HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-09-10, Page 7fiHECalvert SPORTS COLUMN I got a chuckle the other day over a story which said the new pin-up boy in Ireland is a horse, and that "A Day in the Life of Tulyar" is the rage of the Sun- day supplements. This, we think, could happen only in Ireland, a country that not merely loves its horses, but breeds some magnificent animals, and in fact, owns one in the person of Tulyar. For Tulyar is the nation's horse. A few months ago, the Irish Parliament, or Dail, approved the expenditure of $700,000 for the purchase of a stallion name Tulyar from the fabulous Indian sportsman, the Aga Khan. Tulyar is reputed to be the horse of the century. He was undefeated as a 3 -year-old in the British Isles, where a racer has to run more than six fur- longs and with as much as 150 pounds on his back. The purchase of Tulyar didn't pass the Dail without all argument. After all, it happened in Ireland. The Conservative members of Parliament contended $'700,000 was a "luxury price" for an animal in a country facing an economic crisis. But the more liberal members won their point, 60 to 23, that Tulyar was a good investment in the national horse breeding industry. So Tulyar became a property of the government. He be- longs to the Irish National Stud Farm in Tully, County Kildare. The Irish are individualistic, if any race is, and they see nothing inconsistent in nationalizing the noble horse. Imagine the consternation on Ottawa's Parliament Hill if some sporting member advocated the purchase of Native Dancer for a million or so, for the purpose of improving the breed of racing animals in Canada. But, of course, race -horses don't mean so much to Canada as they do to Ireland. In Ire- land, the horse is big business. Export of horses is to Ireland almost what General Motors is to the United States or the gold, silver, lead and zinc products to Canada. Tulyar, the people's horse, will bring many a pound into Ireland. Not so many as the Irish sweep -stakes net, of course, but quite a tidy sum, you may be sure. .An American syndicate headed. by Jack Dempsey, Los Angeles insurance man (not the ex -pugilist) bid more than a million for Tulyar. The Moslem Aga Khan may have felt in conscience that the steed belonged to Ireland and took a cut in price, The Aga Khan was criticized in London for allowing Noor to get away from him. Bence he was sensitive about Tulyar. Noor was Irish -bred, and beat Citation every time out. Tulyar is held to be an Irish horse, because he was trained on the. emerald green grass of the Ould Sod for his English victories. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 437 Yonge St., Toronto. atviert DISTILLERS LIN"91TE AMMERSTBURG, ONTARIO ffSS to , ®. ai ��, d� ��� V./ se by BOB ECUS " r Ten years ago the representa- tives of 44 nations met in Hot Springs, Va., U.S.A., to discuss the human needs for food and how they could be balanced with the production of which modern agriculture is capable, if the hobbles are taken off it. Ten years have passed since the best experts of those 44 countries have sat together and still more than half of all mankind lays itself to sleep at night with an empty stomach. The same Problem, The first conclusion the Hot Springs conference arrived at was that there is no need for hunger anywhere in the world. Two thirds of the people on earth, they said, are food pro- ducers and with the means that science has given them, they are capable of feeding themselves and the remaining third. There are no surpluses, they said, there is a dearth of pur- chasing power. The problem is not production, the problem is distribution. The delegates scored the policy of some governments between wars of restricted production which was necessitated by price supports to prevent farmers in those countries to grow more of the supported crops which al- ready were considered "surplus." Capitol? Capital!—Helen Fiske Smith, 19, will represent the U.S. capital at the "Miss America" beauty contest in Atlantic Cify, Tariff barriers and export st b- sidies were another device to "protect" the producers. The delegates also warned that, unless a solution was found, re- strictions would again have to be imposed and more drastic ones at that, as production would continue to increase. The Answer. "But the world is sick of this negative approach to the prob- lem," the delegates continued in forming their answer. "The development of the less - advanced countries may be re- garded as the major need of the decades following the war. In an age of increasing agricultural efficiency and industrial mass production, it is a little less than suicidal to leave two-thirds of the world's people in a state of chronic poverty and undernour- ishment. Here lies the greatest opportunity not only for improv- ing human welfare but for ex- panding the demand for agricul- tural and industrial products. Unless the opportunity is vig- orously developed, through FAO and other international organiz- ations, industry and agriculture will have to continue throttling production down to a restricted demand, which is like hobbling a finely bred race horse and ex- pecting it to win the race." The conference was of the opinion that "No government In isolation could provide remedies for such a situation as that in which so many countries found themselves during the inter -war period; indeed, isolated action worsens the difficulties." International Co -Operation. The delegates of the 44 gov- ernments came to the ultimate conclusion that only by working together the nations could al- leviate want and poverty: "The high levels of production and the co-ordinated international plan- ning attained for the purposes of war have strengthened the con- viction that as much and more can be done for peace." Out of the Hot Springs con- ference came the Federation of Agricultural Organizations (FAO) for the purpose of blue- printing a plan. The question today, ten years later, is what have the member governments done to put it to work? This column welcomes sug- gestions, wise or foolish, and all criticism, whether .construetive or destructive and will try to answer any question, Address your letters to Bob Ellis, Box 1, 123 - 18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. Easy Does It, Fellows!—Umpire Glen Roberts has his hands full at Ebbetts Field as Chicago Cubs catcher Clyde McCullough moves toward Dodger coach Billy Herman (being held by Roberts) dur- ing a third inning argument. The argument began when Brook- lyn's Pee Wee Reese was permitted to take only one extra base, instead of two, on a bad throw by Cubs' Bubba Church. Hockey - T3aseball - Football - Horseracing. Without getting out the slide -rule and calipers, we would say that these four pas- times occupy from 80 to 90% of the space devoted to sport in the average newspaper. '1' # * And yet not ane of the four is the sport that's played by more people, than any other. Thirty years ago—yes, twenty years ago —soccer occupied the Number One slot. But nowadays it's Bas- ketball leading the field, with the rest trailing. m x All of which comes t/a' mind because of the news that the famous Harlem Globe Trotters are just back on this side of the Atlantic after a seventeen -count-•= ry, three -continent tour which grossed over a million dollars. During Coronation the colored boys packed Wembley Stadium in London, England. Some eight weeks later they were perform- ing before a sell-out crowd in Cairo, before a cheering mob of be-fezzed Egyptians: Those lads certainly do get around, and no fooling. Nobody can do more with the thirty -inch "round bag of wind" than the Harlem Globetrotters. Nobody can sink fancier baskets. Nobody can spring more laughs out of a game that is supposed to be strictly dribble, pass, and shoot. And nobody—not even the perennial champion Yankees of baseball, nor Notre Dame's gold- en boys of football—can rate with the Trotters as a year-round box- office bonanza. n: 4 * As a fabulous sports attraction unmatched anywhere, the Globe- trotters can be faulted on only one count: their games are sev- enty per cent competition, thirty per cent vaudeville. Yet none but a sports purist can avoid be- ing converted—because, after all, this show is a hundred per cent talent. Whether involved in straightforward bask et ba 11, astounding acrobatics, or side- splitting comedy, the Trotters al- ways operate on a genius level of imagination and execution, e •t. 4, Ever see them stagger the op- position with a series of blind passes? Ever see them drop-kick the ball into the basket? Ever see them switch to a baseball - game pantomime right in the middle of a basketball rally? Ever see them slyly smuggle a round loaf of pumpernickel bread into the game, then bring down the house by taking angry bites out of the "ball"? A hundred million people all over the world have seen these stunts in the past quarter century. x * ,r How did it all start? Credit a five -foot -three maestro named Abe Saperstein. This British -born Barnum of basketball attended high school in Chicago. After- ward, he organized a neighbor- hood team called the Savoy 131g Five. They were sponsored by a ballroom in Chicago's Negro sec- tion. Impressed by their skill and showmanship, Saperstein decided to take them barnstorming. e 4' Abe renamed his team the Har- lem Globetrotters, to indicate (a) they were colored and (b) they were willing to travel. In their initial season of 197, the Trot- ters toured the East in a broken- down bus. Some nights they earned as little as five dollars when the hat was passed around after a game. But today the Har- lem Globetroters are a muitimil- liori-dollar enterprise, drawing over, $1,000,000 in salaries. Their business headquarters occupy an eleven -room suite in Chicago, three rooms in New York, . and similar space in their Pacific Coast and Paris branch offices. * * c In his time, Saperstein has been stone broke with his team in Lonesome Woman Gulch, British Columbia. But the pinte sized promoter and coach has also, with his team, been blessed by the Pope at the Vatican in Rome. 4 44 The Trotters have drawn .., audience of 31,648 in the Rose Bowl, 50,041 at Rio de Janeiro, 40,000 in three days in Paris. In all countries, in all languages, spectators hail Goose Tatum and. his Herculean hands, Marques Haynes and his electrifying drib- bling, and all the other stars of the Harlem Globetrotting troupe. * x, t: No small measure of basket- ball's rating as the world's num- ber -one sport can be credited to the Globetrotters. They have spread the gospel of the game to the far reaches of the globe... to the Metalatkah Indians on An- nete Island off Alaska, and to the laborers in the sugar -cane fields of Luzon in the Philippines. They have played in the rain in Lyons, . France; in the blazing sun on the beach at Casablanca, North Africa; and in a barn loft of a Nebraska hamlet. * 4' They've done a great job of selling this Canadian -inspired game to the world; and they've also done a whole lot towards breaking down obnoxious color - lines in many places. HER WORRY Two elderly ladies checked in- to a sporty new hotel in Miami Beach. The first thing they no- ticed was a furtive little man circulating from guest to guest in the lobby, whispering and collect- ing looney. They were told he was a bookie—a man who took bets on the horses. In vacation abandon, they de- cided impulsively to risk two dollars themselves. They lost. That night one of the ladies tos- sed around in her bed and sigh- ed so lugubriously that the other counseled her, "Becky, you shouldn't cry so over spilled milk. Stop worrying because you lost. It was only two dol- lars," "It ain't losing I'm wor- rying about," Becky answered, "I was worrying about if we had won. What would we have done with the horse?" IT MAY BE YOUR LIVER if life's not iworth living it may be your liven red a fact! It takes up to two pints of liver bile a daY to keep your digestive tract in top shape! if your liver bile is not flowing Reay your food may not digestm.. gas bloats uti your stomach. yois feel constipated all n . ell the fun and sparkle go out of life. More when you need mild gentle Carter's Little Liver fills. These famous vegetable ills help stimulate the ffow of liver bile. P your digestion starts functioning p.e and you feel that hakpy days aro mere a i Dont ottep,p 1,tv sun. A.it+lays keep COWS Little Liver Pills on hand. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED NURSERY SALESMEN ,Agent,, wanted to represent Canada's loading surgery.. Wo offer profitable full or part time sales positions and need men with drive and initiative, Commie - Slone paid weekly. ,Exclu*Ive territory, Handsome free selling outfit mut/Piled. We offer a complete line of fruit trees and bushes. ornamentals, Evergreens, Shrubs, Roses, etc. Our sales proposition afore YOU a distinct advantage. For further Particulars write to; STONE & WELLINGTON "The Venlig') Nurseries," 99 Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. AGENTS, clubs, church groups! Make friends and profits easily showing Can- ada's finest Christmas cards, 75 items including feature, religious, scenic, hu- morous. Freneb, personal and everyday Cards. Many novelty items, ribbons, wraps. seals, purse lights and books. Prompt service. Liberal commissions, W. V. :Mandron Greeting Card Co., 08 Ken- sington North. Hamilton, Ont. THE progressive retail firm of S. H. RICE. WINDSOR — Grand Fans district, Newfoundland, solicits inquiries from mainland manufacturers interested la obtaining sole agent' In 10th province, ADDRESS all correspondence, Stanley B:. Rice, Windsor, Newfoundland, Box 298. BARY CHICKS BROILER Grower's. We can take care oP your requirements with our pure cross strain New Hampsbires, or New Hamp- shire crosses, We can supply non -sexed or cockerels. More and more broiler grow- ers are purchasing Tweddle High Quality Broiler chicks. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. F'ERGUS ONTARIO A COMBINATION that is hard to beat High Quality chicks at low prices. Can- adian Approved standard Quality heavy breed day old pulIete $16.45 per hundred. These low prices made possible by big demand for cockerels. Money Maker Quali ty add $1.00; Extra Profit add $3.00; Special Mating add $4.00 per hundred. Also non -sexed and cockerel chicks at competitive prices, Turkey pouits, Older Pullets, Started chicks, Started turkeys. TWEDDLE CHICK IMATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO TOP Notch Canadian Approved chicks are high quality chicks and sold at prices that please you. Standard Quality heavy breed pullets as low as $16.20 per hun- dred. Also non -sexed and cockerel chicks at competitive prices. Special Broiler chicks in non -sexed or cockerels. Turkey poults Bronze 2 weeks old .89e; 3 weeks old .99c; 4 weeks old 51,09, TOP NOTCH CHICK SALES GUELPH ONTARIO DYEING AND CLEANING IIA VE you anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to ue for information We ere glad to answer your questions. De- partment H Parker's Dye Warks Limited, 797 Yenge St.. Tnronto. 91,R SALE CRESS WART REMOVER — Leaves no scars, Your Druggist sells CRESS. FOR Sale — Registered Yorkshire sows. heavy in pig, from vaccinated stock. Also young breeding stock available. Fox Haven Farm. Chippewa, Ont. HACKNEYS, brood mares, stallions and young stock for sale. Claude K. Bottum. Bobcaygeon, Ont. GOOD selection farm properties, Kempt. ville and vicinity. Contact J. R. Patter- son, atterson, Broker. Iiemptville, Ont. WHEEL Chairs. Invalid walkers, folding and adjustable. Free literature. Foam rub- ber cushions $7.50 delivered. Bamford - Regis Ltd.- 34 bit Pleasant Ave., Ottawa, Ontario.... SCHOOL BUSSES FACTORY conditioned trade-ins — all makes, year models and seating capa- cities — 30 day mechanical warranty on most units. Prices from $750, Terms ar- ranged. Special -1951 Mercury panel — 19 school seating. Airdoam Seats, Horizontal Win- dow Sash, Insulated body and heater. Ex- cellent condition 52800. REO MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA Ltd. Bus Division, Leaside, Ont.—Tel, Ma. 1171 TRUCK TIRES Brand new firsts, 825x20, lopiy, heavy duty diamond tread, regular $130.30, limited supply $30.00 each F.O.B. Tor- onto. Send full amount, save C.O.D. charges. Jaca Distributing, 1962 Blow St. W., Toronto. 28x46 Waterloo Thresher, like new. Long feeder. 2—No. 21 M.H. Combines Tank, 12 ft. pick-up, a M.P. Electric motors, new. Ball Bearings, Runs on 60 cycle. $12.50. 600-16 Implement Tires, new. $12, Same bargains on machines, Tractor Tires and V, Belts. Ted Eastham. Grand Valley, Ontario. 1947 DODGE School Bus, 42 pasenger. Excellent condition. Roy Madigan, Pointe au Baril, Ont. DAWBUL Reg. No. 1 Seed, Cornell 595 Reg. No. 1 $2.50 per bus.. Carnell 595 Com- mercial No, 1 seed at $2.20 per bus. F.O.B. Mill. Panogen treated and bagged. Smith's Feed & Seed Limited, Queensville, Ont- ario. Phone 8031. FOR September planting, new Senator Dunlop strawberry plants $1,40 hundred, 85 500: $8 thousand. Order early. Percy Yarrow. Route 6, Trenton, Ont. DAWBUL WHEAT REGISTERED No, 1 Seed. D. Henderson, RR. 2, Zing, Ont. MEDiCAL Fii89YT JUICES: TWE PRINCIPAL 'NORM. ENTS i0t DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEU- MATIC PAINS, NEURITIS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin, Ottawa *0.75 Express Prepaid. FEMINEX tp One woman tells another, Take superior "E MINEX" to help alleviate pain, dig. trees and nervous tension assoriated witl1 monthly periods, 96,00 Postpaid In plain wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS 680 QUEEN ST, EAST LOIOONT*0 POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rasben end weeping skin troubles. Poet's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling, burning eczema. acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema. wile respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment regardless of bow stubborn or hopeless they seem, PRICE 82.60 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES Beet Poet Free on Receipt of Prior 889 Queen St, E., Cornet of Logan: Toronto OPPORTUNITIES FOE BEEN AND WOMEN YOU CAN STAY HOME AND MAKE GOOD EXTRA MONEY mailing our (order pulling) circulars of none -competitive Imported Specialties, Proven good sellers. Receive big malls and do business the quick modern way—inde- pendently. We help you start your own Mail Order Business locally, with little capital. Our Firm operates Prom Coast to Coast. Write 'Home Mail System', Box 103, 128—.18th Street, New Toronto. LADIES — Sell at factory -to -you prices our beautiful hand -knitting yarns to friends, neighbours, church groups, etc. Write for free sample book. Barry Yarns, Box 782, Station "B", Montreal, Que. BE A HAIRDRESSER 80117 CANADA'S LEADING S('II4KM Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession gone wages, Thoueande of successful Marvel graduates America's Greatest System illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 869 Bloor St. W.. Tnronto Branches. 94 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa LEARN priceless secrets of Technical Metaphysics. Easy to learn. Only School of its kind. Write: Premier College of Technical Metaphysics. 2532 McKenzie St., Vancouver, 13.C„ Canada. MAKE EASY MONEY UP TO $100 & MORE WEEKLY FULL TIME OR PART TIME MEN OR WOMEN Sell our house name plate, made of crystal glass and metal. Very fast seller. They are very easy to read even in dark places. They reflect light. Make quick money. Ask for our free circular and wholesale price list or better send $1'.20 for your sample with your name on it. Pierrot 7152 -7th. Avenue. Rosemount, Montreal 38, Quebec. AR TI S -T S, ARTISANS, HOBBYISTS? Oceans of space for Muralettes and sen- sational Art Profits. Fascination Fad. Ne competition. Folio $2. Bruns, Box 630. Marvista 85, California. GET ABOVE the crowd in work and ears Inge. Get as high as $5000.00 to 510,000.00 yearly. Learn steeple and construction climbing. For glamour, money and long lasting repeat big money get the facts from free circular. If you have guts, not afraid to get your feet off the ground this is the business for a man who wants to forget ,hid financial worries. Practicahy no competition. Write: Spectacular Crafts, P.O. Box 5733, Dept. r''13, Bethesda, 14, Maryland. PATEN'rE AN OFFER to every inventor—List of Sae ventions and full Information sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Atter- neys. 278 Bank Street, Ottewa FETHERSTONBAUGH do Company. Patent Attorneys. Established 1890. 850 Bay Street. Tnrnntn. Patents all countrlee. PERSONAL 31.00 TRIAL offer Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest Catalogue included. The Medico Agency Sox 124, Terminal A. Tnronto. Ontazio TOBACCO ELIMINATOR A scientific remedy for cigarette addic- tion. For free booklet, write C. W. King Pharmacal Corporation Ltd., Box 308, Walkerville, Ont. WANTED CIDER press and cutter, small or medium size. H. 3', Webb, Dundas Highway, Islington. WANTED to purchase—Pullets all ages and breeds. Apply Box No. 105. 120 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. WANTED — Flocks to supply Canadian Approved Hatchery with hatching eggs for 1953-54 season. Apply Box No. 104. 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. ISSUE 37 -- 1953 tf` Get quick relief for aching muscles, the easy soothing way. Rub in fast -acting Minard's Liniment. SCLES 2-$1 "KiNG OOF��pPAN"