HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-04-23, Page 7A Catvtd SPORTS I01.J 4 c ev'd Trap -shooting is not, o'f eourse, what might be termed a popular 16port, It has a limited participation, an even more limited spectator following. So it was but natural that a glittering ,hockey star, Rocket Richard of Montreal •Canadiens, Whose feat in breaking the ancient lifetime goals record, 324, compiled. by Mels Stewart, should. have been voted Canada's athlete of the year. •••• Rielxard is the Babe Ruth of hockey, a dynamic showman, . a magnetic figure. But it seems as though the selectors; perhaps • soured by Canada's famine of honors at .the Olympic Games, overlooked one of the most brilliant achievements of 19:$2• by a Canadian youth. We mean the performance of 17 -year-old George Genereux of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, the high school boy who won 10 of Canada's total of 30 points, and its only Gold Medal, symbol of Olympic supremacy, when he defeated the greatest trap -shooters in the world'. That one so young should win such honors is unusual. That he should lack the acclaim such a performance merits, is unfortunate. George Genereux's record in his favorite sport is little sb,ort of fabulous. He was only 13 years old when he first started to shoot at the Saskatoon Gun Club. His ability was quickly spotted by Jimmie Girgulis, veteran trapshooting star. Girgulis was introducing his sons to the clay -target busting business one afternoon, by letting them shoot at birds with a .410 shotgun, when George joined in, This proved to be an important meeting, 'for, from that time on tournament_w'ise Girgulis kept George under bis wing and has been his coach and mentor ever. since. The first major victory in competitive shooting for George was in 1949, •ivhen at the tender age of 14 he shot his way to the Manitoba -Saskatchewan Handicap Championship. Two years later at the American Trapshooting Association competitions at Vandalia; Ohio, he won three North American champion- ships—the Junior, the Junior All -Around and the Junior High Over All, Last year at the contests sponsored by the A.T.A. he was runner-up in the Junior Preliminary Handicap Championship, and won the Junior Champion of Champions of North America title., To this he added the Saskatchewan Championship (Singles). Then before going to the Olympics he stopped at Oslo, Norway, where he placed second in the World Champion- ships. George Genereux is just a normal boy. in a game that requires chilled -steel nerves, there is no'iee-water in his veins. At school, he is a star in hockey and baseball. And a good student. Just a normal, healthy young Canadian, whose fine feat was, unfortunately, overlooked in the attention porde more glamorous competitive sports. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, cis Calvert House, •431 Yonge St„ Toronto,. Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED ,wMHERSTBURG•. ON'1ARIO wmaeleff Championships, trophies and playoffs in sport are a dime a dozen, or thereabouts. But what would you think of a champion- bbip that has been contested an - :smelly for just 365 years? Well, :if you'll hold still for a moment, we shall try to give you the low- down—and if anyone asks if we, personally, were present when 'Use contest was initiated, he will be promptly heaved out of the congregation.. F ,k 1' Well then, it seems that back In the year there were two young nen, Giles and Hodge, living in the village of Tinsley Green who were both greatly smitten with. Ow charms of a young lady of She vicinity. The name of this lonlato has , not, unfortunately, .cone down to us through the passage of the years, but she :muse have been something of a looker because, in order to prove which was most worthy of her Mand, Giles and Hodge went through a course of athletics which would make some of these Olympic Decalthoners look like loafers. m Not to make too much of a :anystery of it, Giles and I•odge tied into one another at stool - ball, rang -ball, club -ball, hand- ball, hand -tennis, archery, end - gel play and wrestling. And when they were -finished the score, be- lieve it or not, vas absolutely even. 1 'F •F (A friend of ours, who has a suspicious tarn of mind, sug- gests that the lads were probably leaking it close in order to assure plenty of customers for the fi- nals; but we resent such a sug- gestion, which shows too much of the modern commercialistic spirit to have existed so long ago—we hope -Besides, the rec- ords don't mention anything about gate receipts at all, so we are willing to let it go that the lads were strictly levelling, al- though we must say that they were certainly very evenly matched.) Sydney Skilton, writing in the Christian Science Monitor, says that at this point some Tinsley Green character made the Solo- mon -like suggestion that the boys should saw the young lady in two, each taking half., and i.et it go at that. But the lady had a better idea, and proposed that her swains should battle it out, to a finish, at—hold your breath now!—the sport of marbles. F F . The sports writers of that era must have been a sloppy lot, because they have failed to rec- ord which was the winner—Giles or Hodge --and whether or not he and the young lady lived hap - nee. se eseseesseeesse. Midden Horse Hide—Ducking the ball behind a pitcher's glove tie keepbatters from seeing it is an ole! trick being taught to lltcherBill Connelly of the New York G'ia'nts, at left. Matter o f the art is Giant Coach Fred Fitzsimmons. Maple Syrupy Sympltorny—Gulping the sweet distillation of maple tree sap are these youngsters enioyindg a "sugaring off" party on the form of Ailie Freeman. The boy at lower right has pushed his cup of syrup into the snow to chill it. The syrup will thicken into a taffy -like mass. pily ever after. Al) we can tell you is that, every Good Friday since then, they stage the tradie tional marbles tournament in the forecourt of the 'old Grey- hound Inn, in Tinsley Green. It's a gala occasion with teams from all the neighboring hamlets and villages out in full force to do or die for the honor of their respective communities ---and we' wouldn't mind making a small wager that it's not much of a holiday for the tapsters and bar- maids of said Greyhound Inn. The team title is presently held by the Tinsley Green Tigers — whiola is more than the Detroit Tigers can say—and this year their challengers include . the Handcross Bulldogs, the Cop- thorne Cherrypickers, the Arun- del. Mullets; the Fletching Fusi- liers and goodness only knows who else. It looks like a big day. -with plenty of action, and we just love to be there, al- though our knowledge of marbl- ing form is very small, and we probably couldn't hope. to make any sort of. a cleanup picking winners. '" The procedure in this British Tnarbies championship is that teams of six players each take part. They are drawn in Hairs to decide which side shall oppose which. Each match is commenced by the two captains concerned standing upright by the circle and dropping their "tolleys" (the heavy glass marble with which the shooting is done> from im- mediately below their noses to a line marked on the ground. The one nearer to the line' then opens the shooting and members of the opposing sides operate alternate- ly until all the 49 light clay mar- bles bunched originally in the center of the ring have been knocked out. A shooter scores one point to each inarble he drives out using a thumb action like a steel - spring) and if his "tolley" re- mains in the ring after a success- ful shot he is permitted to shoot again. Should, however, he fail to expel a marble and at the same time leave his ' tolley" in the circle each of the opposing players may try to shoot it out. Should this happen a point is added to the score and the un- fortunate-"tolley" owner is out of the match for good and all. The highest scorer in each team then goes forward into the. match for the individual cham- pionship where they start .al over again bat with only 1.3 mar- bees in the center of• the ring * F * • Should we get any word of how the battle turns out, you may be sure we'll relay the news to you as promptly as possible. And, somehow or other, we just wish we had a ticket on those Copthorne Cherrypi.clter$ We don't know a thing about their ability, or whether they n stand up under a tough grind. But we certainly clo liltc that nate e. Television\ Causes Onychophagy??? Television WAS the blame for many things these. days. It kills the art of conversation, say • nun - viewers, acts as a drug on the mind, and keeps the kiddies up too Bite. Now it's being cited as a spreader of onychophagy There may be something in it. For what is more conducive to nail-biting (alias onychophagy) among the very young than an eerie play on Tit? --unless it's a horror .film, radio thriller, or even a creepy book. ....Nail-biting is said to be due to the instinct of li child to put every object in its mouth. (Also listed es one of the reasons why pipesmoking is popular with mein) " lt''s an automatic, uncon- scious and frequently impulsive act," according to the Journal of the A.M.A.., "an expression of tenseness -usually found in fidge- ty, highly -strung, over active children " Treatment should. be aimed at fending' the cause of the tension. "Nagging or punishing a nail - biter never stops him for more than half a minute. Et often in- creases his tension," says the Journal. "Is he being urged or corrected or warned or scolded too much?" One final word of warning: "Bitter drugs applied to the nails - do little good. Some children grow to enjoy the taste of drugs; others turn to biting other parts of 'the fingers," CHEERFUL (I) THOUGHTS ON INCOME TAXES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING __. eoneers vises 'en OiLSO, GREASES, TIRES "Anne and garnishee, electrical sangtore.• ouri»eal'appliances, }Iobbyehop )Cnc u1 lSswae Writs: Warco gree end OeYToronto. WEARY AIM iPERSE-I;11TEEt agent Pavel, intthreeton e , Qua hourepgod $ GO ter ectypes, Agents 'wanted. Catalogue, North Star Novelty, 119 'Wellington South, Hamilton, Ontario. e.seso Lss ton SAY.P1 MATTRESSES, 1•10.00; springs; continent- ale. ontinent vle. $'OA:1S rubber mattresses, Feotory-to-you and wave. Veteran Bedding. 648 Lansdowne Ave., Toronto. "The taxpayer is the only var- mint expected to yield a pelt every year." — D. O. Flynn. •F F F "Today every taxpayer turns phthropist wi).lynilly. Men have to love their 'neighbor as themselves whether they like it 'or 'not." Rev. Samuel Henry Prince. • 4, m °F "The laivernment assumes not that a man swears to the truth when he delivers his tax re- port, but that, he more or less deliberately swears to a false- hood. Its entire income tax ma- chinery is conducted upon that principle." • —George Jean Nathan. "A power over a man's sub- sistence amounts to a power over his will." —Alexander Hamilton. "A taxpayer is a government worker with no vacations; no sick leaves, and no holidays." Anon. • "I learned men three R's from the tax collector. He says, "This is ours; that is ours;• every- thing is ours.' "—Judy Canova. • "Some men never appreciate their children so much as when making out their income tax." --Martin Gowdy. "Little did our first parents realize, when they emerged from the untaxed delights of the Garden of Eden, that they were goirigiotit into a world in which their. •posterity would be afflicted with tech a rain of taxes as falls •upon us sat the present time." Robert Lynd. s, '5 0 • "The intelligent man, when he pays taxes, certainly does not be- lieve that he is snaking a pru- dent and productive investment of his money; on the contrary, he feels that he is being mulc- ted of an excessive amount- for services - that, in the main, are useless to him, and that, in sub- stantial part, are downright in- itriical to him." —B. L. Mencken. 1 '5 t• GARY MICRO LAxns'nsW SUSSEX. X RED High Egg Production, very little broodiness, March and Apr11 Pullets stili available, Write for price on other breeds and heavy cox. LAKEVIEW HATCHERY L'I'D,stario ExOter 17e PULLETS 170 We have bookings on cox and can supPlS 1Pollete in Assorted Hee-vies at above 550c49. 4 pure Breeds 7 Crosses available, AID Breeders Bloodtested. 50 Super Red Cox 8c lallItO:NDALE HATCHERY Ontario London CHICKS. prompt ehipment. Rising egg markets a good omen for future mark- ets. We've 'wide range of choice, Be pre- pared with Bray Chleke. Pi'icelist, par- ticulars, Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton. WHEN you buy yourself a pair of shoes You buy a pair that flt you. You abouid buy chicks the same way. Buy the kind that alts your needs, Tell us what you want them tor: "Eggs" "Broilers" "Dual Purpose" or "Roasters" and we will re- commend the breed and grade to St your needs. Buy the right breed for the Job they are intended to do. Also turkey poults. 1953 catalogue free for the asking. :FWEDnLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. Ontario Fergus . CANADIAN Approved and R.0.P. Sired chicks in all popular breeds. We have special chicks for layers, others for broil- ers or roasters. Also turkey poults. Our chicks and turkeys are high In anality and low in price made ooseible by large volume, Canadian Approved Non -sexed ebieks as h1w as 612.95 per hundred, Heavy pullets $19.95, heavy cockerels 04.45, turkey poults 68c, R.O.P. aired rhkeI S slightly higher. Send for catalogue and lrri,•elist. TOP NOTrnCHICK SALES Sntario arelph — � DIEING AND CLEANING MEDICAL 210V11101 -- livery .titttilstan +FN Mesh. seeds Pwhia en Neuritic should. try Dlxoia i kerne y. MUP4110 l bIWG STORE, iro OJtaw« OAS Express Prapuiiii "1'm proud to pay taxes. Only thing is—i could be just as proud for half the money." —Arthur Godfrey. F e 'k "Taxation is the price we pay for the cake we have eaten, or for our lack of wisdom in the past." John G ilsworthy. "The promises of yesterday are the taxes of today." —W. L. Mackenzie King. 4 F * 'It's just good business to fat- ten up animals before you slaughter then';,' and the taxpay- er should be treated the sani•a way. If you are going to tart him, keep him in a 'position to pro- duce taxes." .—Dr Henry M. Wriston. HAVE you anything needs dyeing or elesn- mg? '<Vette to us or information. We ere glad to answer your questions. De. Ai te61. s tarke nt0 ie }e Works Limited, 91monS FOR 6AS fE CRESS BUNION SALVE—For amazias relief. Your Druggist sells CRESS. 15ATERLOO 33-48 all steel Thresher, com- plete with Drive Belt, Grain Weigher, and Roller Bearings. Never used for custom work. Also 10 ft. Power Binder. all new eanvas. Excellent condition ?area De Ray, Hyde Park, 37,000.00 200 -acre Dairy Farm near King- ston, lake frontage. 100 acres pasture with epring wood, large barn implement sheds. Large ?same house, hydro, good well. Contact William Jackson. Tarker, Ontario. NEW Cbain Saws, 092 Season reduction. Dealer etlquirY invited. Box 99, 123 Eighteenth St.. New Toronto, Ontario. 2$$ 40 ANNI4ERSARY SALE $$$ ON alk,, goods satins,and lingerieeremnants. oreleyard piecesbfta8 Pounds 79c: 10 pounds 03.50, Order C.O.D. mail. Free catalogue. Mrs. Schaffer, Box 163, Drummondville, Quebec. 18UNRO'S Manitoulin Monarch Canadian Approved Poulte. S.B. Bronze for growers who prefer the big fellows, ideal Whites for those who want all top prices. ,Teens dress 10 to 18 ibs.) Live arrival ;uaranteed. Russell Munro. )1•agawong, )ntario, OR SAL E—Good Portable Saw -Mill and namely Tractor reasonable. Fred Black. Srassie. Ont. v exclusiveSPRA tall -turkey tfarm 29th. anniver- sary, All turkeys carefully selected and blood tested Pullorum free, 100% live delivery guaranteed. Free turkey guide breast- edand bon e ice in uits. A. D. Paterson and Sons. Bon 101. Barrie. Ontario. WHITE Pekin Ducklings, S30.00 per hun- dred. Pardo's Duck Hatchery, Blenheim, Ontario. Shone 2384, CUSTOM hatching of Goose, Turkey and Duck eggs. Send for' information; Pardo's Duck 13atehery. Blenheim. Ont. Phone 2889 REGISTERED Hampshire Swine from old American blood lines. 4j months oold sows, Arthur Death. R.R. No. 4, RIDING SADDLES, HARNESS &. EVERY- THING FOR HORSES and PONIES. Write your requirements. GILBERT. 1100 COLLEGE ST, TORONTO. SEND FOR SADDLE CATALOGUE W. FOR SALE show halter, Beck Tall Set l•Iarness. two brow bands, three bits, -addle borse show whip, long shafted breaking cart, saddle, ladies black Ken- tucky style show jodpburs. M. L. Bemire. 341 3r,1 A.ve., Ottawa 1, Ont, A resident of Birmingham, when charged with stealing £5, pleaded that he had taken the money to repay another £5 he had stolen. WOO LES GUARANTEED FUEL PUMP FOR AU FORDS - $4.98 Order Today and Then Forget About Future Pt:ei Pump Trouble! 51 00 Deposit on All C.O.D Order' ERIE ENTERPRISES 6011 R PORT ERIE, 0641 tD F11Mit4Ei0 44 • Qief! woman tells another. Tatra euperlor ° 7'L" to bola alleviate pain, die- nontgly d nervpu9 tension aeioeiated Neal) t $5.00 ;Postpaid In Plain w34501De7 POST'S CHEMICALS 689 4LO EEN ST. EAST PAISONTO POST'S ECZEMA SALVE nJlvYIe'i the torment of dry eczema rashes weeping *kin troubles Poet's 'mezema 're Will not disappoint 5Oii, fag, scaling, burning eczema, acne, rin5ivorm, pimples and root eczema, will re►'9ond readily to the Etalnless ndorlsae 100 Gent, regardless of bow slubberu or trope/ems trey seem, PRICE $2.50 PER ;6At5 POST'S REMEDIES lonl. Post Free nu Receipt of Logan. 518 ,Qnee:O Et. E. Cnrnsr of Tnrontn Good Advice it You Stutter with Piles C4 ben tour olive ,tell sled nitro se Joe 1'9111 cit, wank or titanic %Idio N a'ntlydanl disown fort +au tihnnld 110 I.co.trills. ties Pellet ti1,14 thnnsn a tore foe; oat; i Let) tLet)nor and 4a 'nick r hikes nut the 915e, relieves ,t5111118 Nutt 400t11e5 1111111. 16'bS •n fart n., ante ,e, all 50U 6415051 !MOW t""t• alien line tllt filtration Alt es he1150 a1 +'l,ft1 '111 11n"', e511005 015501h•54.IW--un iter ).s, )111H Mia hi 16+)1e. II„IS hoe ,t) '141 line rto/r•ea ASTHMA Now Asthma Relief Qm minutes or your money back Ask your Druggist for an AAsthmanefrin Set Unconditionally guaron toed NvR&BRY STOUR Ar LARGE assortment of superior Roses, Shrubs, Evergreens, Fruit trees, etc. Be sure to see our free priced eatalo ue before buying. Buy with confidence at the Central Nurseries Ltd., St. Vatharinaa, Ont. OMENAND WOMEN OPPORTUNITIES BE A HAIRDRESSER a0ttBE CANADA'S LEADING 5401001 Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pieaeant, dignified profession, mood wages. Thousands of successful Marvel gradua:ez, America's Greatest System illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call 6E LEVEL HAIRDRESSING SCEOOLS 358 Blom St. W.. Termite Brancbes: to King St„ 83aroat0n 72 Rideau St., O'tews PATENTS J4 OFFER to every inventor—List of In- ventions and full 11120512:19011 sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Ahos- neys. 278 Bank Street, Ottawa. 8'EATHESTONHAI5GB Company Pa- tent Solicitors. Established 1800. 850 Bay Street, Toronto Booklet nt Mamma- tlon On request. KNITTERS-TATTERS-CROCNET'ERS and other homeworkers. Sell your work for sash. I help you. Particulars 25e Weigand, 984 Brookwood Drive, South, Saint Peters- burg 7, Florida. PERSONAL MEAT Tenderizer, Makes tough cuts tender, tasty. Cuts meat bine. 21.00 trial package tenderizes Newark, New Meat. APEX APEX CO., •B4.x LEARN and live. Write for tree eampltlet to: Western Gospel League, W. Readman, 18. 2. North Battleford, Sask. $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty -fire deluxe Personal requirements Latest Catalogue included. The Medico Agency, Box 120, Terminal A. Toronto, Ontario. QUIT CIGARETTES easily as thousands of ntbeee have doze with the aid of TOSACCO ELIMINATOR .8. 7 day seientifio treatment covered ;,p money -back guarantee to quickly eliminate all craving for any form of tobacco. Tier free booklet, write C. Bing Plummer,' Corp. Ltd., Box 673, London, Ont. "GREENHAVEN” ONTARIO MILLS A HOME FOR ELDERLELY ruorLE PENSIONERS WELCOME Nursing Care — Rates Reasonable Write: Mrs. C. L. Gilbert or Telephone Hemptville 642-81 for rarticniare. RUGS NEW rugs made from your old rugs and wooilend. Write for catalogue and price List. Dominion Rug Weaving 2477 Dundas Street west, Tnrontn, Ont. WANTED WANTED—Old views of Caaadlan Cities or other Canadian subjects. Atlas of any Ontario county. T W..T,mnes,' n o tens 1.01. Toronto, WANTED TO DUE 2 TON, 4 WHEEL Arnie '831.611211 with springs. These trailers were built ". with channel Iron frames and e.Auipped with 900x16 tires and were sold by War assets. Floyd Barber Ltd., 601 Albert Street, Regina. Phone 97588. It itch u� . , i Was . r w t�earl Crazy Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid D. D. D. Prescription positively relieves raw red itch—caused by eczema, rashes, scalp irritation, chafing—other itch troubles. Creaseless, stainless. 43c trial bottle must satisfy or money hack. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist for D. D. b. PRL• St :13.IP•rION I,St31,118 14 -'- P tiri3 MIX 4