HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-10-15, Page 5ZURICH - ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD 1 Authorized as second `class mail, Post Oftlee Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS N. L. Marten OPTOMETRIST Main Street --- Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday CICENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WA.LPER Licensed Auctioneer For HURON AND LAMIBTON q07 your Sale large or small, Court - Was and Efficient Service at all Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Zurich 92 x 7 ,, ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER 'OFFICE - Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 504 VETERI.NARI'AN Drs. COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS Mike with. Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug ZURICH l shone• -90 BUTCHERS • pnpmi.Pr VAT ivMARKE' liilAVE US SUPPLY YOU WITH 'ME VERY CHOICE OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS, SAUSAGES, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MOD- leRN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION. YUNGBLUT BROS. PRODUCE' OBRIEN' S PRODUCE Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 101 - Zurich Zurich Creamery Your home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVERED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPARTMENT IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Western Fanners' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK raz LARGEST RESERVE BAL- &NOE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- V'IAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO %litiount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1950 20)610 Policies $125,269,728.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING OTS AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE LOCAL NEWS Mr and Mrs J. W. Haberer spent the Thanksgiving holiday in Detroit. Dr and Mgrs .Coeeleburrz and son spent•the holidays out of town. Mics. Mary Manson is ,spending a few weeks ,with her sin and family at ,Midland. Miss Stella Rose of London was a week -end visitor at the home or her mother. Orr. Arthus Truem.ner of Toronto, was a holiday' visitor at' the home of his sisters here. Mr. Charles Bossenlberry of Kitch- ener was. a holiday visitor with his cousins, Mr and Mrs, Len Wagner. Muss 27. Ellis of Toronto was a holida,. visitor at the home of Mr, and .Mr's. Cornfo.rth. • 11VIr and Mrs Ed. Deters, Mr and !Mrs. George Deic'hert were at Sault Ste. Marie over the 'holidays. .Mr and Mrs cMenno Oesch were Thanksgiving viisitors ,at the borne of the latter;„S;;nnother ,at Lucknow. Ma andA+Xrjs Lawrence Brisson and daughters Spent a lovely holiday week -end .at the home of the form- er's sister in Detroit. ,Miss Meda • Surerus and friend, Miss McKay of Toronto, enjoyed the week -end holiday at the' foraner's home in Zurich. Messrs Gordon Smith and Harold Thiel made a business trip to the 'Tarry ,Sound district one day last week. Mr and Mrs Ivan Yungblut and sion Bill and daughter Marion and 'Miss Inez Yungblut visited in Detroit over Sunday. Ms and Mrs Jack ,Fasken and son Bobbie of Elora were Thanksgiving visitors .at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs .J. W. Merner. Mrs. it Va (Belleau, and son Edgar, Mrs. Jessup, Mrs. Margaret Harris, all of Toronto spent a few days over the holiday nveek-end ,at the home of Mars, Wm..Sauve. Mrs. Gus RocI•ie and son Wayne of London, returned home after a pleasant visit with relatives and fri- ends in Zurich and vicinity. Mr:•=. Louis Durand accompanied her to the city, . _.. lVI,rs Lee W. Hoffman and Miss Jane Lamont of town accompanied by Mr and Mrs Wm: Brown and daughter Barbara of Forest enjoyed a motor uip to the Karwartha Lake.- and other beautiful places of inter- est in the noehern district. Mr and Mrs. Howard .Stiakles and daughters of Detroit; Mr and Mrs. Ed. Brenner and daughter Marion; Mrs. Wiley, !Mr acrd Mrs Lorne Cook of Kitchener, were •week -end Thanks- giving visitors at the home of Mos. Mary -Brenner. 012` and Mrs Donald Manson and family of Toronto; Mr and Mrs. Wni. Manson of Midland, spent Thanksgiv- ing holiday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Newell Geiger, 'and Mrs. Mary Manson. - Mrs, Joan Smith and son Douglas left for their home at Greenwood, N. S., after spending several rweeks at the ! •+pine of her parents, Mr and Mrs J. W. IMerner. She was accompanied hiyq her sister, Mr and Mrs Carl Burn 'bf IMilventon, who are enjoying a visit with the !Smith's being on vac- ation. WANTED MEAT HORSES — 2x_c ,a pound. Also bush horses, must be heavy and an good condition. Apply; to Roy Scotcbmer, Phone 58 r 24, Bayfield, Collect. St* FOR SALE A quantity of cob corn, Place your order at once.—Alvin Gingerich, Zur- 'eh It* FOR SALE • 1 Jersey tow, 1 Jersey heifer calf, for sale, apply, to T. H. Hoffman Phone 70W Dashwood 2to ' FOR SALE Used. G.E. Hot Point stove 40" wide in good shape $05.00; Used !Moffat Elec. Stove low oven- 4 -burn- er burn••er $40.00; Used 'Beach stove electric low oven 3 -burner $3.0.00; Used Wes- tinghouse low oven, 4• -burner $30.00; Used Easy Washer $35.00; Used Do- aninion Washer $40.00 ROLLIE GRENIER, Grand Bend. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres of good fanning land with suitable buildings on the .premises, the Babylon Line, being Lot 10, 'Concession 9, Hay Township. For further particulars a,ppl,yi tto J., Wesley Merner, Zurich_ :NOTICE Having anade arrangements with Cook Bros., Milling Co., Hensail to acct locally as buyer of Beans and Grain. For further particulars Ph. 77 r 11, Zurich. Leonard Sararas. ti RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS FOR PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE CONTACT ROSS HAUGH HAY P.O. Phone Dashwood 85 r 8. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER SOLICITOR EXOTER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich At Township Clerk's Of3'iee ZURICH HERALD Notice To Creditors IN'THE ESTATE OF Mex Challet, late of the 'Township of Manley in the 'C'ounity of Ilfuron, Yoeman, De- ceased. All :persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned 'Solicitor for the said Estate, on or 'before the 122th day of October, A.D. 1953, after 'which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given, DATED at Clinton, this 5th day of October, A.D. 1953, F. FIN113LAND, Q. C., Clinton, Ont; Solicitor for the said Estate. NOTICE FOR RENT --• A 5 -room apartment upstairs with all. conveniences. Pre - for elderly :couple or couiple with one small child. Apply to Phone 1129. 24* FOR SALE A good Stoker for sale, used one season, furnace size, good as new. Apply at Herald Office. FOR SALE • • A Badminton Racket, apply to Mrs J. W. Reid, Zurich. YOU READ on the table the:. meal is ready LET YOUR BAKER Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only suppnes delicious wholesome bread for your table ---bread for your recipes. Out of his Fragrant ovens come all man- ner of Jinduth-watering goodies to crown: blae menu of every, meal! Frag- rant Caj(1ee Cake and Cinnamon Bun, for br'aakfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats Air luncheon. .piping hot Par ker`Hota,se Rolls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any tiro of day 'ler night, So don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals— let your' baker be your menu maker. See what's on his tray today! Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 — Z1/RICH CO-OP FEEDS ARE YOUR BEST BUY Reder s ' lowers We are now doing Wedding Flowers and Funeral Work; Cut Flowers always on- hand. Also Pot Plants. Give us a Call REDER'S FLOWERS FOR ANY SIZE Tires and Tubes SEE US FOR PRICES! 20% OFF St. Joseph Service Station Phone 87 r 17 - Zurich Yes, NAMELESS Cold RE!1VIEit Y, is still being produced, and r rany Sufferers from Headcolds, Sinus, and Hayfever are Tinily being relieved. Convincing trial will be mailed for $1. Address PURITY Co. Exeter, Ont. 4tc HINMAN MILKERS Having been appointed Local Agent for well known Hindman Milkers, I ant: n .a position to give service as well': is being salesmanof same: If in ned of repairs or service, or wrsh- ing;,', purchase a new unit, be sure 119 .Main Street • Phone 761W .at EXETER — ONT: FJ WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood — Phone 35r19 me„ 'IS. KIPPER — ZURICH PPhone 164 'FOR SALE McOary Sunshine circulator coat heater like new for quick sale. Apply to L. Restemeyer, phone 11a8 Dash- wood:: ' 24* han CHECK YOUR REQUIREMENTS TODAY— CO-OP LAY MASH CO-OP PIG STARTER CO-OP HOG GROWER CO-OP SOW RATION CO-OP 24% DAIRY SUPPLEMENT CO-OP CALF MEAL HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Phone Hensall 115. Zurich 220 g "::w.c.:sty.:.;;."attat4=....Trstefiy....,,. Thursday, •October 15th, , 1953 p 0 •• p •i v • • • • • • • • • 0 • e • • • • 0 • •• • + a • • A Great Reduction on 1953 'Washing While They Last! Or a Good Trade-in Allowance ors your old Machine Machines, The New Thor Refrigerator Just Arrived. Be the first to buy one to get that Special Offer. FOR FALL WIRING JOBS -- CALL WTJERTH ELEc Phone 84 PRIO Zurich 4, • • •• 4 • b • i s • • • • 0 • • • • • • 0 • 4 • • • • • • 40 • •, • 4. • • 0 • • Westlake PurnitHre • WE HAVE A FINE DISPLAY OF ALL LINES OF FURNITURE A Good Variety of Linoleum, Congoleum and Axrninister Rugs, Etc All our Lamps are very Reasonably Priced! Have a good supply of Springs and Mattresses, •••` as Beautyrest, Airfoam, Etc. • o GIVE US A CALL e g • Phone 1 22 or 89 Zurich . • womomew 4. 4. 2 1 Although Our Fall Shipments have been slow in Arriving, we are gradually getting our stock in shape to shov you anything you may need. GIVE US A CALL! We also have a good variety in House Slippers from $1.75 to $3.45 for Ladies See our Men's Dress Shoes, a good variety from $6.95 to $14.00 including triple E widths. A new shipment of Boys' Oxfords have just arrived. See them Oesch Shoe Store Phone, Res. 130. Store 82 tea;, ,!✓, \t" 3�.SJR,\•':.-:/ `� :_. \'.uYn•"r' ..is G`�r. "'IC .0 'i Wien db • • Your Heating Equipent • • a • • • • • • • We offer you the following: Good Cheer, Gravity or Forced Air Furnaces The Arcoflanne Oil Furnace; Coleman Oil Bur- ners in three different Sizes. Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. Paints ., Enamels - Varnishes • Electric Stoves, Refrigerators, Radios and all Electrical Appliances Plumbing - Furnace Work Tinsmithing OUR AIM ---To Serve and Satisfy. Main St. Hardware Store. s, 4. • • 4. • 4, • 4o • • • • • Phone 213 �uP•.p a ti. Main St. Hardware Store M�.n..q l�lv^..t.,' +1Y� YS' Fi}a "" ,+`"Te.�.-e> �'�F'"AY•.\ Phone 213 9006090N30@4126 ae®eeseseeesalboo • • a, 4, 0 4. _liiiAkIkAAAAai