HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-05-07, Page 1ZURICH ,Established 1900 HERALD ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MOO ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICI-1, PASTOR ;lel a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.--Sunday School. "'fi .30 p.m.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome to all Services EM EL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich —• Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist -SUNDAY SERVICES. - 10:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7:30 p.m. — Divine Worship Welcome at all Services—"Come Chou with us and we will do thee wood." Num. 10:29, WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates if you're a careful driver you can get remarkable low rates with State Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make their own law Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. Are You Suffering From Headaches? if Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 5:00 a.m. — Prayer Fellowship. 8.45 a.m. — Prayer Fellowship 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting (Bi - WEDNESDAY: weekly) 8:00 pan. — Prayer Fellowship (Bi -weekly) YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! Melon Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday May 8-0 RANDOLP.H SCC:TT Man Behind The Gun Technicolor Patrice Wymore Dick wessan Torn from history's pages. when the City :of the Angels was in its brawl- ing in fancy.. Cartoon and Additional Short Sub- jects Tuesday, Wednesday May 12-13 I Confess Adult Entertainment Montgomery Clift Anne Baxter Karl Malden Here's a story of Love climbing from shadowed corner of Quebec to a stunning new summit in Hitchcock suspense Cartoon ...... Newsreel CARD OF THANKS I wish to reatly thank all my nedghbouxs and friends who so well reeneunlberedi me with lovely cards, flowers, treats, and especially to Mrs Ernest Laidlaw who was so good to me while in bed with illness.MM — s. Adrian Denonerne. Lyric TheatrePhone 421 - EXETER W SHOWING ALL THIS EEK MA AND PA KETTLE ON VACATION Marjorie Main Percy Kilbride Three Act Coy edy Farce' "GOOD GRACIOUS GR•ANDM: Sponsored by local Asno:ciation. of Hensall Girls' Guide :at. the Hensall Town Hall On THURSDAY - 'FRIDAY MAY 7th - 8th., 8.30 p.m, Admission.: Adults 50e; Students 3,5cChildren 25c HAD BIRTHDAY PARTY A lovely gathering of sisters, 'oro - them, relatives, friends, number+ink.: about 38, .gathered at the home off i Mr and Mrs Jacob Kiipfer, Zuriich,, in honor of the former's sister Miss. Edith Kiupfer to celebrate her birth day on Sunday afternoon. Edith, was taken by great surprise, when. She was !presented with •gifts. • and replied with many thanks for their kindness. A delicious supper was; en , 'eyed, the table being centred `1vrthti so gave yolzr; Eyes Examined, nth CARD `.iOF " Tl -IA ` � a two; uaYea ;rTrarai day Cal e. tie the Latest Methods and equipment at t j OPTOMETRIST -& OPTICIAN p white and l]'Ias. -William Farrell wishes to sent from A. L. COLE, R.O. thank her friends and neighbours for Bend end Zu ZeeIs At Hospital ops IMlltan Oesch who is a patient 1tinton Hospital, is progressing lou iably. We hope for a speedy .,$ovea:y, Women's Institute e Monthly meeting of the Zur- Woanen's Institute will be held the Zurich Town Hall on Monday ring, May llth at 8 o'clocre The is is •Citizenship and Education; !c'al'l, The -Form of Politeness I ...admire. A guest speaker is aced ;to, he present. So do ar- ge lta attend. All ladies are cor- ly invited. Committee. Mrs. Hey. Elmore Klopp, Mrs. David Mame. Artifical Ice (13y.Publicity Secy.) ' FOR SALE only, brand new AT;ENA, Or- earlost - thoreands and rtn addit- a1 thousand hours of freely given 'our. Has Connnunity Centre at- heat(but we would like to keep at. because it is worth something us). Seating capacity 1,000 if the ther stays cold.. The new manag- ent with little more than half the sinal investment can improve anise's toinsure a sound investn- rutaai. Roof excellent, location excel- nt; lights excellent, water system Seellent, ice surface—depends on 'he...weather (either fair or rich hor- riible) Reason for Sale- Lack of pip�ort es: lack of Good fee. *Would we like to see that kind of Gadd. in the local papers and pla- ded on the front door of the p.iI.a T f•or .:ane :u. itild F,.0j:ltke pink. Frieircls were pxe • gid' unless someone was to tell me Seaforth, Hensall, •Grand1 o t t who are waseir w llinnoo,h people �a' r rich. We wish her many complete a fine building lav giving• it the lovely .cards, and treats. She more 'birthday occasions and best the ice surface it was onllt to have. mist wishes to thank Elaine Mow- wishes. however, in the evert that we do not get our antifcial ice plant instal- led. and operating we night just as well sell the back half of the arena because it -could ' hardly be termed valua!ble.. Someone might come up with• the idea of using it as a live- stoek shoiwrooan. I wonder what the cost'of insurance, upkeep, etc. is on the' arena portion of our Centre, In the same mind I wonder how ntueh that back portion earns in a season without Artificial Ice. Why does it not -support iteelf.? ? Be :cruse we are supporting Arenas 20 miles away in - Stead of our own. Every year that passes without ice, good ice, in our arena will be a new addition to the arena in some other town. Every year with artificial ice could mean something better for ourselves here in Zwrich. Where do :'e want !our "Manorial" to be;, .In Exeter, God- eri•ch, Lucan, •Soaforth, or Zt:rich? There is a big choice. Let us hope that citizens of Zurich are Zurich Ciitiizens.. What are we of the town of Zits= ich doing for our children and the children of tomorrow. Whet have they got in the way of recreational (facilities? This is what they hale at pr':sent; One.. They have :Excllent Sunday Single Copies 5 Cents, Subscription in Canada, Year $2.0t Subscription U,S.A., Year $2.50, NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 228. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAG RUGS and CARPETS, On a New Modern I.ioom, Made te, Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zurich Ont. Phone 128. GODERIGH — ONT. Good Glasses at 2keelamiable Prices ibray sand Father Monaghan. c 4. 44 .404 .••••••••••• .•••••+ 04,•••••••• 40.0a?0.4.0•4440 4. T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME ,al. Funeral Director — Private Car Ambulance t. 4. ,10 Member of Ontario Funeral Association 4 Q a HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFI- a T '• CATE — PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT ,e4, * HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN e -4 .r FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES .� es WE WIRE ANYWHERE sees .24 Hour Service — Dashwood. Tel. 70W • m••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••040 • ••4r••••••••••••••••• •••••••• •••••••••••••4 •••••••040 T HIE L'S ueri0r Store Frozen Foods Bird's Eye Frosted Foods FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS - VEGETABLES - FISH, - ETC. Week -end Specials Fllltra�ar pare Peanut Butter 1 6 -oz. jar 32c Aylmer Tomato Catsup 11 -oz bottle 21c Clark's Tomato Juice large 48 -oz tin 29c a McCormick's ick.'s assorted Cookies per Ip. ............3.rac C iH THIEL Phone 140 Zurich Canada ConfereIlcP One :of the most successful Confer- ences in the history of the churn of Evangelical U. B. was brought to a close at Dashwood Sunday evening. Bishop J. B Showers was tITe chair- man, An unusual number of minist- ers are being moved .of which in this vicinity are: Rev. Gets of Dashwood goes to Calvary, Kitchener, and Rev. Krotz of Tavistock conies to Dasli- wood. ;Revs.. D'.thnts of Crediton and E. Mohr of Pembroke exchange. Rev H. E. Roppel of Zurich who has peen here for six years will remain here in, Zurich. , A few men are rorce.1 to retire, which always makes a lot of shifting. OB1TUAFZY Late ,Mrs. Oliver l'Irs. Alice H. Oliver, 83, life-long resident of Grand Bennd and district died on Saturday, 30th at her tiunre G. 13.. Mer 'husband, William Oliver, fon-mer chief of police died in i945.. She was the former Alice Hamilton, and was born in Stephen Twp., :t 1e- mber of the United Chua^eh. Survive ing is one son Ware,Waterloo a bro- ther and three sisters. The funeral was held from the Hoffman Funeral Home to G. 13. Cemetery. Edward Lamport Edward Lampert, 82, who had fare.' School organizations. med in Stephen Twp., died in Exeter' . ;Two: They have the steps of the Hospital May 3, he was an active Bank of Montreal, on which to con- member of Shipka United Church,+gregate and explode their miniature a former supt, of the S. S., also a atom bombs. member of Stephen comical for. some ' Three: ,Most of then have• bicy-eles. Surviving besides his wife are two • on,which to scout about and around sons and three daughters. Funeral the village squares looking for some - was on Tuesday from the Hoffman thing exciting to do or shall' we say n Fueral Hone to Shipka United Clil I "Get into." PROMPT Optical Service YES! Two days we can duplicate accurately your broken Lens any Size, and color from the broken pieces. We do not need your presc- ription We also have the newest in Frames and Mountings. We can also save you money on a complete pair of Spectacles. A. G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician in • e e • • • • • • • • • • •• •... FLOWERS• FOR -ALL OCCASIONS. • ®•••e•�� INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LORNE S. EILE LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 — HENSALL, ONT • qmieeesasee- •e Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and ,Wheelchair for "vent ay and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 M - or 122, Zurich • • ••••••••••eseedvaeoeeee•6I ees••al••••e•• .. 6rA-,..0,6G, egmees • • 04000@Q00 for service, .burial in Grand £:e' Cemetery. Mrs. Henry Rau Mrs. Henry Rau, well known resi- dent of the Blue Water Highway, north of Drysdale, and the former Phoebe LaPorte, died on Tuesday of this week at the home of her ion, a Charles Rau, Stanley L'rvga. aYewas T�,I) lorts of definitelyie � not three enon enough, Our rtions are (hildren • Four: They have four fingers and one thumb 'on each hated to twiddle. Lastly: Thanks to Providence, an the person of Mr. J.. Reid, they have a scouting and guide organi: ation. I'm sure that the church, scout, and school leaders will pat their en- doisiment on the ward that the 1 • 1 r eery Store We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERWS All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well ae Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Menne 4 each PRODUCE WANTED. Zurich r�ho�ae 165 "r yearn of yeaof age. I3orn it e H she was a member •of St. Peter's R. C. Church, St. Joseph. Her husband died a number of years ago. Surv- iving are: 5 sons, Charles and John, Stanley 'Pwp., Joseph E. and Claude, Detroit; Gerald, 'Dublin, Ireland; . daughters, Mrs. Lawrence Denon'SYte Clinton; Mrs John Rae, Detroit; Mrs Maurice Masse, Stanley Twp;. hIr:t. Irene Du,charme, Hay Twp; a 13T0 - their, Charles LaPorte, Stanley Twp. a Meter, Mrs BM Micheline, Stratford The remains are being laid to res:, in • r will learn exactly as much a:: they have the opportunities to. Let us hope that there are enough parents ablaut who desire to have their chill- dren learn more and get more out of life than finger twidulinyg. The last article in this series had a deal to say about "fertilizer" etc., Lets not have it said after the smoke of the collection campaign soon to be launched is over that the towns- people, let the farmers buy the arti- ficial ice for the community, That's the way it will be unless 'ivo clo a lot ` 1 th lrC 1 txr• the parish cranet cry wi r roc le I3ourdeIea. officiating. of thiii.k nc the atitil?tg lnarun Spring IS PAINT UP TIME ! ! We Carry a Good Line of Scarfe's Paint,, Enamels and Varnishes Pioneer and Swifts Feeds in Stock for Your Convenience Swift's Chick Crumbles at $4.75 Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl GIVE US A CALL! ITI1LE .BLOKE STORE E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-97