HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-10-29, Page 3essaweimulassausssaisersaassiuseausanissecaseasam0000000asseessaaeus° 'FOUR THINGS GOD WANTS YOU TO KNOW! 1. You need to be saved. —Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. --' John 3:3 —For all have sinned, and come short of the-Glooroy of3God..R.3` 2. You cannot save yourself --- •Jesus saith unto him,- ° am the Way, the Truth and the Life . no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ---Jho. 14: 6. 3. Jesus has already provided four your salvaion ••-- For God so loved the world that he gave, his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Hini should not perish, but have everlasting life---Jno. 3: 6. 4. Jesus will enable yo' to overcome temptation.—The Lord knoweth hoe; to deliver the godly out of temptation, and to reserve is,e unjvet unto the day of judgment to he punished. II Peter 2: 9. GULDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Box 30 R. R. 1, — Zurich, Ontario ;a ise »ezes:ret we're-n�-,m.f'e�..ww.�.Y..«.•'s�i:la. �s.,.m'esem 0 e 4r 0 0 to I.R.s etion the coating was- put from gide BAh'I I Lr p FALL 1 Lr " Fall Pate, tl11 walk to sidewalk and really looks a i • Tear quartered unmet I w lab well done. We congraltulate yeas on toed tr i newly <rrecte.'i. r ; tim=e in authority for the good man- ' l:uhition �buildintt, dr,awv :r c'ro��,�l oa. Y nearly 5,000 Oct. i,t alai v; •r. f r sir- agement, as well as the men who ed by Thos. Snowden, veteron direr -,actually did the work. The men and tor of the. Fair, a jn -t nl:•ui.t Or, machinery are now working on Gosh - best yet. 'The nee- be ills1rr IF or- en street south, when f s o?n exten- eeted by nit:,n,l> r ; es the l' tseemd sive building up on the sides is. re- ' Lion's Club, ARrieulttral Society :old i quired .before the new coating will ' local cit.i.,srrs in volunteer 1,,,orki' ceps. I be applied. Truly we are on tIle Tim tWo 1'1'all1 is CO-otu.r'At iilg ,With way for better street:;. Stanley Township Council, lir, sit � Vans to create a Community (lett- 1 ire out of the new exhibition builds! ing. This years' Fair was well under j An up-to-date review of all signi- w'ay following tile barade of mite ficant aspects of Canadian life is district schools, led by the I,rlrrno:>>- contained in the 1953-'54 issue of burn Pipe Band, to the ,nround•s in Quick Canadian Facts. In its 112 the afternoon. Pupils tNo. 4, pages the ninth annual edition of the Stanley Township, wolf the sihield for pocket-size book contains informat- the third year running. as hest ion on the Dominion, the provinces, • er.s ad the best -dressed sed in the parade. govei'tfirinent, latest census figures, t d and industry', natural resourc- P NEW EDITION RELEASED Greatly Improved Huron Counts. Road :Improvement system and equipment have indeed done a swell job around town by giving the business block, along with Goshen Street north a new coating of mixed asphalt. In the business MERCHANk ISE Stock Reducing S A Of Clothing, Chinaware, Paints, Wallpaper, and Misc. Items. In the Co -Op. Building, Main Street, Exeter The undersigned Auctioneers are in- structed to sell by Public Auction, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31st. Comanencinsat 1 p.rn., the following full line of Men's and Boy's Clo- thing including Dresses and Work Clothes, Ladies' Sweaters and Jeans, Overcoats, Ladies' and Childre:r's Dresses. sires 2 to 55; Men's and Bory's Underwear;. Ladies' Blouses; Towelling, Prints, Flannetelle in 4 - yard length; .Children's snow Suits.; Pyjamas, Bedspreads; Men's Smocks, Overalls, Gloves and Sacks, China- lware Glassware, Pyrex Dishes„ Alad- din Lamps, Novelties, children's Toys, Paints and Varnishes for exterior and interior, Kemtone, 12 -gauge single barrel Shotgun: Nails, Carpenter Tools. Shovels, Hoes, Rakes. galv. Tubs, Linoleum, Cong;oleutn, Etc. Being this is an exit large Sale, selling will start shall) on time. Plan to attend this Sala - No Reserve Terms — Cash Carl Redford, Crediton, Proprietor. Alvin Wolper, Wm. Smith, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of Livestock, Poultry, Hese Grain and Hnuscl.old Effects, on the prem- ises. Lot 3(1, Borndrt* Lige, Stephen Twp., 4 miles west of Dashwood, 2 anises north of Grand Ii.snd and one anile east on Highway 83. The un- dersigned Auctioneer is ins'rected to sell by public Auction, on TUESDAY, NOVII,!tllEl• 3rd. At 1 o'clock p.n. the following: Cattl e Black An,s'u.s co,v, milk- ing, due in'Hardt; light roan cow, milking; red. Durr::"' coats, with calf at foot: 1-lerefer l cow, carrying se- 'cond calf, milking. due in March; Hereford cow, milking, carrying se- cond c•nlf, due in pvif ; Angus steer rising 1 yrs old; Durham steer ris- ing 3 y'.'s old; 4 Hereford steers, ris- ing 2 yr.;. old; 2 Durham Steers, ris- ing 1 'old; black heifer, 2 yrs. old: This is an extra good herd of cattle. All in market condition. Poult;v - - 425 Sussex Hyline pull- ets, 7 months old; 50 Toulouse geese averaging from 12 to 15 lbs. each; 20 Rouen Ducks. Hay and Grain — 3(30 bales of choice red clover hay. 10 loads best of quality bean straw, 1125 bushels Dawson Golden Chaff wheat; 300 bushel; mixed grain. Mise. Items --- Colony house 10x12 dor ble boarded; Brooder stove, poul- try c: irripment; 5 shelter's, reeding troughs aril fountains; extension lad- der, slngle scuffles; M 11 cream sep- arator. barrels, chains, (3 cord.;; of d i ao d, and many articles too nu- merous to .mention. Hol. !e l'nI.i Effects c•ts �ii� t, cnok stove in new condition; Finlay pro- pane 1-btl,'net• table model gas stove, trontre taf,les, arm chairs, rocking chairs, 2 die sers, writing desk; mantle clock. canary and ca+c, large assortment of glassware and kitcher, utensils, fish bowl, thermos jug, flo- wer hack t <, ';baby bed and birggy, Wilton rag flit) like new; cleetrie4ix- tures, flower plant, lawn chairs, large assortment of quilts, comforters awl plats never herrn used; 3 toilet sets, large apple peeler, fern stands, ill e r pen, Ltc., Etc. No reserve, as she farm is sold. Terms . Cash Yr•th tr hiker, i't'optiotor I',,•,•,,.. I'.est3,r.d, Clerk. ,Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer. ra e ZURICH HERALD Thursday, October 20 l933 1 ,eagwrivneika,G 14 '. V COAL .*.:.EP.,.ECTEHC RANGE n d, Fu at, most beautiful version of the exclusive Clare—Jewel 1-k Co,hbintuion ... the perfect answer co year 'round I( t, n comfort. no (ern. high speed, automatic electric range ... PLUS a cosy, ds,ssdaeis cosi and`e oud stove ... with a drrrl oven that cooks either. with electric power'or fuei,fire ... and with four electric surface elements and two hole fueldue cooking top ... STADE & WEII�C1, Phone 92 - Zurich, Ont. es, finance and taxes. Distributed through book stores and newsstands, the new edition of Quick Canadian Fact is this .week released across the country. Be sure and get one. .,�+$•its #:. The newsprint production in .one week by a anoderm. Canadian paper machine would cover. a highway '205 feet wide from Vancouver to Toron- to—Can. Facts. pODGE REGENT is:< .ssee seeSs,00;sgC.X•�*w'>S4 .`a iii i there's won4 • ro • C •l'+ x /l+� iii%ifs.%1; +',+ 0 'Me rrHei'&s why I'm putting my savings into„, ebenitu1PeS'7 "I get more interest on my money than if 1 kept it in a savings account. I can buy a 5 -year debenture for as Me as $100.00 and get y+ raj inti --rest on my money. Huron & Erie debentures are a dependable investment." Ask for fokter '20 Questions' District Represenatives Listed below: ZURICH — J. W. HABERER HEAD OFFICE — LONDON, ONTARIO see. auesu ...,• .. .2... ......aw•. +:�:• Au/ dri\iing ahead for you rp 4S tl d '0 able t DODGE MAYFAIR 4 -DOOR SEDAN So t'naPdhi more driving ease and safety can be yours DODGE 'WITH HY-DRIVE With Dodge Hy -Drive you just shift into high -•• and go! You can drive all day without shifting manoeuver through traffic ... stop for red lights ... glide off again with a smooth, silent surge of power. You soon forget about gear• shift and clutch. There's nothing new to learn — if you wish to back up, or need extra power when driving through sand or mud —just shift in the familiar way. f J O'D 4:4 k;, M II -1 ST ti‘ i I' i'14.Il3Si For the most effortless parking and steceing you will find in any air -- try Dodge Full Pcwer Steering. From the moment you start your en- gine, hydraulic r ;'tier takes over 4/5tf.•r of the steering effort. You can't imagine flow easy it is to park — to drive through traffic -"- to turn corners— to control your car on bumpy, rutted roads. You can turn the wheel with one finger — evsn when your Dodge is standing Jill. DODGE CRUSADER, 5 New power Braga 'Performance — Flee (r ' nifort Never before such power, performance and fine car comfort — even for those who have owned a Doge One glance et the longer, more. lively lines tells you there's wo.iderful driving ahead. There's a new feel to the new, more wonderful Dodge engine, designed to take full advantage of today's finer gasolines. You'll sense the nimble, fast response in your first few seconds behind the wheel. You ride on an improved system of spring suspension that smooths out rough roads three ways. Try it. You'll be delighted with how much more level — steadier — and softer it is ... how easily this new Dodge takes curves and corners — sits low and hugs the pavement. And there's interior luxury to match this new Dodge pe formonce. Comfortab4hair-hit h seats— doep cush- ions and bolsters — fine fabrics and vinyl in beautiful two-tone shades to herr, ii ize with new trig and body colours. Never before has Dodge offered so much. Come in today, lest -drive the 1954 models and see for yourself. You'll find there's a car in the Dodge fancily that's right for your family. SEE THEM TODAY AT YOUR DODGE-DESOTODEALERZ'S 3@' r tn� fit;Y New 108•H.R Engine has a higher compression• ratio to take advantage of today's finer gasolines -- is rubber mounted for extra smpendable long -life Doas dge ehe n - gine features. New Contort and Beauty Interiors aro completely re,- designed and upholstered in the newest, long wearing fabrics trimmed with vinyl. Interiors of Ma•,fair models aro particularly luxurious. Easy to Enter and Leave Wide, high doors make all Dorian models easy to enter and leave. In two -door mod. els the front seat is split Vs -2s to provide entry to the rear compartment without disturbing front seat pa:- sengcrs. 3 / Superb A/! -Round Vision Chair -high ili sc.a a wide one- piece curved win 1''hieid and high, wido add. nod tzar win- dows combine to provide un- surpassed, safe, all-round vision.