Zurich Herald, 1953-05-28, Page 3AUCTION SALE
Of Valuable Real Estate ,and Home.
bold Effects .on the preanis'es, corner
of Sanders and William Streets,
Town Of EXETER. The Undersign.
ed Auctioneer has been instructed to
ee11 by public Auction on
Commencing at 12.30 p.m. sharp
Real Estate —Corner of Sanders
WA William Streets, Exeter, an
?which is situated a modern two-
storey brick dwelling with large cel-
lar. This hlWme has been converted
into four modern apartments, all
nircely arranged. Also beautiful
lawnand shade trees. Adjoining
Lot 115x55 -ft., ideal for home or
hommercial building.
Terms of Real Estate — 10% nn
day of Sale, balance in 30 days. Sold
subject to a reasonable reserved
.bid if not previously sold. Arrange-
ments of purchase of Real Estate can
be made with owner.
Gerhard Heintzman• player piano
with 100 records, like nerw; 2: cont.
Vete chesterfield suites, 2 complete
studio sets, various occasional chairs
8 Davenports with matching chairs;
8 centre and end tables, walnut drop
Leaf table. walnut coffee. table, ah --
% torte (-hairs and tables, 'hall trees,
card table, writing desk. tri'light table
lamp, lounge set, broadloom rugs, of
v'arious sizes, chrome kitchen set
''with 4 matching 'chairs, kitchen fur-
niture, 'complete dining -room set,
book cases, '2 beautiful design mir-
rors, 6 complete bedroom suites,
modern and antique styles; electric
washing machine, Coleman space
heater, electric stoves, kitchen stove,
refrigerator, vacum cleaner, bird
cage and stand; all kinds of dishes,
glasswatre, silverware, jardiners, kit-
chen uftensils, sealers, 'crocks, lugs.
bird batch, garden tools, lawn mower,
44 -ft. extension ladder, and many
articles too numerous to mention.
As this is an extra large Sale with
everything in first class condition,
selling will start sharp on time. PIan
to attend!
William Switzer. Proprietor
Garnet Hicks, Clerk.
.Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer.
Fiftieth AnnivernAry
Thp mans, Zurich finds of Mr. I
and Mrs. Nicholas Foster of Eg-
mondvill wish to cone•ra*tiie.tp them
win rmietly celebrated their fiftieth
!wedding anniversary recent1;*, Thev
were former residents' of +'iie Zurich
district moving to Egmom ville abnr t
five years ago. Mrs. Foster was the
former Mary Gackstetter, daughter
of the late Mr end Mrs Jaeob•sGack-
Stetter of Hay Twp, near Dashwood.
Their family ineiudes: Edgar Foster
of Breslau; Andrew of Sarnia; Mrs.
Stenlbe (Luella) of Linwood; Mrs:
Whitney Lang (Docenal of Water-
loo; Mrs. S. Hav (Martha) of Delo-
' warp: Miss 'Irene Roster. Kitchener;
another daughter Georgina passed a-
way a few years ago. A son Arthur
paid the'sa,tpreme sacrifice in W.'War
1'I. 'On Sunday the members of the
family were present for dinner anii
»resented the coaiple with a Hydro
Range and a swan of money. On Sat-
urday evening Mrs. Foster's two bro-
thers, John of' Zurich' and Mr end
Mrs. .Henry Gackstetter a Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter of
PCi,pnen, Mr. Edw. Gackstetter of
Zurich met at the home, 'of MT and
Mrs. Foster and presented . them'
with a %'olden+ table, larnn. We loin
their many friends in wishing them
many more anniversaries.
Amber Rebecca Lodge smrn,sored
a very sxc:•ascoul home baking' sale
and tea in the lodge rooms Saturday
last realizing some
Rev. and Mrs W. Weir and family
and 'Mrs Wei- "'r.', llramnton, . were
guests with Mrs. ,ittale.s Bonthron.
Mrs. R. J. ^ T,1e• ca, and. son , Robt.
were in Windsor. end ,"erm .accomp-
'a.nied 'home by \i' c titcick.
Mr and Mrs J. A. Paterson spent ,
lass wee' --end in Montreal.
Miss Betty Nickl'e, nurse -in -training
Vi,ctor',a Hospital, London, ?pent the
week -end M her home.
Dr and Mrs H. Joyrt and Judith
Ann, Toronto, were visitors with
Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Rebeka.•is' Mee
Members of Amber Relbekalh Lodge
met ih the Lodge rooms Wednesday
evening 20th for their meeting with
Mrs. Leona Parke, N.G. in the chair.
Plans were discussed tor a bazaar
and tea to 'be held in, the rail for
which members are asked to String
in small articles at each meeting to
contribute to this projeet. In con-
junction .tvith the !OOP. a picnic
will be held at Bayfield ruly 8th. A
birthday box was introduced to the
grotto the proceeds of this new pro-
ject ^will be used towards any mem-
ber who is ill. A social evening is
planned for the' next meeting on
Wed, 3un1e 3rd, in the lodge r onto,
each member is asked to cri'rg 'Nitwit
Storm Does Datnae:e
Inthe wind and hail storm, Witch
hit Hensel the toatler night, Elgi e
Rowcli:ife, a mile south of Hensel',
on No. 4 highway had three thees up-
rooted including a large tree, a
landmark, whi'cl, fell in his drive -
,way. Jim Venner, east of 7Tensall,
reported that the roof of his garage
was ,split in two and lifted and fell :
)leek again. Grant Ryckman also had
a slumber o$ trees voted on kis
farm Basi! of A'ensall. Mrs Win.
Kyle of Xippen ,reported a number
of chieeene dead in her colony
house when She went to feed them.
She thinks they died of fright. A
house on the hlghw.yy owned by Mr
Geo, Smelts of 1'fens:III in the course
of being dismantled was levelled to
the 'ground. Farmers report shingles
taken off Warn roofs lint no wind-
ows were reported lirolien during
the storm. Henlsell wap in dare iese
until the next morning. Some of the
hall stone% which fell ri essur tate
Inch and a quarter, awns triedl.trp
preserve ,the hail atones In their re-
The regular monthly meet+. of
the COMICS of the `7CowIgehlt : iY > sy
was held In the Tovr,pahl Ha on
Monday, tray 4th, at 1:80 p.nz, The
Reeve called for the readingo the
minutes, and the following mo ionswere paused:
That the minutes of the April, 6tri
meeting be adopted as read:
• That application be made to the
Dept, of Municipal Affairs for sub-
*1y •of 105% of the 1952 expendit-
ures for fire protection by the Police
Village of Zurich,
'Tight the Ausable River Watershed
levy for 111953 for Hay Township a-
nnlolunit to $5:36,99 be paid.
That having received the copy of
the Engineer's Report, plans and
specifications of the Beaver Drain
from IClexik of .the Township of
Ulkoauue on May 1st, 1953, we auth-
orize the Clerk to Send
assessed landowners in Uaythat a
report is to be ready on May lath"
at 8 p.an..D. S.T.
That the annual fees of $15.00
towards the Huron County Municip-
al Asseeiation be paid.
Tat a by-law be drawn; up -tem
ing a mill rate of half mill to collect
$500,00 on all buildings of . the
Al unicipality exclusive of Dashwood
and Zurich. This' to be collected on
the 1953 Coll'ector's Roll to,cover
lire protection costs.
be proclaimed w
the Biu �bl�a lolilc{sy; fig
n�ietpality Of the CoirretAll
Haffhi 3zon olur of the 'Qoronetlea
Queen Elizabeth.
That the various accounts foe Ito
11wp. Roads, MMunicipa1 Telephosei
,System and Hay Llwp. General silk
counts be paid as per voucher.
That the mneetang be adjourned ips
meet again on Monday. June 144
1953 at 1.30 p.m.
11. W. B'rlokensbire, Clerk Trp,
Earl Campbell, Reeve.
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