HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-10-15, Page 441"- - ZURICH, 110: FA 14th NSHOPPE ARY SALE FREE:' NYLONS OUR GREATEST SALE I Drive A Little "WeId'rest" Beginning Thursday Farther Pay t WitheveryCoatpurchase� A LOT' LESS. Come and see our Values Fur SPECIALLY SELECTED Your solid investment good for the biggest returns in wear and warmth. Jackets 3-4 and full length in all your favourite Furs. SPECIAL PURCHASE Exciting values in fine all wool Coats with real fas- hion appeal. Some samples. And only—, ALL FASHION HEADLINERS Elysians, Cords, Milianes and all the new all wool fabrics. Latest Styles and colors. Selected for quaI- ity. All sizes GREAT VALUES Plaids, Tweeds, Gabardines, with our usual good styling. Sizes to 46 28.75 SPECIAL - Fall Dresses Reduced from better Stock. Splendid Variety. All sizes Off 5 lit MISSES & WOMENS All the New Fashions and Colors for every occasion. A Wonderful Collection. Reg. to 24.95 for— S COCKTAIL and EVENING A Terrific Group of Lovely Gowns in Nylon, Net, Lace and Taffeta Off ashicn e nie 2saaerc•�1`dY,s0- ,,3ctn1ri8 D A S H W O O D Mr and Mrs Ivan Taylor and A number of Ladies from Zion Roy of aterloo spent the week -end with herr parents, Mr and Mrs. L. H. Lutheran church attended a Mission- Rader. ar.' Rally at Wartburg, on Wed. 7th. Mrs Arvin Rader attended a meet- ing of the Huron Waves Housewife Croup at the :home of Mas. Earl Zimmer in Zurich Thursday, Oct. 8. Plan to attend the fashion show at Dashwood public school, Wed. Oct. 211st at 8.30 p.m. Mr and Miss Walter Ness and son of Detriot visited with his mother Imre who returned with thein to the city for the winter months Rev. and Mrs Louis Higenefil spent Thanksgiving with their son and family, Mr and Mrs Gerald Higenell and Peter at St Catharines. They will be away until Oct. 23,z, • Mr and Mrs Gordon Weiberg of 'Waterloo spent the week -end with their parents and relatives here. ave • • • Sunday visitors 'with Mr and Mrs L. H. Rader were, their two sons and families; Mr and Mrs. Elgin Rader and Mr and Mrs E1$ier Rader. Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Real Estate, Auto, Tractor, Farm Impleanenjis, Poultry, Hay and Grain, on the premises. Lot 10„ Con. 9, Babylon Lime, Hay Twp. 1 ? miles east of Zurich. and 2% ,niiles.south,on FRIDAY, OCT. '2133rd At 1 o'clock, n.sn., sharp Real Estate — Farm consisting of 100 acres, being Lott 10, Con. 9, Hav Twtp•, on which is ;situated a well built solid white brick house, also bank ;barn, drive shed and hen house, with electricity throughoust. All in good state of repair. This is very good farm land. Terms of Real Estee - NOTICE THE ANNUAL MEETING OF HURON COUNTY CREAM PRODUCERS' ASSOCIATION WILL BE HELD 'IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN CLINTON AT 8:30 P.M., ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16th. GUEST SPEAKERS WILL BE MR. EVERATT BIGGS, ONT. ARIO DAIRY COMMISSIONER AND MR. BILL RETTIE, CHAIRMAN OF THE ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS' MARKETING BOARD, ALL CREAM PRODUCERS ARE THIS MEETING. • • • 3 • • • 3 We are in a position to guarantee you Television with INVITED TO • ATTEND 0 0 our American stations putting on more power and Lon - 3 don station which will be the strongest in Canada is e conning on the air Nov. 28th. - Why listen to your radio 1 when 0you can see Television. THIS IS WHAT ROLLIE'S TELEVISION AND APPLIANCES c, e PAVE TO OFFER YOU AT BETTER ,PRICES AND SERVICE i WHICH HAS ALWAYS BEEN OUR MOTTO: s • SPORTING GOODS • Authorized Dealer for Adm'ral Raleigh Biculers sport model 0 Television. Refrigerators and and Strong; Stand Crystle Ric. Radio.. Tel. and Radio Hallicr-Bic Parts and accessories. et" afters, Telivision and Radio and Tricycles, Wagons, Tires and 0 0 also used sets. Tubes. Equipment for fishing ei • Soft Balls, Baseballs and Hockey 0 9Appliances. Beach Stoves, Nat- Fans, Hot Plates, Mixmasters, 0 Iona] Stoves, McCormick Smythe Heating Pads; Light Burbs, Eta e ak stove; Home Freezers, Washers, NOW ! g Simulicity 12 yr. guarantee; The Hunting Season is here, we a May Tag and Ingersoll; Toasters have a large stock of Guns and 0 o a and Irons, Electric Kettles, etc. Ammunition, Compass and Gun 0 1 Cleaning rods, lub. oils, Hoppes • &— Nile Powder Solvent cleans guns 0 • ,., NOW r is the time to see Rollie about Television at • IitiST ALAI ION, REFRIGERATORS, ELECTRIC STOVES, OIL BURNERS, WASHING MACH1Nl✓S, . BICYCLES, GUNS AND HUNTING MATERIAL, AND WHAT HASN'T HE GOT; AND WHAT HE HAS NOT GOT, HE WILL GET IT FOR YOU, 5+ AND BEST PRICES. TO ALC. ..... 45 g • • • • • 0 • • 0 • 0 0 0 0 • • 0 3 • • 0 • Come to ROLLIE'S TELEVISION Grand Bend . Ontario r10 ate —'10% on day of sale; :balance in 30 days, if not previously sold. Auto — 1938 Dodge Coach. Tractor — International Fannial] Super "C" equipped with hydraulic 2 -furrow plow and 4 -row scnffler. - Farrn Implements — Qockshutt 11 hoe fertilizer drill; Me -Deering bin- der; '11/LcDeerinig` Duanp Ralce, 10 -ft. like new; 6 -section diamond harrows; M -H, manure spreader,. drag harrows, out -throw disc, 3 -horse cultivator; Quebec sulky's plow, gang plow, pr. Bob sleighs and ,platform, like new; Letz combination .grinder and Hatn- mermill; 50 -ft drive belt, single stuf- fier, root pulper, hydraulic. jack, el- ectric fencer, grease gun, 100 gale square gas tank with pump; chicken'" shelter; steel wagon, large wagon, large ;water barrel, wheel barrow, Viking cream separator; pr. of truck wheels, doulble harness, collars and many articles too numerous to men- tion. Hay and Grain — 20 tons extra good quality mixed hay;. 500 bush- els 'choice mixed grain; 8 acre"s of cob corn. Horses — iMatched Belgium teams, both geldings rising 7 and 8 years old; guaranteed true and reliable. Cattle — Roan Durham eow, milk- ing and due in Januarys; Hereford cow, fresh two weeks with calf at foot; fight roan cow, fresh 3 weeks with calf at foot; roan Durham cow wih ;calf at foot; part Dunham and Jersey cow, due in November; red Durham cow with calf at foot; 2 spring calves. Poultry -- 90 Rocks crossed with Rhode Island Reds, laying 50%. A very choice .flock of Birds, No Reserve, everything will be sold. Terme — Cash . Mrs. Jack Merner, Proprietress. R. F. Stade, Clerk Alvin Wainer, Auctioneer. ZURICH HERALD Clea itltgiuctiofi1 Sale sows, carrying third litter. j Poultry 40 Sussex and New Of Tractor, Farm Implements, Poul. I Hamups+hire 600 bushels choice mixed 'pullets 5 months old. try, ;Grain and Household Effects, on the 7preznises, Lot 3, Oon. '7, 'Stephen: Tn., 2 miles south of Crediton, on TUESDAY, OCTOBE'R 1217th. • At 1 .o'clock, elm, sharp Horses -- Black Percheron team, rising 9 and 10 :yleants old, quiet and reliable do every way, Cattle -- Hereford cow, milking, due RI February; brindle .cow, anilk irag, due Fn January; (Holstein heifer, milking, tine in April; Hereford heif- er, milking, due in Feb; Hereford cow, With `twin ,calves at foot; Dur- ham cow, milking, due in Jan; Ayr- shire cow, milking„ due in February; DurJham heifer, milking, due n April brindle heifer, milking, clue in Feb.ruuxry!; Durham heifer, milking, due in•!1VIay; brindle heifer, with bwo calves ,by side; Durham Meow, due in Febauary; 6 Hereford Steers and heifers,' aveae';ing from 600 to 800 new; Quebec heater, hot dilate, coal lbs. each; Hereford bull, rising 2 yrs oil heater; Oongtoleun rug 9x15, etc. old; 11 spring •calves, Hereford and No reserve, as the faiim is sold. Durhamr, Texans- - Cash, Hogs --10 chunks; 2 Yorkshire ,Fred Wright, Proprtietor. grain, oats and barley. Tractor and Farah Implements — Me -Deering Super "A" tractor, used two seasons, like new, equipped with hydraulic 2efurrow plow and 4 -row seufiler; MSI. 'binder, 7 -ft. cut; Mc - Deering mower 5 -ft. out; M -H. hay- loader; International stde rake; .M -H. 2218 -plate tractor disc; M -H. stiff - tooth cultivator; tM-H. 11 -run drill; 4 -section diamond •harrows, rubber tired wagon; +116 -ft. rake, steel tired wagon, 2 -wheel trailer with rack; walking plow, fanning mill, (2100 -gal. water trough, 7 milk ,cans, milk pails and strainer; electric fencer; sling ropes, forks, shovels, chains, barrels and many articles too numer- ous to mention. Household Effects— Complete din- ing room suite, like new; China cab- inet; Duo-Tlierane space heater, like olIVIIIIIANNIMOMMINSMomensemeeramosta 'T'h:urtsiday, October 1+54ls, 1:953 Glen Webb, clerk, Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. TOWNSHIP OF HAY TENDERS Elm- the inistallaition of toilets and. wash basins in the Township Hallo .Zurie i, Ont. Sealed tenders , plainly marked Wil1 be received by the Clerk on or ia'et fore Mondays, October 19111, 1958 at 6.00 p.rn. for the installation of two toilets, and two awash -basin*. (:cast iron) with all the necessary Irte tertian- ,plumbing material. The sem+. le tank to be cement 750 gal. eatpacd. itty; 250 four -inch field tile to bs laid in the yard wof the Hensall Dints. rict Co -Op. as weeping Mile and to be connected to the tank by means off' the necessary glazed tile. All: inetallainons and material td. comply strictly with the Huron O'+. unty Health Unit. For height and position in MI Town Hall !basement, contact igoll ZVI. 'Turkhoim, and for the loca,titiff of the 'glazed tile, contact H. G. Twits. Work to the completed an lOctobet. or early November. H. W.:Brokenshire, Cls lc,. Servng Canada in t you serve ... Comradeship is one of the finest features of Army life. Ask any soldier! You take part in sports, five, work and face dangers with men who share your interests and ori)-itiors. Travel will give you wider experience and interests. There are many chances for travel in Canada and overseas. You see and learn more in the Army to- day than ever before. Never before has an Army career offered so man* advantages to young men. Army life is for men whiz. want to help guard Canada's freedom. It is not art•, easy life — but it is a rewarding one. You and Canada, profit by the many opportunities and benefits oli military service. Here's how you gain when you sery, Canada in the Armgood pay, financial security anti pension; 30 days annual leave with pay; opportunities. 'for special training, promotion, adventure, Foe• Canada, you will represent another trained soldier to help guard our freedom. To be eligible you must bo 17 to 40 years of age, skilletlr tradesmen to 45. When applying bring birth certificat. or other proof of age. Apply right away—For full information write or visit the Army Recruiting Centre nearest your home. No 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No. S Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot St., Kingston, Ont` Canadian Army Recruiting Centre, 90 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & ctizube:h Sts„ London, Ont, Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main St, W., North Bay, Ont, Army Recruiting Centro, James Street Arntttury, 200 James St. Norah, Hamilton, Ont. +.tnsw•o AN .. Or MONTREAL 64d41.rr,.4e i Zurich Branch: Hensen Branch: CARL SCOTT, Manages WALTER JARRETT, Manager Crediton Branch: RAYMOND I{ING, Manages (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashwood (Sub• •gency;) Open Mon,, Wed. & Eri, WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY ;WAI.K OF LIFE SINCE 1817