HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-06-11, Page 4ZlU'Q8,1Cl# CoNTARIO I.,JRICH HERALD Thursday, June 1h,. '1195a Yte illi+ 4D 41)• a® 5666600064 e GRAND BEND a ing Every Saturday a • a a a a Music by qp • NEIL McKAY and his "ALL STARS" Featuring: -° JUNE - JOHNNY - and the QUARTETTE rr e ayfi Id o I FRIDAY JUNE 12th FREE ADMISSION TO ALL LADIES up to 11.00 p.m, DANCING TO: FRANK TRAHER'S ORCHESTRA FEATURING VINCENT CUSOLITO (11.00 P.M, TO BE DECIDED BY DOOR MANAGER) 10.00 1.00 REFRESHMENT BOOTH GOD IS SPEAKING ! God, who at sundry times spake by the prophets,..hath.in these last days Spoke unto Us by His Son... Heb. 1. 1,2. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Math. 17 5 HEAR YE HIM SOME OF JESUS' SAYINGS: The kingdom of heaven is at hand; Repent ye and believe the gospel.. Mark 1:15. Except ye repent ye shall perish. Luke 13: 3. --- He that heareth my word and believeth . Him that . sent me hath Everlasting Life. Jno. 5: 24. Behold I stand at the door and knock! If any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in. Rey, $j C'., ARE YOU HEARING ? GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Box 50 R. R. 1, — Zurich, Ontario fi3 00 0 0 0 3 • 0 0 a a a round top extension table with G matching chairs, 2 library tables, chest of drawere, combination writ- ing desk, small writing desk, various rocking chairs; dew bed, carti table, t111ight lamp, antique table, complete bedroom suite, dressers, commodes, clothes hamper, toilet set, fancy quilts, 'comforters, fancy ciishe , odd diehes, kitchen utensils, sealers, crocks, flower plants. Many articles too numerous to mention. 1 TermsCash Mrs, Jack Witherspoon, Prop. Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer. ADMINISTRATORS AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Effects Of the late Barbara Forest, in the Village of Hensel], on Saturday,June 20, at 1 p.m. Sparton radio, dining room :quite; Clare Jewel range ('new) rocking chairs; Singer sewing mach- ine (new) ; eight day clock; kitchen cupboard, 2 conches, armchair; fern stand, ,small. table; curtains; Quebec heater, 9 kitchen chairs; :sideboard; kitchen table electric rangette, 2 -- burner coal oil stove with oven; small tables; 1 roll congoleum new• cooking utensils; 'china; cutlery, 3 bedroom suites, sanitary closet, coal oil heater; bedding, floor coverhngs; 2 ton of coal; 2i cords wool; Lown mower, At same time and place there x'ilI be offered for sale a com- fortalble dwelling of the decease -a in the Village of Hensalt, being situated on Lot 257, Moir Survey. Terms-- P) Terms 1'-t 10 d balance in 30 roper y p.c, own, day::, reserved bid. Chattles, cash. .. Adm. Wm. Forest; Solicitors. Bell & T aus hton; Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. and his grandparents, Mr aced Mrs, Menne Eby of St. Jacobs and Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Gingerich, of Zurich, The funeral wee held at the home of Mr and Mrs Solomon Gingerich and at the Zurich Men- nonite Church on Sundry afternoon. Bishop Roy 5. Koch of St. Jacebs and Rev, Albert Martin of Zurich, were in charge of the service which was very largely attended. Gustave Miller Gustave 'Minter, 70, was found dead on the lawn of thetrasirwood Lutheran Church on Monday evening; by a neighbour Fred Messner, belie- ved to have been a heart attack, he was cleaning his auto, Dr. t.-oc?:burn of Zurich was called. Mr. Miller was a native of Iiay Township, and for many years was employed with his brotiherein-law, Louis H. Rader; was a member of Zion Lutheran Church. Surviving is a brother, Nichola.., of Grenfell, Sask; and a eister, Mrs. L. H. Rader. The body is resting at the Hoffman Funeral Home, where a service will be held Friday, and will be followed by service in the Luther- an. church at 2.30. Rev. L. Higenell officiating. Intermrent in the Luther- an Bronson line cemetery. @fee Elgin Fassold of M lwaukee, Wis., was a recent visitor wit?r . his aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs Josiah Geiger, also attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Gordan Westlake, n Saturday. Mrs. Gordon Westlake Passes A very sad and sudden dearth took place as a result of a heart seizure on Thursday, June 4th at her resi- dence, Blue Water Highway, Stanley LOCAL NEWS We Are Lata In .our near 39 years of publicat- ion of the Herald We do not remem- ber of ever goine to prese r; late as this week, but things inet heppened, with our do.ur,"hter and her newly wed husband i'e`urnine Tuesday, and 1 as many of yon'ee know a. reception was given our friends with over 150 ratting, and then late Thursday af- ternoon the happy bridal couple left i for their home in Pembroncc, then en ,I,' Friday we bad several ,orbs that just I had to be got.telt out, and we just got e, bit pf a stab here. and there to �voYlc at tltd 'Caner, :'`nci a> this is aur only daughter, Yi;�>e311 itis ure you that it will likely be ti'only event of its kind that we shall cefee l brute. Thank you for your petience.I And next week we will i;ry and get back to normal, 1 St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Mr and -Mrs Leon Bedard and son Nelson and Miss Marion Bedard, in cornipanv with Mr. Michael Masse of London, motored to Windsor on Sat- urday last to attend the Dufoe — Masse wedding reception. And while there, the former visited with them: children and other relatives. On their way back paying a short visit to re- latives in Tilbury and Chatham, re- turning on Sunday to their home From this out for a few more days its anyone's guess as to the days its anyone's guess as to the heather outlook, as the saying goes. Farmers are still expecting the best, regardless of the drawback in their farm work, and with spring season trolling out, new hope is in the off- ing for them. Groom Trouble A clergyman in a small parish had just finished marrying a young i couple and the bridegroom asked him the price of the service, "Oh Well," paid the minister, "you can pay me what ever it's worth toyou." The young fellow looked long and silently 1 at his bride; then, slowly roliino' lea 'eyes, he said; Laved sub, you have done reined me for ife, You has for Shure, DASHWOOD The Men's Club have been busy cleaning up the property they pur- chaed. They have held several Even- ing bees. Week -end guests with Mr anct Mrs. Cliff Salmon and family were, his mother, Mrs. Pears Salmon and hi_. neice Barbara Ann Scott of Lon- don. 1Ir and 3 -Ir Gur'd Miller one sone of London epent the week -end tr•it?n her parents, Mr and Mrs Ed. Stire. Mae Melna Routledge spent to c c.k-erel with her parer:s, Mr • ansi ,Mr: Philip I+ t -old. Mr tTial Mrs Ward Kraft of Iron don vi tte.1 with be: Alter '.lir and 111 L. Koehler and family, Sunday. Mrs Ee..nta Dictaicn had the mi:'Eee- tune to fall et he'r home and brew: her wrist.. She was +: ele? et to Soutit X{ui'on Floa;ital, fleeter. Me bed 1I1; Bleak! Keliexnr.tn Vi:-- 1ten1 relative• in alto ht;i;. t('`t'1•:, takir.g in the Tracie Fair, lIr end Mre Bi 1;, of T. doll were Semite., vieitor•:: with "r;e. ( ale: C. i 1 t:. "*i'i'i '•lt' len.i.;: i • . <:.t' `. t1! , e Mr and 64 l': tat, Ft'i,1as and ,'rale co•.•e'r.• MI :�M ::.lr \VAtlee, Wein, :,!i• ,:a;r.i )la : Art, Allcittta:tid spent. . -end l . , i>,tr. ' . ertei the trrathitlt itr,l e54 it: I!• Mr and Mrs Reuben Eckstem and iMr and Mrs Ervin Brandt spent Sun- day with .Mrs Henry Becker (Sr.) She returned with them for a visit. Mrs. Edmund Becker and baby returned home Friday from the Far- well Nursing Home, Zurich. Mr and firs Elgin Merner and Joyce of Kitchener, visited relatives in town Sunday. Mrs, Ensile Becker attended _ a trousseau tea given in honor of her sister Miss Eleanor Fraser of Russel - dale. Saturday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher were Mr and ,Mrs Louis Wolfe and Miss Caroline Wolfe of Clifford • CIearing Auction Sale Of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items, on the premises, cornea' of Andrew and John Ste. One blocs; east of Jones, & May Store ill the TOWN di FXEq' R The undersigned Air figs b.c2 instructed to ,sell by public auction On• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17th. Commencing at 1,00 p.m. sharp Household Effects-- I.H.C. Refrigerator 8-4 cu, ft. 1 ]ike new; heavy -duty heat wave Hy- dro stove like new; Coffield electric washing machin, like new; 2 dining. room extension tables with matching chairs, 2- rocking' chairs, buffet, day- I bed, 2 complete bedroom suites, 3• dressers, i2t couches, kitchen cabinet:l cupboard, kitchens table and chairs, Singer Sewing Maclaine, numerous fancy quilts, mate, curtains, roves, fancy dishes, glassware, quantity of :kitchen uten,l;, sealers, crocks, 3241;1 e' tereion ladder, lawn mower, ear - den tools, step ladder, 50 -ft garden I hose, many articles too numerous to mention. Tennis ---- Cash t Aubrey C'hnmis(ar. , 'Prop. B. M. Prelude, Clerk. Alvin Walper, Anctioneor, AUCTION SALE Of Ilop(sehold Effects and Mire.'. items on the premises in the Villnee of GRANT) BENT), )Twin Street, dry- eril� aeross ft o•-, :ln^ 'United Chtirc'h. The ineletsig•ncd Auctioneer has '.ueti it',,t.i'i•r'i'11 tri st111 by public ra.uction, on 5A'i i'ia)...ky, JUNE 20th. ''aeleeeedee ,,s 1.30 par. 1?;r'tct.s W-. General Ele'.. tri(° 4 as -leer -tore like new; Cele - :lee �. .r,r 1ihe nth"', rat.,: Evangelical Church The Lord's :Supper will be obser- ved in the Evagelical U.B. Church here next Sunday, June 14th at 9.45 a.m,, instead of the usual 10.00 o'- clock hour. After that the annual Children's Day service will Men be held next Sunday at 7.30 p.m, The ff program will be given under aus- pices of the Sunday School. The Annual Decoration and Mem oriel •Service at the Evangelical U. B. 1 Church cemetery on the Bronson line Hay Township, will be heIci Sunday afternoon, June 21st, The Salvation Army Band of London will be in at- tendance and will assist with their amplifying equipment. OBITUARY Infant Passes ' Baiby Daniel Stephen Gingerich, fiveweeks old son of Alvin and Re- becca Gingerirh, R.R. 3, Zurich, died at the K.\V. Hospital, Kitchener Ontario, on Thursday afternoon, June 4th, '1953. Surviving aro his parents., one brother David James, tY Township in the person of Jean Ag- nes Pearl Love in her 29th year. She is survived by her husband, Gor- don Westlake, a son Ronald and two daughters Sandra and Rosalie at home, her another, Mrs Pearl Love of Stanley Twp; 2 .brothers, Jaynes anti Wayne Love at home; two .sisters, Mrs. Harold Jones (Margaret), of Stanley Twp., and Edith at bonne: also her grandfather John McBride of Zurich. The remains were resting at the Westlake Funeral Hoene, Zur- ich, until Saturday June Gth when a public funeral service was held from the late residence at 2 p.m. In- ternment 'teas made in the isayfleld Union 'Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Bill Armstrong, Dewar Talbot, Gor- don Gilbert, Wesley ]N:cBrido, Har- old Jones, Jim Cleave; flower bear- ers were.Robert Madge, Hughie Mc- Bride, Donald Bell, Gladwin West- lake, Clifford Talbot Jr.. Russell Grainger. 'The funeral was largely attended, friends •wer•e present from Hamilton, Toronto, St. Catharines, Merriton, Chatham, St. Thomas, Pt. Stanley and Milwakee, Wis, .Rev. D. J. Lane, Rev. J. Martin, Rev. E. W. Heimrich officiated Women's institute Has Annual at Hensall Mrs. Kenneth Johns, Woodham, was returned to office for a second consecutive year as president of the South Huron District Womens inst- itute last week at the annnat dist- rict meeting held in the 'United Church, Hehsall, on Wednesday, May L07th. Other officers for the corning year include; Mrs. E. DesJardine, Grand Bend, and Mrs, Thom.att Meyers, Zurich, vice --presidents; Mrs Win. Johns, li]xeter, secretary -treas- urer; Mrs. Alex Hamilton, Grand Bend, assistant secretary -treasurer ii\ir.. Andrew Crozier, Seaforth, fed* crated re:presen+tative. Conveners of standing committees are. Mrs. H. Strang-, RIbi, Hensall, agriculture and Canadian Industries; Mrs, Rob- ert l:i;;'ie, Kippen, citizenship and education; Mrs. E. Desjardine, Gram. Bend, community activities and public relations; Mrs, Paul 'Doig, Seaforth, historical research and cur. rent events; Mrs. Wm. ileil, Kippen, home economics and health% Mrs. A. Rundle, R.R. 3, Exeter, rn- .solutions; MissMargaret McArthur, Walton, junior convenor. Oar ,1951—Dodge. Four Door 1950 --Dodge,. Four Door 1950—Dodge; Two Door, Raffia 3949—Plymouth; Four Dooe 1.948—Dodge; two Door 1947—(3) Dodge; Two Door 1939—Pontiac; Two Dome New Dodge Half Ton Truck. 1949 Studebaker Half Ton Truck Used Manure Spreader; an rubber. Motor Soles: Phone 31 - Hensall' racks Tr Under the S E1tRiY Cow I mar Apprentice Pi The Canadian Arany Soldier Apprentice Plan offers a unique career opportunity for young men of 16 who want a good future. 3 -way pr©grarane trains Soldier Apprentices for careers as skilled soldier tradesmen. o Trades training under expert instructors in one of 16 skilled trades. • .Academic training in physics, chemistry, algebra, English, etc. • Military training as a Canadian Soldier. Soldier Apprentices follow a balanced pro- gramme of study, work and play; live in separate residence at Army Schools under supervision of military and civilian instruc- tors. It's a healthy, beneficial course of train- ing that prepares Soldier Apprentices for fine careers. Soldier Apprentices are eligible for all Army benefits, pensions and the 30 days annual leave. They receive half pay while 16 but upon reaching their 17th birthday they reg ceive full pay with extra group pay as they qualify. The young man who is interested in the hap pys, healthy and purposeful life of the Soldier Apprentice should investigate immediately,, The coupon below will bring you full deo tails without any obligation. General Officer Commanding, Central Command, Orton:: Barracks, Oakville, Ont. Please send Inc the booklet on the Soldier Apprentice. Name 0-15 Address `tr 1 1 1 1 1 1 OUT OF THE SOCK 0 SAFETY Even today a few people still hide their money in a sock or under the mattress. But most have found that keeping their savings in the bank is a whole lot safer, more convenient—and completely private. tip ( Today Canadians have nearly 9,000,000 deposit accounts—striking evidence of their faith and confidence in the chartered banks of Canada, • THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY