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Zurich Herald, 1953-10-22, Page 5
ZURICH - ONTARIO y ZURICH HERALD 7 uaaeday, October 22nd, 1953 ZURICH HERALD ' 'Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa• BUSINES CARDS N. L. Martin OPTOMETRIST Main Street -- Exeter Open Every Week Day Except 'Wednesday C' 10ENSED AUCTIONEEI ALVIN WAI .PER Licensed Auctioneer Pox W, RON AND LAMBTON lror your Salepeace or small, Court - Nene and Efficient Service at all Times! 'Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD E. COP RFTT+ LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone, Zurich 92 r 7 ARTHUR FRASER Income Ta R enorts Bookkeeping; Service. Etc. EXETER 'n*FICE - Corner Ann, "William Ste. Phone: Exeter 504 VETERINARIAN 1 ; s. COXON & LEI.TCH VETERINARY SIIRGEONS :')Rice with Residence. Main Street, Opposite Drum Store Alone -95 ?URTCH BUTCHERS 1 AT Air APTTF ' 'iAVE US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY CHOICE OF FRFS1-I ASND CURED MEATS. BOI.OGNAs. AUSAGES. ETC.. ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH IN SRN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION. YUNGBLUT BROS. PRODUCT' OBBIEJ' S PRODTJOE Cash Market, for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded, on AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 101 - Zurich Zurich Creamery LOCAL NEWS Miss Pauline IIalerer of London, was a week -end visitor with her par- ents, Mr and Mrs Ted Haberer. aMnrs. Wellington Johnston is vis- iting at the home of her brother, Em- anuel iioe'hler in Detroit. Mr and Mrs. Fred Fowlie of Lone don visited With the former's sister, Mr and Mrs Gid Koehler. Mrs. Peter Manson -of Exeter, spent several. day vinitinig at the home of her sinter, Mr and Mits, Roy Lemont of town the past week. Mrs, Emily Bedard who spent some time with her family in. Detroit, has returned to her home here in town. Mr and Mrs Peter Gtn'erieh and Mr and :firs. Kenneth Gingertch and baby, of the Bronson line were Week end visitors with relatives in Water- loo. Mr and Mrs Brown of 1'c ceive:e ., 1 art': :everai days at the home of them daughter; Mr and -'_?1,s Louis L fel. Miss Joyce Witmer, nur:;e-in-train- ing at Stratford General Hospital, a •: a .'.7,undare visitor at the hone of her parents, Mr and Mrs Oreille Wit- mer. 1:Xr' and Mrs Jacob Gin;;erich and daughter Gloria, Mies Melee Erb, Mr and Mrs Cleve (xii,gerich spent the week -end at the home of the former's son, Rev. and Mrs. Cyril Gingerich at Toronto. Mr and Mrs. Alf Melick, Mrs. Rol- and Geiger and son Delbert; Mr and Mrs. Garnet Jacobe left on Wednes- day to attend the funeral of their cousin in Detroit. Mr. Peter Eise.nbach of Grand Lend wee a ,business visitor in .town on Monday. Mr. Eisenbach advises us that a .year ago there was slow on the ground here. What a change to this ;soar, .Mr and Mrs Earl Heywood and children of Wiaigham spent Thanks-. giving holidays at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs Wni. Thief. vIiss Ethel . Hese was a week -end visitor with her sister and brother -in law, Rev. and Mn' L,. Kalbfleasch at Desboro. Mrs. Charles Thiel, M. A. Turk - helm, Mrs. E. Klopp, Mrs, E. Heim - rich, iYliss Inez Yungblut and Mrs. Gertrude Paters attended the .Luth- eran W.M.S. Convention at Preston, one day last week. 1Ir and Mrs Morley Witmer of Detroit spent the week -end at the home of the latter's s istere, here al- so visiting with the former's father, Mr. Isabia Witmer who is a patient at Exeter Hospital. We wsn Iifm a speed'; recovery. Your home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVERED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPARTMENT IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE NOTICE Become a .bookkeeper, stenograp7iei, or typist in your spare tlin ie. Less„ ons 50c. For particulars, wrote Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. FOR SALE Dinette Suite, consists of 4 rets covered chairs, a china cabinet and jack knife table. All solid hard wood, as good as new. Apply to Albert Clausius, Phone 196, Zurich. ts> Cattle �1�,rreeders For artificial insemination at its best for all Ibreeds call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associatipn between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on `week days and 9:30 on Sundays. Phone collect Clinton 242. tfnc 'WANTED :t1pAT HORSES — Pee c a pound. 'Also bush horses, must be heavy and in good .condition. Apply to Roy Scotehmer, Phone 58 r 24, Bayfield, Collect, St Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK '1rEas LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS O21' THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . . &Mount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1950 20,610 Policies $125,269,726.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS At41y ALL KINDS OF FIR'' 1NSI.JRANCE • FOR SALE 1 Jersey cow, 1 Jersey heifer calf, for sele, apply, to T. H. Hoffman Phone 70W Dashwood 2tc Notice To, Creditors IN THE 'E$`.CATE OF Alex Challet, late of the 'J'ownship .of Shanley in the 'County of Huron, Yoeenen, De- ceased. An persons having claims .against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the dune with the undersitgn,e'd • Solicitor for the said Eetaite, on or before the 1218th day ;otf October, A.D. 053, after twhich date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have ;been given. DATED at !Clinton, this 5th day of Octotber•, A.D. 1953. + T Clinton, 1. FINII3LAND, Q. C., On . Solicitor for the said Estate. • NOTICE FOR RENT — A 5 -room apartment upstairs with all conveniences. Pre - for elderly couple or couple with one small child. Apply to Phone 1x39. 2't' e.FOR SALE A good Stoker for sale, used one season, furneee siee, goed as new. Apply at Herald Office. FOR SALE A Badminton Racket, apply to J. W. Reid, Zu-•ir+h. RE D on the to pole eeeeeiee • 4 4 9 4 4 • 4 • 4 4 9 4, • O 4 a 44 4 9 • k•• .40.----z,—...'''''''' ..w_ 9 t, e meal is re v ! •• • LE; YOUR BAKER Oa' .Your Menu Maker! • • YO IR' BAKER not only supplies deli 'ous wholesome bread for your• tabl, bread for your recipes. Out ,i, of (is fragrant ovens come all man- 4 ter 'of mouth-watering goodies to • croon the menu of every meal! Frag. : • Iran 'Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bun. 4 for breakfast.. luscious fruit -filled : Mrs. ! trey for luncheon ..piping hot Par 1 4 7 ker.Iouse Atoll.s for dinner. Bread in ,.ariety, too, for snacks any timt ofy�av or night. So don't get wrink, les orrying about variety in meals- 1et : our baker •be your menu maker. See what .3 on his tray today 1 I d I4, r Tr. st �� ;a k r ' PHONE 100 ICH" CO-OP FEEDS ARE YOUR BEST BUY ede Flowers We are now doing Wedding Flowers and Funeral Work; Cut Flowers always on hand. Also Pot Plants. Give us a Call " 'REDER'S 119 Main Street EXETER f; OR SALE Used G.E. Hot Point stove 40" wide in good shape $65.00; Used Moffat Elec. Stove low oven 4 -burn- er $40,00; Used Beach stove electric low oven 3 -burner $30.00; Used Wes- tinghouse low oven, 4 -burner $30.00; Used Easy Washer $35,00; Used Do- minion Washer $40.00 ROLLIE GRENIER, Grand Bend. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 1100 acres of good farming land with suitable buildings on the.preanises, the Baibellon Line, being Lot 10, Concession 9, Hay Doiw�nship. For further particulars applyto J'. Wesley Merner, Gurieh. NOTICE Having made arrangements with gook Brea., Milling Co., Hensall to act locally as buyer of Beans and Grain. For further particulars Ph. 77 r 11, Zurich. Leonard Sararas. ti RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS FOR PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE CONTACT ROSS HAUGH H'AY ?.O, Phone Dashwood 85 r 8. ELMER D. BELL. W.� , BARRISTER • SOLICITOR EXfFTER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich I At Te vn ta Mi(:;a,.,. 7n:•�,e FLOWERS -7' Phone 761W. — ONT. WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood — . Phone 35r19 ,r, B°, 4. 4. 4. 4. r 1' #. 4, • i• 4 i, 4. I- d • FOR ANY SIZE Tires and l hbes F, SEE U5 FOR PRICES: 20% OFF St. Joseph Service Station Phone 87 r 17 - Zurich Yes, NAMELESS Cold REMEDY, is still being produced, and many Sufferers from Headcolds, Sinus, and Hayfever are daily being relieved. • Convincing trial will be mailed for $1. Address ,PURI'TY Co. Exeter, Ont. 4te HINMAN MILKERS Having been appointed Local Agent for the well known Hindman Milkers, I am in a position to give service as well .as being salesman, of same. If Iin need of repairs or service, or w ish- iat..,to p+'ar ebase.ea. ,n:e* unit,, be sure and see tee,. FRANCIS KIPPER — ZURICH DAIRY. PPhone 164 FOR SALE .MdOlary Sunshine circulator" coat 'heater like new for quick sale. Apply- to L. Restemeyer, ,,phone 105 Dash- wood.' 2t" # t0P41'" s O ti.;al cha ces ti' se CHECK YOUR REQUIREMENTS TODAY— CO-OP LAY MASI-I CO-OP PIG STARTER CO-OP HOG GROWER • CO-OP SOW RATION CO-OP 2./F DAIR SUPPLEMENT CO-OP CALF MEA HENSALL DISTRICT' CO-OPERATIVE l'hoi r I-lensall 115. Zurich 220 4. .p. 4.I I • 4. 4 4. 4. 4. •I• 4. 4. 4. 4.4' • 4. ti4 ti y4 4. a 4. 4, s e @ a000©osomoT mseoe®e@oo A Great Reduction on 1953 Washing Machines, While They Last! Or a Good Trade-in Allowance on your old Machine The J .14 h or Refrigerator just Arrived. Be the first to buy one to get that Special Offer, FOR FALL WIRING JOBS — CALL WTJERTH Phone 84 mil Zurich Fuinture WE HAVE A FINE DISPLAY OF ALL LINES OF FURNITURE ,s. 4 4 4 �& 4, 4 4, 4. 4, .u: 6 4, 4, 4. A Good Variety of Linolelum, Congoleuni and S Axrinister Rugs, Etc All our Larnps are very Reasonably Priced! Have a good supply of Springs and Mattresses, as Beautyrest, Airfoana, Etc. GIVE US A CALL Phone 122 or 89 Zurich Although Our Fall Shipments have been slow in Arriving, we are gradually getting our stock in shape to show you anything you may need. GIVE US A CALL! We also have a good variety in House Slippers from $1.75 to $3.45 for Ladies See our Men's Dress Shoes, a good variety from $6.95 to $14.00 including triple E widths. A new shipment of Boys' Oxfords have just arrived. See them h rryh St;i Phone,. Res. 130. Store 82 a a 4. 4. a 4, 4 6. You r HeatingEquipment c We offer you the following: Good Cheer, Gravity 6 or Forced Air Furnaces 66 The Arcoflame Oil Furnace; Coleman Oil Bur- 0 : ners in three different Sizes. 4, 4. 4. sa 4. 6 Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. '• ® c ® Paints - Enamels - Varnishes : ti Electric Stoves, Refrigerators, Radios and all a Electrical Appliances +W Plumbing .. Furnace Work - Tinsrithing 4. 4, 4, OUR AIM—To Serve and Satisfy. : Main St. Hardware Store. Phone 213 ks`j es 03 PMain Ste4] 2. Hardware Store Phone 213 6 ,a.