HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-05-07, Page 41010111111111111111111111111110111111111111011110)1111111111 II110I111111110IIIIIl 1010110111 11110111 11111011 11111 111111 11111111 11111111110! 1 1111 1 11 1111 1111111111 1 ES EE 1111111111 The Best Refrigerator Bargain Ever Offered! Kelvinator ' efrigerators 1111111111111011111111111111111111111111III111111111111111 As Low As $220.00 These are all new KeIvinators with 5 -year waranty. Payments as low as $2.00 a week. Why bother with ice when you can own and pay for a new Kelvin- ator for the cost of ice? Along with this special price you are buying a well-known make plus assured service. SIZES RANGING FROM 6 TO 10 CUBIC FEET These refrigerators have everything that has ever been offered in any make of Refrigerator. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED Due to our ability to buy in quantity, we are in a position to give you the low- est price on domestic refrigerators made by the oldest manufacturers of domestic Refrigerators. HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! ThesS Bargains Won't Last Long Cracker Refrigeration TELEPHONE 59 G. K. CROCKER, PROP. Huron St. East, EXETER 11I01011111I0111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111011I100111I1II11I110 t.+++++++++++++++++++4444 ZURICH ONTARIO Lakeview nO GRAND BEND OPENING DANCES SATURDAY - MAY 16th, and HOLIDAY - MONDAY - MAY 18th. - The return by Popular Demand of .. NEIL McKAY and his "ALL STARS" featuring JUNE - JOHNNY - and the QUARTETTE Neil's outstanding Orchestra has been engaged for all spring Dances, also the summer season of 1953, at Lakeview Casino Bayfield Pavilion GRAND OPENING DANCE For Sixth Consecutive Summer FRANK TRAHER'S ORCHESTRA Featuring vocalist "floppy" Hopkins and Pianist Vincent Cusolito FRIDAY, MAY 8th. And Every Friday Night Mid -week Dances to be announced later Refreshment Booth - Spacious Parking DANCING 10 TO 1 A.M. TO RENT — Pavilion open for receptions, etc: Contact. Mrs. Jowett, (Jawett's Grove) or Ed. Weston, Bayfield. P Feeds ARE THE EST Co -Op Dry and Fitting Ration Co -Op Dairy Ration Co -Op Dairy Conc Co-op Beef Conc. Co -Op Calf Starter Grower Co -Op Calf Meal Cwt $3.75 3.60 4.83 4.80 4.90 5.00 HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Phone Hensall 1 15. Zurich 220 (Free Deliveries Every Friday) RlXi�s:�.ewir.�. Waterloo Cattle• • 1 i • 1 • • • ZUR1CI-1 HERALD) Thursday, Ka St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Mrs Anthony Masse and three da- uightens of Goderich were visitors here Miss ;Georgina Corriveau with ;fri- ends of London, motored to 13ufr'alo and Niagara Falls. Mr. and lIVI•rs. Leo Corriveau ofthe town, line, Mr and Mrs Henry Wild and family of Grand Bend were Sun- day visitors with Mr and Mrs E 1. Corriveau. Mrs, Therese Hartman and son Richard called on the former's par- ents, Mr and 'Mrs Fred Duchar me, Miss Rebecca Corriveau of Clin- ton was a visitor with her parents, Mr and Mrs Lucien Corriveau.. DASHWOOD The Men's Club of Zion Lutheran 'Church and wives were entertained at a social evening Wed. April_ 29 at the home of Mr and Mrs Adolpl Keller.. Mrand Mrs Garnet Wei!berg and sons of 'Waterloo visited their par- ents Saturday, also Mr and Mrs. L. H. Rader Mr and Mrs Albert Goetz and daughterof Kitchener spent the'we Mrs. Weil. and son of Tavistockwere !Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Fred Rader, and ,also; etteide Conference services. ::', ek-end with his parents, Mr and'Mrs Reuben Goetz Mr 'and Mrs Wendell Gamoble•: of London were week -end wis re With the Batter's .parents, Mr and . Vlrs. L H Rader ;Sunday visitors with Mr and ''Mrs Urban; Pfile 'of 4 e 14th con. -wtrre i Mr. ;Simeon ;Grab of Exeter, Mr and Mrs, Ken. Grob and Wayne, 'Mr and Mrs. Reg. Hodgson and Kay of ("en- tralia, Mr and Mrs. Hugh Love and family of Exeter, Mr and Mrs. Win Haugh and Shirley, Mrs. Mabel Gil- bert, Ellen and Paul Eehmur eof Stratford and Mr and Mrs EbnerRader and family. 7tf�, 193a.h , .. : Clearing Auction Sale Of Automobile, Livestock, Farm Im- plements, Hay and Mise, Items. On the premises, Lot 11, Con. 17, . Stephen Township. First :area tomb of ;S'hipke. The unciereigned Auct- ioneer has been instructed to s 61 by public auction on THURSDAY, MA 1." 14th. At 1.30 o'clock, p.m. sharp. Automobile -- 1947 Pontiac coach, dark gray in color. All newly recon- ditioned in guaranteed A-1 shape, Livestock — Jersey cow, milking, black Jersey cow, milking, bred De- :emiber 2nd; part Hereford and Hol- tein cow, milking, bredMarch 16; • blue cow fresh one month; Durham heifer rising 8 years old; part Dur- harm and Hereford cow, milking; part Hereford and Holstein. cow, milking, bred Dec. 31st; Durham heifer , 3 years old; part Durham. and Jersey heifer rising 1 year old; Holstein yearling steer; 2 Hereford steers, "'rising 1 year old; 5 grass cattle ris- ing 2 years old; 4 small Hereford calves; Thies• is a good herd of cat- tle. with litter of nine; 10 York pigs • 6 weeks old. Farm Implements — 1VI-H. mower, r Hogs — Part Tam and York sow, Clearing Auction Sale Of 1 ar.n In p1. m"ents, Household Effects, and 'M e:tellaneous Items. The undersigned Auctioneer has re- ceived instructions to sell by public , ,. Auction, on the premises Lot 22, Con North East Boundary. 3 miles north' of Thames Road Church and 1 inile i east in Usborne Township, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 13th At at 1 o'clock !p.m. the following: Rubber tired wagon; VI -H. 5 -ft. cut mower, new flat hay rack, hay rake, steel tired wagon, Clintin fanning; mill, complete with sieves; 4 -section Diamond harrows, grain drill, 3 -horse' cultivator, in -throw disc, 2 -horse scuffler, walking plow, 2 -wheel trail-' er, 3 -drum steel roller, 2,000-1b. platform scales, hand scuffler, corn planter, 'Cyclone seeder, scythe, "10 steel posts, cutter, buggy, lawn mow -1 er, puanp jack, gang plow, cross- cut saw, electric. fencer, work bench bathed wire, gravel box, pig create, ! bog rack, hay fork rope, block andi. tackle, set Of sling ropes, 2 iron I kettles, set of harness, quantity of new lumber, steel barrel, level, shin -1 glen, full set carpenter tools, cattle clippers, set of sleighs, coal brooder, quantity of cedar poets, barbed wire! stretcher, 25 -gal. drum, scrap iron, 1 50 -ft. extension specially made silo j ladder, chicken feeder, forks, shov- 1 els, pails, etc. Household Effects -- Sherlock j Manning. piano and bench, all newly I re -conditioned; Singer sewing mach -1 ine, oak dining room extension table • with 6 matching chairs and rocker, • leather couch, antique chairs, settee, • 2; -piece bedoom suite, 3 -piece bed- • room suite, chcst of drawers, pictures and frames, 2 complete toilet sets, I • ,cval glass pictures, Wilton carpet • • • rug 9x12; linoleum ring 9x9; congel- • euni rug 9xed2eft., 4 -ins; various rock- ing chairs, sanall rocking chair, rang- ing lamp, drop leaf table, small tables, kitchen cupbua d, kitchen chairs, antique wall lamp, battery radio, Aladdin temp, silverware, glassware, antique dishes, cruecte, ironing board, kitchen utensils, 3 feather ticks, crokinele boatel, pil- lows, quilts, comforters, buffalo robe, cellar table, copper boiler, ,sealers, 2 step ladders, lawn bench, and' other articles. No reserve, as the Farm is sold. Terms — Cash Wellington Kerslake, Proprietor F. Dawson, Clerk. Alvin Waiper, Auctioneer. 1 Breeding Association WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED A farriers' non-profit, co-operative organization, owned and I operated by farmers. Service available For service call collect CLINTON 242. from the best bulls available in all breeds. • • • Week days 7:30 to 10:00 a.m. ;Sundays and Holidays 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Any caws noticed inheat later than times stated above likely to conceive if bred the following day, Fees for ALL BREEDS are: $5.00 for life membership Service fee for Mernbers is $5.00. Service fee for Non -Members is $6.00 Four services to insure conception without extra charge Free veterinary service for cows that are problem breeders NEW BUSINESS IS SOLICITED. Special care is taken to have top sires of all breeds We are featuring our SCOTCH SHORTHORNS in this • • will be more I • • • • • • • • • • • •s • • • A • • • • •• • • •• • • • w R • • are as follows: • • KLAYMOR OVERSEER — 1st prize Sr. Yr. 1952 C.N.E. in service.. ad. By Klaymor Monitor. . KLAYMOR OBJECTIVE— •• Res. Gr. Champion 1952 C.N.E. ..by Klaymor Jewel. * KLAYMOR NUTCRACKER-- by Calrossie Formula • • ANOA COMMADORE— by Scotsdale Bombardier.. • SCOTSDALE FUTURITY-- • by O.A.C. Mayflower Ransom. • 4. TAM O'SHANTER BALLENTYNE— • by Sylvan Farms Mercury q•j ABERFELDY NUGGET Full brother to • They Gr. Ch. Chicago and Royal 1948 ifABERFELDY ORCHID —. by Crichton Drutnbuie, full brother to Aberfeldy Model, sold • for $4000.00 and sire of 1st. get in big show in U.S.A. GLENBURN QUICKSILVER -- re • by Phopachy Diplomat, sire of many prize winners. gBROEDON LANCED — by l(laymor Northman, Aherfelcty and Model 5 -ft. cut; hay loader, sulky plow; gravel box, disc, 3 -'horse cultivator, steal tire wagon, Renfrew cream separator 750-1b. capacity; truck wagon, 'rubber tire wagon, 2 harrow carts, 2 single scuf lera, root pnlper, steel tire buggy, cutter and other mise. Items. Also 8, 80-1b. milk cans arnd milk strainer. Hay --- Quantrity of baled hay timothy and alfalfa. No reserve, everything will be .sold. Tetsns -- Cash Mrs. Major Baker, Prop.. Glen Webb, Clerk, Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer. TRUE SATISFACTION "HO," • every ane thirsteth, come ye, buy wine and milk without money and without price, Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is NOT bread? and your labor for that which satisfiieth NOT? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Incline your ear, and COME UNTO ME! HEAR and YOUR SOUL SHALL LIVE. Isaiah 55: 1-3 Man doth not live by bread only. Deut 8: 3. The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost... Rom, 144' 17. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteous- ness, for THEY SHALL BE FILLED. Matt. 5. 6. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Box 50 R. R. 1, — Zurich, Ontario 1111101/11 1 111111111 110111 1.111111111 1111 1 111 1111111 1111 I II 11111111111111101111111111111III11111111II 1111 I uw,uiuiuu,,,�y Dependable Investments! GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES and DEBENTURES NOW PAY , .. • Receive 4% on $100 or more for 5 years, 3314%p for 3 and 4 years or 3% for 1 and 2 years. O Recognized, by law, as trustee investments. • Ask for our tB20 Questions" folder on these investments. THE CANADA TRUST cOMPANY The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation �g�e p "Older than tele .Dominion of Canada" Head Office — London, Ontario District Representative „ . W. I laberer, 7urich