HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-06-11, Page 1E.ztablished 1900 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO . iltEV, E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome to all Services ETVII4WIUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oescb . Organist SUNDAY SERVICES. - 1.0:00 a.m. — Divine , Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7:30 p.m. — Divine Worship Welcome at all Services—"Come thou with us and we will do thee good." Num. 10:29. ,..131111.11/..,...1.Mor 1 +.3 Meleripay WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If you're a -careful driver you can get remarkable low rates with State Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make their own low Auto Tneurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. O.00ROOMPOmazooroorsowoorn000rootrormrsecorotosoroargooarommorrooro... Are You Suffering From Headaches? if so have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and equipment at ZURICH, OHT U.Nal••=1,1.1.14,10,0.04•LIAIMII Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY: 8.30 p.m. — Prayer Fellowship. YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! tildon Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday June 12-13 Last of the Comanches (Technieolour) Broderick Crawford Barbara Hale Johny Stewart Ten men and a girl against the Comache Devils Selected Shorts Monday, Tuesday June 15-10 John Wayne Donna Reed Trouble Along The Way A iPicture that mingles tbriIis with Heart Throbs Paramount Newsreel Wednesday, Thursday June 17-18 Eight Iron Men Bonar Calleono, Arthur Pronz Lee Marvin The compelling story of a soldier"s unwiitted law:' Power packed with stirring emotion Cartoon and Additional Shorts - — CARD OF THANKS Gordon Westlake and family wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for the kindness and sym pathy sh.own them in their recent be - 0, THURSDAY MORNING, ync Phone 421 ii„ ! ',, T....P.410,14,NIMI•MmiTwom • 3 EXETER Friday, Saturday June': -'•.1`.3 "THE NAKED SPIittlj,': James Stewart Janet Leigh Strong men are wear when aian is the bait. el.:IN:lee Serial every SaturdayelViatinge4 JUNE 11 1953 Attend Convention Lions Ed, Gascho, Lloyd O'Brien„ Milfred Schilbe and Herb Turkeeim attended the big Lions Convention at Hamilton the past week.. Monday, Tuesday • June46e1e) seated with the bride and groom were ,Rev. •Hei-mrichs mother, their child- ren, Audrey and Ronald, both of Zurich; Rev. Paul Eydt, proposed the toast to the Queen and acted a:7 -i tea,:t- master; Dr. J. 11. Reble, who gave the invocation and benediction; Wm. Davidson gave the address of wel- come. Greetings were also brought 1.).111 the COMIlatiniCY by Mr. Earl Campbell, Reeve of Hay Township; from the local ministerium by IVev. H. E. Roppel; from the Stratford Conference by Rev. K. Miami' of Stratford; from two on of the congregation Rev. L. Kalbfleisch, of Desboro, .Ont., and Rev. A. Deters, Port Colborne. Other pastors I re.1- ent were, Rev. Walter G. Becker of , Brodhagen; Rev, K. Sobbe ot East Zorra, and Rev. Mosig of Kitchener, The toast to the bride and groom was proposed by Dr. H. K. Kale fleisch, U. of W.O., London, Ont.; wives of the guests were hi attend- ance. After this a congregation:1r pre- sentation .of silver tea service was made by Mrs. Geo. HCA3S, and Mrs. E. J. D•atars. Rev. Hei•mrich on be- half of himself and his wire smcere- ly thanked the congregation for the gift and expression of lo'.e shown. Singing was under the direction of Mrs. J. M. Tuerkheim ard John Hsherer, while the program-_ was con- ducted by the Luther League. ?Ir. Ivan Yungblut expressed appreciat- in to all those who assisted in mak- ing this memorial event poeeible, Presentation Address iRev. E. W. Heinrich: We, the Membets. of St. Pet1 - Letititna yotit DOUBLE BILL .4., THE DESPERATE SEAR Howard Keel Jane Greer • And to complete this progra STORM OVER TIBET St Diana Douglas Rex Reason Wednesday, Thursday June -17-IE MY PAL GUS Richard Widmark • ' Joanne Rru America's in love with a wonderful guy — The kid with the re.gehprn V ice. First Show every Saturday 0 :Matinee every ;-aterday 2.30 1)'1:)L Strawberry AT S tciai Lion Lutheran Chiie DASHWOOD- on WEDNESDAY, JULY 24ari 5 to. 8 p.m. DASHWOOD BAND in Atten,, Program by: HURONA 3IALE CHOOP Admission: Adults $1.00, lee 50 Cents . eoveroMETRTST ,?.0PTEci"N4pPpsore,d by .G:,on Lutlae (1 e e, J.Q1 toliRldt4,,00:5'el'''', ''Al'ik41'4710(.14. A14.1.§,;:f• dies' Axa:' L. COLE R.O. tpallbearerS, 'Ilcawerbearers, and those who assisted in any way. Special. GODERICH ONT. thanks to the Rev. Lane, Rev. Mar - rod Clams a IletMonable Prices ,tin, and Rev. Heimrieh. To HARRY H FFMAN FUNERAL HOME 8 <i•?. 8 Member of Ontario Funeral Association 4> HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFI- 0,.. 4 8 4 43, FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES 40.4. WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service — Dashwood. Tel. 70W 4.3,44,404,04',4040004,0***000*4•004.444,0.404%.4.40.0 ;,04‘0.0.0. y Funeral Director — Private Car Ambulance 8 8 CATE — PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT . HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN 0 8 8 .4 r1ON sr-Vorrls a (1 A ita ......••••••••••••NA rozen 1 Bird's Bye Frostel Foods FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS - VEGETABLES FISH, ETC. eek -end Specials Old Dutch Cleanser, tin 13c Garden Patch choice wax beans 2 1 5 -oz. tins 29c Maxwell House Coffee, lb -bag 99c Aylmer cream style Corn 2, 15 -oz tins 27c Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL - Zurich Onlaallterell • • • Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscription in Canada, Year $2.04 Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50. N ORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurieh NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAG RUGS and CAM' TS On a New Modern Loom, Made ta Order — Seth 0. 'Amann, Zurich Ont. Phone 128. PROMPT Optical Service Y E 5 / Two days we can duplicate accurately your broken Lens any Size, and color from the broken pieces. We do not need your presc. ription We also have the newest in Frames and Mountings. We can also save you money on a complete pair of Spectacles. A. G. HES Jeweler and Registered Optician INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LORE S. EILER LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 — HENSALL, ONT,i d"9"e-V40%,9000Koet:Otit1140000t10 64.k.!0e,0,06606colotaiklOct,tsos,D40049411 es 0 :6 se° aY;Otigt* !6,14 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS ay and NightService • pastors of the Canada Synod have . aentbled here t: •do hoiicur to :von Telephone: Res. 89 or 122, Zurich do Coco. 4-4,*,:.441,0%4'3•4041440.0.00 on this twentiy-tifth anith..i?J'StArY Of your ordiation. 8 vt7e feel that gr a t eth 1,, the . eeee esaiwoo6000s000eeineeoa faoeteeeenoeceogeoeeez4 .7.>" -1=1.11.10 PLAN TO ATTEND The Third Annual KINSMEN II 67/ Pi Fl r -r1 LA LA LI AFTZRI:OON AND EVENING Er4I:CRMANCES just due of 01,"; who lits be..,1 II:m.1(1Ni; by such unfailing do i ion to the Pervice of the Mast.T, and such strict adherence to the high procepts of the greatest calling on earm. During your eleven ye': l'A 'Cl'Oce to the congregation of !t.. Vetoes Lutheran Church, Zur;.-h, you have spared no eifort; in ylmr lolipszry to the spiri v. al welfare of your pe ..-, pl a —you have eytended ,,,y„, r -am: fort to to the -...e in distross,---to those who bny, te:., 7‘..i I ,": t• t: !7 life, you have brought the promise of pea:e--yoe izt.\ e i•llrA'od ... hours of :in, nine:r:', and pma lmve t1:0ayse1;-t:!,:p.,:t,lnioo:f vv.t.Iiider y(1. In ' '14:o 11 yu r'le:‘.e1;i:t,itr4ilre un- of the 1.'i1iteit ).utheran t.'11 ireh. Your keen eylimelletic interest in the lamed tuei el.;i.ual upli:e ,,r thi, cornillulti-f 1 ,,,,,,,i the r,--rp:,et land esteem of yotu fell o eecitieens. or (eft eiteem for you ..,' pa '..or and of ute resp -et Cel4f:4,Tto Anniversary for yen ::., a man ;.11,1 toiloo..,it!:.en, .wo pre-ent t'eis tribute with all the wenty-Fifth Ordination,. Anniver. Iir."0 f.ild 1i'; l'.,y 1he h .ert eel :'001. sary. 'With !t 1,t .:`. the ...incele ‘',-;,;l1 flint. On June 4th, 1953, at 2.30 p.m. the yon mey be eealfleel to cieerte the • members of St. Peter's Lutheran! service i,f Ihe Ma.ger iii til,i ii,ieyard Church, Zurich, with fellow pastors' --it. Pet( r's Lutheran 1 1mr,11- and friends gathered to honour Rev. ' 31a11y, nails -...c.ars to vome. ilil. W. Heimnich on the occaston of I --On behalf of the ( 'ongregA le i. , the Twenty-fifth Aniversary of his ' At Cie evenin : linquet It 1.11 'V ordination. The service was condu- I ing ftddres„: wa:, given: elcd by the Rev. Paul W. H. Eydt of Dear Pastor and Mrs. klehnrich 1 Ellice Township, while the eermon I On the happy occasion ot c•Tlis,lhe was preached by Dr. J. H. Roble, , twenty-fifth anniver,a i'y c 1 your President of the Canada Synod. At ;wedding, we the member: of St, Pet - the conelusion of the service, Rev. I er's Congregation, wish to extend to with i you our sincere emieratulations and a11' gWift. eill'einuioriliel.IV mi'll'Cl11131ThseenCteot111;;eig-lour warm( ,. felicitatlOIN W • wish idiom This was presented by Mr. E. i foleyeU all' .-1the haPPiness*youf 'viited J. Datars while the illuminated ad- Ilicarts can hold, a milestone eaten as dress was read by Mr. II. W. Ileoken- an anieversury, .14 ' time I Or reenc- i sleire. At 1.11., same time a bouquet I ing, as well as. a time for te,inli.-,giv- of red rosea was presented to Mrs, ling. We rejoice, with you, and with by Miss Katherine Kalb- you Pastor 11011 'Mrs Ileinu ;ch we -•fleisch. Rev, Fleimrich fittingly ex- , pressed his sincere gratitute for the • gift and for the manner in which he and his family were honored 011 this special occasion. At (1.30 p.m. a congregational hau- 1 quet washeld in the Hay Township Community Centre, Zurieh. TilisWas held in honour of Rev. and Mr. E. W. Heimrich's, twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. This was attended by over three hundred and fifty memb- ers .an friends. The tables- were bea- utifully .dec•orated ,with silver and green. Inc head table was centred saY a humble thank you, 1 M -1 HI yen) has surely 'blessed yciti and guided you thus fav in your married May this aaniymeary hol.1 real lastime lurepine,s for you 10111 may the future, God willing, leave ie :lore many more years of increasing joy, To mark your silver wedding an- niversary and as a token of 0111 love and appreciation we ask you, Pas- tor and Mrs. Heimrich to accept this Oft. --From the niembers of your con. gregation, St, Peter's Church„ Zurich with t three-tier wedding-take„Guests • Ontario. -June the 4th, 1058. t6111.MMCHRRASC..1..F.S=11. 6 6 6 10 0(5 6 .4 se, 01 .4.4 We are ever at your service with the beat line@ obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in cupply 4,t GIVE US A CALL 40r mc)Dt.rE VANTED larac h 't lone 165 IS PAINT UP TIME 1 ! We Carry a Good Line of Scarfe's Paints, Enamels and Varnishes Pioneer and Swifts Feeds in Stock for Your Convenience Swift's Chick Crumbles at ...... „.. ...... $4.75 Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl GIVE US A CALL i E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. E Phone 11-97 4 A 1, .