carbon arc welder (for soldering, brazing and light welding) in one hour with our assembly kit. Operates on 0. 12 or 32 -Volts.. Complete kit, blueprint and Instructions 90.00 postpaid. Prairie Construction Service, Silton Sank, C-10. ineul-Brie Siding and Roofing FREE estimates, 24 months to pay, all material and workmanship carries 16 years' guarantee. Dominion Home Ser- vice, 55 Rainsford Rd., Toronto. BUDGIES, babies, adults breeding pairs, surplus hens 0 for 026. Canaries angers 97.50. Aviaries. 2 Edgewood Gardene, Toronto. POTATO Digger, double row, power take off, nearly new, price for Quick sale, Rosehall Nurseries, Brantford. FORD Tractors, 1949 Modelo, Wagner Loader (new) Back Grading Blades, Weeders. Tillers, and Centre Grading Blades bargain prices to reduce inventory, Rosehall Nurseries Brantford. BLACK Currant Bushes best varieties, six for 89c, Rosehall Nurseries, Brant- ford. USED TIRES—ALL SIZES WE have the largest stock of used tires in Western Ontario. Passenger tires. 55.00 up; Truck tires 510,00 up. All tires guaranteed 90 days. All orders F.O.B. London. 250,E deposit with order, balance C.O.D. Middlesex Tire Sale,. 92 Fullerton St., London, Ont.. phone 2-8741, GUNS, Rifles, eto. — Be sure to write for our free new 1953 catalogue before buying. Large assortment. Scope Sales Co., 250 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont. GUN catalogue free. New 1958-54 edition. Quantities limited. Reserve now. R, & W. Kerr Ltd., 1242 St. Catherine St, West, Montreal. BOGS are scarce, now ie the time to buy a choice registered Yorkshire boar sired by British Bradbury 356F., a half brother to the champion sow of England. Choice boars ready for service. others younger from eight weeks up, also sows. Also Belgian. Percheron and Clyde stallions. four, five and six years old. Herbert 3 Miller & Sons, R.1. Keene, Ont. WILY PAY MORE? Wheeling yarn 51.85 lb., Fingering yarn $2.95 lb, Satisfaction guaranteed. Bow- manville Wool Company, Bowmanville, Ontario. BINOCULAR SALE SPECIAL purchase of brand new high powered prismatic day & night glasses. 6x30 Dienstglas $24.95, 8x30 wide angle $28.50, 7x35 B&L type $29,60, super - powered 12x50 $45.00, 16x50 549.50. All with individual focus and coated lenses. All with solid leather " case and fully guaranteed. Rush money order for pre- paid, C O D. OPTICAL HOUSEdP.O, t Boxa1ance 100. Adelaide Street Station, Toronto 1. (1591,8' tVANTnit !RCELLENT OPPORTUNITY cook general wanted immediately for be,W- tiful suburban -home for two adults; coun- try woman preferred, Excellent home and top wages for someone who le a real homemaker. Give full particulars and phone number. tire. E.. A. Eyworth, R.R, No. 3, Weston. r. USED BUSSES WE offer the Bus Operator a large stock of reconditioned units suitable for school or adult transportation. These trades carry a thirty -day mechanical warranty and are priced from $750. Terms arranged. Special 1550 Model M156 Mercury. High headroom, Wilson Body. 25 -adult seating. 2 Heaters. 2 - speed rear Axle. 8.26 x 20 tires, Will paint to order. This unit in excellent condition throughout, $4300. Write or, phone, 8700 MOTOR CO+ML'ANP OF CANADA Ltd. Leaside. Ontario. Mayfair 1171, AIALE HELP %PANTED MEDiCAI DIXON'S REMEDY — FOR NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAINS. THOUSANDS SATISFIED. FAUNRO'S DRUG STORE �7b flRin, Ottawa• $1.25. Expreso Prepuid SALESMEN whole or part time. To call on formers In Western and Eastern Ontario. No peddling, no collections. Prod• uct well advertised. Every livestock far mer a buyer. Ninety per cent repeat sales Build yourself an income in your township or county, Sales help given, age no barrier if active. Apply giving address. phone. past experience if any, territory desired to Thos 522. London, Ont. * FEMINEX 'IF one wom, an .tells another. Take superior 'INEX't :tot help alleviate pain, dig, tress and nervous tension associated with monthly periods. 55.08) Postpaid in plain wranuer POST'S CHEMICALS 550 QUEEN ST. EAST CORONTO A photographer and his small son were walking along the street when a Negro passed them. "Look, Dad," exclaimedthe youngster, "there goes a nega- tive!" POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema realms and weeping ekin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you, Itching. sealing, burning eczema, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, wilt respond readily to the stalnleas, odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or bopeless they seem. PRICE 82.50 PER ,LAR POST'S REMEDIES Sent Poet Free .,n Receipt of Price 880 Queen Et. E., Corner of Laotian Toronto OPPO.RTUNITiES FOR I5EN AND WOMEN MEN AND WOMEN Why wait? Prepare yourself now to en- joy z comfortable Fall and Winter, free of unnecessary aches and pains. You owe it to koureelf to feel fit, so learn about the amazing "AtoMagnet." Every home should own one. Write immediate - 1Y for free literature. PHYSICAL FITNESS FOUNDATION of Canada 928 - 78 Adelaide Street West, Toronto LEARN ta Metas Ysice, priceless Easy to c learn. o Technical OnlySchool of its kind. Write: Premier College oh Technical Metaphysics, 2532 McKenzie St., Vancouver. B.C.. Canada. BE A HAIRDRESSER ,FOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel graduates America's Greatest System IllustratedCatalogue Free Write or Call EtRVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858 Blonr St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa DEALERS—STOREKEEPERS Phillip's Sales Wholesale Catalogue and Fall & Christmas Supplement containing _ over 3000 profitable items and house- wares, dry -goods, notions, stationerre emoker sundries, toys, gifts and pre- mium merchandise, etc. Write on your letter head or give your trade style for free copy. PHILLIP'S SALES REG'D. 939 BUSBY ST., MONTREAL 3. BACKACHE May be%Yarnirlq Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired -out and heavy -headed feeling may soon follow That's the time to take Dotld's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action, Then you feel better Get I OI)d's Kid, ey better—work better.Pills now. PATENTS AId OFFER to every inventor—List of in- ventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attor- neys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. FETHERSTONHAUGH & .0 010 p a n S Patent Attorneys. Established 1890. 550 Bay Street. Toronto. Patents ell. countries, PERSONAL If deCIGARETTEof ddADDICTION Yourself of Do it the easy way. Tobacco Elimina- tor carries a "satisfaction or memos, back" guarantee. For free booklet, write C. King. Pharmacal Corporation Ltd., Box 303. Walkerville. Ont. ve deluxe $lpersonall requirements. Latest AL ffer. iCatalogue included. The Medico Agency, Box 124 Terminal A. Toronto. Ontario. UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away with SAGA-PELO, ru. remarkable discovery of the age. Free, information at Lor -Beer Laboratories Ltd., Ste. 6, 679 Granville St„ or write P.O. Box 99. Vancouver, B.C. CIGARETTE Smokersl How cunei® method removed the desire for cigaret- tes the moment I quit smoking, Should remove any habit. 91.00 promptly re» refunded if unsatisfactory, W, E. Moore, Oakvale, West Virginia. "INTERESTING Mails" 255 keeps you mail box full three months. Ken Wynne, Box 278, Meaford, Ontario. FOR 91,00 be slim and trim through hips and waist -line. For both sexes. Im- proving health. Nothing to wear. Presto, Box 551, Fallon, Nevada. WA NTE() WANTED — National Hockey Leaguo Record Books, any rear. Bert Donovan, Perth. Ontario. Box 325. WANTED—Flocks to supply Canadian Approved Hatchery with hatching eggs for 1953-54 season. Apply Box 110, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario. WANTED for Cash. We will pay cash for good used Servel kerosene operated refrigerators. Wilson Marine Sales and Service, Phone 727, Bay St. Parry Sound. WANTED TO PURCHASE—Laying and ready -to -lay pullets, pure breeds and cross breeds. Apply Box 109, 123 Eigh- teenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario. e ISSUE 44 --- 1953 1 d a 4