HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-08-20, Page 4nlRR ONTARIO
To The Maxi With Farm
You are not only the 'head of a fain -
but also the head of a business.
What would happen to your family
end business if you should die or
become disabled?. Would the farm
have to be sold to 'pay the bills, or
because your family couldn't afford
to hire a man to do the work? A
life insurance plan to 'protect your
family and farm will take that load
off your mind.
T Harry Hoffman
A Mutual Company
Phone 70-W
— All Profits for Policyholders
Dashwood, Ont.
Lakeview Casino
To one of the most popular Orchestras Grand
Bend has ever had
June - Johnny - and the Quartette
It Grows And Grows !
A half hour of Ballroom Exhibitions, plus tuition
by 'America's top instructors - plus half-hours reg-
: ular dancing at usual admission of 75c. each.
Sed with. their prizes.
No Blame Attached
NO blame could be attached to
anyone in the death of Alex Hilde-
brandt railway worker killed on Aug
10th. a coron'er's jury met at
Clinton Tuesday. Coroner Thompson.
Hildebrand leaped from a CNR jig-
ger just north of Brucefueld when a
crash with a truck at a railway cros-
sing seemed imminent. He was cru-
shed under the wheels of the load-
ed gravel truck. Two others who jum-
ped when Hildebrandt did anu two
who remained on the jigger were un-
hurt. It is believed Hildebrandt
tripped and fell while juunping.
Employee Electrocute 1
duck Leach, 12124 of R.R. 4, Den-
field died Thursdaiyl afternoon 13th,
while working an 'electric drill atop
a trailer at the Clipper Coach Mfg.
Co. of Hensall. He is tbelievea to have
been electrocuted. A fellow worlter,
Chas. Proctor, said he was wording
at the other end of the coach and
when he turned to Milli up same nails
he saw Leach lying flat un nus back
the drill on his chest•. Attendants 'MI
resuscitation failed. A coroners" poet;
mortem 'was held at the Bontlereml
Funeral Home Friday morning at
10 a.m. Dr. F. W. Laney, pathmlog-
• est of London, was present; tee. F. 'G.
• Thompson, ooroner, 'Clinton, stilted
that they did mot find :anytkitn'g to
cause death in relation to r1a1ko-
Mr and Mrs Ralph Garratt, of
• I Fllorida, are guests with ,vrars..Jas.
•George and Don Hedden cot St.
Catharines spent the week-emd .with
their grandmother Mzis. C :3'ectden.
Mit Bernice ,Jinks, nurse lar strain-
ing Vila -aerie Hospital, London 'is vac-
ioning for %''tree weeks at her home
• I here.
aVlr '..'W. Jaamott, manager cat the
Bank of Montreel. here, Is on vacat-
Mr end MxsEdgar M'cO1'rn y and
Waterloo Cattle :!reeding Association
Where Better Bulls Are Used
d- We will be closed for staff holidays from August 23rd to Aug-
ust 30th, inclusive.. Where semen is shipped, service will not
be available until September 1st.
• Box 50 R.
• -.
For Service, call Collect: CLINTON 242
Week days 7:30 to, 10 a.m; Sundays and holidays 7:30 to 9:30
a.m. Cows noticed in heat later in the day should be insem-
inated on the following day. Top sires of all breeds are used.
However, we are featuring the Aberdeen -Angus, in this Adv't.
They are as follows:
Blackbird Bandolier of Anoka 30th—By Prince Bandolier 7th.
by Blackcap Grenadier G. R. 10th, from Rally Blackbird
Lady 17th 'blyl Envious Blackcap B 9th.
Blackcap of Maple Gables 65th—By Blackcap General. of .Elm
Grove, by BurgessGeneral of Ada BInd, from Pridetta of
(Don Head by Enchanter of Bordulac 2nd.
Bandolier of Maple Grove 28 --By Bandolier of Maple Grove
18th, by Bandolier of Anoka, from (Miss Burgess of Anoka
4th, by 'Blackbird Bandoilier of Page.
Queen Grenadier of Corydon—By Dominator U. A. by Eston
Repeater 2nd, from Queen Henderson 39th, by Eston
Compress 2nd.
Neither by the Blood of goats and calves, but by His own Blood
He entered in ONCE into the holy place, having obtained
Eternal Redemption for us. — Heb. 9: 12.
But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are
made nigh by the Blood of Christ. — Eph. 2: 13.
Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the Holiest
by the Blood of Jesus.
By a new and living Way which He hath consecrated for us.
through the veil, that is to say, His flesh.
Let us draw near with a true heart iin full assurance of Faith,
having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our
bodies washed with pure water.—Heb. 10: 19, 20, 22..
R. 1, — Zurich, Ontario
Burried at G. B.
Funeral services for John Lloyd
Latta 33, who died at St. Joheph's
Hospital, London were held Wednes-
day last .at Dundas St. United cnurch
of that city with a masonic service.
The -pallbearers all lodge brothers.
The remains were laid to rest In the
Grand Bend Cemetery*.
Lions Club Nets $500.
The G. B. Lions Club netted about
$500 for its service work on Sunday
evening 9th. The money came from
the variety entertainment show which
the Club sponsors each year. About
2,000 attended .at the Lakeview Cas-
ino. Bob McLaren, of G. 13, was de-
elarecl. winner of the contest for the
cocker spaniel pup or $50. Ile took
the cash, and in the anecron which
followed the pup was bought by Jack
Waldron of G. B. for $35. rntertarn-
1".i!'ilt was provided free of e arge by
Neil 'McKay and Orchestra, the Arth-
ur Murata dancer,-', John Nau.".ai'lan,
plana and vocal; Al and June Barna,
vocali te, Ruy Frombold, ac<ordian;
and Bobby Ciainogin,lr. Erie
don ;sent last week with the formers
parexits Mr and Mrs Reinhold !Miller,
Mr, Hinley spent the week -end here.
Mr and iMrs !Melton Wa1'per and
girls of Ingersoll spent the ween -end
with the latter's parents,; Mr and Mrs
Ph 1pi Fassold.
tali and iMiis O. Garaybeil sof Tor-
onto and Mr and Mrs Norman .Hub -
and of (Minrico spent Sunday with
Miss Beatrice Graybeii and Mr and
Mm. 'Wee. England.
t1Vle• and Mrs Glenn Brown. or Lon-
doit. spent Sunday with the latter's
parents, Mr and 1VIrs Wm. Wein.
1Mx land '.Mrs Arthur Haugh, Jean
and Miss Betty 'Geiser of 'London,
motored to Naperville 1.11., Friday to
(bring Mr. Glen Haugh home.
Rev, and Mrs B. Carr ,and family
of the Ottawa Valley are visiting the
latter's parents, Mr and Mrs, Daniel
Weber. Rev. Carr was guest speaker
in 'title:.E . U. B 'ohurch ,Sunaay mor-
Mr and Mrs Harry Hoffman and
family attended a Bandmasters' As-
sociation Convention at Owen 'Sound
over the week -end.
family have the sympathy of a large
circle of friends.
Late Robert N. Stephenson
.Services,6, forme
eeknave-n Stan-
ley Township farmer, were conduct-
ed in 'Clinton on Monday at 10.30 by
the Rev. T,Pitt, Varna, in the Ball
and Mulch funeral chapel, and in-
terment made in 'Bayfield Cernetery. and (Province of Ontario, and being
Pallbearers were Lloyd Keyes,Cain' composed of that (part of William
Johnston, Wilmer and 'Orval McGlin- '• Street lying south of Helen Street,
and north of the road allowance ibe-
tween the Townships of .Stephen and
Hay as shown on Fried's Survey' of
part of Lot Number Twenty-four in
the south (boundary Concession of the
Thursday, August 2'Oth, 1953
of Hay proposes to Pass a By -law -
stopping up the following lands in
the Village of Dashwood now pres-
ently a part of William Street in the
said Vii'lage.
All and singular that rertarn parcel
or tract of land and premises situate
lying and being in the Village of
Dashwood in the 'County of Huron
Gerry atf Hensall', Mr and :Mrs. SlVilm-
er McGrigor :sof Sloderich are vacat-
ioning in Northern Ontario.
Bill and Don Brock left der She
Norwich distinct .to work in the tob-
acco harvest.
(Intended for ;;:art week)
Mr and Mrs Griff Ift gthes of ' ic-
toria, B.C. and their laughter Mrs.
Williamson of ,Sasketeliewan, are
visiting with 1YIr .and Mrs. Geo. Hess,
Mrs. Hess is a nice of Mr and Mit;
Bill>y Shaddick is spending three
weeks with relatives in Port Elgin,
and Palmerston.
Mrs. L. McCloy, Kathy, Jimmy and
Christine, Toronto, are vacationing
for the month of August with her
parents, Mr and Mrs George Hess.
Mr and Mrs Harold Seruton and
family of Port . Dover, spent the
week -end. with Mr and Mrs R. Siad
dick and Mr and Mrs P .L.
Mr and Mrs 'Geo. Hess and daugh-
ter Mrs. McCloy and family were
guests 'Sunday last with Mr and Mrs
Gordon Manson at their cottage at
Bruce Beach.
Mrs. Haun rendered a lovely, solo
'One Sweetly Solemn Thought" at
the service at the United Church
on Sunday morning 'last. Rev. .1. B.
Fox delivered an inspiring message.
Wilbert Parker of Chiselhurst was
the purchaser of the Chisel`>urst Un-
ited Church shed sold by auction re-
cently. The ,purchase price was $800
Wilbert will use the shed which ad
joins his property as a woos: work-
shop. Percy Wright was auctioneer
an a good crowd attended.
S'1Vliss Maureen Evans of Goose
Bay, Labador, is visiting with 'the
Misses Jean and Ruth Soldan and
Mr and Mrs J. E. McEwan.
Miss Bettye Mickle is holidaying
with friends and relatives in Strat-
ford, Atwood and Toronto.
eMrs. Wilson Allan won $50 and
Cecil Maxwell $25 at the bingo held
at •Seaforth 'Monday last.
Mr and Mrs Guy Bedard, (nee Kay
* Bell) were presented with a purse of
g money at a reception held for them
at Bayfield ,Pavilion. The aifar:r was
s well attended.
o Don Mousseau scattered five hits
while pitching for Hensall (Fink's
• Variety) to an 11-2 WOAA Inter-
• mediate B. softball victory over
Clinton RCAF ,at Clinton 'Mondaiy
night 10th, The decision gave the
locals a 2-1 game lead in the best
of five playoff series. 'Pete Masse
and Gordon Baird slammed. bases
loaded for homers for the winners.
An aooident on Sunday 9th, 3
miles west of Exeter, 83 Highway,
ear travelling' west struck bridge
head on. Otto Pfaff, R.R.1,Crediton,
driver, and Wilmer Pfeil', 1t,R. 1,
Crediton, taken by Hopper -hockey
ambulance to South Huron. Hospital
Exeter. Otto Pfaff later removed to
Victoria Hospital, London, with a
fractured arm between elbow and'
shoulder. Wilmer Pfaff suffered a4b-
raisi.on.s and .cults. Dr. Butson, ,of
Exeter, attended. P.C. Elmer Zim-
merman investigate,
they, Allan Armstrong and 11111ton
Pollock. He was a member of the
Anglican Church. His wife, the for-
mer Clara Oesch, died severar years
ago. 'S'urviving are one brother,
David J.,
Stra tfor; and d one sister,
Mrs. John Rowson, Varna, I Township of Hay, des'crib.ed as .foil- •
Mrs. Elmer Webster lows: ,Commencing at the so&.theast
corner of Lot Number Six (5) on the
Services for Mrs. Elmer Webster,
survey, Thence northerly :along
54, ,of Stanley tal,Township, who died j the easterly limit of said Lott Numb -
un Clinton Hospital, were conducted I er Six, fifty-two and ane='telt feet
Saturda(yi, 2.30 by the Rev. T. J. I 52 �s,) Thee easterly and pada.
Pitt of Varna, in. the Ball and Mutch t allel to the easterly production pf the
southerly limit of Lot Six a distance
of eighteen feet to a point. Thence
southerly and parallel to the easterly
Unlit of said Lot Six, 'fiftyetwo and
!Clay bon Bosseniberry o Detroit
and `Leonard !Wagner of Zuaich vis-
ited with their aunt, Mrs. M,eClymont
at Klippen.
• W. R. 'Cooper, Kippen spent a 'James, Clinton.
week -end in Toronto. his wife who Woman Injured.
had been visiting there, returned to Mrs Aldie Mustard, Stanley Twp.
Kipper• who resides near Varna, on the Bay -
Rev and Mrs. McLeod el Kippen,
are spending some time .at Mr. Win.
Ivison's •cottage on Lake d�uron near
Rev McAllister of London had
charge of the Varna and Goshen
churches the last two 'Sundays.
Mrs. Gertrude Reid, Varna is at
present emnfaried is 'Cilinton Jlospital.
Mr. David J. Stephenson of Strat-
ford spent a few days wren :reeatives
and friend* oae the (Jeshen. Sine and
funeral chapel, Clinton, and inter -
anent made in Baird's Cemetery.
Born in Stanley, she was formerly
Miss Flossie M.akins, and had lived
in the townshup all her life, and a' one- half (521/2 ') ; Thence'westerly
a member besides Varna her United Church. alongthe easterly( production or the.
~Surviving v 1 husband, a southerly limit of said Lot Six, a
former reeve of Stanley, are one son, ('diatomic of Eighteen feet to the.
Grant, at home; one daughter, Mrs.
George Clifton, Kippen; two broth- southeast angle of said Lot Six,.be-.
ers, Lloyd Matkins, Bayfield, and tug the place of beginning.
that the Council at its regular meet.
'rigs at Zurich shall hear in person,
or by their counsel, solicitor or•agentQ,
any person who. claims that his' land;
field Road, was .admitted.
e. to Glarnto
Hospital with back injuies, (bruises will be judicially affected by the By.'.
and shock following a truck -tractor law and who applies to be heard.
accident on their farm near Varna. AND FURTHER. TAKE NOTIOE;
Mrs. (Mustard, M t d the mother of four
young children, was driving the tragi- that after the publication et the•:
tor into the barn, cowing a trailer I Notice in four successive assizes ;
loaded with 160 bushels of grain. the Zurich Harald council shall canes.
She was thrown off when. the tractor Sider and may iinalllyt pass this By-law
came in contact with (the truck.x-
after taking rays have (been taken to determine
the full extent of the injuries.
in into consideration such
representations as shall heave been,
previously made.
Mill RatesSet
The 1953 aniilrate for Sltssilley Twp
Was set et the regular (meeting in
Varna ,at 10 mills, the same :as last
year. In 'addition to this the county
rate is 10' mills; the general school
rate( '3 mills; the Federation of Ag-
riculture '2' -5th of a mils. The pudic
school rabe varies in the sections, 2 ,
contracts were awarded 'at tree meet-
ing at which Reeves Alvin 14I,cBride,
presided, one to Paul Corriveau, Sea -
forth, for the construction or the
Taylor Bridge and to Chas. Dietrich,
Crediton, $2,400 for the digging of
the Lamont Drain, and $1,9.00 for
the. Keyes Drain.
Burns Fatal to Varna Youth
Burns received when the tractor
he was driving overturned and cau-
ght reproved fatal to John Dow-
eor, 1.8' Varna, late Wednesday ev-
ening last. He had been harrowing
at the farm of his uncle, 'Cecil Dow -
son, and as he drove the tractor into
the barn the brakes seized. The
tractor •overturn•ed, pinning him to
the ground. Bayfield fire brigade
was called to extinguish the blaze.
The young man was rushed to Clin-
ton Hospital blyi Dr. Newland, of
Clinton, but died enroute. He was
the son of Mr and Mrs Harold Dow -
son, who survive, together with a
was held on Friday, with interment
in Bayfield cemetery. The bereft
sister and a brother. The funeral
Mcllroy onated the use of the Car-
Approval Is Askea
The Ausable River Conservation
Authority made the first definite
move to obtain Provincial Governm-
ent approval for development of the
Pinery and to obtain the power nec-
essary to expropriate the 4,066 -acre
Lake Huron shoreline as a public re-
creation area.. A comprehensive
plan for development of the five -anile
long lakeside tract over a three-year
period will be submitted to four de-
partments of the Ontario Governm-
ent for approval. Provincial approval
is necessary, before the conservation
authority can expropriate.
Had Benefit Dance
The dance held in the Bayfield
Pavilion Wed. 1!2th sponsored by the
Hensall Hockey CIub with proceed
for injured Nensall players was well
patronized. .Ucsjardine's orchestra
furnished music for the dance.. A
draw for prizes valued at ti 350 we-
held and. the winners were well plea-
The Womens' Institute are holding
a baking sale on Main St. Dashwood,
Sat. afternoon Aug, 22 at 2.30 p.m,
Mr and Mrs Lloyd Weido and talo-
ily of Detroit visited relatives here.
Mr and Mre Albert Miller and.
family visited with friends at Kittle
ever Sunday. Mrs. Nora Koessel and
Frieda returned home with them to
spend a week here.
Mr and Mrs Reinhold Miller spent
Sunday at Sarnia.
Mrs. Colin. Ilinley and Dyn of Lo:1-
AKtE NOTICE that the Council
the Corporation of he Township
the 'Corporation of the Township
DATED at ZunWh this 14th day
of August, 1953,
Corporation of the Township
of Hay,
By H. W...Brekenshire,.
Put FIL to work for you. See your
nearest 13 of M manager about a Farm
Improvement Loan today.
4d.4 ' 14e 644
working with Canadians in every walk of life since 1819
•"Third Cdr•Drewn for.
Saturday September 19th...
The greatest 'week in Westelp.'Fair'
history!' _ Mote agricuieura"1• nnrnufao.
tioingood home product exhibits than
ever before'=new and eiruting'enter"e'
tainment in'; front.of. the•Grandstand
cruor: the Midway -r a iforggOr 'and
,;'better Kiddyland-all in aft'the ',roost
oufstandmg e'ient hi West@1n Ontario
Special Hort-gdmisson.eoil on attach
lidto oach'Stile bf Advancne cifolitkets .f b
;must teach '•Western.'.Ftiir A3silogtion
ky, 9 30 put: Sept 14th 1953 4io be
°ol4gib1e for Opening^Night Awards.
Only Advance Sale Tkket.iitnlder8'oro
411gible , for prizes :.valbod•• at aver.
*7,5904p, t MA
tf3'.1lckots Tor; $t MO;Ea5 <t1ck�
giyh a12i1t Or two child jt, i You iftil
56'e on regular admiss,'
d ..t rk Sadao AS,gi�aT36t
i i P'$�:r olva'ids ihclurlditi itAtS tont:_*`
:Title 4SiOn' Stit5 gndtwo