HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-08-13, Page 4• yr a 1, • zu ch * f NTA YCi Think You ! I WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS MY SINCERE THANKS TO ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE NEW HURON AND ESPECIALLY TO WORKED SO HARD TO ELECT RIDING OF TI•IOSE WHO ME. YOUR LOYALTY TO ME WIILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN, Elston Cardiff I • • • • 8 • 8 8 • • • a AT S,, " FT. COMMUNITYCENTRE Mond.y, Ath g 1; PLAY STARTS AT 9:00 PM. TOTAL PRIZE MONEY Every Cent To Be Paid Out 12 GAMES FOR $ 50.00 1 SPECIAL FOR 100.00 2 SPECIALS FOR 200.00 1 SPECIAL, FOR 1000.00 Admission for 12 Games — $1.00 Extra Cards and Specials 25c - 5 For $1.00 -- Auspices Of: --- SEAFORTH MEMORIAL CENTRE Branch 156 Can. Legion - Seaforth Athletic Association Lakeview GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY MITE To one of the most popular Orchestras Grand Bend has ever had • • • • Cit as • • NEIL McKAY and his ALL-STARS featuring June - Johnny - and the Quartette EVERY THURSDAY THE ARTHUR MURRAY SHOW It Grows And Grows ! A half hour of Ballroom Exhibitions, plus tuition _ by 'America's top instructors - plus half-hour's reg- ular dancing at usual admission of 75c. each. • 8 • $ 8 a •i • • 1 1 1 aelaremasessaemmieloweasisallswewsweemsartsereavisselemenumemessems I THERE IS POWER IN THE BLOOD 1 of 1 t Neither by the Blood of goats and calves, but by His own Blood He entered in ONCE into the holy place, having obtained Eternal Redemption for us. Heb. 9: 12, But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the Blood of Christ. — Eph. 2: 13. Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the Holiest by the Blood of Jesus. By a new and living Way which He hath eonseerated for us. through the veil, that is to say, His flesh. Let us draw near with a true heart tin full assurance of Faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.—Heb. 10: 19, 20, 22., GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Box 50 R. R. 1, -- Zurich, Ontario e illy of Kitchener spent the week -end with relatives here. Mrs. Nora Koessel and Frieda of !Harbor Beach, 1VI'ieh,, spent the ,week -end with relatives here. Mr and Mrs Rudolph Miller spent iSaturday in Kitchener with Mr and 'Mrs. Stan Scherer, then on to Niag- dxa Falls. DASHWOOD Mr and Mrs Gordon Pearson re- ceived word that their seventeen and .a -half year old daughter, Shirley, who has been taking the teacher's course at Toronto, had ,passed in all her tests withdut trying except one. Mrs, Wm. Schumacher, Mrs. Leo Luedthe and Elizabeth..Mre. Marvin Garthe and Philip of !Pigeon, Mich. spent the week -end with Mr and &Ire Wm. Haugh. Mr Harold Weber, who nes been -very ill With ipneumenia is improving Mr and Mre Ely? Stumpf) rend feIn- t 8t 8 8 s a 8 8 I .M.1, and Mrs .Cliff Salmon Pert on a trip to the West Coast. Miss Gert- rude Tliesenthol accomlparolacr them as fay as her hone at Windtlnorst, Steak, Mr and Mrs Gordon Eagleson nncl family of Southampton spent Wed- nesday here. Mrs. :Stuart Wolfe ac- companied them ;back, while Stuart went up over the week -end. Mr and Mrs Percy Kleinstiver of Chicago were visitors here the past week. Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Louis Rader were, Mr and iMrs, Wan. Decker of Zurich; Mr and 'Mrs Os- car iMiller and family and Mr and Mrs. John Rader. Mr and iVIrs Earl Radar, of Lon- don visited Mr and Mrs. L. Rader. Mr and Mrs Melton WaIper and girls of Ingersoll spent the week -end in Waterloo with their two daughters St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Mrs. Sarah Geoffri for the past few weeks, who was confined to her bed, we are glad to report, that she is fast improving, and now able to be about the home. At present, all summer cottages along the lake are well filled with re - sorters who left their city homes and the intense heat, in its surroundings, to take their vacation along Uie take. Well, they were not disappointed in getting a refresher. We have been told ley some of the 'campers that af- ter taking their daily dip they find it necessary to kindle a ;beech fire to keep therm from contracting a cr>ill. What next? Farmers are beginning to realize that the weather man is slipping a little in ;giving therm the . necessary sunny days to harvest their crops; of course they do not meet ,witch disap- pointment only,' ,by disagreeable wea- ther, but also Iwitlh ,plunging prices for their grain and other products that helps the farmer to 'carry on; and many farmers who are scrutin- izing the difference, in the purcTtas- ing .power of their dollars, for shelf goods and other commodities of life, are wandering what the future will ZURIC}i. HERALD LOCAL NEWS Miss Pauline Halberer of London spent the week -end with cher parents here. Miss 'Carol Tonnan of Kitchener, is ereiny'ling part of her holidays at the borne of Miss Dianne Thiel, Miss ih th. (Golding of Londron is spending her vacation at the home of her gaunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Wm, Davidson. ,Misses Marion Fleischaauer and (Catherine Thiel are holidatyirng at the home of their aunt and uncle in London. Misses Arlene Helberer and Ann Pritchard' of Grand Bend spent last Friay hi town. Mr and Mrs Jack Wettlaufer of London were Sunday visitors at the home of their pa/rents, Mr and Mrs. Ted. Halberer. )Rev. and Mrs Lloyd ICa!:bfleisrh have returned to their field of Iabour at Desboro, rafter holidaying at the home of Mr and !Mrs Elmer IClopp, Mr and Mrs Robert Oxland and baby of Fon'thill, returned avorne after a .pleasant vacatin with their par- ents, Mr and (Mrs. Ferd. PIraberer. Mr and Mrs Seth Arenas and Mr. and Mrs Gerald Gingeri,clh and 'chil- dren of town, Miss Gloria Hither of Monikiton, returned after spending an enjoyable holiday at -Chesley Lake for a few days. Also visiting other '. pointstrict. of interest while in that dis• Former Resident Passes Mrs. *Edw. Debars Sr., of town rec:enved' Word of the passing of Mrs. John Strempfer of Denvor, Colorado. Funeral service for Mrs. Streenpfer, who would have been 101 years old on Julyl22nd, were held on July loth in Messiah 'Church, with Dr. Lyle C. .Burns. offiniating, assested bly. Rev. C. Land: Mrs. ISteren-pfer is snr- bziinig to them art their +e waved. by ;a son Dr. R. J. Streanpfer, xpense they Blandethurg, Ohio,' and a daughter, will have to learn that they are lief- Mrs. Hildegard Siweet of Denvor, Ing in a get -rich -quick atmosphere, Interment was in Crown Hill Denvor. and if they want to keep pace with Mrs. ,Streiiipfer was the widow or the the business world, they will have to late Rev:: John rStrempfer, a former cut down on providing the over plus Pasltor:of St. Peters Lutheran Church of labor; placing themselves on'- a in, Zurich,.and is well rememoered by more equal Oasis with their business the older people of the district. friends. This is not a command, only a passing thought. ::.Financial Report THE; ZURICH LIONS CLUB OBITUARY Activities Report, year ending June Hensall Man Killed 30th; ,14c3. One man was killed instantly when eceipts: he jumped off a railway agger Into Bal on nd, June 30,'52 $1440.70 the path of a gravel truck, at the T 'Ga1Z'ais during year 1678.69 level crossing on the .CNR line, a mile and a quarter south of Bruce - field on Monday, 10th. Four others on the jigger escaped injury-. Alex. Hildebrand, 47, Hensall, a CNTR sec- tion man, as crushed by the truck he jumped to avoid. He tripped in jumping from the jigger .and was thrown directly under the truck's wneeis. ate truck - was owned by `go- Levis of Clinton .and driven iby Don- 4 H. Xmas. Fall Printf Easter: T. tal Receipts $121119.39 bursements ats for children $100,79 izes to S. Children 117.50 d misc. accounts 82,50 s for 'Crippled dhen 360.00 s� e, 581.00 aportrs, thackey, 154.38 25.00 2+0.00 5.00 etc. 10708+7 22,03 20.00 25.00 15.30 54.27 25.00 100.00 15.00 al W. Strong, Clinton. _ The other two ?nen suffered slight injurxes.Tlhe other two men remained on the jig- ger. Police said the jigger had slow- ed in approaching the crossing but the three Hien were afraid et would not the able+ to come to a stop in time to avoid the truck. Mr. Hilde- brand was the son of the late Mr and Mrs. William Hildebrand of Hensall, an is survived by his widow the former Mary Huiser, of Hensall, one daughter Ann, a Bell telephone operator at London, and Marlin 112, Club Scoutsid. Guides Cadets Ban d Ei'¢t<p„ music, Eye 'cars Two poi '.glasses Operations Xmas. gifts to three 'blind Coll tagtyay for C.N.I. Blind To Zurirch' Library Europea '`Flood Relief Salvation Army Total Expenses $1730.64 of Hensall. The :body rested at the i Balance on hand 388.75 Bonthron Funeral Horne, Hensall, iOn behalf of the Zurich Lions until Wenesday morning when Re- Club I wish to thank each and every- quieh High Mass was sung at 10 a. J one for the support given during rn. by Rev. Father M. D. Monaghan, in .St, Boniface R.C. Church, Zurich, and interment in the adjoining cem- etery. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mrs. Hilde- brand and family. the year, to make this report ;possible.' ' On Wednesday; August the 19th we will again have the opportunity to support the. Lions Frolic, to start another year so as to carry on this good work. E. E. Weido, Treasurer, Thursday, August 13th, 1953 My Sinc ere Thanks TO ALL THOSE IN THE RIDING OF HURON WHO WORKED SO FAITHFULLY, AND WHO BY THEIR VOTE CONTRIBUTED TO OUR CAUSE. Andrew Y. McLean ADVANCE SALE "teileat" Each ticket admits one adult or 2 children (save .50c on regular admission prices) • e aaI ening Nig t `* : Award =: TWO•1�5-3={ARS :. Specials non agirrnissiam - c oupon.. attached• -to �Qcivarice: Sale .Tickets mt}sf reach; Wesforn • Fair; Associatson.by ;,, .9`:30 P. m. Sept.',1�1th, 1953 to be eligible for opening'night draw. Closing date f ilnrestock Entries - Tbesday; August_ 18th • 1953 METEOR •1953 CHEVROLET •1953 AUSTIN • 17" Northern Electric Table Model Television Set. • 17" Sparton Table Model Television Set. • 17" General Electric Table Model Television Set. • 1 Boy's Bicycle • 1 Girl's Bicycle Prizes valued at over $7,500.00. Only ADVANCE SALE TiCKET HOLDERS are eligible for above prizes. 00 WOMEN TODAY... They do most of the family buying, much of family banking. They find the bank a safe, handy place• to keep money; they like to pay larger bills by cheque. Going to the bank is often as Hauch a part of the shopping day as a trip to the local stores. THE I3ANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY .-r •