HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-10-22, Page 4-, ZURIICi9 4 ONTARIO STANLEY TOWNSHIP At the Oeto'ber meeting of Stan- ley Towns+hin (nnnil a+ Varna a ieylarni+ was passed rrrohihittne; the 'running. of 'dogs dnrint the four-dav open deer :season, ":\'nc*. 4 to 7. The 1954 assessment rill a presented by the aiseRSOrs •Fl. 'Ar, TTanlev, for the township. and T. R• C"nmeron for the Villap'e of sseseseld, wee areented at; 4121717.480, an increase over fhat M' the 1951 roll. Come of 'Revision will be held Cart.. SR, at Varna. A special. h;t-law war l,;oeaerl Melee afifiie+ante to farmers fir n .20-vear period e'f t'efore: tetion. 1+"our 'Patsies. McFarlane. Clinton; TT„ eels recksop. eeafnrth t Prank Smith. Varna and Russell C',,aierser. 7eirich 'applied to council to enter into the con'traet. TIir.NR4T The Misses -Reties 4Tickle, Phyllis trs1-ine and Viola Crumb, trarses in training at Victoria Hospital, London spent a few days with the former's parents. ';1Tr and, Mrs Laird 11/fickle and family, see, W. k.S. of C'hieiiv rct Tin. Clips»ll ore hnlde-ex e hake sale and e ten in the eelinnlroom of the 'United 'Clreee.h• Satit i'dav Oct. 2.4th, Me. Charles Forrest 'who is emlrlo- y" ed in Sarnia spent the woos -end at Iris hemp here. 'Ties )Tinnie Reid ;Hent the week- end in Rineerdine, 'Miss "MTarie Miller and V11• .Tohn Folds. of Wind or, were recent g'o- eets with Jr and Mrs. C. L. Jinks, Mrs. C. Conk is annncline a week with leer son Mr an Mrs Harry Cook and fertile. C.STe and Mrs -Earl Sarares and fairly. Ten Reesl, Tr. and ',etre ,m- e<t Heal,hert and Norman Hubbert. all of Tn=.'onto were vi itor e with Mr,. Sinnnn sesame 'trio and lire. "Jr'.1Seetfr relirslnof.re.r of Pigeon, Ssirh, seers. resent "•icitnrs with the latter's sister, Mrs.' Sar - aa'' St. .los�ic 4 RT. -Blue Water Area Mr, ase! Mrs. .Tule Cantin and damn;,•' of Flint. 'rich, were recent visitore with their parents, Mr and Mrs. Joseph Gentili. The most wonderful weather ti, t we are enjoying is bringing ont the occasional summer resorter over the week -ends who are enjoying the lovely autumn scenery that nature does bestow on us, and especiall;,= at the present time. As we look around the vicinity we notice some new televisions sets be-- ang installed. A wonderful age we are living in when we are able to see things happening a few hundred angles away, and see them right in our own homes. No one knows the possibilities of the future, A WONDERER An old lumber Jack after passing a few years in the lumbering woods bad decided one day to come out into the omen, and reaching a town, he decided tia go in a men's clothing store, watching a clerk open a pack- age of them pyjamas, What are they for, he asked. You wear thein at night, cried out the clerk; None of that stuff, said the Jack, I go no- where at night, only to bed. DASHWOOD The regular meeting' of Zion Lad- ies' Aid was a missionary meetings Mrs. Ytuit of Milverton addressed the ladies, An invitation frnni Znrirh ladies was accepted for C}rt, 20. Tt was decided to hold their minuet' fowl supper for their husbands on Wed. Nov. 4, Had Family Night The Evangelical 1I. 13. church held family night Friday Oct. 16. All en- ioyed a pot luck supper, after Which there were snorts in the church shed for young and old as well as gn'rzes Rev. Krot'' was irresented with a lea- ther bound hynnn book on behalf of the congn'ee'ation. Mr. evening closed with two films being squeem.111.1p Pro - dim] Son and The rail of Senmel. Rev. Rrotz was ann.iver .0 ' r•'peak- er at Rodney Sundae- morning r with Rev. Wetlaufer of llodet speaking (here. For the eve. service tht ineen's II dull of the church were 'in eharee, Mrs, LydiaRinkse, returned home !after spending several weeks in the Windsor district, Her sister, Mrs. O- 1illa Jones of O1'io person -will -al her {home and spent Senda,' with Mr and :Ales. Sol. Ginese 'irh Of Zurich. Mr and Mrs Chas. Snell celebrated their 25th anniversary 011 Sat Oct. 17, with the family gathering at their home, and on Sunday they en. Toyed a trip to Niagara Fills. Mrs•. Fred Fritzlery of Goderich, sp- et a few days with her daughter and family, 'Ir and Mrs Janes Hayter. Mrs. Thelma Gerrie and Ronald of Sarn,ie were holiday visitors here. Mns. Effie Rleinsti er is visiting in Windsor. Mr and Mrs Ward Kraft and fam- ily of London were holiday visitors with Mr and Mrs Ernee,t'Koehler. Visitors with Mr and Mrs James Hayter were t'he latter's grandmoth- er, Mrs Thos. Tulford and 'Mr and Mrs. Earl Tulford of Clinton. •Mr and 'Mrs L. H. Rader. Mr and :Vtrs. Erv'ni Rader and family, spent Sunday .in Waterloo with Mr and Mrs. Irvin 'Taylor anc- Roy." Mrs, Fred Weisberg spent Sunday in Waterloo with her sons and their fannalies, Ma'. Hoe/ad d Maier was a visitor + 4. e' 4 2 SPECIAL GAMES FOR 500.00 EACH 4. 4 ALL PRIZES MUST GO 4 Sponsored by Hensall Branch Canadian Legion and Legion .1 Auxiliary EVERYTv)DY WELCOME BOOTH IN ARENA 4 Extra Cards and Specials 25 cents, or 5 for $(1,00 es0 4 c„ r is ag air a We are in a position to guarantee you Television with 1 o our American stations putting on more power and Lon- R don station which will be the strongest in Canada is * corning on the air Nov. 28th. - Why listen to your radio i when you can see Television. THIS 15 WHAT ROLLIE'S TELEVISION AND APPLIANCES i HAVE; TO OFFER YOU AT BETTER PRICES AND SERVICE6a 46 WHICH HAS ALWAYS BEEN OUR MOTTO; onst go Community Arena — Hensall Monday, ' ctober 26th DOORS OPEN 8 P.M. OVER $2000,00 IN 14 REGULAR GAMES AT 2 SPECIAL GAMES FOR BINGO STARTS 9 P.M. PRIZES $ 60.00 EACH 100.00 EACH A D'IISSION — $1.00 QD 4.. 4. 4. .f. 4 4., *IIS 4, 4. Authorized Dealer for Admiral Television, Refrigerators and Radia., Tel. and Radio Hatlicr- afters, Telivision and Radio and also used sets. Appliances. Beach Stoves, Nat- ional Stoves, McCormick Smythe Stove; Horne Freezers, Washers, Simplicity 12 yr. guarantee; May Tag and Ingersoll; Toasters and Irons, Electric Kettles, etc. SPORTING GOODS Raleigh Biculers sport model and Strong; Stand Crystie $ic a Bic Parts and accessories. es Tricycles, Wagons, Tires and fp Tubes. Equipment for fishing c Soft Balls, Baseballs and Hockey 3 Pans, Hot Plates, Mixrnasters, * Heating Pads; Light Burks, Etc, IS NOW I a; The Hunting Season is here, we 0 have a large stock of Guns and g Ammunition, Compass and Gun _ 0 Cleaning rods, dub, oils, Hopper 41 Nite Powder NOW 1 Solvent cleans guns se .__..��.......,��... is the time to see Rollie about Television I INSTALATION, REFRIGERATORS, ELECTRIC STOVES, g BURNERS, WASHING MACHINES, BICYCLES, GUNS AND ; 4•, HUNTING V, S.TERIAL, AND WHAT HASN'T HE GOT. a AN,.. WH Ss. I7NOT HAS GOT, HE WILL GET IT FOR YOU t. , I c `",' ; °' I t '3. TO ALL .,.•.- 4 _1..I 'S TELEVISION 13en1 Ontario ZURICH HERALD Tlzursday, October 22nd, ma a in Waterloo, Sunday, MAI power felitilizer drill; Case 4 -bar 7Ylrss,Ann+a Messner epSent the week'• (Side delivery rake like new; 1\11-11. end in Kitchener, -section spring tooth liarrA- e Trost Mr and Mrs V. 1'.,'$ecker and fam- Wood .,natives, '5 ft, cut; Co -Op: ily spent Sunday n Kitchener. reib+be',tired wagon, like, new; '1i5 -ft, Mr and Mrs Oscar :V.fille�r arxd flat rank, Ike new; 11.-d.iee ±'ertiliz'er bgyls spent Sul ,a -v in Sarnia with drill, International stuff tooth or on 'Calf -as said sons. 'eater; 3 -section Diamond Harrows, 3 - Mr and Mrs. Leonard Restemeyer dram steel roller; ,M -H. manure spre-. and family spent the week -end dnadei, M H. bean puller, walking plow, , Windsor With. relatives.ser of Sleighs 'with rack; block and Mr' and Mrs Eben Weigand, spent t(aiskl�e; !single ectiffler; 9 -ft, cedar Sunday wit,i the latter's brother at " `sts, 2 -wheel trailer; 2,000 -Ib. cap. Owen Sowed. 'plony house 10x12, on skids; 2 Y M a A Io large ran ge shelters, chidsen feeders, , storeboat, electric fencer, water pimp; numerous logging 'chains, set llarnesse ,pies trough, sat of sling, StiVesk Red.uchur rS A L. pts; "ray fork, extension blower ,� wipe; �ba�g truck, large steel water ll otegh, large iron kettle, pails, forks, iovels and many articles too nuiner- aius 'to mention, gay and Gs~ain -•-• 800 hales of mix - a Allay, best -of quality; 50.0 'bushels 'f-+eho6ce Beater Oats. ',{.:HoJttsehold• Effects -- There are al - 5<o a quantity of Household effects hieh will be sold. p •Cattle — 8 Hereford Cows, ii yrs. E.d With ,calves at foot; part Here- fprd'and Durham :cow, 5 yrs, old, due 1 December; R Hereford Cows, 5 Of Clothing, Chinaware, Paints, Wallpaper, and Misc. Items. In dike 'Co-flp. Building, Main Street, Exete9' The undersigned Auctioneers are in-• latructed to sell by Public Auction, on SATURDAY, O-CT'O13ER Rlst. Comnnencinu at 1 non.; the following full line of ;'den's and Boy's Cl•o- thinir includin•e Dresses and Work Clothes, T nifty' Sweaters i nd Jeans, C)t er corns T ndie and Children's Tire. -se-, size:: 2 to 55; i:llen's and - Bay's Underwear., La' dies' lllous:es 'Id (i Years old, with calves ex foot; Towelling, Prints, Flar,netelle in • 4- ilsure Bred Durham Cow, with a yard length; ('h,ld .n' ann.'s.- Suits; flv�e month's old -Bull Calf at foot; Pyjamas, Bedspreads, . 3I n' Smacks, ; art Durham and Hereford row, 0- Overalls, Gloves `in l Pnfiks, China. pis. old, calf at, foot; port Tereeyand ware Glassware, Pyrex. ',Wiese Alacl- Ayrshireeov�>, 4 vr:;, old with calf at din Lamps, Novelties, 'ildi _ n's'rot*Is,lot; !brindle cow. 8 yrs. old with Paints and Varnishes for e •terior and 1p''lf art foot: paid. Hereford and Hol - interior, Keantone, 12 -sr sate sinele ,'rein row, 4 yrs. old, with coif at barrel Shotgun; Nail.:, Cn:'pentor toot; Calves -with cows overage from Tools, Shovels, Hoes, n Asea. gale.. 1 PO to 000 -lis. COWS all roe -bred and Tubs, Linoleum, Congoleurn. Et :*kife in calf; 2 yearling Hereford Being this is an extra lair.' Pale, !heifers, 8 Hereford steers, averaging selling will start sharp on time. 700-1'-' each, This is an extra good Plan to attend this Sale - No Reserve Ihe'a'l of cattle. Terms — Cash ! - Hogs— Yorkshire .,ow, cnrrRing Carl Radford, Crediton, Proprietor. r second litter. clue in three weeks; 15 Wainer, I Yorkshire chunks, a•: ereging 7.511'hr. Wee. Smith, Auctioneers. • each. Clearin pauction Sale ' Poultry— 250 pullet,. Dd. Ts. g . Reds, crossed with Rock, 2.50 pullet, flf rn rr'tnr, Farin Implements, TTigh C din ehia hock, crossed with New • Ouo.lity T i' estock, Poultry, Bay, Hampshire. Thi,, is a choice flock Grain, and TIoeeehold Effects, on the of Merle. lnrcmisc•,. T at 10, Con. 1. Hay Twp, No Reserve as the farm is ;old. No. 4 Highway. i"•: aril(,;, north of Teams - Cash Feee'ter, 0!` '?.!Is. reiles sreet''i of _F1ens'all George. Ingram, Proprietor. The and r'srnned at t-ioneers are in- Fred Dawson, structed to sell by nvt,lie auction, on Peter ilfcNaughton, Clerks. THURSDAY, Cd'TOTIER 2911. .Alvin .Walper, Starting at 1 o'clock, p.m. The foil Ed. Corbett, Auctioneers. Io�wdnr.. Tractor --- Inter•nation•al Farman "A" Tractor in genranteed new con - Farm. Impleanelts — International r2 -furrow plow; 2.row tractor scuffler, M -H. binder, 7 -ft. cut; Cock^hutt Clearing Auction Sale 'Of Livestock, Poultry, Hay 'Grain and Household Effects, on the prem- ises; Lot 36, 13oundry Line, Stephen Twp., 4 miles west of Dashwood, 2 miles north of Grand Bend and one mile east on Highway 83. The un- dersigned Auctioneer is instructed to sell by public Auction, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, Alt 1 o',clook p.m. the following: C0artit'le• — Black Angus cow, milk- ing, due in IMarch; light roan cow, Milking; red Durnhaan cow, with calf at foot; Hereford -cow, carrying se- cond calf, milking, due in 'March; Hereford cow, milking, ,carrying se- eond calf, due in April; Angus .steer rising 3 yrs old; Durham steer ris- ing 3 yrs 'old; 4 Hereford steers, ris- ing' 2 yrs. o1(1; 2 Durham Steers., ris- ing 1 yr, old; black heifer, 2' yrs, old; This is. an extra, good herd of cattle. All in market condition. Poultry — 41255 Sussex Hyline pull- ets, 7 months -old; 50 Toulouse geese averaging from 12 to 15 lbs, each; 20 Rouen Ducks. Hay and Grain .—• 300 bales of choice red clover hay, 10 loads best of quality bean straw, d25 bushels Dawson Golden Chaff wheat; 300 bushels mixed grain. inc.2.6 Items -- !Colony house 10xi doubleboarded; Brooder stove; ;pouf' try -equipment; • 5 shelters, ,feeding troughs and ,fountains; extension lade der, single scuffler; M -H cream sep- arator, barrels, chains, 0 corde of day^ wood, and many articles too nit' merous to mention. Household Effects — Merit cook stove in new condition; Finlay pia. pane 4 -burner table .model gas stove, centre tables, aa'm chairs, rocking; chairs, 2 dressers, 'writing desli'I mantle clock, canary and cage, large assortment -of glassware and kitchen utensils, fish bowl, thermos jug, floe wer ,baskets, baby bed and buggy, Wilton rug 9x9 like new; electric 1bo tures, flower plants, lawn chains large assortment of quilts, comforter& and mats- never been used; 3 toil it sets, Targe apple peeler, fern stands,, play pen, Etc., Etc. No reserve, as the farm is sold. Terms — Cash Arthur Baker, Proprietor Isaac Iilesterd, Clerk. Alvin Walper, ,Auctioneer, isaamasaczamanturzywasrataarkasonsmtWailftakio t .r , , ext est , u � ;r 1-� James Eccles, Brampton, Ont., first tractor pl .wing champion of the world, who won his crown at the world plowing match, Cohourg, Ont,, October 8 and 9. He defeated plowmen from ten other countries and Robert Timbers; of StouTville, Ont., Ontario and Canadian champion. Timbers placed third in the world snatch. Eccles, winner of the world trophy, the Esso Golden Plow, and Timbers will also compete in the second world match in Europe next falL They will travel as guests of Imperial Oil. .. percent interest (per year) for 12 years on your new (8th series) Canada Savings Bonds HOW ; h WILL YOU.. HAVE';~ YOURS? ,,:v'' ikesessesse LIKE CASH _ 1: WITH TEMPTATION \;. TO SPEND )' REMOVED! .';,��' `: LOOK AT „ YOUR MONEY t PILE UP! ; .V ie:.ti no other Bond offers this combination of features For cash—or in histal- inents. In.stalm.eni purchases can be financed through the Payroll Savings Plan where you work, or on convenient arrange- ments at your bank. Immediately* cashable at full face value plus interest --at any time —at any bank in Can. ada. Bear inte'est each year for 12 ears at a flat rate of 3/4% paid annually-- high rate of i nt e;t e st 'raobond of 100% cas xabll ty. LOOK le AT ALL 4 THE MONEY ofi, YOU'VE SAVED! e <:,: ee.:e. see ii.:1,,,.:".,...,,,,it O -.`};H ah.WOE 1 ML! .:i:�?' ass'• r WHERE . ,,,y.„ DO YOU t , GET THEM"? i K• At maturity 12 years from date of issue, November 15, 1953— you will have received back $145 for each $100 you invested .. . and you can count on it. There's a limit of $5,000 in any one name, but each person in a family may hold up to this limit. May he secured through your bank or yourinvestment estme>t>ct d ea l n er—or through your Company's Payroll Savings Plan. W!THIN THE REACH '•.k OF ALL! , 0.0 IT'S ONLY `? ; VALUABLE TO YOU! ea %seas:es Se e. SOME ''• CAN BE at 'i <.: FULLY, tREGiSTEREDl+ti`s 4 ti favourite with more than a million Canadians NOTING ELSE YOU C '.N PUT I ii p N + NET I TO C'!'"MPARES VitlITH Available in denomix'lm.. ations of $50, $100., $500, $1000 and $5,000. Registered as to prin. cipal in your own name for your protection against loss, theft or destruction. $500, $1000 and $5000 bonds inay be fully registered if desired. Cash buyers may ar. range for fully-regis. tered form at time of parch seIn Instalment nt. buyers purchase their coupon bonds in the regular way and then exchange therm for fully -registered bonds after all instalments;. have been paid in full, f�H4'�►,-Is zEei der, c fin-•, PeS g CSS -5533. 4'0