Zurich Herald, 1953-10-22, Page 7I Catvelt SPORTS COLUMN 4 „sewer ipenr,44,,,, to If you're seeping the standout Canadian athlete of the year, don't loop for the party among the men, You'll find her among the alleged weaker sex, and, of course, Marlene Stewart is thie. name. She's the darling of the golf links and has been for a couple of years. As winner of the British Open, the Canadian Close, and finalist in the Canadian Open, Marlene captured the imagination of a nation. As the sports figure of the year in Canada, she's a complete standout, with whose feats or glamour no Gordie Lowe, no Rocket Richard, no Teeder Kennedy, in fact no male athlete, can compete, Already admirers wonder if she doesn't even now • rate with the very best of women players ever produced in this country, a matter on which this column declines to commit itself. But she's a great golfer, and a lovable sort of wholesome kid. The little freckle -faced lady, born at Chinook, Alberta, but playing from Fonthill, Ont„ packs not only tremendous skill, and will to win, but a stout heart, the poise of a veteran and concentration that even Ben Hogan himself cannot excel. Two years ago, then only 17, she had developed concentration to a point that she apologized to an opponent at the outset of a match: "I hope you won't think I'm rude, but I never talk on the golf course." And now, at 19, Marlene plays a precision -like. game that astounded British golf experts. Marlene Stewart is not merely a Canadian who won the British Ladies' Amateur, she is the youngest golfer to do it and as the London Daily Herald put it, "the smallest and certainly one of the greatest women champions in the world." Marlene was born with the lure of golf in her veins. Her home in Fonthill is only 'a short walk from the nearby Lookout Point links, and as a wee tyke, she was there daily, shagging balls for professional Gordon McInnis. Now Gordon is only a little bit of a chap, himself, and perhaps for that reason, he became interested in little .Marlene. She took to the game as the average kid takes to ice cream. At 15 years, she already was displaying amazing determination, and equally amazing potential skill, Weighing little over 100 pounds, she drove with volcanic force, and at closer range, developed a style of driving straight for the pit , -which today remains one of her trade -marks. She has won honours, plaudits, the lave of a nation. At 17, she won three titles, the Ontario Amateur, the Canadian Open and Closed. But through it all, and perhaps because of it, she has remained a sweet, pleasant, unspoiled girl, a typical Canadian youngster, natural, and unaffected. Your conlments.and suggestions for this column will be we/cowed by Eimer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto. alve DISTILLERS LIMITED JAANERSTEURG, ONTARIO rs by SOS FLUS 0 Souvenirs — Nine-year-old Carolyn Olds proudly displays her new collection of dolls as she arrives home. They will always remind her of her four-month European vacation, as she acquired a different doll in each country she visited. Here is good news. To regain carport markets for Canadian farm products the directors of the Ontario Federation of Agri- culture have adopted the prin- eiple of a two -price system. Two -price system means one price for the home market and another price for export, low enough to compete with other exporting countries.. We welcome this decision as a step in the right direction: co- operative action on a national scale. This columnist has always maintained that nobody should be as interested in the orderly marketing of Canadian farm products as the farmer himself, and we are happy that our farm leaders are beginning to take the initiative, "Farmers will have to decide whether they want a high de- gree of government control over their industry, as exists in the United States, or a strong farm organization working with gov- ernment to maintain a sound agricultural industry as is the case in many European coun- tries," said J. C. Broderick, chairman of a federation com- mittee' studying the require- ments of a national farm policy. Legislation Needed Mr. Broderick is also quoted as asking for "adequate market- ing legislation at both provincial and federal levels." This too is a point that we have raised again and again. Only a few months ago we wrote that "the demand for this ..legislation is sadly missing from the programs of the farmers' organizations. It should take top rank in any and every submis- sion to the federal or a provin- cial government." At the time, we got a rebuke from the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, 111 Sparks St, Ottawa, in the form of a letter dated June 10, 1953 and signed by its secretary -treasurer, Mr. C. G. Groff, saying that we were "far behind indeed" in our in- formation, Beginning with the Federal Marketing Act of the Bennett administration which was de- clared ultra vires by the Privy Co, ecil, Mr. Groff gave us the history of marketing legislation, federal and provincial, ending in the Federal Act of 1949 pro- viding for the Marketing of Ag- ricultural Products in Interpro- vinclal,and Export Trade, Inadequate Law We remember the discussions four years ago when "Bill 82" was passed. It was fully recog. nixed then that the bill was in- adequate as it dealt only with provincial marketing boards, giv- ing them the power "to regulate the marketing of such agricul- tural product outside the prov- ince in interprovincial and ex- port trade." What it did not do and that is exactly what is needed, it did not make provisions for Nation- al Marketing Boards. Under ex- isting legislation a , provincial marketing board could export the product .it controls, sell it at a lower price and absorb the loss. It could, however, not pre- vent the nine other provinces from shipping that very same product into its home market creating tremendous local sur- pluses, which would be beyond the capacity of one province to handle. To regulate the marketing of any agricultural product in -the export trade we need market- ing boards or agencies with the powers to control .the product of all 10 provinces in all 10 provinces. This column welcomes sug- gestions, wise or foolish, and all criticism, whether constructive or destructive and will try to answer any question. Address your letters to Bob Ellis, Box 1. 123 • 18th Street, New Toronto, Ont rW A SLXEeITC�t��ic Next Monday, October 26th, harks the ninetieth anniversary of "Soccer" Football, or at least of the English Football Associa- tion from which the game takes its nickname. And all we can say is that it doesn't look its age, and that if anybody writes in and asks whether we were pre- sent at the birth we shall not be amused. * * * At the Freemason's Tavern, Great Queen Street, London, on Oct. 26, 1863, a small band of footballers assembled to bring about a code of rules for the re- gulation of the game. They did so because the various schools where soccer was cradled played in various ways and so did the enthusiasts who went on playing after they left the schools. * * * Today the fruits of that meet- ing are evidenced by theist - once of La Federation Intern t- ionale de Football Associatidll, a flourishing world body cont'o1- lin the game. More than 70 countries.- are in • affiliation, making' it the biggest international sports body of them all. • * * As each country has taken to the game it has evolved a tech- nique to suit national tempera- ment, characteristics and condi- tions. Today 11 countries outside the British Isles can claim the distinction of having beaten the English League professionals, The 11 in the order in which they did it are Spain, France, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bel- gium, Austria, Germany, Italy, Yugoslavia, U.S.A. and Uruguay. What! No Canada? o In justice to the Englishmen, however it should be pointed out that in every case they were on tour abroad. The home rec- ord remains completely free from defeat against all non -British op- position, with the exception of the Irish visit to Liverpool in 1947. From the time of the in- augural international match with Scotland in 1872, a fully rep- resentative England team has taken the field no fewer than e274 times against sides from 28 different sources. On only 57 occasions has it left the field defeated. Which is quite a re- cord and no fooling. * * Football, actually, has been played in Britain for more than three centuries, Records show that it was played in the schools as far back as 1710. But it was not until halfway through the nineteenth century that the first adult club was formed. The ex- ample of this organization, the Sheffield Club, was speedily fol- lowed in various parts of the country and only the lack of a standard set of rules handicap- ped progress. The solution came with the advent of the Football Association in 1863. * * * Which will be about enough regarding Soccer for now—ex- cept fOr this one observation: the game will never gain very wide- spread popularity in Canada as long as the powers -that -be stand for so many shenanigans. We don't mind an occasional free- for:all among the players of a sport. We have even observed with interest—from a safe dis- tance—the odd brawl among the custon'iers. But when you have both at once, game after game, it's a bit too rich for our appet- ite. Big Night. The Ladies' Bible Class of the East Side Baptist Church in Kings Mountain, N.C., was pleasantly surprised by the brisk ticket sale"for one of their social. functions. Owing to a ty- pographical error purchasers were entitled to a session of "all- night sinning." IT BYRE Y'IUR LIVER If life's not worth living it may be your liver! It's a fact! It takes up to two pints of liver bile a day to keep your digestive tract in top 'shape! If your liver bile is not flowing freely your food may not digest ... gas bloats up your stomach... . you feel constipated and all the fun and sparkle go out of life. That's when you need mild gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills. These famous vegetable pills help stimulate the flow of liver bile. Soon properl and neou feel that happy daysour destion startsoniare nhere again! Dont ever stay sunk Always keep Carter's Little Liver Pule on hand. a ea TRAVEL Ar 'THRIFT -SE A truly merry Christmas A SONs. RATES this istmas awaits you in your homeland year Travel Cunard to your loved ones ... rejoice again among well -remembered scenes. .. in the company of those dear to you. To Te British Ports French Ports, First Class from $200 First Class from $2)7.50 Tourist Class from $140 Tourist Class from $155 Your happy holiday begins the moment your ship .. because "GettinYou go aboard with Cunard. D g there h half the fun".. meat , , boys of pleasure , ,. , relaxation . , , content - unrivalled cuisine , , Christmas parties for the movies . , .dances , . gracious Irvin children , . games... g at its best—at low 'Thrift Season' ratest this Christmas. For a truly merry Yuletide, travel Cunard to the Old Country, SEE YOUR LOCAL, AGEAli.-. 4i iF < 4`Q ' k e1':aYeee,AMV1. ee„. yc olllreiljeutt 'Thrift -Season" Three���OliBIQ�S. personally conducted by experienced members of our staff, Nov, If• 11.5, "ASCANIA" 27 -1: -From Montreal to Liverpool' R.M.S. "SCYTHI Nov, 28 -From Quebec to Havre and Southampton (Conductor: Ear K. Williams) "PRANCONIA5, Dec. 4 --From Halifax to Greenock and Liverpool (Conductor: Stan BroWn) R.M.S. "SAMARIA" Dec. 8 --From Halifax to Havre and Southampton (Conductor: William E. Snow) serve .You better Car. Bay & Wellington Sis., Toronto, Ont. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING an>r onion BUY our day old Fall hatched pullets and cash in on the high pricer( you are Sure to get for eggs next Summer and Fall. For maximum egg production we) recommend Rhode /eland Reda, white Leghorna, Rhode Island Red X Barred Rock, Light Sussex X Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn X Rhode Island Red. Also broiler chicks, started chicks, lay- ing pullets, turkey poults. TOP NOTCH/ CHICK SALES GUELPH ONTARIO YOU wouldn't buy a Holstein cow if you wanted beef production, likewise you wouldn't buy a Hereford for maximum milk production. The same applies to chicks, We have special breeds for layers, special breeds for broilers, others for roasters and capons, When writing tell us what you want your chinks for and we will supply you with the right breeds or crosses. Get our low prices on Fall hatched day old pullets, Prompt delivery on non -sexed, pullet or cockerel chicks. Also started chicks, older pul- lete, Broiler chicks, turkey poults, Cata- logue. TwEIiDLE CH/CK HATCHERIES LTD, F'ERGUS ONTARIO Broiler Growers we can give prompt de- livery on our Special broiler chicks. We recommend our special cross strain New Hampshire and New Hampshire crosses. Can supply non -sexed or cockerels. Special prices for broiler growers. Broiler Folder. TWEDDLE r:Iiic'R r'.ATCTTFRIES LTD. FERGUS. ONTARIO ERICK BUILDINGS CLEANED LOOK like new — Homes, Schools, Churches, etc, Free Eatimatee in On- tario. E R. Munroe Co. Ltd., Wilton Grove. Ont. Phone London 2-8022. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean - Ing? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your Questions, De pertinent H, Parker's Dye Werke Limited, 791 Forme St.. Toronto FOR SALE CRESS CORN SALV95 .i1'or sure relief Your Druggist sella CRESS. BROILERS start and finish over 8,000 per year. Five used battery brooder finishers 979 F.0.I3, Milton Agar, Route Five Stratford, Ontario. JERSEY pure bred herd of fresh and springing, cows and heifers, accredited, vaccinated and 11.0.P. tested, Gordon S. Hunte, Milton, R.R. 6, Ontario. Inaul-Brio Siding and Roofing FREE estimates, 24 months to pay, all material and workmanship carries 15 years' guarantee. Dominion Home Ser- vice, 59 Rainsford Rd., Toronto, BUDGIES, babies, adults breeding pairs, surplus hens 6 for 925. Canaries singers 97.60. Aviaries. 2 Edgewood Gardens, Toronto. POTATO Digger, double row, power take off, nearly new, price for quick sale. Rosehall Nurseries, Brantford. FORD Tractors. 1949 Models, Wagner Loader (new) Back Grading Blades, Weeders, Tillers, and Centre Grading Blades bargain prices to reduce inventory. Rosehall Nuzseriea Brantford. BLACK Currant Bushes beat varieties, six for 89c. Rosehall Nurseries. Brant- ford. USED TIRES—ALL SIZES WE have the largest stock of used tires in Western Ontario. Paaaenger tires, $5.00 up; Truck tires 910,00 up, All tires guaranteed 90 days. All erdera F.O.B. London, 250e, deposit with ':larder, balance C.O.D. Middlesex Tire Sales, 92 Fullerton St„ London, Ont., phone 2-8741. GUNS, RIfles, eto, — Be sure to write for our free new 1998 catalogue before buying._ Large assortment,- • -Scope Sales Co., 260 Bank St„ Ottawa, Ont. GUN catalogue) free. New 1953-64 edition. Quantities limited. Reserve now. R. & W. Kerr Ltd., 1242 St. Catherine St, West, Montreal. HOGS are scarce, now is the time to buy a choice registered Yorkshire boar sired by British Bradbury 866F., a half brother to the champion sow of England. Choice boars ready for service, others younger from eight weeks up, also sows. Also Belgian, Percheron and Clyde stallions, four, five and six years old. Herbert .7. Miller & Sons, R.1, Keene, Ont, SENSATIONAL OFFER Men's Brand Painted Knecktles — ships. birds, ani- mals, girls, flowers, many neat patterns, Wine, blue, brown, grey,- navy colours, 98c; 2 for $1.89. Tie Market Stirling, Ontario, GUELPH district, 200 acres choice land, hydro, 2 bank barns, large house, bath, good water, $18.000 terms, many others, wide price range, Bradleys Real Estate Guelph, Ontario. SPECIAL SALE New Payee Crop Blower 8" — 80' pipe hood, $260 Cockehutt Grain Grinder 10", $79. Cockshutt 6 blade Tiller, cast wheels, power depth control, trash guards, $486, Spramotor Pressure Systems with 80 gal, tank. $149.50. Special discount to dealer. McCulloch Chain Saws. I. E. L. Chain Saws. Several good used one and two man chain saws We carry large stock of De rte for all saws. New Clinton small gasoline Engines, also several reconditioned small engines Skean Plastic pipe all sizes cut to order. PRTNGLE' & COOPER, 845 COLEMAN STREET. BELLEVILLE. ONT. WHY PAY MOR/.? Wheeling yarn 91.85 lb„ Fingering yarn 92,95 lb, Satisfaction guaranteed. Bow- manviile Wool C:onwany. Rowmanvnle, Ontario. BINOCULAR SALE SPECIAL purchase of brand new high powered prismatic day & night glasses. 6x80 Dienstgias 024.95, 8x20 wide angle $28,50, 4x25 B&L type $29.60, super, powered 12x60 $45,00, 16x60 $49.60. All with individual focus and costed lenses, All with solid leather case and fully guaranteed. Rush money order for pre- paid, otherwise 92,00 deposit balance C,O.D. OPTICAL EIOUSE P.O. Box 100, Adelaide Street Station, Toronto 1, IIELP Te ANTED EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Cook general wanted Immediately for beau- tiful suburban home for two adultat coun- try woman preferred. Excellent home and top wages for someone who is a real homemaker. Give full particulars and phone number. Mrs. E. A. Byworth, R.R No. 3, Weston, F0d1 $ALE USED BUSSES WO offer the Bus Operator a. lasrg stook of reconditioned unita suitable tO pohool or adult transportation. These trades carry a thirty -day paeohaul I warranty and are priced from 84 Terms arranged. Speolal 1860 Bio M165 Mercury. l9Igh headroom, Wileo Body. 96 -adult emoting, 2 Beaters, speed rear Axle, 0.911 x 20 tires. W l Paint to order. This Unit in exeelle condition throughout, 84800. Write phene. ILEO MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA Lttd, Leaside, Ontario. Mayfair 1171. MALE HELP WANTED SALESM)9N whole or part time. To call on farmers in Western and Eastern Ontario. No peddling, no collections. Prod- uot well advertised. Every livestock fa mer a buyer. Ninety per cent repeat sale, Build yourself an income in your township or county. Sales help given, ago no barriott if active. Apply giving address, phone, pant experlenee if any, territory desired to Bog 922, London, Ont. AIEDICA I TRY 1Ti EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TR DIXON'S REMEDY, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 585 ELGIN OTTAWA 1.25 EXPRESS PREPAID FEMINEX a One woman tells another, Take superior "FEMINER" to belp alleviate pain, die truss and nervous tension associated with monthly periods. 95.00 Postpaid In Clain wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS 989 QUEEN ST, EAST POR0NT0 POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISB the torment of dry eczema rasbea and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema. Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling. burning eczema, acne, ringworm. pimples and foot eczema, will respond readily to the atainleas, odorleae ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. PRICE $2.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES Sent Post Free n Receipt of Price. 889 Quern St 16.. Corner of Legato carom 0 OPPO;RTUNITLES FOB MEN ANi) WOMEN MEN AND WOMEN Why wait/ Prepare yourself now to en- joy a comfortable Fall and Winter, free of unnecessary aches and pains, You owe it to yourself to feel fit, so learn about the amazing "AtoMagnet." Every home should own one. Write immediate- ly for free literature. PHYSICAL FITNESS FOUNDATION of Canada 228 • 78 Adelaide Street West, Toronto LEARN priceless secrets of Technical Metaphyalcs. Easy t0 learn, Only School of its kind. Write: Premier College of Technical Metaphysics, 2632 McKenzie St., Vancouver, B.C„ Canada. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOU' CANADA'S LEADING SCnOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession, good wages, 'thousands of successful Marvel graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call ESARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 355 Bioor St. W„ Toronto Branches; 04 King St„ Hamilton 12 Rideau St., Ottawa A.UCTIONEERING! Be independent. Home study course. Complete 6 weeks. In- cludes -Mail Order and Merchandising. Diploma granted. Auction School, Ft, Smith, Arkansas, U.S.A. DEALERS—STOREKEEPERS Phillip's Sales 'Wholesale Catalogue and Fall & Christmas Supplement containing over 8000 profitable items and house- wares. dry -goods, notions, stationery, , smoker sundries. toys, gifts and pre- mium merchandise, etc, Write on your tetter head or give your trade style for free copy. PHILLIP'S SALES REG'D. 939 BUSBY ST., MONTREAL 8, UNEMPLOYED or part - time workers, 187 ways to make money. Circular and details 25e. Acme Business Plane, 920 Colborne St., London, Ontario. PATENTS AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of in- ventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attor- neys. 273 Bank Street. Ottawa. FETHERSTONHAUGB & 0 o m pan y Patent Attorneys. Established 1890. 850 Bay Street. Tml-mln- Petente all countries. I'IGRSONA1 I2 desirous of ridding Yourself of CIGARETTE ADDICTION Do it the easy way, Tobacen Elimina- tor carries a ''satisfaction or money back" guarantee. For free booklet. write C. King. Pharmacal Corporation Ltd., Box 803, Waiket'vilie, Ont 91.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe Personal requirements Latest Catalogue included. The Medico Agency, Rea 124 Terminal A. Toronto, Ontario UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away with SACH-PELO, remarkable discovery of the age, Free information at Lor -Beer Laboratories Ltd.. Ste. 6, 679 Granville St., or write P.O. Box 99 Vancouver, B.C. WANTED WANTED National Hockey League Record Books, any year. rent Dmnnvan. Perth. Ontario. Box 325 WANTED—Flocks to supply Canadian Approved Hatchery with hatch inti eggs for 1353-64 season. APnly Box 110, 126 Eighteenth Street, Ncw Toronto, Ontario, WANTED for Cash. We will Pay cash for good used Servet kerosene operated refrigerators. Wilson Marine Sales end Service, Phone 727, Bay St. Parry Sound. WANTED TO PURCHASE—Laying and ready -to -lay pullets. pure breeds and cross breeds, Apply Box 109, 123 Eigh- teenth Street, New Toronto. Ontario. ISSUE 43 -- 1983 OM YOUR Qi ` T CIGARETTES Wet 8