HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-06-18, Page 4ZURICH .4 ONTARIO. • • • • • • ar • 0 • • ib • • • I.akeview Casino GRAND BEND Da icing Every Saturday Music by 1 • • l • NEIL McKAY and his "ALL STARS" Featuring: JUNE - JOHNNY - and the QUARTETTE • , • 0 toseanikasEassiaristmv en om– glow sr aionmua H tn i„ aster Fun At the recent meeting of Huron County Council It Nvas decided that Fund for the relief of those who suffered severe damage in the recent storm in Huron 'County, be set up. The County Council opened the Fund with a contribution of $'10,000.00. Mr. John G. Berry, Goderich, was named Treasurer of the Fund. To those individuals or ,organizations tw,ishing to contribute to the Fund, arrangements have been made with all the Bank Branches in the County to receive contributions and forward them to the Treasurer. The Fund will accumulate until such time as the expected contributions from the Provincial Government and Dominion Government are received. At that time the distribution of the whole amount will be made in one p'aymen't. The County Council are aware that this same situation may arise again and are warning the Public to become pro- tected. This fund is not established as a precedent for the future. • Official receipts will be furnished by the banks. Christ Will Come Again BEHOLD, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him. • JESUS SAID — If I go and prepare a place for you I will come again, and receive you unto me.—John 14: 3. . Luke wrote of His coming. Acts 1: 9-11 Paul wrote of His coming. 1 Tess. 4: 14.13 Peter wrote of His coming. II Pet. 3 John wrote of His coming. I John 3:2 SO SHALL IT BE: For as the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. Matt. 14: 31-39. --And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come. Matt. 24:14. Earthly Disturbances — And there shall be famines and pes- tilences and earthquakes in divers places. Present Day Apostasy — That day shall not come except there come a falling away first.—II Thess. 2: 3. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Box 50 R. E. 1, — Zurich, Ontario What you weed is a separator!" You haven't enough ready cash on hand to buy one? The B of M has helped thousands of Canadian farmers overcome this problem by providing them with credit through Farm I m- prouement Loans. Perhaps we cart help you obtain the necessary credit, too. Why not talk it over with our nearest B of M manager? „ 1f Ask for our folder "Quiz for a Go- M I Ahead Farmer". raw M, u , uxeaunt Remember, when you ask for a loan at the B of M, you do not ask a favour. BANK. OF MONTREAL (,curada.4 90zat &ctrl Zurich Branch: CARI. SCOTT, Manager Herald! Branco: WALTER JARRETT, Manager Dashwood (5uh-Agencv): Open Mon., Wed. 8c Fri. Crediton Branch: CIIARLF,S PARKINSON, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OP LIFE SINCE 1617 oterm50•„om euetiverantoMliatetant St. Joseph Blue Water Arfa j £ w d:tvs, and while there they N:v ar:d :Mrs Fred Ducharrne of the I go to ;- raforth where they will v 73.W. Area are visiting with :he feeree 'e. sister, Mrs. Sotlon man family, Go—lion 1l.-.0 ,loath fee ,s Williams, ZURICH HERALD Thursday, June 15'1410,053 ,053 II IIIIIIIII1111111IlIIII11111111111IIIIIll11 IIIIIIIIII 1111111111N111111IIII IIIIIIIIIIIillllllllll 11111111I111111111IIUIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ililllllll IIIUI44F a 4* .5. • •. .5. 4. .1. 4. 4. 4. .. IN CLINTON 74 4- 4 ✓r •'r Prime Minister Lo is t. Laurent Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent AND OTHERS Including HON WALTER E. HARRIS 1 • • • • • ON We L June 24th 2:15 P.M. -at- Agricultural Park in the interests of ANDY McLEAN LIBERAL CANDIDATE IN HURON Issued by Huron Liberal Association ANDREW Y. McLEAN, M.P. In the event of rainy weather,ineeting will be held in Clifton Lions Arena. 1 10.00 lluulmu111111111IIlIf11lillllllilll1n0111110111IIImI11111ullmllluullllumu 121118111111I11mIIlu11l1luuiiulumilllmuumulmllmllululmmuomulmlulG 1 • d • • • D • • • • • • • 4a • O 0 0 0 9 • 9 e twasenianumencomesoninnsam Mr Joseph Corriveau who has not been feeling too good of late, will spend a few days in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, where he will undergo a check-up and receive treatment. The weatherman has been very generous on Tuesday everting oy giving us an abundant supply of few days with her parents, Mr and rain. Farmers were wishing foe some, 1 Px's L. H. Rader. but the supply was really an overdose I Ma's Wendell Gamble and baby is it was accompanied by a severe ela ependnrg the week. at her parents, ectrical .,-torm. Mr and 1VIrs L. H. Rader. Mrs Sarah Geoffrey and •':Mss lei Mr and Mrs Edgar Restemeyer and cile of the B.W. Highway, south, left ;Edward spent .Sunday with Mr and on Sunday fo Detroit where they will l Mre. Art Miller at St. Jacobs. spend a week or ao visiting the for -1 _Misses Betty and Lois Gaiser of mer's daughter and other relatives. 'London spent the week -end with their Mr and Mrs Jean Cantin who spent mother, Mrs. Cora Gaiser. the greater part of the winter in i Mir and '.Mrs Albert Miller; Mr and Montreal and other points, returned Mrs. Reinhold :Milker attended the to their home in St. Joseph, en Sat, Dornrli;.oessel wedding in Cleveland, urday last. on Sunday. The :pride was their neice. Mr Avila Ducharme and son Ray- Maw' W. Filkins and daughttei' who mond while walking through their have been caring Fos her father, Mr pasture field at the back end or their Wan. Nadiger, reared to their home farm on Saturday last found fifty in Dollar American. Government Bond, and !other papers, including a small picture. The Bond was the property of a young• 1Vfeiss from Flint, Mieh, .family oaf Kitchener visited with Mrs 1 ir. Ducharmc, grad the norma for- Co.ra Gaiser ton Saturday. warded in safety to that point, �vneme Pitt -- Snell he hopes will reach its right owner. A lovely June wedding was velem - he would wonder how a small ar- raiser in Dashwood E.U.B. Church on title of paper would he carried s, Saturday, June 13th, at 2.30 when far without 'being; dwe becd or dam- Mary Melissa, Snell, daughter of Mr aged. The distance we believe would and Mrs Charles Wen. Snell, Dash - he as the crow flies about 120 miles, wood was united in marriage to Wil - D A S H W O O I.) liam George Pitt, son of Mr and Mrs William. W. Pitt of London. Rev. J. Mr and Mrs Louis Restemeyer H. Getz, Kitchener, performed the visited with their datighter at London ceremony, Mrs. Ken McCrae played „n the past week. the music and T, H. Hoffman was Mr. Mahlon Reatemeyer of Caval- soloist. Miss Ruth Anderson of Lon- will ler, N, Tiak., is visiting relatives berg,, don was bridesmaid and Mr. James ion is it Mr and MrW Nicholas Miller otA Sommerville wan groomsman. After 1r;rr.u.£cll, Seep., attended the (unerel'a :wedding trip the couple will Ilvid,' +a£ hisbrother, yl r•. Gustave )mill -,r, in Lon�tlon. It's New! It's Bigger! It's Better! Exeter Kinsmen's Third Annual minion Lay Cele ration (Wednesday, July 1st — Rain or Shine) EXETER COMMUNITY PARK AFTERNOON . SHOW — Parade, Bands, Midway, Cali Scramble, Barrel Race, Drum Fight, Draws — Kids Free; High School Students 25c; Adults 50c. • NIGHT SHOW — Greatest Show Ever, Featuring Talent from Canada and U.S.A. — Admission 7.5e; High School Students 50c; Children !25c. • • 1 avemermateermeeressmenesesewesavalae and are visiting with friends here. Attending the funeral of the late Gustave (Miller were: Mr and Mrs. Ivan Taylor, Waterliso; Mr and Mrs Earl. Stunmpf. of Kitchener and Mr and Mrs Wendell Gamble of London. Mrs. Ivan Taylor and Ray spent a Howell Mich., Friday. Mr and Mrs C. F. Pfile spent the week -end in Kitebener and Dundas. Rev. J. H. Getz, Mrs. Getz and Look Girls! Free Admission Until 1100 p.m. At the Bayfield Pavilion FRIDAY NIGHT DANCING TO: FRANK TRAHER'S ORCHESTRA -- 1.00 REFRESHMENT BOQTlft 18 JEWELL flE MaNaay t®E�1°ay 12 ti00H • PAGF-" s--- "TNE EA` ( 6:15 p.m. -MONDAY to FRIDAY "MARKET REPORTS" ' 1)-4-4,.- I10:05 a.m.-EACH SUNDAY "NEWS FROM TOWN & COUNTRY tgerivit FARM NEWS EDITOR C FP L DIAL 9 8 ". ,' 11 LONDON CANADA DURO)' PATER SY57EM5• • Prosperous farmers are installing DURO PUMPING SYSTEMS. to save LABOUR and TIME with fresh -run,. "ping water at the turn of a tap . . , in the; house .. barns . . stables . chicken, houses. The fire pro-. tection value, too, is.. vital. BUY the BEST BUY a DURO Why carry water when you can have clean,. fresh water anywhere you want it with u DURO Shallow or Deep Well Pump? Modernize your home with EMCO Fixtures and Fittings for kitchen .. . bathroom . . . laundry. Add comfort and value to your home. Drop in and see us today! t•}K , - " ,.n sokaitauc; :e `..i'.•:r.t}s'h.•A:L:J>.:.w::.a'•s�w..,. .^.+3L. ♦y '• I� tC STADE & WEIDO Phone 92 Zurich, Ont. • EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED t LONDON • HAMILTON - ST. CATHARINES • KITCHENER • TORONTO, SUDBURY • WINNIPEG • VANCOUVER EC53A �••%3y"".,,.:¢;+;•:'3?`,•>:�ia'�ihy' :B "•,;Vgi' #:°< •:};t: x•M,. ..;t?ig » 'C�. s k° :.., ,; . it nd.•f�{'%n`•9'iN'A.•N%WGiAn{'.''y,£k3•u�MFAv. .::.•fib 6 n...w.. hmv.fN.0.�`�Jh v.h.i�.)i>..:S i.W'ii..•`�rcn.+•.v�RiY nx .. W,