HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-07-23, Page 4Z III -IGH.. . ONTARIO 1 1 1 1 LakeviewCasino GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY NIGHT NEIL MV1cKAY and his ALL-STAR ORCHESTRA ONE OF TiltLEADING BANDS LEADINBANDS IN ONTARIO COMPLETED SEVEN SUCCESSFUL .SEASONS AT THE LONDON ARENA Hear - ,June - Johnny - and the Quartette! EVERY THURSDAY THE ARTHUR MURRAY School of Dancing Will present their Experts to show you how quick and easy it is to (become :a popular partner. . This week they will !show ?ylou the "TANGO" - and give free tution - at reguIar admis- sion price of 75e. each. Our ,crowd had doubled for this pop- ular Thursday night attraction. • • • •• • • •• • ••• •t BAYFIELD PAVALION EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Frankie Harmon and His Music (Froin R.C.A.F'. Station, Clinton) Dancing 9:30 1:00 Ladies SOc. Gents 75c. Refreshment Booth EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT. Modern and Old Tyme Mel Levigne and His Blue Water Boys. 10.00 .- 71.00 REFRESHMENT BOOTH • • 8 • t a to • • • • • • • x 3 IsmagosaasKirmewrzgre,evoaveran SPECIAL CLEARLNG BOYS' SUITS AND SWEATERS Boys' Wear GREATLY REDUCED this Week Only SEE OUR FULL LINE OF MENS SPORTS WEAR. 'le's Mens & Boys Wear co/wear ECONOMY This modern furnace with automatically con- trolled heat provides humid- ified, filtered, evenly warmed and circulated air for health and cone. fort ... no stole fumes or odours in the house when you own a Clare. And it's so economical to buy and operate! Come in and see this 1?eautiful new fu rngce for yourself, • Healthful -Arris filtered, humidified, evenly warmed and circulated. • Carefree -Automatic thermostatic controls. • Clean -Filters remove dust and dirt from air, •Dependable -guilt with Ernest ma• teriai and guaranteed by Clare Bros. Economkal-DellyeMni xpmen hest from fuel used, STADE & WEIDO Phone 92 Zurich, Ont; LOCAL NEWS Misses Norma Steinbach and cous- in Carol Thiel have returned home after their pleasant vacation at the '(tome of the former's sister, I4,IT and Mrs. James Hackett of Belleville. Mr and Mrs Alf. Schneil.er, Mr and Mrs Clare 'Schneiker, Mrs. Eliza- beth Schneiker all of Milverton, I41r land 'Mrs Lorne Cook of Waterloo, were week -end visitors at frie home Of Mrs. Many Brenner. Mr and Mrs Bert Smith and chil- dren, Mr .and Mrs Robert Brennen and son Danny, all of Detroit, were week -end Visitors at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Seth Amenns. Enjoying The Camp Located on the shore of Lake Hur- on three miles south of Bayfield Huron Church ,Gamp, operated by the Anglican Church., is a beehive of ac- tivity these days. Braving the pres- ent heat wave 135 'boys and girls are enjoying the second camp which is for children •aged 9 to 12, Enjoying the 10 -day period are c1 ildren from all over the Huron Diocese. Crop Report (G. W. 'Montgomery) Jely 18th Haying is approxi- mately 75 p.c. completed and :'fter- raiiti: growth ha been excell,;.yt.Me t of 1,110 !minx damaged by the furri- ,ti �!Y+' ind. on May 25th have now bei, reaaired or it. ruttt. 006000000eemte410001,010e0•0 fields of fall wheat were cut to the south end of the County this week. The hot 'humid weather this past week has 'caused all of the grain crop to turn colour mare quickly than ex- pected. Cultivated crops .such its soiy beans, sugar lieees, 'bite beans and more particularly corn have ben- efited from the warm Weed -lee' and made excellent 'grorwth this week, HYMENEAL. Tuckey - McBride A. pretty tome wedding was sol- menized by the Rev. H. J. Snell on Saturday, when he united in marri- age Marjorie Nona McBride, daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs Walter McBride, Exeter, and Dennis Walyme Tuckey, Exeter, son of Mr and Mrs Oscar Tuckey. Delphinium, lilies and earn- ations formed the setting for the wedding, Given in marriage by her father, the bride .was attractively in an ankle -length gown of white taffeta with double skir of net and lace inset a The strapless bodice of Chantilly lace was designed with bolero jacket styled with Peter Pan collar and el- bow length sleeves. Her ttngertip veil was held by a head-dress of or- ange .blossoms and she carried a bouquet of red roses, Miss Mavis el rifle, sister of the bride, was rimy' of honor, She wore a pink! ankle -length gown With double skirt of net .,ver ter( t+t and flower head-. +lir ee, Sirs carried a bouquet of carve ti J • ,ZURICH HERALD Thursday, ;lily 1243rd, 1953. - WHITEWASHING fe CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dsehwood -- Phone 35r19 nations. Bill Tuckey, brother of ,the' groom was best man. i5liiss Elaine Hern was pianist. A reception 'w'aS' held at the home of the bride's par- nts, where the !bride's mother reeei:, vee her guests, wearing a navy sheer dress with navy and White accessor- ies and a corsage of red roses. As- sisting her, the groom's mother chose a navy shantung dress with navy and white accessories and a corsage of red roses. For a wedding trip to NorthernOntario, the bride wore a navy nyon dress with red and white accessories and •corsage of red roses. Ontheir return they will. take up residence near Exeter. Miss Gladys Laker is a patent in St. Joseph's +Hospital, Loudon having undergone an operation. Mrs. George Hess left iby plane recently for 'the West, owing to the serious illness of an aunt of Ur. Hess. Dr and Mrs. J. G. Goddard and children left by 'motor to spend a v+azcation with the former's parents at Kelowna, B. C. Mrs. Sara Jane Bell, Toronto, es- eaped injury Saturday night last when a 1951 Dodge she was driving rolled over on No. 4 Highway, about 3 utiles north of Exeter. Damage was estimated at 3700 by Prov, Constable Gibbons of Exettr, DASHWOOD Adorned 'with tail white standards of regal lilies, -delphinium and roses against a !background of green fern and .lighted by candles, the hone of the !bride's parents made an effective setting for the marriage of Blanche Mae, daughter of Mr and 1'&s. A. Zapfe, Brucefield, to Mr. Kenneth !Clarence Parke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parke of Zurich. Rev. W. A. Maines, minister of the United .Church, BrucefieIl, formed the the .ceemony which took place Saturday, July 111;th, at noon. Tine bride wore `an original floor length gown of nylon lace and net over taffeta. The close -fitting strap less 'bodice was topped with a lace' jacket featuring a Peter Pan collar and long lily .point sleeves. A nylon; net headdress held her long veil of embroidered 'illusion. She carried a cascade of mauve carnations. The maid of honour, Margaret Zapfe, sister of the bride, London, wore a floor -length gown of nylon net over taffeta in mauve shade with a matching headdress. She carried colonial nosegay of mauve and yellow carnations. Ruth Scott, London, and Mrs. Betty Graham, sister of the bride- groom, Brucefield, were bridesmaids. They wore gowns in irlentrcar style to that of the maid of honor. Miss Scott was in mauve and Mrs. Granani an. yellow. The best man was _Mr. James Dins- more, Blake, and ushers were Ma.: Hugh Zapfe, London, brother or the. bride, and Mr Raymond Consist, of Kippen. Miss Mary Beatty, London, pray- ed traditional wedding mus!.; and ac- companied the .;oluist, 1lr. Glen Zapfe, brother of the brncte. The reception took place at the Ritz Hotel, Bay ael.d. The ealde's mother received wearing a cress of navy nylon with White aeeessories and a corsage of red roses. -The bridegroom's mother chose a clock of dusty rose crepe and lace with matching accessories and a corsage of blue carnations. Later Mr and Mrs. Parke left on a trip to the Southwestern United States. For travelling the bride wore a neige linen suit with match- ing accessories. On their return the couple will reside near Vurnc:h. GRAND BEND Big Crowd at Races A crowd of over 1,00 people wit- nessed the power boat races yield at Grand Bend, Monday night last. Ov- er 20 boats competed in five classes with two heats in each class. The races were sponsored by the newly - formed Grand Bend Chamber of Commerce. Many Convictions Another rash of convictions at :Magid. court, G. B. marked the eff- ectiveness of the police drive to curb laarieSeness in the resort. Monday last '2.0 per: 0fl were fined fo?, liquor and fighting offenses. DRYSDALE ' Honor Father Durand The Rev. Fr. Remi Durance, pastor of the parishes of Sacred .Heart at Wingham and St. Ambrose, Brussels, was honored at Wingham on the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. rather Durand sang Sol- emn High Mass of thanksgiving with his brother, the Rev. A. j, 75urand, as deacon, and a nephew, the Rev. Brace ••I1 rtlei'b, as. ,sub -deacon. At a dinner ht his honor, gifts were pres- ented by parishoners. Born in the Drysdale area, now St, Joseph par- ish Father Durand served parishes in St. Thomas, Windsor, and Harrow, before going to Wingham in 1950. He is a +nephew to Mr. John Durand, now of London. Is also widely known through his "Ave Maria" hour Sunday evenings orver Radio Station'. CKNX. HENSALL Mrs. A. C. Meidinger as being visited by her .son, Rheinold of Sturgis, Mich. Mr and Mrs Lorne Ballantyne of Walled Lake, Mich., visited with Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne, Miss Scott and Mrs. Graham, Mr and Mrs Lorne Elder and fam- ily of Hamilton ,spent the week -end with relatives and attended the Smil- lie Reunion at Bayfield. Mrs. C. Kennedy, Jean and Marr Lynn spent a few days in Toronto, the girls going on to Muskoka to spend, their holidays with rel'ati'ves. Mr 'end Mrs W. D.'Simpson:(Silt and Bob of Detroit, Mob. visited with IIrs,. 14, Siipson.,. A two -weeks daily vacation Bible School at Calvary church closed on Friday July 17th. &here were 42 on the roll, and much interesting work was. gone over. Mr 'sand Mrs Bill Dempster of Toledo, Ohio !spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Louis Rader last week, also at Alvin Rader's and Oscar Mill- ea•'.s. Mrs Harry Kraft of Sarnia and Mr and Mrs Bob Kitchen and fam- ily of Toronto, visited the Misses Pearl, Susan and Marie Kraft, for a few days, also calling on Mr and Mrs Art 'Haugh. Mr and !Mrs Elgin Merrier and Joyce of 'Kitchener spent the week- end with relatives here. Joyce is re- maining for two weeks. On Friday evening, July 24, at 8.30 p.m. the Quartette of young men, "The ,Senvinary Four" from Concordian Seminary, St. Louis, are presenting a !program. of sacred music in Zion Lutheran church. Mrs. Wendell Gamble and Gary of London spent a few days with her parents, Mr and Mrs L. H. Rader. Mr. Gaanible spending the week -end here. Mr. Les Getz of Chicago is visit- ing his !brother, Mr and Mrs. Reuben Goetz. Mr and Mrs Art Koessel, their daughters and Marilyn Mastivido all of Lansing, Mich., spent the week- end with Mrs. Koessei's mother, Mrs J. Kuntz and Mr and Mrs. Clayton Pfile. On Sunday they held a family gathering' at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kuntz, .celebrating Mrs. J. Kuntz's eightay, fifth birthday. Miss Susan Kraft was taken to St Joseph's Hospital, London Monaay, by the Hoffman ambulance where she underwent an operation. .Mrs. D. Haugh was pleasantly sur- prised Friday evening when ner chil- dren, grand children and great gran- dchildren all gathered at her daught- er's Mrs. Cora Geiser, to celebrate ;her 81st birthday. Had Reunion tie Salmon- family reunion was 4 e111 at the home of Mr ana Mrs: W. ,Clifford. Salmon with a roll call of 66. After •a dinner of roast chic- ken, sports were enjoyed by all. Members were present from St. Thomas, St. George, London and Thorndale. "Officers were elected, Had Shower About 30 friends and relatives surprised Miss Bernice Tyler Aride- elect of Saturday at a shower held on the lawn of Mr and Mrs Fred Weiberg. A ant pleasant time was enjoyed in games, and a mock wed- ding. At the close a 'dainty -lunch was served. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Mies. Items on the premises one block south of the Lutheran Church in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to .sell iby public auction O.n iSATUR'DAY EVE., AUGUST 1.st. Commencing at 7.00 o•crock. p.n1. Sharp, the following: Walnut dining room suite com- plete with table, 6 chairs, bureau, China kabinet, like new; Pineesi . Rose kitchen range, sanatr tpebec heater, Coleman gas heater, CediSkI, electric washing machine, 2 .beds !AIL springs and mattress, dressers PO, commode, cedar chest, drop Ie; table, kitchen table, numerous MU, +chen chairs, leather rocker, • Wicker, rocker, ironing board, eteotrre irOII,t carpet sweeper, settee, .Beatty,. elergw tric washer, like new; table to lItle chest of dowers, small tables, eery pletc toiletset, day bed, eieat rio lamp, coal oil lamp, .antique style kitchen clock, clothes hampler, mats;,' rugs, leather suit ease, pictures, comforters, fancy quilts, linensr bedding, fancy dishes, sealers, crooks kitchen utensils and many artietea. too numerous to mention. Terms — Cash T. L. W uvnn, Proprietor. Charlie Thiel, Clerk. Alvin W'alpe•r, Auctioneer. • • A 4 • 5 to n • • 1 1 b • Notice - Re Weeds NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to owners of subdivided por- tions of the Municipality of Huron that unless all nox- d•ous weeds thereon are destroyed before the 8th day of August, 1953, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, the Inspector under authority given in Section 3, 7. 1'0 and 12 of the Act, will cause the noxious weeds or weed seeds to -be destroyed, and the cost thereofwill be placed on the collector's roll for collection in the same 'iianner as taxes under the Assessment Act. W. R. DOUGALL, WEED INSPECTOR, Municipality of Huron County. • r IIF THE One of the best-known families in Ontario and Quebec is the Craig fam iliy, which broadcasts in the CtIC's noon -hour farm program on the Trans -Canada network, Mroncray to Friday every week. In a happy mood, some of the cast is pictured around who combines acting with a succes- CRAIGS 1 1 life is Grace Webster; Ben IVIcFare Iand, the argumentive neighbour, played by Alex McKee; Geo. Murr, as the son, Bill Craig; the part of Janice, Bill's sister, is taken by Alice Hill; ;and Thos Craig, the head of 'the family, acted by Prank Peddie,sful law .practice. 5.00 Favorite Story 5.30 Hopalong Cassidy 6.30 Danger, Dr. Denfield 7.30 Box 13 8.00 Philo Vance 9.30 Bold Venture f1wtwit V ittri t : a.