HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-05-14, Page 1•••e"'" etera a'rie!!',..elleei • -Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, ••••••••••••••10.1.1,11.1101 ST. PETER'S Evangelica/ Lutheran Church ZURICH ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, pASTOR 0.01 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday Sch.00l. 7.30 pan.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome to &ll Services E. ivactuNuEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Onterio REV, H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Gesell Organist ffUNDAY SERVICES, - 10:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7:30 p.m. — Divine Worship Welcome at all Services—"Come thou with us and we will do thee good." Num. 10:29. w , ?AY Reckless Driver ates If you're a careful driver you can get remarkable low rates with State Farren Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make their own low Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. intimmVPIANOXIVOTN•PlImar Are You S ering From Headaches? It 5. have your Eyes EIMMitled with 'the Latest Methods and equipment at OPTOMETRIST A. L. COLE, .0. OPTIC GODERICH Vlood Glasses a :boxiaBle Prices Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 5:00 a.m. — Prayer Fellowship. S.45 a.m. — Prayer Fellowship 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting (Bi - WEDNESDAY: weekly) 8 :00 p.m. — Prayer Fellowship (Bi -weekly) YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! Al on Theatre GRAN BEND .Friday, Saturday May 15-16 The Stars are Singing In Technicolotir Rosemary Clooney, Anna' Maria Alb erghetti, Lauretz Melehoir It's got lea loveable lilt, that heart tugging humor, that makes for movie masterpieces and inntroducos Songstress Clooney ' Sunday Midnight, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 18-1920. • Sir Walter -Scott's Immortal Classic IVANHOE In Flaming Technicolor Robert Taylor Elizabeth Taylor Joan Fontaine The age of Chivalry springs to life on the screen. Two Shows nightly 7.30 p m and 9:30 p.rn. Adults 75c. Children 35c. CARD OF THANKS The bereft husband and family of ' the late -Mrs. Laura Schilbe wish to expreis their sincere thanks and :appreciation to the sanany friends and neighbduee • for their' •kiridriese • and • sympathy showed them during their tact bere•avement; for the -beautiful [floral tributes, 'cards of sympathy. Those who loaned cars and those who acted as pallbearers, and all who it assisted in any way. Ce4-0.0.414-40.44404.-64.4-43,04,44.4,4-,044.44.4,4000.4344-0.0+.44+0 '11), T. HARRY HbFFMAN FUNERAL HOME I take great pleasure in. thanking Lyric 1Iie Phone 421 EXETER Thursday, Friday, and Saturday... May 1445-16 Ride The Man Down Brian Donlevy Forrest Tucker ,be obas served Ascension Day, a - Short's Saturday evening Post Fighting Story ..mong the Christian peoph;: of the eworld, please don't forget. Luke . • . MAY 14 1953 .....-storuarnorteal na.......farritatab.asoisestrairits.....upleasnos 77,37. ea. -a ae.:4 e Ascenskn Dat Today, Thurpday, May. .14th will Monday, Tuesday May 18-19 My Six Convicts John Beal Gilbert Roland The private lives of public enemies. Matinee Monday, May 18th, at 2.80 Wednesday and Thursday May 20-21 April In Paris Ray Bolger Doris Day. Warner Brothers Happy as spring- time musical April in Paris. Dance Recital Of the Zurich Dancing School, will be held in the Hensall Town Hall Sponsored by the Womens Institate and Agricultural Society Ott Hensall On Friday, May 22nd, 8.15 p.m,., Admission 50c and 25c EVERYBODY WELCOME Office Open Last week we imide t :1 ‘ 'of the change in working hour4 at the IKalbfieisch Mills, but since we have learned that the office will be kept open on Saturday afternoons, but the hours of mill work will be closed On Saturday afternoon, Posta:aster To Retire Announcement wag made that Mil- ton .W. Pfaff, Exeter's poet master •'..since Nov. 102.1, will retire as soon as a successor is appointed. Mr Pfaff returned from overseas in 1919 and was hospitalized for more than a year. • 93 Years Young • ;Many congratulations to Mrs. Bertha Horner who last Thursday, Itlay 7th celebrated her 93re birth- day. Mrs Horner is in residence at •the home of her daughter, Mrs. ATI:tie Krueger, 14th Con. Is in glood health and splendid spirits, en- joys to chat with old and new friends ealith the greatest of pleasure. We 'Wish Mrs. Horner continued health to •i enjoy many more birthday celebrat- ions. HYMENEAL Finkbeiner - Walters A happy marriage ceremony Wa Fiddlers' Contest Western Ontario Championship dlers' Contest, Friday June 5th, pm at Hensall. Come to the event. Admission 75c and 25e. ,..RECEPTION A reception and dance will be held in the Community Centre, Zurich, on Friday, May 15th for Mr and Mrs :Maurice Finkbeiner, (newlywed;), Everyone t; welcome. —Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner big ief St Columbia, became the bride of - _Maurice Henry Finkbeiner, son or g 'daughter of Mr and Mrs Bert -Walter peforn le:fit3elli Lutheran teparson- age in Mitchell, on May 9th at 2:30 &clack when Dorothy Jean,• elder 1 Fid-. CARD OF THANKS 4.* my neighbours and friends for the • Funeral irector -.Private Car Ambulance • many deeds .of kindness shown to me • while I was ill, for the treats, flow - Member of Ontario Funeral • . Association 40, • eio • HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFI- a ,e. 0 .e? CATE —PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT 2 . HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN 4 * •• 3 FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES 44, WE WIRE ANYWHERE 0 ee 24 Hour Service — Dashwood. Tel. 70W .;... 4 J., 4 ,•,'.0.±te..-t+.4-40±0•00-0±.'01.4).4-043444.440.44±044-0.4,44.4.4)..0.4'....* -suaiszaaastogailezmumwmaissamorovartinagisaEL.Avaimsta.,.4.mm.so,..mq r• If 4 TT 1 E ,nor Store Froze '4 00 Li Birds Eye Prose. Food FIR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS - VEGETABLES - FISH, - ETC. vreek-end Specials Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon 7 3-4 oz. tin 39c Quick Quaker Oats, large 3 -ib. box 3,.3 Sweet mixed Pickles 16 -oz jar ••25c Stokley's Tomato juice 2, 20 -oz tins 25c NetsfIROVNI/041.111.1111.10"liCrilltrirlet.... Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL 449,16410114M1124± Zurich me, cards and personal calls, 1 say again Thank You! Signed, Mrs. Rose Brown. OBITUARY Mrs. Milfred Szh'ilbe - Mrs. Laura (Haters) Schilbe 50, lifelong resident of Zurich, died at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Thursday, May 7th., after an illness of a very short tare. The remains were brought to the Westratee Fun- eral Home, Zurich from where the funeral was held privately, with a 'public funeral at St. Peter's Luther - on church, Sunday afternoon, myth interment following in the Lutheran • Croshen lino Cemetery. lire. 11 W. .;Heimlich officiated. Surviving ie - sides her husbani, hii1fd Scbilbe, nte her mother, Mrs. Lisetta. Datars, Zurich; two sons Ray, London; Hu -1 ;heft, Zurich; two daaghter5, :qrs. Fialebeiner...of Znrich.. The .Rev. W'gUlfe ofifCrated.- The bride a gown a 'white net over satin with Ilace panell end long lace lily point sleeves. The lace bode vets trirr- Ined by a yoke .of nylor marquisite and covered buttons. Her fing,er•tip veil •was caught by white newels:111(1, she carried a bouquet of red roses. Miss Leona Finkbeiner, sister of the groom was her only attendaet, wearing a floor-le;gth gown of apple • een net over silk with ruffle trim. Her headdress was of yellow flowers to match her bouquet of yellow •IYIUM Mt. Clarence Walter, :brother of the bride was 'best man. Receiving at the home of the bride's parents,•Mrs. Walters wore Royal blue and Mrs. Finkbeiner. navy sheer with corseges of pink carnations. The couple left on a honeymoon to Akron, Ohio, the bride travelling in a. beige suit with matching green accessories. Mr and Mrs Finkbeinee will reside near Zurich. • Worn eri' s 'testi tut The Zurich Women's Institete held their ,monthly meeting in the townhall, hall, Zurich, on Menday evening with a, large attemlance. Program in charge of Mrs. E. Hey, meterng op- ened by singing the I neat u ;:e ()de and praying; the Lord's Prayer. Singing O'Cannda, accompanied with. Mrs. 1,, Rose a L. t the plena. Mie,es Kathy Kalbfleis h, Marilyn Haborer played two piano duetts, they were !Russell Tiernan, Exeter; atuela., at, exceptionally well rendered. .4. vote home ; three brothers, ElmerDati's, al duett was given by Mrs Fess I mer Datars,1 hay T 0'.1l: -..it, ip ; Edwal.71, Znrieh; the and mre Kan Breakey, acc,,,,0111,1nii, a • Rev Albert Ta Datere, rem Col- at the piano by Mrs Alf Melick, i Vidorla i Which s emmost delightful. alas. i born, and two sisters, Mrs. home. The funeral on Sunday after- e v ry interesting talk on Citizenship Jack Sold n, g,uest speakeie gnve a Dedels, Kitchener, and Anna, at i noon was largely attended by friendsand Education, she mentioned that from far and near ' rho family have ; if we have not had a long school eau- . cation, we have been a'.le to self- ' the sympathy of a bare circle of friends, as Mrs. fd(7111:L'l was SO . adu.cate 'ourselves, which is admirable badly needed in Inc home. i in itself. We heard of George Mc - Mrs. Louis Schne 1,Callech through courage aml detern,- lination bought the very paper he The second gloom of sadness with- was working on. Parents ebould in a few days was when the news guide their children towards n, hotter on 'Monday morning was released of education at an early age. ' the passing of Mrs. Louis Sehilbe, ! ,MTS Elmore Klopp gave an error- ' died early Monday morning, after a native reading on Troth (mese, Mrs. T. lingering illness in her 74th year. ; Meyers Vie president, then took the Mrs. Schilbe was the former Annie chair for the business part of the Albrecht and was a life-long resident meeting. ,Mrs. Wm Forrester ane -Irs of the community. Her husbend the Rave ,Meyers were appoint ed as de- lete Louis Schilbe died in July, 1947, legates for the District. Convent'on • And she is survived by two sone. l‘lil- ta be held in Hemel:11 on -May 2l'th, fred of Zurich, and Irvin of London, Mrs. I'ryce Mack, district director two daughters, Mrs. Roselle 1rueg- will ,acco.mpany them. An invitation er and Mrs. Ivan yungbhu (Ad),- V' :.1.:4 Incepted from the Grand Bend ra•et) of Zurich. The body rested at W. I. to enjoy the afternoon of \the Westlake Funeral He. omuntil ,May 21st with them at their meetlng. Wednwhen esday afternoon a private 1.0rher tbusiness being trameicted. The service was followed by a public ser- ineeting, closed by singing the Nation., vice in St. Peter's Ev.. Lutheran al Anthem Refreshments were scree church, followed by interment in St.ed by the committee, Mrs. Hey, Mrs. i 11)Kalovii!p, Dttehallne and Mae. 'ElmoreRev. Peter's Luth. Goshen Line cemetery. Rev, E. W. Heitnrich offitiatieg. Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscription in Canada, Year $2.08 Subscription U.S.A., Year $2,50. NORMA'S 4EAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223, uri NORMA STEINBACH ProZp. eh RAG RUGS and CARPE TS On a New Modern Loom, Made to Order — Seth O. Amann, Zurich, Ont. Phone 128. ±X±T±±,,luntliTaxmle.rTisztsucaramv=oimmeasnmolEwsMeagiallimitunlaitztreiilmrauns PROMPT Optical Service YES! Two days we can duplicate accurately your broken Lens! any Size, and color from the broken pieces. We do not need your presc- ription We also have the newest in Frames and Mountings. We can also save you money on a complete pair of Spectacles. LORNE S. INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS A , Jeweler OpticianandRegistered EILER LOCKER SERVICE -- ROE FEED WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 -- HENSALL, ONT. .9Q,grioravaiocotootioaP000tosteifrocowot* ocooveoeivtigwooeicafsosito,44m041 'tottoag 141:4410V411 dOi Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 0., Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent e .•. e FLOW.E.:RS FOR ALL OCCASIONS o Day and Night Service o' Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich e . . a too Goo@ eoesoesa SOS GO 04006) 8 411060 4.410 geog,)04aele0*e0* oa s ali o(25* 5* 5* 0* •±1±4 e ‚5*5* 5* e 1 to 3 1* 98 LJ It %n� ce er 9 Store We are ever at your service with the beet linen obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season Canned Fruits and Vegetables on as well as hand Candies Nuts - and Confectionery- in supply GIVE US A CAU Meanno Oesch PRODUCE WANTED. C.,41 se trinte 1 11, 1.; -4; Phone 165 e twcreacr...armala=camarcrasoc..r.lnurne..v..ff agettagilMVIZSIV...Merlatigt1n0a0E507±Ziogilli*.AVIVVV2iigatalr We rin Time IS PAINT UP TIME 1 1 Carry a Good Line of Scarfe's Paints„ Enamels and Varnishes Pi neer and Swifts Feeds in Stock for Your Convenience Swift's Chick Crumbles at ....... $4.75 Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl GIVE US A CAI L4KE E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. •±. • Phone 11-7