HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-04-30, Page 7r I t SPORTS COLUMN * The other day we happened across a reminder that February 10 was the 15th anniversary of the occasion on which Acrel Joliat played his 700th game for Canadiens in the „irrational • Hockey League. Could this 700 be a nue print'? we wt.11- dered. For 700 games is a lot of hockey games. Was it possible that a sickly little fellow', whose ailing stomach often revolted at food, whose weight dropped clown, on occasion, to a puny 135 pounds, could have survived that long in a gruelling, hard- hitting game played mostly by men whose weight ranged, on the average from 160 to beyond 200? Was it possible that starting in the days of 24 -game schedules, he could have squeezed in that much competition? Yes, all this was possible. For Aurel Joliat was one at the wonders of hockey. He came into the N.H.L. in 1922, a virtual unknown. On Canadiens' roster was Newsy Lalonde, famous from coast to coast, a player of tremendous craft and skill, whose feats were legion, his name a household word. And so, when it was announced in the summer of 1922, that Canadiens had traded the great Lalonde to the Saskatoon club; for an unknown youngster, whose only hockey experience had been in junior ranks, the sports world was stunned, unbelieving, It seemed impossible. But then, as it turned out, Pvervthing about Joliat seemed impossible. From the start, this little pale -faced left winger, who in- variably wore a black peaked cap pulled clown over his eyes, was sensational. A pygmy among giants, he became the elusive will a' the wisp of hockey. He could spin on the traditional dune. His stick -handling baffled his opponents. And when, in desperation his foelnan sought to eliminate him by body-' checks, they found him to be the little man who wasn't there. A great goaler of the era once told me that Joliat was the most dangerous sniper of his day, because of his accuracy, rather than speed of shot. The records support this. For in 16 seasons of League play, he scored 270 goals, exactly the seine number as compiled by his illustrious team-mate, Howie Koren A strangely -contrasting pair, Joliat at left wing, Morenz at centre. The silent, tight-lipped Joliat was smooth, skilful, but unobtrusive, Morenz a flaring bundle of spectacular speed, For eleven consecutive seasons they formed a remarkable partnership. Usually, the centre makes the plays in hockey. But so great was Joliat's skill and craft, that at left wing, he was the play -maker, who fed Morenz the puck for the rifling drives fired by the Stratford Streak. A paradox of hockey was the llIagnificent Mite Joliat, physically handicapped, hut one of the great instinctive artists of the game, one of the Great Little 11en who furnish brilliant chapters in every sport. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St„ Toronto. ell DISTILLERS LIMITED Ar,5HERSTBIJRG, ONTARIO Pie Fainters Nobody knows all the secrets of good pie -making. If your fam- ily calls pie its favorite dessert, why not give them a few sur- prise flavors? * * * Add 1 cup white or dark rais- ins to your best mince meat if you like a tart flavor. * n * A few drops of lemon juice, or lemon extract, will give a piquancy to pumpkin or sgtuash Cinnamon added to all berry , pies will spruce then*. up. If you bake the lower crust Bike Buster—Francisco Elias rests in Houston, Tex., and ponders the miles that lie ahead on his North-South American continen- tal tour. He left his home near Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Jan. 20, and plans to travel 20,000 miles before his return. a little for all berry and custard pies before putting in the filling it doesn't absorb the liquid so easily. ;r is 4 A sure way Of keeping the juice of berry pies inside is to preheat filling with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, until sufficiently thick. Cool before placing filling in partially -baked crust for bak- ing. Some people prefer to use 1 tablespoon of tapioca sprinkled over the lower crust before add= ing berry or juicy :fruit filling. * * * For prize apple pies, use a sprinkle of salt, or salt pork very thinly sliced: a mixture of granulated, Clark and light brown sugar; lemon juice andcinna- mon. A :t * A quick and favorite lemon chiffon or lemon sponge may be made by omitting the gelatin, and folding the stiff meringue into the cooled lemon filling be- fore pouring it into the baked crust. It must be served cold. This is a perfect icebox pie, gaining firmness as it stands. The crust will not soften. If desired, serve with whipped cream or chocolate chips. * * * Try serving an ice cream "ice- berg" on each piece of your choc- olate pie, instead of whipped cream. 0 0 * Cook two egg yolks with pre- pared vanilla pudding to make a good pie filling. When nearly cool, fold in stiffly beaten and sweetened egg whites, and place in pre-cooked pie shell. Sprinkle coconut and chocolate slivers over the top; place a moment un- der your broiler to brown coco- nut slightly and melt chocolate. Chili completely before serving. Serve drained crushed pine- apple on top of cooled butter- scotch filling. Top with whipped cream. —From the Christian Science Monitor, 't.,n7t ryx IS CALLING YOU TODAY! I am offering an attractive career agency contract to someone in your community to represent us in selling our new and modern Hospitalization, Accident and Sick- ness Life insurance Plans. Write in confidence and tell me all about your- self. Arrangements mciy be made for a personal interview. CHARLES E REA ONTARIO MANAGER North American Life and Casualty Company, 47 tri Pkni'e Avenue Toronto loolSaaaak Dinner Cold? Call the Janitor—Bat into homes and restaurants in Florence, Italy, are these double -purpose radiators, which contain a food -warning compartment,. Cynthia Chapman takes a peek to see how the roast chicken's corning. Hy Tul-kin — who knows his boxers about as well as any man writing — has a most interesting article in a recent issue of the "Police Gazette" about how de- ceiving records and figures are in connection with the fight racket. In any other sport, says Hy, the record book will tell you who's who. But in boxing, it's the match -making that counts far more — in many cases -- than the fighter's real ability. :r r e It's up to a shrewd manager to get his fighter the best Match. "Best" often means avoiding the hardest - hitting contender. • ("I don't wanna. get my kid's brains scrambled..") Or, in some mana- gerial philosophies, "best" means the most lucrative bout, even at the cost of a promise to 'take it easy" against the other fighter; or at the cost of a cold-blooded over -match in weight and abil- ity. ("We're in • this racket for money, ain't we?") Indeed, :for .all the bloodshed and brutality that go with prize fighting, its jungle lies outside the ring, in those primitive mana- gerial circles where the struggle for survival of the fittest rias be- come a matter of dollars, not sense; where broken promises are taken for granted, like broken bones. So boxing has become a sport where "figures can lie, ana liars figure," The ring record -book won -and -loss figures are a joke, a cruel joke. They'll show for instance, that Teddy (Red Top' Davis has lost 45 of 94 bouts But the cold figures done even hint how many of these were split decisions, raw decisions. bouts stopped because of a su- perficial cut even though ne was ahead, or, worst of all, how many times Davis had to mix with men of higher weight divisions in order to earn a payday. * - To prove how wrong won -and - loss figures can be, the afore- mentioned Davis has lost 45 bouts, yet stands recognized as the world's fifth -ranking feather- weight. ., 1 * If ring records were taker seri- ously, Freddie (Red) Cochrane would clever have receive a de• served crack at Fritzie Zivic'a welterweight crown in 1941 Cochrane had lost 30 bowls, in- cil.lding 'seven straight 11 one earlier stretch, up to that time Yet he got his title shot and carne crashing through. Zlvic himself. a real ring nast''l , had bowed 23 times (including a string of eight strni,htl before rt;rning tilt title. MERRY MENAGERIE "Gee Mont and Pop, don't Vott remember me? )'rn left over from lest ;season!" Unquenchable Lew Jenkins had been beaten 13 times, including five kayoes, before rising to the lightweight throne. Other recent champions with a long list of losses before earning the crown include heavyweights Jersey Joe Walcott, 15 defeats, and Jim Braddock, 20; middleweight Tony Zale, 12; welterweight Kid Gavi- tan, 12; lightweights Jimmy Car- ter, 11, Lauro Sales, 20 and Sammy Angott, 10; featherweight Joey Archibald, 13. * . Boxing is one sport in which the champion is truly matte, 'not born. A n d only managerial inateh-making can bring a boxer all the way to the throne room. Ring history is studded with the carcasses of fighters who were among the greatest of their era, vet never reigned as champions. Here are just a few: a e * Sam Langford: Possibly the greatest fighter of all time, he weighed only 160 pounds at his peak, but beat even the best heavyweights. 4 ,; .Bully Petrone: The "Fargo Elx- press" was a slugger who would annihilate today's softies. e * 4 Mike Gibbons: A 148 -pounder who tangled with men 10 to 20 pounds heavier, one of the clever- est boxers of all time. 1 4 Peter Jackson: Australian prod- igy who was one of the earliest victims of the. "color line." * * ,r Harry 6 ills: Yoo boo, Jack Dempsey! Joe'Choynski: This 185-poumcler fought 'em all, including Corbett and Softies. e e Soldier .Bartfleld: Strong, rough and effective. * * * George (Kayo) Chaney: Had the greatest kayo string of the lighter fighters. * * * Lou Tendler: One of the great- est .southpaws .of all time, * * e And don't forget -- Pal Moran, Seek Malone, Willie Jackson, Joe Jeannette, Charlie White, Valen- tine (Knockout) Brown, Dave Shade, Tom Sharkey, Joe Benja- min, Georgie Ward, Jeff' Smith, Jem Driscoll, the Original Joe Walcott from the Barbados, Ace Hudkins—true champions, every- where but in the record booksl A woman in Birmingham, Eng- land, testified in the divorce court that her h u s b a n d had secretly polished the soles of her shoes, in the hope that she would fall and get hurt. Pile Sufferers Get Quick Relief When the itch, barn end pain of vile* hears ,t4(( awake at nla9tt, drives sou lament • frautie 'by dal—ge to :Ina drug elven and get a ',aettaa'e of I.en•()h(t. See hew fast this sines -white, :(nlWith. dimmest 10014 the lists Burma., relieves Ratting, soothes ouln. Von get relief in ane minute 11* the trnieh, 11(1' •lichee doll tri 'ee hoary 14 ventrart. tart Len. 0lnt niul(t I111tf at any demi Mere, T'nnuah la Itrrtr .rotI banns, 'ce1erai nester, ,shine. 181414; 11 . (953 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 50Y4N'J'b VeANT,101) OlLSJ GREASES, TIRES HAUNTS and varnlebeo, electrleal motors, electrical amallanoee, Robbyshop Machinery. Dealers wanted, Write; Warm Grease and Oil Limited, Toronto, BART CHUMS SOME chicks if you got them for nothing would be dear chicks. We can supply you with High Quality Canadian Approved Chicks, nonsexed as low as $11.05; pullets $20.46; 000101'ela $4.46; Turkey Paths non -sexed for April 74ct 24.0.3'. Sired chicks slightly higher, Special Breede for layere, roasters, dual purpose, or broilers. Started chleko, Older pullets, TOP NOTCH CIIICIC SALES Guelph • Ontario STARTED chicks for *ale. Several breeds and ages, Also day old Woroley's Ac- credited Uatehery, Cameron, Ont. BROODERS Write for free catalogue. Mode) Incuha- tore, Station 11, Toronto. Yon wouldn't take the tractor out on Sunday for a pleasure drive. Certainly not. YOU know better. But do you know the right breed and erose breed of chicks to purchase for maximum egg production? if you do O.K.. but if You don't here :hey aro: (albite Leghorns) (White Leg- horn X Rhode Island Red) (Rhode Island Red) (Rhode Island Red X Barred Reek) (Light Sussex X Rhode Island Red) and for extra eggs buy them R.O.P. Sired, we have them. We also have Special breeds for broilers, dual purpose and toasters. Send for catalogue, it will help You pick the right breed for the lob You want done. Also turkey Poults, Started ChIeks, Older Pullets. rwLDDLE CATCH HATCHERIES LTD. Fergus Ontario 44005 for summer -fall markets. You'll want lot's. We have pullets, started or dayold. for prompt shipment. Oet prices and particulars. Bray Hatchery. 120 John N.. Hamilton. iit'EENO AND CLEANING aA ve 4211 anything needs drains or clean. ing? Write to us for information, We are glad to answer your Questions. De. pertinent EL Parker's Dye Work* Limited. 701 Yonne St Toronto, FOB SALE 0itl:SS (`0lty SA.LVI For sure relief, Your Druggist sells CRx,SS. REGISTERED Hampshire Swine from top American Blood lines. 43 months old sows Arthur Death, R.R. No. 4, :Milton. UNWANTED HAIR. Latest Hair Ellm(n- ator (Carol Hagen) Registered product, Harmless. painless. Write. Dale Cosmetics, 473 Last 17th. Ave., Vrneouver, B.C. 72 ("AGI. ,7amesway ,:rower 13attery. bieoha.nleal cleaning. Automatic water. Mg. John Worsley. Cameron, Ont. TOURIST BUSINESS for *ale. $23,000.00 gives immediate p0* - session. For information contact E. Howard, Bale„ Muskoka, Ontario. REGISTERED Orange Toy Pomeranian hale Puppies $35.00, Bred Females 050.00. Charles Mac3MiIlan, Stanley, N,13. SIX Hardy Garden Ferns 81.00 and other plants. C. W. MacMillan, Stanley, N.B. S7r.4UR1N01 PAINTING I Complete photo illustrated Instruction book, hundreds et items. Remit $1.00, Postpaid, or write for free information, Robert Bag- gerly. Box 304, Independence, Missouri. PCTRE Maple Syrup, choice quality, 54.75 Per gallon, Delicious Maple Sugar, sixty cents lb., 4 11). cans Sugar Cream Butter $1.00. Complete satisfaction guaranteed. Prompt Delivery. Order your require- ments today, W, H. Russell, Delta. Ontario. "TI* RING Or STRAWB11t0tEES" A single planting is good for seven years. 4. mature plant will reach three feet in diameter and will -prodnm literally bund- reds of large sweet firm berries. To make money and save labor these are your best het. Planting instructions sent with each order. 23 pla.nts --• 52.50 50 plants — 4.50 100 plants — 7.50 Taylor Nurseries TimminsBoxw278 Ontario We have hardy darf fruit trees for the colder climates, apple, plum and cherry. 50,000 MILES GUARANTEED FUEL PUMP FOR Ail, FORDS $4.98 Order today and Chen Forge, About Future Fuei Pump 7roubter 51.00 Deposit on Ali C.O.D Order, ERIE ENTERPRISES SOX X FORS ERIE, ONr 3SEA70d1 Fruit jukes: The principal ingredients in Dixon:1 Remedy for Rheumatic P.aingr Neuritis. MUNRO'$ DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid rEMINEX • ono woman 4011e another. 'Fake superior "IreJanumx" to help alleviate paln, 014. tress and nervous tension associated erttb monthly periods. 55.00 Postpaid in plain wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS 580 QUEEN S'r. EAST £Otttl?TO ASTHMA Now Asthma Relief In minutes or your money back Ask your Druggist I'm an Asthmatne'frin Set Unroll dltMeans, qua raniped POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment or dry eczema radlte3 and weeping shin troubles Past's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you Itching, coaling. burning eerema. acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, will respond readily to lire stainless adortesa ointment, regardless of bow stubborn or boneless Choy seem PUMICE 52.430 PJER ,JAIL POST'S REMEDIES Sent Post !Tree en Receipt 01 Price 889 Queen 5t. 01 Corner of t✓ngan. rnronto 000D NLrWS' 1 Why suffer from rheu- matism? Home treatment, 00% cured, in use 40 years. Satisfaction or ne pay. C. A. Leach, Route No. 2, Box 13, Raymond, Washington, U.S.A. OPPORTUNITIES FOR KEEN AND W013E11 BE A HAIRDRESSER SOLN CANADA'S LEADING S('104)(1_ Great Opportunity Le0r11 13airdressine Pleasant, dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of euceesaful :Marvel graduate* America's Greatest System illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHtaiLe 358 alcor 5t w., Toronto Branches; 44 Ring 51., Hammen 72 Rideau Si— Ottawa "GOOD diener :Makers ! Coronation and other hand -painted 1108. Terrific sellers. Send at once for your free picture nate- togue. Oriental Art Studies. r130 Park Ave, Montreal, Qua PATENTS AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of In- ventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Atter. Heys. 273 Bank Street. Ottawa. raATI ESTONHAUGE Company Pa- tent Solicitors. Established 1390. 950 Bay Street, Toronto Booklet of Infnrma. tion on request. PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest Catalogue included. The :Medico Agency. Box 124, Terminal A. Toronto, Ontario. If desirous of ridding yourself et CIGARETTE ADDICTION do it the easy way. Tobacco Eliminator carries a "satisfaction or money -back" guarantee. For information, write C. Sing Pharmacal Corp. Ltd., Hos 673, London, Ont. YOUNG LADIES ! Have a beautiful figure. be well poised, he popular with the boys. Learn at hone with sensation- ally new CHARM COURSE. Free to first fifty answering this ad. Rey's, Boa 1218, Grand Prairie, Texas. EtGOS NEW rugs made from Your 010 rugs and woollens. Write for catalogue and Price list. Dominion Rug Weaving Company, 2477 Dundas Street Weal:, Tnrontn, Ont. "SALES DDE7.P WANTED—FEMALE'' Yro:1I'Giic--ire put you ;n business far yourself, selling nylon hose, blouses, etc We supply everything to start you, big commissions. For furrher information write Eastern Supplies. 477.V Ring St. West, Toronto. C AC E May by Warning Backache is often caused by lazy kidney actio(. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired -out and heavy -headed feeling may soon follow Tlral's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you, feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills Hatt', 01 \Vhen rheumatic pain gets you down, here's the quick way to get relief. ,y/'4/// Rub in soothing Minard's Liniment. Is it good? just tty it, you'll. see! RHIE PA1 141 MATE "KING OF PAIN" ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITH eege +fig:<ty �x;tiz CIGAR R E TO AC