HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-07-09, Page 1RICH Established 1900. ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY (MORN(( IG, JULY 9 1953 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church `REV. E..WW.0 HEIMRICH, PASTOR 110 aaaa.—.Divine Services. x'3.1:15 a.m.—eSunday School. 7:30 p.m. --Vespers. Everybody Welcome to ail Services EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich -- Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch . Organist 'Et FNDAY SEIRVIOES.-- 10:00 a.m. Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. -- Bible School. 7:30 p.m. — Divine Worship Welcome at all Services --"Coma ' thou with us and we will do thea /Qod." Num. 10:29. WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If you're a careful driver you can get remarkable low rates with State Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make their own bow Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. Are You Suffering From Headaches? Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor-*- Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.an. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Worship Service 8:00 pen. — Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY: 8.30 p.m. — Prayer Fellowship. YOU ARE .INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, ,Saturday July 10-11 Pony Express Technicolour Charlton; Heston Rhonda FIeming Forrest Tucker Pony Express - Lifeline of the fron- tier - built with bullets and 'blood. Cartoon. Sunday Midnight, Monday, Tuesday, July 1.3-114 Kirk Douglas The Juggler Milly Vitale Paul .Stewart The excite'm'ent of a new Nation's Birth laden, with dramatic impact. Selected Short Subjects. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sat- urday. July 15-16-17-18 FOUR BIG DAYS DANNY KAYE Hans Christian Andersen Technicolour A glimps of one of the world's im- mortals,.- The motion picture master- pieces you've been awaiting. Matinee Wednesday and Saturday 2.30 p:m. Adults 75e. Children 3'5e. Tax Incl. - ANNOUNCEMENT - The •Children of the Zurich Summer Bible School will give a program, as ill BO have your Eyes Examined with climax to their 10 -day Bible Study, r.hehe Latest Methods and equipment at On. k'IAt 8:00 EVENING, NG, JULY 10, At o'clock, at the OPTOMETRIST & OPT CLAN i A, u•ric�a:M:ennoanite: Church= . A. 's. - It.O." _ There' also is an interesting display GOD4I03I , .—O of iwork and :wor.+k-(books to .lee seen to ted' Glasses: V e Plleee -the .basement prior to the ':program. MT1 are (cordially invited to attend! ``1*fir**Oi*♦N.N*•**r**oi*4 ; e ••.......•••••••••••♦•• 4 ;+ T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME Funeral Director - Private Car Ambulance • • • Member of Ontario Funeral Association •w q HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFI- i • CATE --- PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT • :,v HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN 4 FRESH FLOWEi SUPPLIED FROM' MitTc!fIELL NURSERIES .WE WIRE ANYWHERE s 4 4 • 9 ` • Q 4 4 '4444+®e♦..•4444.4ev4oe•+444+4v44044•••••e•••s•s••e•s 24 Hour Service --- Dashwood. Tel. 70W T 111 R.:L'S Superior Store Frozen Foods Bird's Eye Frosted Foods FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS - VEGETABLES - FISH, - ETC. Week -end Specials Red Collet Salmon •per fin .. Golders: 1'`ax•Beans 2, 15 -oz tins ....25c .....29c Purity white cake mix, pie crust mix 2 pkgs....29c • e Old South blended juice 48,oz tin 35c Phone 100 a C. H. THIEL ae Zurich Lyric Theatre Phone 421 - EXETER Friday, Saturday July 10-11 GUNSMOKE Technicolor Andie Murphy ,Susan :Cabot He smashed the spoiler rule of l on- tnan's land locked mountain empire. Monday, Tuesday July 4-14 THE HOUR OF 13 Peter .Lawford Dawn Adams. The "T" killer ire at large, murder to go. one Fiore Wednesday, Thursday July 1546 CHAIN OF CIRCUMSTANCE„ Richard iGraySon Margaret Field is And on the same program .2 PICKUP ,Beverly Michaels Hugo Haas Adult Entertainment Last complete show — 8.45. r• - ANNOUNCEMENT This is your invitation to • attend the "SOUL WINNERS' CONFERENCE To be held in the i'a Zurich Mennonite Chun* SATURDAY, JULY neje- At i th,At 7.45 p.m. and all day Sun JULY 12th. Subjects dealing with Need, Me and Qualifications for Soul-WIer will be discussed by .expeti. 'Christian Workers. Theme: "He that Winnetdh ISo Wise." Prov. 111430. Passes Musical Examination Miss Idella Gabel received the good news of her success in passing her A.R.C.T Piano teachers' music examinations, :also passed the theory of Grade 5 with honours which she Wed in London under the University of Toronto Royal Conservatory of Music. Idella being a pupil -•of Miss Ellen Marie Love, A.R.C.T. BASEBALL Dashwood Wins 6-3. Dashwood trade the mast of five hits on the Zurich Diamond on tvlon- dKay evening as they converted them into six runs over the Zurich Lum- ber Kings to gain a 6-3 decision over Zurich, winning the second game in the schedule from the locals.. Jim Hayter, with two for four, including a double and Bill Regier, with a two bagger, led the winners, while Bill Yungblut with three for four topped the locals. R H E Dashwood ... 100 300 0021-6 5 3 Zurich r..,... 011 010 0!00--3 7 0 Dashwood: Wein and Hayter; Zur- ich: Heller; .Heideman and O'Brien. A Visit . To Zurich As advertised in last week's issue of the Herald, the No. h' man of the Progressive •Conservative Party of Canada, Mr. John D•iefen'baker, Q.C. of • the Western Provinces, was in Zunieh for lunch this Wednesday noon and was royally received by the workers of the party. Although a bit later than twelve o'clock, but once the party arrived from Dash- wood, they soon filed in to the Iove- ly dining room at the Dominion House where they partook of a fine turkey dinner, which those hungry Tories es soon had disappearing: Seat - wing at the head . table besides Mr. iefennbaker, were • .M ..Elmer Bell; Organ -Recital Mr. Lewis Gerrard, noted oPrzstdent, Mr. Cardiff, • M.P.and •men and conductor fromILondoi, will give condidate, Mrs. Cardiff, Mrs. R. H. an organ recital on the Ttiena fall •Taylor, Dashwlood, Mr. McNaughton, Organ, Sunday morning July lath. at 10:3.0, at St. ,Boniface Church, Zurich'. Had Novelty Dethon'stratto t • A novelty demonstration efe.S.l %d at the home of Mr and 'Mese Albert Boshart, -Bronson Line, last Friday evening. A large gathering of ladies were present, The demonstrator being Mrs. Steekley from Milverton Re. freshmente: were served by the heat- ese. Streets Oiled On. Saturday morning the • Huron County street oiling equipment -got under way in Zurich, and 2n 'a few hours had all the iback streets ' as well as Victoria Street, past • the own hall doused with the asphalt elution used for this purpose. The xtensively large oil tanker mounted n double dual wheels had been on he streets. a few days previous, and ast of us Were unaware that Hur- n county had such large equipment or conveying this "juicy" stuff 'which s hard to get rid of once it comes rn contact with shoes or clothing. Little time was lost in covering the tar with fresh, dry sand 'which elim- natedd the :tarry effect. However, he dust anenaee is gone, and we hope y next year another similar coat an be applied and in a few years we shall have apermanent pavement. Those Pesky Bears 'Hunters tell us that bears • are iaranless and would'nt do anyone ny harm unless :cornered up, but when it comes to bee hives and their oney, well, that's a different story. lir local apiarists, the Haberer Bros. ave still been unable to locate the ear, or as the evidence of the tracks re, two bears, and they are stili ery much at large and alive. 3t has een figured out that they 'are some- where in, the district between Varna d Zurich, where they find. at either lace "'green pastures" in preying capon the helpless bees who think t 5 e 0 m 0 f i b c i a h 0 h nJ a v b an rp Exeter, Mr and Mrs. Elgin McKinley. In his few minutes of remarks that he .had time M•r. Diefenbai:er referr- ed to the wonderful .name the Zur- ieh Hotel has had, as his father used to tell' him when he was a young lad back in :1888 he ltad .3 meal there, which lie shall never forget, and now his wish has :come true, that he has the privilege of dining at the Zurich hotel, and he, shall .not forget this splendid banquet. After touching on a few of the live issues in politics, he closed as they must hurry on with other engagements. It was indeed a fine get-to-gether. HYMENEAL Pearson - Sullivan Mary Theresa Sullivan and John Joseph Pearson exchanged marriage vows before the Rev. Fr. J. M. Fog- arty in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Patrick Sullivan, Dash- wood, and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Perry Pearson, London. Given in marriage by her. father, the !bride wore a gown of slipper 'satin with nylon tulle overskirt which swept into a long train. A .fingertip veil felt softly from a satin heaadress and she ,carried a bouquet of Better Times roses and gypsophila. Miss Helen Sullivan, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and brides- maids were Miss Claire LeSage, 'Tweed, and Miss Ruth Pearson, Lon- don, sister of the groom. They were gowned alike hi floorlength blue shot taffeta and carried baskets of Mad- ame Butterfly roses. The flower girl, Diane Whitmore, wore nylon tulle over blue shot taffeta and car- ried a nosegay 'of sweet peas. Paul :Pearson was hiS brother's hest, man and Pat (Sullivan, 'brother of the bride,. and Jack Larkin, were ushers. . The weddin dinner was herd at the Dominion, House, Zurren and a they are safely protected rn • their reception .followed in the .Community nicely man -tirade home. But erten Centre, The bride's mother wore a Mr. Bruin invades, and begtns to dress of rose lerepe and lace with toss things around, and starts to de- white accessories and 'corsage or Jo- vo'ur not alone the honey supply, but 'henna ' Hill roses. The groom's also :starts eating the brood, as has mother chose navy crepe with white been the .case, well, it is high time accessories and :pinik Delight rose same protection should be provrded. corsage. Betry>een the Varna and Zurich ap- iaries For the wedding trip to lltontreal albout seventy hives have been and the United States, the bride wore molested, some more than other,:. a sand -colored stole -suit with Bened- No other 'creature would raise such istine accessories and corsage of pink havoc with bees as do bears, and Delight roses. Mr and Mrs Pearson the evidence is clear as theta big will reside in Zurich, where the footed tracks have been seen time groom is a 'prosperpus young buain- and again: Some protection shouldess man, and we shall Welcome then be given, these beekeepers. in our. midst. _ 1 1 NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE WE WILL BE ON VACATION -JULY .13--18 INCLUSIVE Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zurich, NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Ont. Phone 128, Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscription in Canada, Year .12.N Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made to PROMPT Optical Service S tl Two days we can duplicate accurately your broken Lens any Size, and color from the broken pieces. We do not need your presc- ription We also have the newest in Frames and Mountings. We can also save you money on a complete pair of Spectacles. A. G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LORNE S. TILER LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEE:' R WRITE ROSE FUEL. OIL Phone - HENSALL, ONTO ••••••••••+o•••wg••••••••• • • • • • • • • FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASION-Se.:lid Nig e e totitthc •••A••e•immoso•••••t eelit•6 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent Telephone: lies. 89 • • • 0 • 0 • 4�i • • i or 122, Zurich a • 7: ^:,•� •••••••••••••••W el!•1•I@•IIo•ef•eii•l•••NN•••••••••44••• zuRiews Grocery Store 1 1 We are ever t your service with the Neat lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruit's in Season as well arca Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Menne Oesch - Zurich PRODUCE WANTED, Spri Phone 165 Time IS PAINT UP TIME I I t We Carry a Good Line of Scarfe's Paints, Enamel=s and Varnishes •t Pioneer and Swifts Feeds in Stock for Your Convenience Swift's Chick Crumbles at $4.75 Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl GIVE US A CALL! ITIIE B144 E S • r E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11.97