HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-09-03, Page 4oNTAW O Midnight Dance Sunday Night, Septa 6th • • • From 12 to 3 a.hn. LABOR DAY MORNING 'ST. PETER'S PARISH HALL St. Joseph °Mal'i° Syncopators Orchestra in +Atten dance (No Party Saturday, Sept..5:th .NOTICE. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of he Township I of AND FUthe CorpRorationTHER o! TtheAKE ToNOTwnshipICE • that the Council at its regular meet - 2 rugs at Zurich shall hear in person • , or by their .counsel, solicitor or agent, • ' any person who .claims that his land • t 1. 0.•• • • • • • 0000000001000001 Lake ¶, le Casino GRAND BEND LABOR DAY WEEK -END - OUR INFLUX OF WEEK -ENDERS WILL START THURSDAY SPECIAL - THURSDAY, SEPT. 3rd. Regular admission 75c each ARTHUR MURRAYDANCE PROFESSIONALS Exhibitions and Instructions by Canada's Top Teachers! The Studio will also have special prizes, and certificates, for the test Ballroom Dancers( -This program has continued to be an outstanding success. School Boards and teachers - take notice! Recent contracts accepted by the Arthur Murray Studio have been from -Public and High Schools, to teach Social, or Ballroom dancing: .Few students to -day can dande even the fundamental steps ,cif -a waltz! Sunday - September 6th - DAYTIME A "BIG. DAY" - and SURPRIZES GALORE IN THE WAY OF ENTERTAINMENT! 1 1 LAST DANCE - MIDNiIGHT SUN M AY Plan Your "LAST FLING" Of Season 1953! MAKE UP YOUR OWN PARTY AND CELEBRATE THE ENDING 'OF A WONDERFUL SEASON u tak l wfsts e P FEEDS CHECK YOUR REQUIREMENTS TODAY --- CO-OP LAY MASH CO-OP PIG STARTER CO-OP HOG GROWER. CO-OP SOW RATION CO-OP 24% DAIRY SUPPLEMENT CO-OP CALF MEAL HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Phone Hensall 1 15. Zurich 220 mss= • • • will be judicially affected by the By- law and who applies to be heard. loan, but further on was suspicious AND -FURTHER TAKE NOTICE •of the fawner, so• gone day decided to that after the publication of this ltuovel to the farm and investigate; Notice in four suecessive issues of an: arriving he asked the farmer i►ow the Zurich Herald council shall peon he hal seeded the slopes, the farmer sider and may finally, pass this By-law replied, with a pop gun, the ''banker after taking into consideration such 'amazed and asked, is that the truth? representations as shall have been 'The fanner being peeved by 'being previously made. tinder question pressure, he replied Mrs. Robert MoBride of Kippen, • (the truth) !Hell, no this is only a tis, holidaying ;at Honey Harbor. at Zurich this nth day ' hhhersattion. of August, 1953• Summer services are being held D A S I -I W O O U aKlippenUnited Church. by the Rev. Corporation o£ the 'Township W. J. Maines of Bru�cefield at 10 a. of Hay, ZURICI4 1HERALD Thursday,September 3rd, 1903 Should it he forced on them W dire need or finalh!eiaal ainccums!cances, ear t{he way they 'prefer the going, let us respect them as loyal eittzens by giving ahem all the safety and pro- tection within ourselves, This and. That " A farmer who lived ,on the slopes Of a roeldh rmountain, one day walk- ed' into a Bank to borrow money trader false pretense to plant his seeding. The banker advanced the died 32 years aro. They fanned on the Bronson line, Hay Township on the ,fawn clow owned by thew son Dennis. ISa avtivanrg awe three sons, Jloseplh, of the 14th Con., Hay; Den- nis, Zurich; Tuffield, ,Detroit; six daughters, Mrs. Edward Denomme (Josephine) Di ylsdale; Maxie, Chic- ago; Mrs, Ernest Page (Sarah) Win- dsor, Mrs. Louis Brisson (Emma Jane), Riverside; Mrs. Lawrence La- pointe (Eveline) Detroit, and Mrs. John O'Keefe (!Lucy), Rusconvbe; 1 brother, FrankCorriveau, Se!aaorbh, and two Blisters, Mrs. Dolph Pariseau Detroit, and Masi. Tuffield . Ayotte, Drysdiale. Rt. Rev. Father William Bawr'deau, P. P. officiated. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mrs. Thelma Garvie and Ronnie of m. Sunday mornim>ys. ' !amnia .are spending .a week with Mr By H. W. Bre'kensliire, Heitman Elsie and other friends. I Injured In Accident Clerk. , Mr Ed. Robair !Of Detroit visited of Ray proposes to pass a BY -law with his sister and ,husband, Mr and I Mrs. Alice Mustard ,who resides stopping up the following "lands in Mrs. Arlt Ailemand. near Varna on the Bayfield Road, 'was the Village of Dashwood now Tres- Mr and Mrs Milfred 11/leaner and admitted to Clinton Hospital recently eptly a part Street • with ;> injuries, bruises and shock said Village itt�mlly 1Vir 'incl I1VLrs lreo. rG,iLwu w,au Michael spent 'last Sunday •at Port following a truck -tractor accident on All and singular ihat certain parcel Stanley. !their rfaira' near Varna. The mother soloist. The bride was given in ,mar's !age by hes" brother Georlge M. Beatty - and carried a White bible ,with an rota. rabid. M'rs Ken Parke, Zurich, at. tended the bride, Robt.. MaeViea* London, was his brother's best mala, the ushers were Wm, Lathan,and Maircolan MaeVfiicacr, both f London, The bride's and groom's mothers rea. ceived at the former's summer home tin Bayfield. After e wedding trip to points in Michigan, they will reside in London.London.ndon. WMS. Report. The Varna WMS held its August meeting in the church, with the front road women's group in charge with Mrs. L. Mc'Conniell as leader. 1Virs, Cry Reid took charge of the •. lbnzsinee5. There were 28 calls to shut-ins. Mrs W. Webster gave the treasurer's re- port. EASTER SEALS REPORT 1953 to July 31st, 1952 Letters Mailer ..1200 Replies .......2812( 19.33 p.c. reed Contributions to July 31$364,801 In Bank at start of cam,pn 10.96 Total $ 375.80+ Expenses: Mailing Easter Seals $ 24.93/41i:Collect Replies 162 ,. • .1. . or a o .16ii track f land .and premises situate IMr and Mrs. Ifeathn}1ong an W df d of four 'children was driving the ang M '1' Receipts 228 6.86 lying and being in the "Village of daugthber' of London spent their va- tractor into the (barn, towing a tri Adv'g printing supplies ... 10.001 Dashwood in the County of Huron ,Cation with his mother, Mrs. Garnet iler loaded' with x1160 bushels of grain and !Province of 'Ontario, 'and being Wildforig She was thrown cif and injured when • composed of that part of William Street lying swath of Helen Street, and north of the road allowance be- tween the Torwms'hips of Stephen and. Hay as shown (on P.lied's Survey of part of Lot Nur fiber Twenty-four in the south boundary Oon,cessibn of the Township of Hay, described,,as foll- ows: Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot Number six (6) on the said survey, Thence northerly along the easterly limit of said Lot Numb John !McKishnee of London. er Six, fifty-two and one-half •feet Mr. Herb Wein of Detroit +spent (521/2'), Thence easterly and par-' last week -end gat hi,s home here dur- allel to the easterly production of the i'ixg the week Mr and Mrs Wein vis - southerly lirnit of Lot Six a distance ited their daughter and family at of eighteen feet to a point. Thence' Clralk River. • • • 4 i • • • 1 • e • a • 1 Total $ 48,9S Rev J H. 'Getz, Mr's Getz and Don- the tractor came in contact with the Contributions by Districts ald of Kitchener spent the week -end truck. With -Mrs Cara Geiser and other fri- rMacVicar-Beatty ends. Summer flowers d'e'corates the St. Mr and Mrs Roy ,Bender and fam- J'o, 's Anglican Church, Varna when of Toronto'tailed, on his father, Mary Elizabeth Beattly 'daughter of Mr John Bender Sunday and took him to visit at Elimville. Congratulations go to Mr and Mrs Aaron ,Oestreacher on the birth of their -.grandson Mar Mr and Mrs. southerly and parallel to the easterly. limit of said Lot Six, fifty-two and one- half (5211 ') ; Thence westerly along the easterly production. of the southerly limit of said Lot Six, a distance of Eighteen feet to a the Oda Mrs. Haytter was her sister's southeast angle of said :Lot Six, be- matron of honor, Mary Aim. Hayter ing the place ^of beginning. Was flower girl and little Jimmie was ring-pearer. pro'ba'bly as .an appetiser, or to set Rev. W. F. Krotz took the services tle down an overloaded tankful, lasi at 'Clifford Sundalyi and Rev, 3. O.es- but not least a horse drawn vehicle, treicher preached here. was on the highway with 'his driver : <:,, Mr and Mrs Wan. Gossn,an are on apparently contented, (well) ret us. 0. -trip to British Columbia. not turn our beads away fsom the t•Held Family Reunion horse 'and buggy site, for they bring ,a`,•Ending :part of the vacation of back memories of yester years, and 40: C. B. Carr and %family of • the when the public could travel in• sale- [ ®i tbawa Valley and on the transfer' 'Me' and •Mrs Martin Laub of Exe- ter spent Sunday with the tatter's •'sis!ter, and family Mrs. Heelb. Wein. 114r and Mrs James Hayter :attend &d' the Reed-Frirtzley rwedeling at God- ty, it is true the going was not as. r£asrt as of. to -day. But people reached their destiniat' ion in safety and in due time, and eiibh Weber and faanily from lha Airport to Trenton rfor a ictourse and then to Camp Box - den, prerparationts were made to not so many tikat landed in the • spend an evening on .the home-taawn, Morgue or in the neighbouring hosp- ; 2l1 of the immediate relatives with ital as of to -day, and furthermore, tRev. W. F. Krotz roasted weiners and was it not the horse sof the past who with his master cleared he Wilderness of the country, and made it one a- mong the most rbeantiiful and prosp-. Brous ones, and was it not aihe'liorse p,•layerr offered by the pastor. ARI f&armed •a 'circle, joined hands and sang "Bless be the tie tha Binds. DRYSDALE Requiem ththighmass for ,Mrs. Del - firms eye on those who yet enjoys to phine Dudharme, 89, -walla-walla died at the travel that way. Have thelyi not the Baine privileges on the Highway and Byways as the speedster of to -day? And Whether or not the Custom has. almost passed in oblivion; rz, is ' .for, us to respect their way •ot .travelling. heed buns -on an open. fire and drank fres!hie or hot,coffee. Thelma of London and Ruth of Red Deer, �Ilb , were the only absent.. In dos- -the evening a familiar verse was Is., until recent years, who was the main dig, a Psalm read py Rev C. B. Carr farm and travelling power, and who never refused his piaster, and yet to- day apart from this prosperous Pro- vince -of Ontario, horses are yet the going power and for us of today let us not he too quick to turn an en - ssastasasassuassosissamissansmsastassessmastantisfscamess !Lake. We believe the past week -ow) iwa.; the, heaviest of the ,season; it Was amusing' .for one to sit on a:tlhady° 4prt ori hitt front lawn and 'watch the traffic; it included cars of all m'odei r rr cycle:' of different make and -;)F4(•d; also pedestrains could he Shen I 1 , :‘hogroin.:4 taking a little Jaunt St. Joseph & Bhie Water. Area The ;awenIterile.r `'ma'. of f?h-r pa -.t rOtts,�„"',•:, '-ctr•i ,•r•`:•.. - fir.' „"rbc+ 0•11; tt • J F,( 011,1': C, E:,' Ito home of. her slaughter, Mrs. John 0'- Keefe, Ruscomlb•e, was sung on Fri- day moaning Aug 28th in St. Peter's Church, at St. Joseph, and interment Oracle in the parish cemetery. • . Her husband, the late Peter Duoharme Zurich 134 $206.80. $1.15,5 per letter Dashwood 34 $'51.50 $1.52 ' def. Hensall (34 310,6.50 $1.67 dei IA Hearty THANK YOU to the Mrs. Beatty, Varna and the late Geo. people of the above districts from H. Beatty, 'exchanged wedding vows with John Alexander MaeVicar, son of Mrs. 'MacVicar, London and the late Duncan McVicar.. Canon A. A. Abraham, London officiated, assisted by Rev. E. Carew -Jones, Bayleld. Mrs. Bert Boyles, Clinton was organ- ist and Miss Ruth Claibe, Varna was the Zurich Lions 'Club and The Chip. pled Children of Ontario for .you response to the Easter- Seat Camp. sign. .. Many youngsters will • en" joy New Health, Hope and HappinLesa as a: result of your generosity, Easter Seal ,Committee, Zurich Lions Club. • e • • • • • • • • • s • • • • • e Your Invitation assamsmoismasseset ffin •, 9 • 1 e• e• e• bt9 a • •r • tD • • • • • • t6 9 Here is Your Invitation to see and hear that Incomparable Team DON LONIE, with the Italian Palerno Bros. In the New LEGION HALL, CLINTON September 8th Thru September 20th. Week nights 8 p.m. Sundays 3 p.m. & 8.30 p.m, CLINTON AREA YOUTH FOR CHRIST WELCOMES YOU • • • • • p • • 0 • • • • • 0 • • 0 0 g • 0 • YOU HAVE AN APPOINTMENT As it is appointed unto man once to die, but after that t11te .• Heb. 9:27 Judgbent. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened, and another book was opened which is the book of Life; and the dead were Judged out of those things which were written in the books, accord- ing to their works. -Rev. 20. 12 And whatsoever was not found written in the book of Life, was cast into the Lake of Fire. -Rev. z0:15 To -day, if you hear his voice harden not your heart. Heb. 4:7, GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Box 50 R. R. 1, - Zurich, Ontario AT A CORNER ON MAIN STREET A community springs up and, as it grows, a branch bank opens its doors. This pattern, basic in Canada's development has been repeated again and again in pioneer areas, villages, towns and cities. Through local branches, the chartered banks bring to small communities,, as well as large, the sante broad range of banking service. There are now 3,800 branches of Canada's chartered banks serving the banking needs of Canadians, 700 opened in the past ten years. THE BANKS SERViNG YOUR COMMUNITY m;