HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-10-22, Page 1131,11.110111., Eccablished 1900 ••••1•4401160.11DMINOTWIWIIIIMMI•111 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURIOH — ONTARIO .. REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR it a.m.—Divine Services. 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome to all Services EMMAINUEL 'TAVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E ROPPEL Minister Mris. Milton ()each . Organist aTTNDAY SERVICES. - 10:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. Evening. Services lifted for summer Welcome at all Services--"Coxne aloe with us and we will do thee - oiocht," Num. 10:29. 4URICH, • NTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 22 1 9 3 MAKIMISa1.11.1. ..111...,61111.662111111.44111,MITAI WY PAY Reckless river Rates 111A If you're a careful driver you can eet remarkable low rates with Stake Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make their own tow Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. e.re You Sufferhtg From . Headaches? Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. Prayer Fellowship (in the homes) YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH USI Ellen Marie Love A.R.C.T. Teacher of Piano and Theory Studio: Appointments: L. Wagner, Res. Phone Zurich Zurich 99 r 7 Licion nneatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday October 23-24 FARMER TAKES A WIFE Technicolor Betty, ,Grable. Dale Robertson John Carroll A sing: Swingy- .. Laugh laden Story. Cartoon and Additional Shorts. Tuesday, Wednesday October (S7-28 DeartaMartin, Jerry Lewis SCARED STIFF Lizabeth Scatt. Carmen Miranda. It's one long loud roar as Dean and Jerry break the all-time laugh record Paramount Newsreel. CARD OF THANKS Huai Halloweto 7-1 N Will lee held in the r, re Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscription in. Canada, Year 42.61 Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50. amsagersconr..or,s.g.m.rsaanto.msmarsar. 47,1"fr) Community Centre, Zurich;'',. On 4 FRIDAY EVE., OCTOBER 30th.A Under Auspices of Arena Coral: Music by the MURDOCK ORCHESTRA William Hayter, Floor Manager 'a Dancing commences at 9 :30 Admission 75e. eseraes, sar-` Mr and Mrs Wes 2derner, Mr and Ma's. Arnold Merner sp.e»t several •days over the week -end. with xelativ- es and friends M. Detroit. Leave CO -Op. Manager Mr. Grant Case, resident of town, Who has been with the Hensel]. Co - Operative for the past few years, on Saturday evening severed his connection as an employee and man- . ager of the Zurich branch. Mr. Case Recephon has received a position with the Swift 1:1 Go.,of Toronto, as a salesman, and • For • .0 will leave shortly for that place to MR. AND MRS. JAiMES DINSMORS receive his training for the line of work they wi•sh. him to do. The In the Community Centre, Zuricli, On FRIDAY EVE., OCTOBER 23rdi'T Music by THE MURDOCK ORCHESTRA,l Everybody Welcome Reception and Dance., In The Community Centre Zurich; On- SATURDAY EVE., OCTOBER.314. In honor at Mr and Mrs Gerald Ro land, Bridal Couple, (nee Eule Ducharme. Muoic Harburn 'Orchestra. g EVERYROJDY WELCOME A Swift Co, is one of the largest in its line of ;business in America, with the main headquarters in Chicago, so Mr. Case.will be woaking for v, larg- er concern with we hope, greater possibilities of advancement. We in- deed regret to lose Mr. Case, as he was a -very nice man to deal with, end we wish him every suCcess. Don't Burn E'rn. Again we must remind the peo- ple of town and •comm.unity what the Lepaaement of Forestry, advises us, not to burn the fallen leaves. ne they are of invaluable use for rertifieation in our gardens, and on the flower beds. If we go to our woods and look for nice fertile soil, we go to where many leaves have been acting as a mulch and fertilizer Set the earth eo 'there is always the nicest soil, so LOCAL NEWS .a who put a match to the very thing that helps to :make this very good Mrs. Donna Young has returned ' soil. Rake up the leaves and get an old basket or something ens spread them over your garden or flower tied and in few ryears noticei what a change it 'will make. The Scout's Corner to her home in Saskatchewan attO visiting at the home of her pareartt, Mr and Mrs Ed. Edighoffer. Mr. 'Calvin Williams is spen,ciing few weeks at the homes of his • ters •at Bright and Manilla, also viI so have your EyesExamined with relativgis at Toronto ' , The first Scout and Cub Apple OPTOMETRIST ea. OPTICLaN liThe Dent Me cards, flowers and Mr and ,Mre' Meyers the Latest Methods and equipment at 1 hereby wish to thank all those David The was held in Zurich last Satur eon Rabin and Sallee' Simpson, of -La day Under thes able leadership of •Pse• r?*44aalti,t-ttilotailikt.tt'La'kralas" lerile.egaag aiiytt.gleetta aa'§ ia 'aka ",sar' ''13) 'el • . f t d aff iteared — after .paying far apples Tar, . pe eses eceete e..., sae . s ac e se, at 1, ..‘The.,;iaaaa „see esieseate,,,e, wiReb. Pacil . • - erasers sus er, .x an s a, • . . . Joseph's Hospital, London- and eince of d- GODERICH ese MItrds iand •aeltertising, which will be surn- Meledn Brown. returniag home. — Mrs. Louis A. tea,' ed Glasses Kaitrierealle Frites taaaag. . ed over to the Crops eammatee tO Mrs. Wan. Thiel of Zurich aceom-Pdhelp pay for running expenses.. The -Scout Croup wishes to express sin- cere appreciation to all who helped snake this venture a success. Don't forget that this Saturday is the 'date of the .-Districs Scout Jamboree at the Fair Grounds. Lions Club News 'At the regular supper meeting in .the Dominion -Hone, :vIonday evening Oct. lath, the guest speaker was Lion Bill Duncan, dentist of Petrole•a, who is deputy district Governor and who has a long record in Lioniem, has. been a Lion for 12'0 years and just completed 18 years or perfect atter).- dance.. lie gooit. or the Zurieh Lions n eluie being up near the top in enoyed it Very much in Zush!li. A presentat- 4..i,4,011',..44)00.00404. • •r::,.4.:t1,44qi,ir.e.,“04)441-............ ia‘ T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME '..•''. ,s • • . .i8 Funeral Director — Private Car Ambulance x.., .../. * - 8 Member of Ontario Funeral Association 4. O : HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFI. 0 ae, CATE — PORTABLE et OXYGEN EQUIPMENT a tte es fea • HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN a 'oase • FRESH FLOWERSR SUPPLIED FOM _MITCHELL NURSERIES 'I WE WIRE ANYWHERE 4 8, • 8.8 14 24 Hour Service — Dashwood. Tel. 70W 0 • 44 efAi'.4-4.0*.e..04414.4.044,4><4.410.4.00?4044-...+0.01;,........04,00.40. 4 anied by her aunt, Mrs. A. C. Mal- inger of Hensall, spent last Week with the former's daughter, Mr rand Mrs. Earl Heywood at Wingftam.: Mr and 'Mrs Andrew Coon Sand Mrs. Ervin Coxon of Milverton, spent Tuesday at the home of the forater's son, Dr and Mrs. W. D. Coatin*1d family of town. Pleased tp repdfit that Dr. Coxon is progressing • real well alter his recent illness. • t 4 Mrs. Wm. F. Finkbeiner and dau- ghter Mies Hazel of Stratford visited with the former's neice, Mr and Mrs Leroy O'Brien thi Sunday afternoon also called cm other friends who were very glad to eee them. Mr& Theliet (awald has returned ,=="24-Vaera&SIZOMMMAILTATZEMISEN47,22=41=2217,ZRZWZITZUFETATZSYMUMW home after spending a pleasant week- end at the home of Mr. Ceel Me- ' Clinehey. at Kieata, also attended the United Church anniver:4at.y there on Sunday. Mrs. !de O'Dwyer and daugeter, Mise iaesaaa, la.N., of London, re - V aieeeel esetutintaeces is Zurich on P,!S/in.111y :, O.:ern:owl, 1)071'4 51_t1!O1 gu-t:: a1 t be home oi .:., its. I-4 envy ft111, ili p ,111"lt PA7,47 eny,In.) jkL 4„, Bird's Bill PoJi ._._ 47 FOR YOUR. CONVENIENCE FRUITS - VEGETABLES - FISH, - ETC. ? H. S. KAM (a fine Luncheon Meat) TIN ...31c ELLMAR PURE PEANUT BUTTER, 16-0e JAR 32c SEA CLIFF HAND PACKED CHOICE TOMATOES 2Soz 19c ALLENS APPLE JUICE 2, 20.02: TINS 29c Phone 1 C. LL THIEL Zurich a 41 ion wa niv.iie to Ole nut speaker for w1-1 greatiy thankod one and all for their kin,t1,.:ss. Ladies Night will .be o!iservoil i Vied. evening, et Minetta when the xvi!l ;::e 1ad10:!!!, and a Ivorber of speati:ers wird e re.,ent give addresses. Vhe regular sv!_r‘lor mooting of the % NORMA'S *EAU'ICY S OPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Zurich Tel, 223 NORMA STEINEACH Prop. PROMPT Optical Service YES! Two days we can duplicate accurately your broken Lens any Size, and color from the broken pieces. We do not need your presc- ription 4 We also have the newest in Frames and Mountings. We can also save you money on a complete pair of Spectacles. k • ,ESS Jeweler and Registered Optician RAG RUGS and CARPE TS On a New Modern. Loom, Made to Order — Seth 0. Arnann, Zurich, Ont. Phone 128. INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS i_JOBNE S. EILER LOCKER SERVICE. ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 — HENSALL, OWL 44'4'444=''.4444- A",A,T.,,==Z1A.,111.1212=2,131121==.7.1..CA=1.1,..1 Zitaee 003 8 8 8 8 a 8a e - Day and Night Sergio& Telephone: Res. 89 MOOG C4***666 800 Vafil 0000800.68W:4 ttla 4,10 eiowiaielogiaa 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS.,, FOR ALL .00CASIONS 00 888 88 ett800)41106101t 1..9.1.02,AAAAAAAIATS.AIAX101- 1,1.611.1:Arel or I 22, Zurich ,oaoceo,secaeliweeiseetseeeoe 6 8 store We are ever at your service with the best line obtainable of FRESH GROCERILS All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Sea.son as well a5 Canned Fruits and Vegetables cm hand Candies Nuts and CorJectionery au GIVE US A CALL F:j P7.71p Ti,.7 ab 3114,17v-ATN4 IU J41J cit) &I c, PRODUCE WANTED„ 7,,yrica Saone \vv.,:h in the noarda- EVe. 05t r, 1.0 1165 rho., t A Pte. Foy Ccromette, with i ov-IwUl "C"klY !'1 'tte"(1'""'" and cirstnis armie,:. hi Ecirea, was a aft er the usuai routine of business end vi.-iitoi. wiiia Meet: here. 1../,,, ii • following the bountiful steak dinner, a son of Mr tuid:ars. Leona:al Gete.iLion Cleater Smith introduced the omette of Detroit, and formerly of ,sl-o'aker of the evening namely Mr. Zurich.il,11:7ton Cardiff, I..P. for Huron, \vim Ichose for hi,s subject Safe Driving or 1 -lave Left Town !the Prevention o.i: inoi..v Accidents. Ib and Mrs. J. B. Cockburn WholThe speaker -dwelt on the point that have been residents in to..... -n for near- ono cannot be too careful in the 1,y, two years, Vlore the Doctor has •handling of vehicles in this fast tray - enjoyed a ilk() rwitetive, left town elfin age. Not alone should one ex- on Thursday, when a lag moving van ercise every precaution available to from Lindsay pulled in and took itll i keep our of an accident, but should their belongings away to that town, lalso do eveeything in their power to where the Dr. will 'practice. We have protect others, Recently a few bad en joy ed their till' r in Zu ri ell and we I accidents occurred by drivers hugg- wish tin -in every s1 C0S1 intheir new i ing the right side of read tnen all of place of abode. la sudden eutting:, over hi front of on. i eatning traffic followiue and making Wonderhil Autamslthe dangerous left hand turn .without Weathermen all over tell 113 oi the record breaking weather we are en- joying at present for this time "of year, and prospects are good TOXs. :, few days at least for it to continue. Although there are some disturhani3es and colder with snow in the Weetern 3rovinces, :but hero it is breaalag records for the time at year. Prac- tically no frosts have visited Ow parte so far, and no signs of a speca of snow. A year ago we had the ground eovered with enow„ but, it 1 proper warning to following tat ac. Every trotoviet reeking a left turn, should if possible creep over to the left side of the road and let the traffic that follows pass on the right $.4de, and a lot less ascidents would occurr. And if your vehicle is in the lane of traffic and stopptiag on the highway, .proper eignalling should he given to 'vehicles following, as the display of the regular tail -light Is in many ,eases not sufficient. The.talk wa$ very interesting and editeational, did not lest long. Si here s hoping and it was nice to get acqualn e for tontinued nice, weather, with our new ionomgwrgiowwmognosrkmwog6wmwgmgmpm 14, Li. k6i1idLiBa n RUBBER BOOTS for eR the Family. Some at Greatly Reduced Prices -- Work Shoes, Socks, Overalls. and Lined Jackets GIVE YOUR LAYING FLOCKS THE VERY 13EST BIG, THREE MASH and PELLETTS Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always 'on Handl GIVE US A CAW T 11 E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. STO A Phone 114,17 A 4 5 4