HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-05-28, Page 4Lakeview Casin GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY SATURDAY ALSO - Coronation Night -Tues. June 2 Music by NEIL McKAY and his "ALL STARS" - Featuring: JUNE - JOHNNY and the QUARTETTE ayfield P. , viii 4. Dancing Every Friday Night FRANK TRAHER'S ORCHESTRA AiktitiMEINftlinfiratiffiratgatif DANCING 10 TO 1 A.M. There Ar For Any Need We Deliver aR. 15 P.C. GROW MASH 18 P.C. LAY MASH . 18 P.C. HATCH MASH 24 P.C. BOOSTER PELLETS 18 P.C. CHICK STARTER FREE Phone Orders Accepted • • 0 • 1 • 0 • • • • • • 0 big. The groom was her neliherw. ' Mr .and 'Mrs' Fred Youse ,spent the week --end math 1le1;~- rm'other, Mrs; Mr and Mrs Russel Tiernan and Barry .ofExeter spent Sunday here. Mrs, 'G. 'Hauser and son from Rodney is visiting her mother, Mrs, G: Wiegand.--Mrs: Wm. Wein visit-. ed her daughter, Urs. 'Glen BrownBrownin London Fiiidray.--5T s. Harold Kell ermian and John were at London CWT. Half or Ton Lots Own Sax In $3.80 3.60 4.00 3.80 4.10 3.90 4.50 4.30 4,10 AVAILABLE AS MASH, PELLETS OR' KRUMBLES. ASLO: New Shipment of Barb Wire, Woven Fence, Steel 'Posts, Etc. HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Phone Hensall 115. Zurich 220 ,r, I. M4 .L ::;•.�47' i7`�-uC.+d'i�V ,;W!f.-J. Eng leMarESESSIMENIP Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE . USED ,.-A Fanners' non-profit, co-operative organization, owned and operated by farmers. Service from the :best .bulls available in all breeds, For service call. collect CLINTON 242, Week days 7:30 to .10:00 a.m. Sundays and Holidays 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Any :cows noticed in heat later than times stated above will be more likely to conceive if bred the following day, Fees for ALL BREEDS are: $5.00 for life membership. Service fee for 'Members is $5.00 Service fee for Non -Members is $6.00. Four .services to insure conception without extra charge. Free veterinary service for caws that are problem breeders. NEW BUSINESS IS SOLICITED Special care is taken to have top sires of all breeds in service We are featuring the Herefords in this ad, They are as follows: Jackson Hill Polled Domino 2nd.. (Polled) 217383 by Polled Lyre.,, Boy by Polled Domino 9th., from Nancy Belle, by Jarvis Domino Lad 54th. S. R. Domino Mischief 33rd. (Polled) 311656, by J. L R. Dom- in,o Mischief 22nd, by H.H.F. Domestic Mischief thst from Miss Adrian 2nd..P,M.F. by H. P. Royal Rupert 16th. Hernvale Del Zento 10th 277350, by Del Zento 29th by Beau Zento 54th. from P. H. R.. Lady Mixer llth 'by Painter Mixer 1st. Ringwood Del Rupert 5th 306325 Reserve Champion at Ontario 13n11 Sale 1952 by Ringwood Del Zento 17th by Del Zento 1st. from 'Miss Advance A Domino by Advance Domino .161st. Ringwood Del Zota 3001128. Grand Champion Ontario Bull Sale .1952, bby'Rin:gwood Del Zento 5th by Del Zento '1st from C.K, Clementine 1116th .by .C.K. Challenger D 85th. Ringwood Crusty 8th. '244227 Sire of Bill Du:nibar's. Queens Guinaes .Steer 1952 Royal. Also Grand Champion and top selling Hereford, Ontario Bull Sale 1953, by C.K. Cruiser 11. 314th, from C'. K. Kerr; gas poliopolio55th. Proud Mixers Domino 1995813, by W,H.R. Proud Mixer, From Rilda Domino C. F. Mrs Ervin Rador attended a meeting of the Huron Waves exectn- lye at the home of ,Mrs E. i'ym nt Exeter Friday May o2. Other 1'adie., from 1110 (ii,trict were present. Two carloads of ladies rrorn Y€1. 1'vangelirAl 1 13. Cher ,h attda:,, Fr Missiotary ]tally at HanoverHanovercr1, Wrd aun1-r t ,t wo•'c. :ulr . J. Balmer Showers wife of Mho!) Sla.,. DASHWOOD Mar wers wax, guest speaker. Congratulations to Mis:. Alice Miller.. daughter of Mr, Sam Miller who graduates from Victoria TTo,.'pit- al on Tuesday. 111 res Ka t'rtive).lfanc r, Itirtr,.;'aret land Berbera Ik eker attended the !Walther alther Teague Convention at TTut - rerr (''olloee, lant s,+c•r,k-end, s sn^r:t the work-r:ard int I:rrride:r with rrd:1111ves while tharr< .:e :rtt.etlrlydl Thr. hair' Ross wean Real E ZURICH - SItH house. White roof. ' •Corpse possession. , Re so114b1y priced. GUARANTY' 'RUST COMPANY Off" ANADA ringer R. B. Paterson Phone 51, Hensall,. Ont ie. day, Mrs M. Cowan and Mrs L. Rin- ker accompanied them. Miss Shirley Guenther who spent a :month fn Flor- ida returned home. her aunt Mrs. J. 1 Petzold asso'mlpanied her and will rt to Ear 'Sale ,y amid one-half frame , a bestoa siding, new ()cation. Immediate RESTAUURA - Parkhill restaurant next to •the re. Real opportunitt� Will suit' ou:p�le. Annual sales $•15,000.0101 reasonalbly priced at spend the summer here. $4,500',00 pus ,stock. Three bedroom Rev. and Mrs J. H. Getz and son apartment. Donald moved to KItchener W'Yednes• GUARANT , TRUST COMPANY day, Reggie and Nancy are staying F CANADA at Mrs Cora Gaiser's until the end of •T3rake: Hay. Rev. W. Krotz has moved to R. B. Pat sod, Phone 51, Dashwood and taken over his duties Hensall, taTo,. as pastor of the Evangelical church. Mr and ''Mrs Reinhold '1Vliller, Mr FARIiVf Utfasual opportunity to and 'i\Irs Oscar. Miller, Mr and Mrs. acquire 5 acre fa.sirn Cor low down Ferd Miller, Mr Thos Miller and Mrs pay n�ent Ne* furnace, hydro and Leonard Schenk attended the gr�aclu- water Ibo fls. in ,born. London area. ation of Miss Alice ;Miller. Imm•ediat 1aosacssion. Mises Betty Geiser nure-in-tra- GUARAN(T'',;`: TRUST COMPANY iming at Victoria Hospital, spent the! OF CANADA week=end at her mother's. Mrs. Cora Broker: Geiser. Miss Lore Geiser and Ray R. B. Petersen, Phone 51, Kretzman of London, visitec: at her Hensall, ''O tario. VEX • • w • • O • • • • • • • ••••• • • • 0 • 0 • 2 as home here. Other week -end visitors at the Gaiser hone were: Bruce Sie- back, Sebringville; Anetta Young of Stratford, and Mrs Jim Poland from Frankford, Ont. Mrs. Wes Wollfe returned Tonne with her Son 3Sfm and Mrs Geo. Wolfe of Toronto, after spending a week., Master Barry Wolfe of Torun.o was here for a week. Tommy, son of Mr and Mrs Stuart Wolfe haa i'ns ton- sils removed at Exeter Hospital. 'Mr and Mrs J.W.:Scahu'lze of De- troit :pent -Mlle week -end with the latter''s sister, 14Ir. and ,Mrs Maurice Klum,pp• Da-'1wood and Zurich Juntor Girl and Iloy.s bands •provided the music for the tree -planting ceremony by the Boy ,S, -,outs and Girl Guides at the Community Centre i.t Zunrch on. Saturday evening. . Mrs. Charles Rinker of Dashwood died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London May 22, after a three months' illness She and her husband operated a rug weaving loom for many years, she was 72 and is survived by a son Harry and a daughter Verde, both at home. Burial was on Sunday from the 'Hcfl'nian Funeral Home, followed by service in Zion Lutheran c'harch, burial in Bronson line cemetery. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Mr and Mrs Cyril Ducharnie amu .family of 'Windsor spent the week- end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme. Thel atter returning with them where they will visit a few days in. Detroit and Windsor. Mr and Mrs Victor Brisson and Mr and Mrs Oliver Cantin, all of De- troit were visitors in St. Joseph with their mother and family. The 'hail storm of last Thursday which followed closely behincr the tornado, something unusual for this community, the hail stones were of a destructive variety, being large enough to bre:'k their way through thick glass windows, and the 1.'F.suit much ,damage was done co homes and other buildings. Fortunately many carried the protection of wind by holding a policy of wind insurance that will at least help to defray some of the damage done by the pass fig storm, Lennan, ;tTeddy Abbott, Henry Har- ley, Teri . 'Preston and Jirnrny Pow- ell. Cub Master Sgt. ORV. Johnson was alsd: iii attendance with cubs, Senior "`Sizer Brent Barley and Six- ers Daly ' Qattimger, Barry Pinnel and Jimmy gaff. Procedihng the presentation of the C'hartei, t're Zurich Stoma's and Cabs under 'tll4 direction of scouters Reid and Bilk , gave on excellent demon - i stratid : f various phases of scout 'and mgrs: at work and play. After' the presentation., Field Co1n- missioiier Firth commented briefly .on the .commendable work ana achi- everiteht of the Zurica Groups for the short period of time they have been organized. Following bis talk to the commit- tee .and greirps Field Conunrssioner Firth directed.the boys in games and rope work. At the con'clusioo of the evening refreshments 'were served by the ladies, whole in the nea; future in- tend forming an auxiliary in the district to assist the scouts and cubs groups in their movement. The Scout's Corner VISITED ZURICH The first Clinton Air Force Scouts, Cubs and the group committee visit- ed Zurich Scouts and Cutts, Wednes- day evening, May 13th. The occas- ion being the official presentation of 'the Charter by Field Commissioner Fifth to the Zurich Group. The attending committee members from the Clinton Air Force were: Chairman F -L D.F. Rate, Secy -'Teas WOT H. Harley and Public Relations Officer Sgt. M. E. Kahle, Scout Master FS Par. English was also present with .Scout Troup Lea- der Gordon Chambers, Patrol Lead- ers Ted Hutton, Eddie Chambers and John Barclay, Scout Ross Crich, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the ESTATE or PHOEBE RAU,. late of the Toswnsbip of Stan- ley, :Widow of Henry Rau, deceased. All persons •claiming against the above estate !are required to furnish full particulars to the undersigned by June 15, after which date the assets will he distriuted. Frank Donnelly, Q. C., Goderich, Solicitor for the Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of AR ANN STECTi T,E, bate of the Township of Stanley, Widow of Henry S. Steckle, deceased.. AU persons claiming against the above estate are required to furnish full particulars to the undersigned by June 15, after which date the assets 'will be distributed. Frank Donnelly, Q.C., Goderich, Solicitor for the Estate. HURON COUNTY HEALT-H UNIT Immunization Clinic . The third in a series of preschool immunization •clinics for ZURICH and dittstriet will be hell: in the ZURICH PUBLIC SCHOOL on FRI- DAY, JUNE 5th, at 11:00 a.m. Also:, the third in a series of preschool immunization clinics for DASHWOOD and distric. will be held in the DASHWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL on Friday, June nth, at 3:00 p.m. Children 4 months of age to school age May be brought to these clinics to receive immunization for Diph- theria,. Whooping Cough, Tetanus, David Lamb, Bob Stewart, Roy Mc_ and ,Snnall;pox. Your NEW Florist Has Potted 'Plants BY THE . HUNDREDS All Varieties from Cactus to Geraniums. BEDDING PLANTS (Our Greenhouse Isn't Finished Yet But We Have A Yardful Of Plants ) WE INVITE YOU TO SEE THEM! Reader's Flowers Phone 761-W'Exeter, Ont. North of Pentecostal Church rifilltaillintilENSINCIESSIBRIMINIIIIMMINIIINDIEZEIENIESSIBEEMERIZENIONEEMEERMatatiatIME ®2366911060®ss4109 •00800089 LIFE BEGINS WHEN YOU ACCEPT CHRIST AS SAVIOUR. If any man be in Christ Jesus he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold all things are become new. Ye MUST be born again — John 3:7, Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God. John 3.3, He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not he Son SHALL NOT SEE LIFE, but the wrath of God abideth on him John 3: 36 Receive Christ as your Saviour to -day. John 1:12 Chas. Fuller, Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California. ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. E.S. T. • 4) a • • • 4) i • as • 2 a MEETING OF HI IRON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Wednesday, June 10th, at 10:00 a.m. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than June 6th, 1953 A. H. Er,ine, County Clerk. Goderich, Ontario. 1,. ^. 14 I . .4 NJ' GOD IS SPEAKING ! God, who at sundry times spake by the prophets,..hath.in these last days Spoke unto Us by His Son... Heb. 1. 1,2. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Math. 17 5 HEAR YE HIM SOME OF JESUS' SAYINGS: The kingdom of heaven is at hand; Repent ye and believe the gospel.. Mark 1:15. Except ye repent ye shall • perish. Luke 13: 3. He that heareth my word and beheveth, Him that,sent , , me hath Everlasting Life. Jno. 5: 24. Behold I stand at the door and knock! If any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in. Rev. 3;20.. ARE YOU HEARING ? GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS .Box 50 R. R. 1, Zurich, Ontario Dependable estme,1 �`s! GUARA* :TEED TRUST CERTIFICATES and DEBENTURES NOW PAY. ... Receive 4% on ,$100 or tnore for 5 years, 33%a% for 3 and 4 years or 3% for 1 and 2 years. Recognized, by law, as trustee investments. 40 Ask for our "20 Questions" folder on these investments. Tnt AAA TRUST COMPANY The Huron &Erie Mortgag Corp ration "Older than the Do»union of Canada" Had Office — London, Ontario Dist et Representative. - T. W. Hatme-. Zurich .kNyyyMs�.m+.n..m.�Xs.�NYVF.L4stl.,wr.Md+rtenvl ......NAadJ�.1mN�MALtid.MH>r ,; 4) 4) 4)