HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-06-04, Page 4see ZURICH - ONTARIO St Joseph'& Blue Water Area Mrs. Len •Sararse left on Sunday last to spend a few days visiting '1littss !Charolette Laporte of De— with relatives in !Windsor. tt'oit and her girl friend spent the Mr and Mrs Pierre Masse and Mr week -end at her home on the Blue and .Mrs Lawrence Duclharme all of Water Highway. Detroit spent the week -end at the Miss Bernadett and Mr. Jean Pani Batter's parents !on this Highway. Balanger of Windsor were week -end The Anneriaans who had made `visitors with the !Sararas Family on plans to have ,an enjoyable week -end the B. W. Highway. Decoration Holiday, inet with much Mr and Mrs. Thomas Brook of disappointment, those who have cot - London spent a few clays the. past Itoeat along l Ings the but laike d planey nedd Week intheir cottage. great b 4 • 4 • 4 :• akeview Casino GRAND BEND ncing Every Saturday Music by NEIL McKAY and his "ALL STARS" - Featuring: • JUNE - JOHNNY - and 1ts the QUARTETTE • Soldiers like those of the airborne infantry are helping to guard Canada, ready to drop into action wherever danger threatens. The young man who joins the Army and has coma pleted his Infantry training may then volunteer to start training for the proud wings of Canada's "Soldiers of the Sky." How does a man choose a job? He examines the pay; the working conditions; the opportunities for advancement; the financial security. From every one of these aspects an Army career is excellent. And more—no monotony of being stuck for years in one place; pension plans after 20 years service medical and dental care whenever needed—without regard for cost or time. Opportunities for training and advancement in the Army today are truly outstanding. • • • Soldiering is a man's life! There are challenges and dangers. But wherever you go, in the Army, you know you can rely on your comrades, trained fighting men who share with you the action of military life. If you think an Army career is for you, enquire about the opportunities for service with the Infantry —the most, important men in the Canadian Army, You are eligible to join the Army if you are 17 to 40 years of age and able to meet Army test requirements. Applicants should bring birth certificates or other proof of age when reporting for interview. For full informaflon apply right away to: No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Begot St., Kingston, Ont. Canadian Army Recruiting Centro, 90 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabne Sts., tondoat, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, 2' ', Mile Sr. '1/.. North Bay, Ont. Army Ree+viting Cet,tre, Joints Strf nt A,:none y. 2/ z • ee l-lean!;tin, Ont. MOOS-0,ftnirr*.. ' y is.MMs.......11131x.'KV•cror:.e..!4X axw;w« zn.,4 via,nru,...',:,..,,rxn»rc.eNF.ra+.«.bnn.10.r • to bundle theanselves imide, and! te, the electrical storms, high winds and' downpour of rains, and tie result, some of the •holidayers have vowed they would wait until ithe weatherman would provide the proper atmosphere for their contentment. "Man is the only animal that can; be skinned more than once." `A' Woman's Fancy Chemically the diamond is very simple; ;it is almost pure carison which nature has somewhat crystal--- ized in other words, it is made of the same thing as coal. The graph- ite in a lead pencil and lamp black But diamond •is harder than any- thing else made by roan ar nature, R (Originally the diamond was reserved only for kings and religious idols. Diamonds jeweled !ceremonial swords chains of office, sceptres, nips tor the Coronation of Kings. Never would a woman have dreamed of wearing one of the precious stones. All ,this was changed ascorcling to the story by a single individual in the year 1444. A French beauty named Agnes Sorel fell in love with King Charles VII, for whom Joan of Arc had fought 1an'd died. !Casting about tor some bold way to attract his attention Agnes 'hit upon the daring idea of wearing diamonds. The jew- els reserved for Kings. Today the diamond has C'ecome the standerd jewel •1n the engagem- ent ring of almost every woman in western soniety. Part of /this popul- arity is due to the fact, still there are .plenty of diamonds still to be mined. But they !oaane from only 3 main places: India, Brazil, and South Africa. • • • • t • 2 i s ZURICH HERALD. Thursday, June 4th, 1s.l953 _- Real Estate For Sale 2 ZURICH - Story and one-half frame 2 house. White asbestos siding, new 1 of. Cosner location. Immediate 2 met possession. Reasonably priced. 18 GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker: R. B. Paterson, Phone 51, 'Hensall, Ontario, • RESTAURANT - Parkhill restaurant 2 next to theatre. Real opportunity I 0 Will suit couple. Annual sales t 2 $15,000.00 reasonably priced at $4,500.00 .plus stock. Three bedroom apartment. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker: R, B..P'a,bersorn, Phone 51, Hensel', Ontario. DASHWOO.v MIiss Nancy Tiernan, 18 year old daughter of !Mr en dMrs Mervyn Tie - man has olbtained her A.W.C.M. and was awarded sane at Convocation on Sat. 'May 30 at Western University. daughter of Mr and Mrs Mervyn Tie - Lynda attended Convocation at Lon- don, May 30th. Mrs. Arnold Kuntz, Mi's. Ervin Rader, Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan, Mrs. Chas. Snell and Mrs Sydney Baker attended the Dist. Annual of the W. I. in Hensel' on May 27. FLt I,Itt. S. Slezak and wife of Greenwood, N. S. are spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Art Willer/. Mr and Mrs L. E. Rader visited. their daughter 'Mrs. W. Gamble . and baby at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, Thursday. ;Master Paul Rader was a visitor with his aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs Lloyd Rader. Mrs Jacob Schroeder received woad that her brother Wm. Riesenthol of Windthorst, Sask., had passed away. Her son and wife, Mr and Mrs. Wm Schroeder left by plane to attend the .funeral. Mr and Mrs Gordon Eagleson of Southampton spent a few days with relatives here. Mr and Mrs Gordon Hutchinson, of London visited •relatives here for the week -end. Mr and Mrs Gordon Clemas and family of London visited his sister and family, Mr and Mae. T. H. Hoff- man, on Saturday. Week -end visitors with Rev and Mrs. L. Higenell were:, their son and family, Mr and Mrs Gerald Higenell and son of Wingham. Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Clare Melick were, the lather's par- ents, Mr and Mrs Melvin Smith and Alien and Mr and Mrs Leonard Mer- rier all of Zurich. Rev and Mrs. J. H. Getz were in town Saturday. Miss Joyce England who had accompanied them to Kitch- ener returned home. Nancy and Reg- gie returned to Kitchener with them Mr Louis Kraft is able to sit out in the sunshine. !Mr and Mrs Melton Wolper and daughters of Ingersoll visited their relatives here. Mr and Mrs Syd Baker and Mrs. Martha Baker visited in Ayton on Sunday. Paul, younger son of Mr and Mrs Ervin Rader celebrated his fourth birthday on Sunday by entertaining his cousins and pareete. Mr and Airs Elgin Rader, Arthur, Richard and Kenneth; Mr and Mrs Elmer Rader and Philip. FARM — Unusual opportunity to • • ob• • • • 0 • • • m • acquire 50 acre farm tor low down 0 payment. New furnace, hydro and' • water !bowls in .been. London area. • Immediate possession. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY • OF CANADA Broker: R. B. Paterson, Phone 51, Hensel', Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the ESTATE or PHOEBE 2 • RAU, late of the Township of Stan- • ley, Widow of Henry Rau, deceased. A All persons •claim'ing against the above estate are required to furnish • full particulars to the undersigned by June 15, after which date the assets will be distriuted. Frank Donnelly, Q. C., Goderich, Solicitor for the Estate. LIFE BEGINS WHEN YOU ACCEPT CHRIST AS SAVIOUR. If any man be in Christ Jesus he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold all things are become new. Ye MUST be born again -- John 3:7. Except a man be born again he cannot see the JKihnon d3oi� of God. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not he Son SHALL NOT SEE LIFE, but thce John 3: 36 wrath of God abideth on him Receive Christ as your Saviour to -day. John 1:12 Chas. Fuller, Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California. ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. E.S. T. S • p tact with scouting before and ex- pressed heartfelt appreciation of all encouragement received both from ,.idividuals and from local organiz• ations. He said that he felt confid- ent that with the passing of time our Group would alimib to a place of honour in the family of Scouts. The main - event of the evening was the presentation of the Char- ter by Scout Field Commissioner, Harry C. Firth, of London. In his remarks, Mr. Firth commeuded the people of Zurich for the fine pro- gress made in so short a time and the wonderful turnout of parents and well-wishers for this important occasion. He explained the basic ideals of Scouting as a training for citizenship and outlined some of the national and international aspects of the movement. The Charter was accepted for the Group by Ch'ai'rman of the Group Committee :Mr. Edwin Gascho, who ,stated that the felt it a real privilege for the citizens of the community to be sharing ran this honour with the Scouts and Culbs. So far as he knew said Mr. Geseho, this is the only or- ganization for boys of this age group which receives an official Charter. He thanked Mr. Firth, and expressed his thanks to all the leaders and Others who were contributing to the success of the an!olvement. After a gay singsong led by Mr. Firth, Mr. Reid ennounced that re- freshments would be served and thanked the ladies •who were so ably supervising the kitchen. The Scout Court of Honor and the Scooters served. From. out of town, 'asiar:J Mr. Firth, were Scoututaeter Pat Engli:,h, C'ubanaster Orville Johnston, Group Committeemen ;¢;t. Kahle, W-0. rowirn upalon Bide ',.he Scout lingmats and the Scout Grouplain Harley G. Harley, F' -L. Bate, and 16 t; g g" Cubs and Scouts from RCAF. Group appeared in full dress to, need of a few. Just phone Reg Station at Clinton and the tea wish the boys a successful future. Black or Louis Thiel and arrangeme.. Ernie Dempster .and Assistant talo Cab- Footnote; its will be made 'te pick it up. 1 • 2 d- 4. I Dancing Every Frill. y Night FRANK TRAHER'S ORCHESTRA 4. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court: House, Goderich, commencing Wednesday, June 10th, at 10:00 a.m. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than June 6th, 1953 A. H. Erskine, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. Bayfield Pavilion I 8 40 4' i • • • • • • a • • • • • 0 • • • • • 0 DANCING 10 TO 1 A.M. FIRST BINGO OF THE SEASON CLINTON LIONS IN O IN AID OF ARENA BUILDING FUND THURSDAY, JUNE 11th Doors Open at 8 P.M. Games Start at 9 p.m. Sharp (DST) $700 Given Away oID 3 CLINTON LIONS ARENA 15 GAMES AT $20 EACH. 4 SPECIALS AT $100 EACH ADMISS3ON $1;00 for 15 Regular Games Special Gonne Cards Extra Cards: 2.5c each or 5 for -$1. 25c each or 5 for $1 REFRESHMENT BOOTH master Jack Schoetla lain RCAF. Station at Centralia. Our local Girl Guide Company which has been If anyone has an old nvare5s ready to be discarded, don't thh wit away. They make vary good titin... The Scout's Corner Special to The Herald History was made in town recent- ly when our newlyeorganized Scout Group received its official .Chartea from the Canadian Boy Scout As- sociation . The Charter Night pee- graan under the Scoutmaster, Santee W. Reit" assisted by ,Scouters Black,. Meyers and Thiel as wellas inermbers of the Group Committee, featuring ceremonial parts of both Cub and Scout meetings as well as demonst- rations of /many o.f the testi they are obliged to pass. The boys of both sections were well-turnerl out and received !aoramendation from Field Commissioner Firth for their appearance as well as their per- fortnan'ce. Scoutmaster Reid cora- !ended the enthusiasm of the boys and stated that more +progress would have been possible if the shortage of leaders had not been so acute. He added that the recentaddition of two new !Scoutmasters was !certainly en- couraging to all concerned. Looking back over the past few months, Mr. Reid said he was amazed at the wonderful support from se many people who had never coma in eon.. ood -satin forall age June is airy onth At every age YOU need dairy foods to grow.:on, to go on! They're brimming with energy and food value. Such goodness in a glass of milk; such flavour in a hearty piece of cheese! Such enjoyment in ice cream, whipped cream, or buttered cinnamon rolls! With plenty Of inexpensive dairy foods in your diet, you'll live better .and feel better tun. htiR,&iia2t:.��wmxn+Mn+w.+- "Down Dairy Lane" Listen to this programme on Wednesdays 9:15 to 9:30 ii.nt. E.S.T. over the Dominion Network of C.B.C. DAiRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 409 Huron Street, Toronto