HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-05-21, Page 4ZURICH m ONTARIO 44+++ +++4,44++++++� ++++.k ZURICH HERALD Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY SATURDAY To the Music of NEIL McKAY and his "ALL STARS" -- Featuring: - JUNE JOHNNY And the Quartette - Also Dancing Coronation Night B yf ie1d Pavilion Dancing Every Friday Night FRANK TRAHER'S ORCHESTRA MODERN AND OLD TYME 10:00 — 1.00 CO -JP F 8 ARE THE EST Cwt Co -Op Dry and Fitting Ration $3.75 Co -Op Dairy Ration 3.60 Co -Op Dairy Conc 4.85 Co-op Beef Conc. 4.80 Co -Op Calf Starter Grower 4.90 Co -Op Calf Meal 5.00 HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Phone Hensall 1 15. Zurich 220 (Free Deliveries Every Friday) confrtxed to his home due to illness, we are glad to report that he is one the amend. Due to rain farmers are held bank with their late planting, however, there is not as yet any cause for 'alarm, it is early in the season, and with a few sunny days and up -to- date equipment, they will catch up in due time, the few lost days caus- ed by wet weather. Since we had a very mild and open winter, much rain was needed this spring to ,give, necessary moisture in the land, to give the planting the push on. LOOKING AHEAD Youecannot make unalteraible plans for the future, but you can plan to have security, A 'good life insurance program, carried through while you are still earning, can provide a ste- ady income for you after retirement. You tann, decide when you 'will retire and what monthly income you will require. Arrange to begin your Re- tirement Income program now, through - rry Hoffman n NORTH AMERICAN A Mutual Company Phone 70.W LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY All Profits for Policyholders Dashwood, Ont. Notice Notice The new Provincial Plumbing Code came into force on May 6th, 1953. It does not affect simple repairs (leaks, stoppages, etc.), It does affect alterations ,and new installations in the follow- ing: 1. Places ion a municipal or ,conneeteity water supply. 2. Localities in which the population density is three or more .persons per acre (towns, villages, hamlets, built-up areas in the country or at the lake.). 3. Publ'i'c -access, buildings (schools, 'municipal buildings, etc.), (Please note that septic tank installations are still subject to approval in every locality. For further information consult HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT, CLINTON. ONT. St. Joseph & Blue Water Al'ea Mr and Mrs. Blaise Ducharme and daughter Denise spent their annual >lRwvo weeks vacation at the home of the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. ''red Ducharme. Miss Marion Bedard of London, spent the week -end with her par-! ent.- on the 13.W, Highway. Mrs. Henry Wilds and two daugh- ter, W110 ;pent a few dr.y, at bet 1 STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mrs. Stewart Beattie of Wingham was a recent visitor with her mother 'Mrs. Ro'bt, McBride, Kippen. Farmers crops ire greatly picking up since the 'recent showers, and continued sunshine will make a big difference in a short time. Former Resident Passes in London James Thomas Webster Reid, son of the late Mr and Mrs James Reid of Stanley, passed away at St. Jos eph's hospital, London on May i 1th, in his 62nd year. Born in Stanley, he spent most of his life cirere, 'he was an industious and successful farmer well known and highly respected by a large circle of friends. Eight years t ago he sold his farm on the Goshen Line and retired to 4 Christie St. t London. He has been in failing: health for some time, he went to Florida last winter but failing to improve in health after some weeks there, he ,returned to London and has been in the hospital for two months. He was a mecneer of Varna Meth- adist, later United Church, sieee retiring he has been a member of Metropolitian United Ohurcrs, Lond- on, also a member of Varna Orange Lodge. Surviving are three sisters: •Mrs. David 1:'11 i i ,t (Mamie) Clinton; Mrs Fred Mu' lhnl'rnd (P lith) Holm- esville; Mrs. Vrithv.r Key:: Eunice) Seaforth and tw', In...rhur;; Nelson and Fred of Clin-o•r. r. short serv- ice was held it his hone, Londun 'on :Monday eve. •conducted by his pastor Rev. Goth. The esteem in which he was held was shown by the nember of friends who c.allle+1 :and the numer- ous floral tr•h rte:. Funeral services was held Wed. Afternoon from the Beatty funeral home, Clint•in, con- ducted by Rev. An tie Graham, Lon don, assisted by P.ev. Pitt of Varna. lVIrs. Cooper, wee, snne 'Does Jesus Care'. and No Night There.' Interment was made in Bayfield ce- metery, Tlx: no ;"er 1-e:rrers were nephews: Mer`.i: Keys, James and Bola Ellett, Alex. Whitefield; Jack' Mustard, S';uart Keyes, Marry Reid, THE THREE R's of TRUE RELIGION Bruce Keyes, G'+; tun Ht:i, George Cantelon. 'llhursday, Via 21st, 1956 Real Estate For Sale TiniSAeLL - Beautiful solid brick home .for. the discriminating buyer. Best 'corner rMesi'den4ial location. All conveniences and facilities. rive b.ectio!ome. Ideally located fotr prof- eSsional _residence. Many extras., Must the seen to be appreciated. Reasonable Iterans. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA ,Broker: R. B. Paterson, Phone 51, Hensail, Ontario. HENSALL - Post Office Block - Ideally loleated for store or office. Adjoining seven room. house and three room apartment included. Ex- ceptional opportunity for comer - dial property for as an investment. Reasonialble teems. Immediate poss- ession. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker: R. B. ,Paterson, Phone 51, Heneall, Ontario. ZURICH. - Story and one-half frame houses. White iasbestoss siding, new parent's home, returned to her home alt Grand Bend on Monday last. Mr. Theodore Laporte and rainily of Windsor spent the week -end holi- day at Laporte's Grove where they have a modern cottage. Mr Laporte is in, the real estate bus- iness in Windsor and reports business very flourishing, and informs us that it was necessary sary for him to add ad- dittoed nelesmen to his staff. Mr Lucien Corriveau who has been roof' Corner location. Immediate possession. Reasonably priced. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker: R.. B. Paterson, Phone 51, Heiman, Ontario. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate and Honee- hold-Effects on the premises, corner 'of (Sanders and William Streets, Town 'of EXETER. The Undersign- ed Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public Auction on •+SATURDAY, MAY. 30th •Comenencinig at 12.30 p.m. sharp Real Estate --Corner of Sandees and Willman Streets, Exeter, on which is ;situated a modern two- storey brick dwelling with large cel- lar. This home has been converted into four modern 'apartments, all nicely arranged. Also beautiful lawn and shade trees. Adjoining Lot 115x55 -ft., ideal for home or commercial building. Terms of Real Estate — 10% on • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • 0 O • • • 1 RUINED — By Sin: Wherefore, as by one man (Adam) sin entered into thrt World, and death by sin, and so DEATH passed upon all men, for that ALL have Sinned. Rom: 5:12. REDEEMED -- Through the BLOOD OF CHRIST: In whom we have redemption through HIS BLOOD, the, FORGIVENESS OF SIN, according to the riches of HIS GRACE. Eph. REGENERATED — by the HOLY SPIRIT. not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to HIS MERCY HE SAVED us, by the Washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost. • Titu(S az 5. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Box 50 R. R. 1, — Zurich, Ontario NOTICE The Township of Hay has purchased a 4 acre plot for the disposal of all rubbish. It is located on the South -East corner of Lot 15, Concession 7, Hay. Or 114 miles South of the Zurich Road on the Parr Line. This is for use of Hay Township tax payers only. Please use it, and keep rubbish off the roads, H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Hay Township. 1 1 day of .Sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject toe a reasonable reserved bid if not previously sold. Arrange- ments of purchase of Real Estate can be made with owner. HOUREHOLD EFFECTS— Gerhard 'Heintsman player piano With 100 records, like new; 2 corn plete Chesterfield suites, 2 'connplete studio sets, various occasional theirs 3 Davenports with snatching chairs; 8 centre and end tables, walnut. drop leaf table, walnut coffee table, an- tique chairs and tables, 'hall trees, card table, writing desk, ttiillight table lamp, lounge set, broadloom rugs, of various sizes,., ,chrome kitchen set with 4 matching ,hairs, kitchen fur- niture, ,complete dining -{room set, book cases, 2 beautiful design mix - tors, 6 complete bedroom eta2teg modern and antique styles; eleetri t washing machine, `Coleman *acet Beater, electric stoves, kitchen sieve• , refrigerator, vacurn cleaner, M,� cage and stand;.all kindle of dishes, glassware, silverware, jardinerss kit?. then utensils, sealers, croekee Juge,, bird (bath, .garden tools, lawn mowere 44 -ft. extension ladder, and mater articles too numerous to anei iii At this is an extra large Sale Na. everything in first clans iconditj,i sellirug will start sharp on time. Attu, bo attend! Terms—Cash William ,Switzer, Proprietor Garnet Hicks, Clerk. Alvin Weber, Auctioneer; e e able Investments! GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES and DEBENTURES NOW PAY ... ® Receive 4% on $100 or more for 5 years, 3%4% for 3 and 4 years or 3% for 1 and 2 years. O Recognized, by law, as trustee investments. O Ask for our "20 Questions" folder on these investments. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY The Huron &Erie Mortgage corporation "Older than the Dominion of Canada" Head Office London, Ontario District Representative - J. W. Haberer, Zurich FOLLOWING THE TRAIL -BLAZERS As Canadians push back the frontier — developing new areas, buildingnew enterprises -- banking service still follows the pioneer. Today, .there are more bank branches to meet the needs of changing,, growing Canada... they are being used snore.. they are doing more for more people... than ever before. Since 1990, branehes of the chartered banks have increased from 700 to 3,800. In the past ten years alone, 3,750,000 bank accounts have been opened, '1 -HE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY