HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-04-30, Page 141-.4 , ',Established 19 -- H - - , ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MO - ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO EV. E. W. HEIMRICH, pASTOR 72.11 a.m.—Divine Services. 11,15 a.m.—Sunday School. '7.30 p.m.—Vesper& Everybody Welcome to 1R Services EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. 13. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario -- - REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch . Organist SUNDAY SERVICES,— 10:00 a.m. -- Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7:30 p.rn. — Divine Worship Welcome at all Services—"Come thou with us and we will do thee good." Num. 10:29. eatnamsPapaorcaroagrnonsairaMoissabrzoo WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If you're a careful driver you can get remarkable low rates with State Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make their own low Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 5 :00 a.m. — Prayer Fellowship. 8.45 a.m. — Prayer Fellowship 10:00 a,m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.rn. — Bible Meeting (Bi - WEDNESDAY: weekly) 8:00 p.m. — Prayer Fellowship (In the homes) YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! ANNOUNCEMENT Mr and Mrs Bert Walter wisi to announce the engagement of theit daughter Dorothy Jean, to Maurice Henry Finkbeiner, son of Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner and the late -Harrington Finkbeiner of Zurich. The wedding will 'take pace early in May. alintWACIMalrrnixtalunOMOMiar.Mtralall6.0881.112111C.1,711". Lyric Theatre APRIL 30 1 953 .11.aezeiales, Phone 42 1 - EXETER. Friday, Saturday May 14 Meet Captain Kid BUD ABBOT r & LOU COSTELLO — May 4th. To May 9~,h. ALL NEXT (WEEK MA AND PA KETTLE ON VACATION Marjorie Main . Percy Kilbride Are You Suffering From Mr and Mia Caester L. Smith an- ghter Mae Ingold, B.A. graduate of OY D. th Headaches? nounce the engagement of their dau- "Ttf so have your Eyes Examined with Wester Univevity, Londen to Pat - the Latest Methods and equipment at 'nick J. Cunningham of South Poreu- INVITE, OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN ! ine, a graduate in Engineering at Rev. W .A L. COLEp RA . , ICI II e ell 's University, Kingstara - :she Rettoce 'caeca . . ling wi . • k. 1,te . at n *: . GODERICBI ----'mOc -' '- .:-..1:1-,11'4--e -P. '.a.' re 4 ,-'911-e-,[11-9, -. le. • ?of the bride s parents. in Leitch en °°°(1 Glasses a eons le Prides .lia.y 30•th. so 1 LOCAL INS O.4.6000.,444.0000 16.6- • 41. T. HARRY H.FFMAN FUNERAL HOME ?>. • * • Funeral Director — Private Car Ambulance 4). • • • 4 Member of Ontario Funeral Association . • • • OLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFI- it * CATE, — PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT * 4) . HOSPITAL atns TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN a 4 0 : FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERTF.S : ea . WE WIRE ANYWHERE a -a a 24 Hour Service — Dashwood. Tel. 70W 4. 6 6 144 -66.6060.464400 -60.4044,,66.60.646464),60460666604640 sessamessursousfesuasssartssavincanuargaseasseasPossrmucvsomurawnruazszazemy /Won • hea re GRAND BEND Friday, ,Saturday -May 1.72' The Blazing Forest In 'Technicolor john Payne Agnes Moorehead Richard Arlen Thrilling Adventure and action e Filled -with as :many thrells as a twee: ring circus Selected Shorts Tuesday, Wed •••••••••••••••,*..... .....01.4aleasienlm•••••nagonealtima* Ill At Hospital many friends of Mrs. Milfred regret to learn. she is con - .ft 4 :to St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon - Installed New Wh4stle V„,arsne you noticed lately of the im- ,'.ed sound of the whistle blown b .eggineer Her!) at the Kalbfleisch s every ,morning, noon and even- '1/Crell, Herb tells us this new one it neellow voice and lovely tone nipoted from the U.S.A. at a derable outlay of funds, But .are has a lovely tone, land Herb „, „es it a bit longer pull -on the g instead of the former short It greatly heaps us to deterrn- just when that meal time rolls Had Demonstration May 5-6a. nesday Van Johnson - Paul Douglas When In Rome A story of f• told against a Durr Newsreel •, else Ina Ropp of town was hostess taneighibors and friend's last Thum - "evening at the home of her par - Mr and Mrs Sam Ropp when SItanley Home Products ,of Can - 'a had Mrs. Hotson -of near Ailsa g present a demonstration. A ',01Y social .evening was enjoyed. `. Monday evening Miss Irma Bae- etr, daughter of Mr ,arid Mrs Sol echler entertained to •a srmilar .sion. and being hostess to . neh- qrs and friends. Refreshments 'were tetved by both hostesses and their aith and forgiveness; ',31,p',thers. All enjoyed the delicious Uheons and the social time in their background of Rome ng Holy Year ' lef °eatable homes. Cartoon Additional WANTED ay pla.ydates for ea` Community with enough' able Short (By Publicity Secy.) et in 'Motion Piettire;;• newith stout hearts and noble in- ertaiinment. to prove that -where there is a will .4i11 Watch ma M latest and be Ent • .44.,:4110 Single Copies 5 Cents, Subscription Pa Canada, Year $2.00/ Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50. NORMA'S RAG RUGS and CARPE TB BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH Prop. %/11.11121. tliiere is a way. Have we enough far 0 T1 rist , tend up and fight and give of their ,en in Zurich. who are willing to S YOU TO HEAR •:, 1;Ineleampdrol.effetort? too rcomareplechtee alawmoretras li . E. C. Vollick.-- . disrticts the cal- rdine Anglican Churo0 4- 'th? F.Tr°'11).dirb-9: 1 t. ., , , . . . 1 en r Store r ze 141 ods Bird's Bye Froste1. Fo)cisi FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS .-VEGETABLES - FISH, - ETC. eek end Specials . GIANT GOLDEN WAX BEANS 2, 15-0z TINS 35c NABOB COFFEE, CANADA'S FAVOURITE 1 -LB. BAG99c. OLD TOWNE SWEET MIXED PICKLES 16.oa. JAR 4,25c CARNATION MILK, 3 LARGE TINS 42c emoextoonnert•Monnopstmlnems.r. Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL - Zurich PR MPT Optical. Service YES! Two days we can duplicate accurately your broken Lens any Size, and color from the broken pieces. We do not need your presc- ription We also have the newest in Frames and Mountings. We can also save you money on a complete pair of Spectacles. 4 ESS Jeweler and Registered Optician SOO 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0a 0 g tit 0909000 On a New Modern Loom, Made to Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zurich, Ont. Phone 128. 1111.111.U.1.4.37,1waym..21,1141. INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS WiNE S. EILER LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 — HENSALL, ONT.. EMOOOVO0000000 00000000 c'tottaiklit *rat OSOSOSOSS00004, 0 0 0 141,4414.* taU Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS vector 0 0 0 a 0 0 1144 4 Day and Night Service or • 122, Zurich e .igant" theta •ee d h a • m Res. 89 . 6. • 'eAl'aatiaieSU e - Kea ----..eaaaaa-, - • pram) Soloist ',eery to complete the groWth? Are our • sea ,,-100800064111960.849065 TRLTMENTAL GROUP .businessmen ardent enough when 000•••••••••••refaaasaci • 0000 On • they make their sales but fearful to Ice purchase the goods with which to Saturday, May 2nd. complete their future sales'? Do we 8 p.an. in the . Clinton District Collegiate appreciate it when we invest money in sports equipment for our young- . stens and then find that they are un - NOTICE wining to earn to play the game? By a special dispensation from It this were the state and case of Rome, Catholics are permitted to eat; things about our lirbtle community of riday, May 1st. Zurich there would certainly be a meat, F --Rev. Father Monaghan, great loss wouldn't ' there! The -se sort of practices just are not good business, and today everyone is SHOCKING REVELATIONS OF business tonscions. BELLA DODD But perhaps everyone is not bna In the American. Weekly with this iness conscious. We are going to find Sunday'a (May 3) issue -Of The De - out in the not too distant future. troit Sun -day Times, read "I Was a -are going to fled out that either Communist Schoolteacher.' In it We the people of Zerica. and the sur - Bella Dodd tells how teachers are re - rounding district are not business exulted into Communist ranks and eonscions enough to go ahead and how childrens .minds are poisoned a- rea- complete a Big Jab, already begun, gainst. Democracy. It's 'MUST' are not willing to lay the fertilizer ding in The American Weekly with Sundays Detroit Times. on the seed sewn, and strive ahead ' The Voice of Temperance. to .complete our arthicial ice pro - "IT'S NOT THE CAR YOU gramme or wgoing to find that DRIVE; IT'S THE LIFE FE 4,threeapetheeplequ oaflitZyulri :oicif maennd Iwieereawaooluat d LIVE!" So declares an insurane t, like to have -- the kind of men who .company dealing in preferred risks, This week, ;in a nearby city, will work until the task is complete a safety and who Will enjoy the pride in be - campaign is taking place. Cars ate being 'checked for mechanicel defectsing able to say, "Lama maybe we Were just a small contniunity, maybe But is this the real cause of accid- ' ents? IMarch, 1950, the . .i it did sound sort Of a big job for us n • .1 .- at first, and eure we knew that there Law Review in an rticle on , . causes said, "Studies make n clear. were many bigger Nam-au:noes who pore. have had not .been able to do as that contrary to widespread lar hnpession mechanical defects much, but we are a Attie different an insignificant part in caus- here in Zurich. When we want some. play ing automobile •accidents. Thu, only thing for ourselves and our childret when we want it and need it -- We 3.5 per tent of all ears invoived in accidents have been shown to have ,Get It!! de- Your Artificial Ica Centratttee i", all evidences of mechanical feet. And mechanical inspection of spending a great deal ca". time tual vehicles has yielded disappointing effort drawing up the plans for the results in promoting safety." The fund raising .catravaiga which will be truth is. that accidents are due to the started later on. this year. l know HUMAN element. This same artiele 1 feel sure, that there will rot be says: "It is not according to chance many people who will desire TO have it said by other indi‘:diuds or other • i 'a • that ten per tent of the e-l.centres that Zurica could have e cl population may be responsible fel .a) Who are Artifidial Ice (are a paymg e lea ,per cent of the .accidents." but they did not have the guts to get the people who have the ac„lidents7 In 1948 the Eno Founiattoa at New out and go, to get oat and give, to York University said, a., a Team 0, get out and have. The old adage a study, "Auidena t rep a„ttrea as tw{ce as ")(k. a-: says 'Charity Starts at Home. Well, group, are alnioet let us prove that oy spreadni a t he bout their tolerance to alcol.;1 as non- fertilizer on the plant already seeded 1 repeaters.' We peoele of Hilton aro so that some day soon w3 will have ise may as interested in safe highways as we the fruit of an enterprthat ere in good highways. Ws ire, therca never amount to much otherwise. fore, interested in sale ant nn Aides. . If tbis project is to succeed this Rut we are mei e intere •ted in .11-e fact must be kept in mind by all, We drivers. That is one reason why we MIGHT ,SIIGCEED IF A FEW GIVE have public 6114 •et for the 11 v t,l.: A. GREAT DEAL, BTJT WE ARE declares ekholie beverages are not :BOUND TO SUCCEED IF A. to be sold hi Hut ,o counity.--M%; GREAT MANY GIVE A LITTLE. , . 0 • We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CA!I, Menno 0-8 PRODUCE WANTED, unte Phone 165 41, donramossattimmarmaarr,,, 11 ie IS PAINT UP TIME ! 1 We Carry a Good Line of Scarfe's Enamels and Varnishes Paints, Pioneer and Swifts Feeds in Stock for Your Convenience Swift's Chick Crumbles at $4,75 Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl GIVE US A CALL! TUE BLAKE STOKE E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-