HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-10-22, Page 3fi f'r • "We can't afford to take chances .. . that's why we .like Debentures" "When I retired, I looked for an investment that was safe, that paid good interest and that could be bought for a short term. I wanted to be sure of one hundred cents on the dollar at maturity. My Huron & Erie five year debentures do all this for me ... at interest on my money." 4% Ask for the folder 20 Questions' MORTGAOE "Older.''thprn the. Dominion q District Represenatives Listed below: ZURICH — • J. W. HABERER HEAD OFFICE LONDON, ONTARIO Choose Ye This Day WHOM YE WILL SERVE! S I N THE WAGES OF S I N IS DEATH LIFE' But the Gift of God Is Eternal Life Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Rom 6: 23 HE THAT HATH THE SON HATH .LIFE, AND HE THAT HATH NOT THE SON OF GOD HATH N9T LIFE. John 5. ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOUR TO -DAY! Chas. Fuller, Box 123 Los ngeles 53, California. ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. E.S. T. • Massey- IFfarris HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Res. 67 EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! ,.010••001001•1•011••••00,0.074•041/.......0.....100* "0.00 .,10:. ill?). .. • Canada's first national tractor plowing champion will be chosen from com- peting provincial champions at the Ontario Plowmen's Association Inter- national Match at Cobourg, Ont., October 6 to 9. Above, Emmanuel Hahn, the internationally -famous Canadian sculptor, who has designed many of Canada's stamps and coins, is putting the finishing touches to the clay model of the winner's trophy, the Esso Silver Plow. In addition to the trophy, the Canadian champion and the runner-up will travel each year as guests of Imperial Oil to the worldplowing match where they will compete on behalf of Canada. The first world match is being held at Cobourg; the second, nest year in the Republic of Ireland. ZURICH HERALD Thursday, October 22ns,, 1:153 Our Holiday Week Mr. and Mrs C. L. Swath during their holiday week enjoyed a motor trip to their daughter and .eon -In-laws Mr. and NTS, P. J. ,Cunningham at Pembroke, and many ask us where is that? It is located on the ;beautiful Ottawa River, 110 snipes up the river from the !city of Ottawa, and the scenery at this time is most pictur- esque as the forests have practically all the coloring one could wish for. Then across the river are the magni- ficent JJaurentians, with their nioun- ±anous ranges soaring upwards to the skies. The distance from Zurich is as near 400 miles as one could ,ex- pect. 'The highways are very goad, and at this time of year there is little traffic to contend witch excepting in going through the cities. It was in- deed a 'change for your publishers to take an 800 mile motor hike in- stead of getting .out the weekly edit- ion, but we must have am occasional change in life. DASHW000 Mr and Mrs. Ralph Weber and Diane attended the Initer. Plowing Match at Coborg last week and them went on to visit the former's sister, and fancily Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Carr in the Ottawa District. • Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Real Estate, Auto, Tractor. Farm. Tinplernents, Poultry. Hay and Gram, on the premises. Lot 10„ Con. 9, Babylon Line, !Hay 'Twig. 11/ miles east of Zurich and 2?G> miles south,on FRIDAY, OCT. 203rd At 1 o'clock, p.m., sharp Real Estate — Farm rconsisbing 6f 100 acres, being Lot 10, .Con. 9, Hay Two., on which is situated a well built solid white brick house, also bank barn, drive shed and hen house, with electricity throu0ghou+t. All in good state of repair. This is very good farm land. Terms of Real Est- ate — 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days, if not previously sold. Auto — 1938 Dodge Coach. Tractor — International Fa mall Super "Cr equipped with 'hydraulic 2 -furrow plow and 4 -;:ow stuffier. Farm Implements —'Coekshutt 11 - hoe fertilizer drill; Mc -Deering bin- der; McDeenin0g Dump Rake, 10 -ft. like new; 6 -section diamond harrows; M -H. manurespreader, drag harrows, out -throw disc, 3 -horse enultivator; Quebec sulkiyl plow, gang plow, pr. Bob sleighs! and platform, like new; Letz connlbinaltion grinder and Ham- menmill; 50 -ft drive belt, single scuf- fler, root pulper, hydraulic jack, el- ectrie fencer, grease gun, 100 -gal. squame gas tank with pump; chicken shelter;" steel wagon, large wagon, large water barrel, wheel barro ', Vilcing cream separator; pr, or truck wheels, double harness, collars and many articles too numerous to men- tion. Hay and Grain 20 tons extra good quality mixed hay;. 500 bush- els !chonoe:.anixed grain; 8 acres of cob eorn. ,horses — Matched Belgium team, both geldings rising 7 and 8 years old; guaranteed true and reliable. Cattle — Roan Durham cow, milk- ing and due in Januaryyl; Hereford cow, fresh two weeks with oalf at foot; light roan cow, fresh 3 weeks +with calf at foot; roan Durham cow wih calf at foot; part Durham and Jersey ow, due in November; red Dunlham cow with calf at foot; 2 spring ,calves. Poultry — 900 Racks :crossed with Rhode Island Reds, laying 50%. A very choice flock of Birds. No Rese ve, !everything will be sold. Tenmis — Cash . Mrs. Jack Merner, Proprietress. R. F. Stade, Clerk Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of Tractor, Farren Implements, Poul- try, Grain and Household Effects, on the premises, Lot 3, Con. 7, 'Stephen Twp., 2 'anuiles south of Crediton, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1217th. At '1 o'clock, .p.m., sharp Horses — Black Percheron team, rising 9 and 10 years old, quiet and reliable in every way. Cattle`— Hereford ,cow, milking, due in February; brindle cow, milk- ing, due'iar January; 'Holstein heifer, milkdn'g, ;:due in April; Hereford"heif- er, milking, due in Feb; Hereford cow, With twin calves at foot; Dur- ham cow,' milking, due in Jan; Ayr- shire cow, milking„ due in February; Durham heifer, milking, due n April' brindle heifer, milking, due in Feb- ruaiy; Durham heifer, milking, due in May; (brindle heifer, with two calves by side;Durham cow, due in February; 6 ;Hereford Sheers and heifers, averaging from 600 to 800 lbs.' ,each; Hereford bull, rising 2 yrs old; 11 'spring calves, Hereford and Durham. Hogs 10 chunks; 2 Yorkshire sows, carrying third litter. Poultry — 40 Sussex and New Hampshire pullets 5 months old." •o r • • • • • • • O • • FOUR THINGS GOD WANTS YOU TO KNOW! 1. You need to be saved. —Except a man he born again, he cannot see the Kingdom, of God. -- John 3;3 .—For all have sinned, and come short of the Glory' of God. Rom. 3: 23. 2. You cannot save yourself — Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way, the Trutta and the Life - no man cometh unto the Father, hut by me,—Jno. 14: 6. 3. Jesus has already provided four your salvaion — For God so,loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life—Jno.. 3: 6. 4. Jesus will enable you to overcome temptation. -The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished. — II Peter 2: 9. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Box 50 R. R. 1, — Zurich, Ontario 1 2 • • • • 2 FAMILY INCOME When will your !family need income most? !Certainly not now, when you are !providing for them. But, there are three ways beyond your control in which your earnings may he chit off - - - old age, death, total disability. It is then tha it is essential for you or the family to havt the means of replacing your earnings. A compar- aively small sum invested each year or each month in a Family Income Polity will ensure you and your fam- ily of an income when it is needed most. T. Harry Hoffman NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company — All Profits for Policyholders Phone 70-W Dashwood, Ont. Grain — 600 !bushels choice mixed grain, oats and +barleey. Traotor and Fawn. Implements — McDeering Super "A" tractor, used two seasons, like new, equipped with hydraulic 2 -furrow plow and 4 -row snuffler; M -H. 'binder, 7 -fit. cut; Me - Deering mower 5 -ft. cut ;'M -H. hay - loader; International side rake; M -H. 218 -plate tractor disc; M -H. stiff - tooth !cultivator; IM -H. 11 -run drill; 4 -section diamond harrows, rubber tired wagon; 0116 -ft. rake, steel tired wagon, 2 -wheel trailer with rack; walking plow, fanning mill, (2{00 -gal. water trough, 7 milk ,cans, milk pails and strainer; electric fencer; sling ropes, forks, shovels, chains, barrels and many articles too numer- ous to mention. Household Effects— Complete din- ing room suite, like new; China cab- inet; Duo-Therme space heater, like new; Quebec heater, hot plate, coal oil heater; Congoleum rug 9x15, etc. No reserve, as the farm is sold. Terris—Cash. Fred Wright, Proprietor. Glen Webb, 'Clerk. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. 01.0.011 • O 0 .�:..•.. .........SZ'4,1 •:,a's t:::':�;a� .x;ayzasi^c:»:;o::,:';i:: ;hSi:?:'i:?r•`< HND OUT TODAY HOW'• TO BECOME A A try or RADAR TECHNICIAN • "I didn't have any previous' training at all. The Air Force taught me all I know about radio." says Cpl. Bob Sibbert, Conzrnunications Technician who works on the newest radio -radar equipment of Sabre Jet Fighters and other RCAF aircraft. l; You, too, can train as a qualified aircraft technician— enjoy service life in the RCAF — Serve Canada and help keep 'em flying safely. If you are between 1'7 and 40, are physically fit and have Grade 8 education or better, there's a place for you in Canada's expanding Air Force. Investigate today! Royal Canadian Air Force THE RCAF OFFERS YOU EXPERT TRAINING AS: RADAR COMMUNICATIONS AERO -ENGINE INSTRUMENT ARMAMENT .ELECTRICAL For complete information on pay, trade training and other benefits, see the Career Counsellor at the nearest RCAF Recruiting Unit—or mail the coupon today! 4100 (00 Director of Personnel Manning, R.C.A.F. Headquarters, Ottawa. Please mail to me, witho it obligation, All particulars regarding enrolment regnirenneizts and openings now available In the NAME (Please Print) STREET ADDRESS,.. CITY PROVINCE EDUCATION (by grade and province).. AGP CM'29.52W5