HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-10-15, Page 1Established .1900 STP PETER'S Evarigelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO .,. 'V, E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR tLR a.m.—Divine Services. 'x.1:15 a.m.—Sunday Sehool. 7:30 p.m.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome to all Service EMMA UEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich -- Ontario REV. H E. ROPPEL _Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch = Organist RUNDAY SERVICES` - 10:00 a.m.. -- Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. Evening Services lifted for summer Welcome at all Services—"Come thou with us and we will do thee good." Num. 10:29. WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If you're a careful driver you can eget remarkable low rates with State Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make bheix own low Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. Are You Suffering From ZURICH, ONTARIO 9 THURSDAY i'1 ,OiR 41NG, OCTOBER 151953 Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY: Prayer Fellowship (in the hones) YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! Ellen Marie Love A.R.C.T. of Piano and Theory Appointments: Phone Zurich 99 r7 Teacher Studio: L. Wagner, Resp. Zurich NOTICE COURT . OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF HAY NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for 1954 will be held at the Township Hall, Zurich, Ont, on the 16th day of October 1953 at 2:00 p.m. for the purpose of hear- ing any appeals :against the assess- ments H W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Township. of Hay , CARD OF THANKS I hereby wis4i to thank all those who sent me cards, flowers and treats awhile a patient in Clinton Hos- pital and since I have returned home, which ,were much appreciated. !lira. Milton Oesch. _ c • Had Lovely Thanksgiving Fine weather prevailed during the Thanksgiving week -end and many holiday visitors took advantage of the fine weather and visited friends at home and abroad, as the highways were not so conjested as earlier in the year. However, there were also a number of fatalities, motor accid- Heads the ? ents being chiefly, our speedy auto, . 4,f so have your Eyes Examined with 'mobiles, and fast and reckless driv-:One Show only, Tuesday acid the Latest Methods and equipment at i ing: in many cases cause accidents. In ; nesday evening a1 8 o'clock, OPTOMETRIST & ,r.pTICIAN i Goderich th"e was a drowning ac -,complete Shows Friday and Sat cident, but these are baecoming less as' evenings 7.30 and 9.30 ; the bathing is about a thing of the 1peet for .anothei. sumoaXrer. 1t was a ilos-ely ''hetiedtsgi.ving,••anti' ni i e nie. ithe people who observed it thus. 1 4. T. HARRY HOFF MAN FUNERAL HOME e = Or Funeral. Director -- Private Car Ambc ance = • e Member of Ontario Funeral Association HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFI- 4 A a. CATE — PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT p • HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN 0. It. `3 It.� FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED ER,OM MITOHELL NURSER?, � -.e. WE WIRE ANYWHERE o * 6 -* 24 Hour Service — Dashwood. Tel. 70W e Phone 421 Friday, Saturday Ol,'%. Toughest Man in .I Vanghn Monroe'' Joan Leslie 7, A Western Thriller photogr Trucolor. f+' Monday, Tuesday Oct., DOUBLE BILL' Cry of the Hunted, Barry Sullivan Voltario Gasman And on the same pro, Target Hong Ko Richard Denning Nancy Gates 0 Wednesday, Thursday All Ashore Dick Hayrnes Peggy Ryan Mickey Rooney A pleasing breezy musical in technicolor. Aidon '1, e GRAND BEND::';.. :co 2 Friday,sat TITANIC Clifton Webb, Barbara Stan wyck The never to be forgotten ist the biggest marine disaster.'¢i ern tunes. Cartoon and Additional Shorts.' huh; Tuesday, Wednesday CineE The Desert Song (Technicolor) Kathryn Grayson Gordon MacRae. Steve Cochran Never such glorious music gas,, all-time stage favourite attain* gloAes A Paramount Newsreel A. L. COBE G OIRI `{mod Gismo) aa� des Vt'3!jp141laiglarineSSUSS3Ni,7w•'S7e PE r, .pi0 .11 Store rube Foo s BircLsFoods F R YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS -. VEGETABLES - FISIFI, . ETC. h1 � '• .L H. S. CLARK'S PORK & BEANS 2, 20 -Oz TINS .33c ROBIN HOOD QUICK COOKING OATS, LARGE 5.1b.. 42c CRISCO, LARGE 3 -LB. TIN ,..99c CARNATION MILK, 2 LARGE TINS .. 28c C. H. THIEL Zurich ERAL Miss Ethel Williams; Mrs Marjorie Williams, and Messrs. Calvin and Robert Williams spent a day at Lon- don last week. MT and Mrs Earl Thiel and fam- ily enjoyed the week -end holiday at the home of their sister, Mr and Mrs ,V1orleiyi Witmer at Detroit. iVlr and Mrs Fred Batstone and children of Toronto were week -end visitors at the home of their mother, 1Vfms. Anne Turkheim and .other re- latives. Rev. and Mrs. T. R. Waugri. and their four children of 'Brantford Ont., visited at the home of her par- ents here on Thanksgiving Day. Rev R:oppel's two sisters, the ;Misses Ida ai j; aMinnie Roppel in ,company with thAik. nephew, IVIr. Harry Roppel and his iwife and little son John, all spent Thanksgiving Day at the Evangelical U. B. Parsonage here. Had Fine Trip South Mr. Fred IPa,pineau, and daughters Reta and Eveliyee of Detroit, were week -end visitor with friends on the Blue Water Highway, and atten- ded the wedding of the ladies' cous- in, Miss d rgurdte Ducharme, dau- ter -of Mr and 'Mrs. Peter Duch - arena on 1Saturday to Mr. Raymond Palacio of Windsor. Miss Evelyn be- ing bridesmaid. •Mr. and Mrs. Pap- ineau recently returned from a three thousand mile motor trip to Florida, and other southern States where they visited with their daughter and other points of interest. Evangelical Church Next :Sunday, October 18th is Mems Daly throughout the Evangel- ical U.B.-Church and owing to the expected absence of Rev. H. E. Rop- . ped >on this date the local Brother- `f'O hood will take charge of the worship ay service at 10.00 artr. Mr J, W. Reid, School Principal, will give the devotional address a I1ave moved lir and Mrs Milne Rader after the auction sale on Saturday, have :mov- ed .their effects from their former home, Goshen Street south, to the apartment they purchased on Main Street and Frederick •Street. Mr. and 1Vkis Wan. Decker are moving into the residence vacated by the Raders. Mr aid Mrs Hubert Schilbe have moved from the Racier •aparteneret in- to the ".Sc'hilbe block which also hous- es the Zurich post office. W. I's Entertained Blue • Water Gun • 7m the Community Centre, Zurich On $ Friday, October 16th Dancing 9:30 still? DESJARDINE ORCHE'STRA.,... The place 'where all .good Sportsmen will be: Everybody Welcome LUCKY PRIZE DRAW, on N S2 Cal. Repeating Rifle Admission — 50 cents F•ercl Haberer, President. Lennis O'Brien, Vice -Pres. Len Sararas, Secretary. Chas. Meyers, Treasurer. Women's institute The regular monthly meetiug of the Zurich Wn.' institute met at the home of 'lie, Chester L. Smith on Monday evening, Oct. 12th. As this was the fist meeting for the fall season,'•Mrs. Lawrence RPgler, Vice .President, opened the meeting in the usual manner. Mrs.. Smith led the community singing and ever; one took part which made one fel very I happy. Mr end lies. Ed. .S' elck_'of l tt rnded i• D ishwood favored the we 1 a, e meeting with several selections on the on Tuesday, Oct. Gth. rhe de cense( piano and violin, Te. Stelckwere gave, • a 1 .his was He was born iinosince Zur'ich appreciated.ryseeVlxa. paPer being a son the late on ihankatin;,; and vaoableseverall Owen Geigeofwho later` moved Mrs to on Thanksgiving. . Among visitors present we had the honor to 1 Hensall. Surviving besides his wife, have Mire. Gus Roche, former pr'esi.-I the former Grace Martin. of London, dent of the local branch as guest, and : are three sons and one daughter; 4 13us-' brother~ Edmund, Hensail, formerly Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscription in ,Canada, Year $2..N. Subscription U.'S;A., Year $2.50. N O R A' S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS TeL 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. PROMPT Optical Service YES ! Two days we can duplicate accurately your broken Lens any Size, and color from the broken pieces. We do not need your ription We also have the newest in Frames and Mountings. We can also save you money on a complete pair of Spectacles. A. G. HESQ Jeweler and Registered Optician presc- RAG RUGS and CA E TS On a New Modern Loom, Made to Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zurich., Ont. ?hone 128, INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LORNE S. EILER LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEEDDSIl WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 — HENSALL, ONT. 0809 9 9 9 Local Womens' Institutes enter- tained bas the iSeaforth W. I., were Dashwood, Crediton, and Zurich on TuesdayTuesdayevening. Dr.. McMaster be- inbe- ingguest speaker. Numbers were giv- en by. each branch, a splendid spirit and delicious refreshments +;were ser- ved. Vote of thanks was tendered by every Branch for the kind hos- pitality Seaforth members had ren- dered. All said adeau and hoping to have another gathering; again. Attended Funeral Mrs. Melissa Geiger, rs. Clare Geiger and Mrs. Blake Horner atten- ded .the funeral of their cousin the late' Dr, William Geiger at Waterloo 0 0 9 9 0 O 0 0 0 b w 0000000000606066est ei »��9i�� 00®4 ' ®O9000000O 0000 •,;•. M1 00e0000 i•0 rs:'.000tb+,,s0� 00610 30041 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchai