HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-04-23, Page 4ZURICH m. ONTARIO
Place your •order now before the
awing rush to get your !water ponds
+end basements dug. Bulldozing
idone, by the hour or contract. Go
anywhere. (Phone Lorne R. Becker,
Zi7 r 4, Dashwood .. , , .......4t*
Team of work horses 10 and 11
dears old in good condition. Apply
'ikq Philip 'Durand, 1 mile north of
✓ Aryedale. 2t*
Sea forth Ont.
as ,collecting Wool for grading and
hale on the Co -Operative plan. Ship-
pers may obtain seeks and twine free
of ,charge from the above or •their.
Licensed Orpertors.
Canadian Co -Operative Wool Grow-
ers 'Limited
217 Bay Street 'Toronto
_ _ r
+ears 01d, This is en ext 5 good I
herd of cattle. Convince yourself, by
selling them on day of sale.
o r
and Poultry
4 Yorkshire pigs ;avenging 150•
lbs. each; 9 Yorkshire pigs averag-
ing 12'00 -lbs, each. 80 yearling hone,
Hampshire and Rock.
Household Effects: .
Clare Jewel kitchen range, din-
ing room suite, table, ;buffet, u mat-
ching sham's, studio .couch, 3 -piece
chesterfield suite new, imitation fire-
place, card table, vaelous centre
tables, electric radio, rocking chairs,
kitchen table, 6 kitchen chairs, 2
complete bedroom suites, ,connnnodes,
baby crib, etc., etc, .,
No Reserve, es the farm is sold.
This is an extra large sale. Every-
thing in first class condition and will
start sharp on time. Plan to attend.
Henry Eagleson & Son, Proprietors.
Addison Tiernan, 'Clerk.
Alvin Waiper, Auctioneer.
Of Farm Real Eetate, Truck, Trac-
tors, Threshing .NLachine, High Qual-
ity Livestock, Poultry, Farm Imple-
mentbs, Hay, Grain and Household
Effects, on the premises, Lot 22, Con.
10, Stephen Township. 1 1-4 miles
tenet and 1mile south of Dashwood.
?The undersigned Auctioneer has been
Instructed to sell by public auction on
At ei2 o'clock, :p.m. sharp
Real Estate — Consisting of west
tali of Lot 17, South Buundry, Har
til v!ri 'harp, .consisting of 50 acres of
-choice clay loam. All tillable land
with 14 acres of contract barley
sowed. Also a never failing well
and beat of spring water, new wind-
mill. This is an exceptionally good
farm. Terms of Real Estate, Ten
per cent on day of Sale, Balance in
80 days. Sold subject to areasonabie
reserve bid, if not previously sold.
Truck, Auto and Tractors
1952 .Studebaker half -ton pickup
truck with overdrive, correct mileage
9,000 miles, in guaranteed new con-
dition, equipped wth closed in rack.
Stock Racing Car — Fully equip-- beyond recognition of humanity.
ped with '48 Mercury 'motor. Cor-
rect mileage 5,000 miles.
Tractors — John Deere A.R. Trac-
tor used 3 seasons in guaranteed,
new condition
Mrs Enileet Koehler, Mass. Arnold
Kuntz, press reporter, Mee Sid
Baker; ,conveners: Argrie. and Can.
Industries; Mrs Charles Snell; His-
toricall Research and Current Events,
Mrs. G. Bender; ,Citizenship and Ed-
ueation, Mrs. Rud. Miller; Home
Economies and Health, Mes, Lloyd
Eagleson. 'The installatioan, service
was held ,fallowing the election,
%fats. 'Whlliarn Johns, distariot sec-
retary, described the Tweedsmuir
book and other interesting details of
Institute Work and anembers from
Grand Bend and Zurich !contributed
helpful information from their
(branches. A social hour concluded the
The Walther League of Zion Lu-
theran Church entertained the new-
ly confirmed at a social evening on
Tues. April 14. The evening was
spent by playing .ainplane Bunco.
Prizes were won by Gerald 1Vfaier,
Marjorie Becker, Gerald M.artene,
Elaine Becker. A dainty lunch was
served and the evening ended with
E]nier Rader were: Mr and Mrs. L.
H. Rader, Mr and Mrs Wm, Haugh,
and !Shirley, Rev and Mrs L. Higenell
and Mr axed Mrs Ervin Rader and
Miss 'Therese Zimaner nurse- in -
training !at .St. Joseph'ts Hospital,
London spent the week -end with her
'parents I',r and 'Mrs. Harry Zimmer.
Mr and Mrs Morris Neil of De-
troit were !week -end callers at the
Tatter's brother, Mr and Mrs Clare
IMr anld Mrs Gerald Hignell and
son of Wedgluam visited with Gerald's
parents, Rev and !Mrs. L. Hignell ov-
er the week -end.
Mr and Mrs F. Yousi spent the
week -end with the latter"s mother,
Mrs. H. Beaker, Sr.
Week -end visitors at the home of
V L. Becket' were: his sister, Mr and
Mrs. L. W. TenEyck and Harold
Brandt of Kitchener.
:Misses iLolis and Betty Geiser and
girl friends of London spent the
Week -end with Mrs. Cora Gasser.
Mr ad Mrs Ed. Stelck spent a few
days with their son Mervyn in Brad-
fos last week.
Congratulations to Mr and Nrs
Bob Newton of London on the arriv-
al of (their son, a grandson for Mrs.
A. Wiliert.
Helen and Jimmiee, children of Mrs
•Jessie Rader had their tos,niits re-
moved at Victoria Hospital, London,
on Saturday.
!Mrs G. Wiegand is visiting her
and iMrs Ivan Taylor and Mr and Mrd daughter at Rodney.
Garnet Wieilbartrg of Waterloo. The Town Fathers entertained the
Mrs. Harold Kellerman her moth-
er, lairs. :Cowan, and John spent Fri- Fire Brigade to a turkey dinner Wed.
day afternoon. at �W,R.�ooden. -.April 15, following this the volute
Looking •lar. on bhe school •c'i nic t teer Fire Brigade were appointed
with two new members added. They
St. Joseph & Blue Water Area a sing song.
(Members of the Walther League
April Snow motored toStratford Sunday April
19 to iaittend a League rally.
On Sunday this coanmun.ity was Pleased to see our baker, Mr E.
somewhat surprised at the fall of Koehler out after being confned'to,
snow, and the cold which has been Jhiss home for several days.
hanging on for the 'past week. Many Mr .and Mrs Lloyd Rader cambia
of the housewives had started house ed business with pleasure while on a
cleaning and had put the damper off bulsiness trap to Toronto last week.
on the heating system, making the They -visited over the week -end with
home surroundings a little uncom leloyd"s two sisters and famtilies etr
fortable; also many of the fair sex
had disregarded their winter mantles
to don their spring apparel. Tire,; too
felt the effects of the snow storm,
and scold the past week. Farmers
who had completed their - spring
seeding felt alarmed over the San- the public school Friday !aftern.00lr, are: V. L. 'Becker, Fixe Chief; Mer -
day snow faTI, 'as many had started found eveeything a howling snicceee vyn Tiernan; asset. Chief; Ed Miller,
their seeding on Monday the 13th, After a very busy afternoon, • Dr•.IStuart Wolfe, Jaynes Hayter, Emal
became a little superstitious of their; 41dis with dills two assistants, 1Vfi5'4 Becker, Geo. .Sheftlback, Milford
starting point, and each day since Cunningghamm and Miss Petersen said 1VIern(er, Harry Zimmer, Albert Mil -
it (brings uneasiness to some of them, it vas very saracessful. 68 pre-school ler, Erwin Rader, Cliff Salmon, liar -
for They. are under the impression, children were treated
weld °as ( Welber, Bob Hayter. Guest spew•
that if the crops are a failure, the many children from ,other schools. t kew
Mx S. Ii. Versteeg from Lon -
13tih 'will be the cause; it Three (balbies were baptised on doo]ds% representing tlh'is area from the
is true that past history has left Sunday in Zion Lutheran church by Fire Marshall's office , at Toronto,
some unexpected phenomenon. Each Rev. L. HFigenell. The infant dangle epoikon Fire prevention as well as
year, to •each and every one of us; ters of Mr and Mrs Harry Hayter, !showeing
slides on "Prevention and
Together." A discussion was held re -
meal planning, table setting and ser-
vice, followed by a demonstration on
table senting by WS N. (McLeod, Kip-
pen. Seeds for the garden were dis-
day, April Ned, li♦GI€._.
Students of Ilensall P.S. and Miss,.
Greta Lannnie 'made a very ereditabe.
le showing at the South Iluunon Musle
Festival held at Exeter Monday and. •
Tuesday,. many adnvirable prized.
were won
and that dates back from the begiir-
ning of tinne, unaware pass by, war-
ni.ng,even the Roman Governess,wife
ea the eve of the Crusifix, after a
deep slumber, woke up in a daze,
warning her husband, who was sit-
ting o•n the judgment seat; not to
interfere With that just elan, for she
had a .dream for warning his innoc-
ence. But regrdless of all • ucl:, as
,we see tShings the 13th is only an-
other date of a month that follows
another, and whatever the future
will bring to us, we should not be
too quick in condemning past phen-
(Jo Anne Margaret) : Mr and Mrs.
Earl Deters (June Elizabeth) and Fighting Technique.
infant son of Mr and Mee. Elmer
Rader •( Dongl as. )
Dire. T. Love of Grand Bend at-
tended the ,christening of her grreat-
d hll J El' b th D t
gran c i
ne azo e a ars.
Mr and Mrs Roes Love otf Shipka,
attended the, ehristeninig of their
grandchild, June Elizabeth.
Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs
Harry Hayter were Mrs. Margaret
Rader, Mrs. .Bertha Hayter, Mr and
Mrs. J. Bruce of Windsor; Mr and
omenon. For many times durinn',ouMr"
'S M' M. Merner and family and Mr
life we have met with disappoint' and Mrs Win. Willem
ent Which cannot be attributed to the 1 Sunday aileitors with Mr and Mrs
1.13th o .other events for they erre
Allis Chalmers B. Tractaor in
guaranteed new condition, equipped
With new bean puller attachment.
Thre lhinrg• 'Machine — Dion steel
body 'Thresh'er on rubber, 24x48, ful-
ly equipped used 3 seasons, in ail
around new condition; 120 -ft. new
rubber thresher belt.
Farm Implements — •McDeering
Binder, 7 -ft. cut; McDeerinig 13 -run
fertilizer disc drill, equipped with
tractor 'hitch and markers. John
Deere automatic wire tie hay baler
with loader; John Deere tractor spr-
eader ;McDeering 32 -plate tractor
disc; McDeering hay loader, Cock-
ehutt 3 -furrow tractor plow; Mc -
Deering '8'•a -ft. 'sowed lift tractor
cultic ator ; M -H. side delivery rake;
Cockshutt ruhb'er tired heavy duty
wagon with roller bearings, hand
made rubber tired wagon; 16 -ft.
flat hay rack, Harvey Hammier Mill ;
3 -drum steel roller. The above
anew ion:ed implements are all like
new. 5-seetiori diamond harrows,
i1I'Deering mower 5 -ft. cut; dump I
wake, .nese circular saw and frame,
quantity cedar posts 2,000-1b. plat-
form scales. Stuart electric wattle
clipper, Chore Iloy rniilkinrg .machine,
two units, like new; 100 -ft. rubber
belt, horse drawn in -throw disc; 3 -
horse cultivator, single scuffler, walk
ing plows., wagon box, gravel box,
colony house, quantity .of new lum-
ber, quantity stove wood, maple and
beech, set of brass mounted britchen
show harness, double harness, pair
new horse blankets, 2 electric fenc-
ers, ;block and tackle, fence stretch-
ers, sap pan and buckets, new cross
cwt saw, Cyclone grass seeder, log-
ging chains, stone boat, 3 gal iron
duke, moss green metal paint, 5 -gal.
green paint, 4egal. blue paint, hay
fork rope, Renfrew electric cream
separates, rubber tire wheelbarrow,
water trough, blacksmith anvil,
bench vice, diouble barrel shot gun,
pails, forks, shovels, carpenter tools
and many articles too numerous to
1 -lay, Grain and Seeds.
Quantity of baled hay, quantity of
baled straw, 275 bushels of choice
mixed grain, oats and barley; quan-
tity of good clean red clover seed.
Livestock and Poultry —
Durham cow, fresh 3 weeks, with
calf at feat; Durham cow carrying
second calf due sale date: Drur'.haim
cow, fresh 3 weeks, with ealf at foot;
white Durham heifer, fresh 5 weeks
with calf at foot' part Holstein and
Dur.ham cow, fres. 1 week; Durham
cow fre. t'i 4 weeks with calf at rout;
part Hereford and Durham corp'
fresh since Dec. with calf at foot;
1''urhaan cow fresh 4 weeks with
calf at foot, 2 Hereford cows frets!
3 weeks with calf at foot; The o-
bove cows .are all milked with mill:-
i'rg machine, n'ith calves pail fed.
2 pare bred• Holstein heifers, bot lh
in .calf, lied in December; a Ilfe-e-
foard steers rising 2 yrs. old; 5 Here-
ford-heifets rising 2 yes. old; 4
Hereford .steers ready for nr.rrkee
everaging i ]t)0 -lbs ea: h; 10 Duelena
ye riri r (alt°I e., 2 T) ;rhnol fc 11 r a'
Saerthor e i,;iill, 'i
(Mrs. E. H Rader)
1TI. 'd. Become Organized
A ,meeting of Dashwood and dis
street woan:em was Called Tuesday night
March 24th for the purpose of org-
anizing a Women's Institute Branch.
Mrs. Kenneth Johns of Eli:mville, dis-
erict president, addressed the wom-
en explaining the objectives of the
Institute and the duties of its offic-
ers. She then conducted the election
of officers with the following elected;
President, Mrs. Ervin Rader; lst vice
pres., Mrs. Gordon Eagleson; 2nd -
vice press., Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan; sec-
treas., Mrs Arnold Kuntz, asst, Mrs.
,Milfoed Merrier; dist., director, Mrs
Carl Oestreicher; Directors, Mrs.
Letts Tray-'lor, Mrs. Addison Tiernan,
Mrs. Ken. McCrae.
Representatives to district annual,
Mrs. E. Rader, Mrs C. Oestreicher,
A reception and Dance for Mr.
and Mrs. Vern Alderdice (nee Mona
[Caldwell) wil be held in the Hensel].
Town Hall, Friday, April 24, Norris
Orchestra. Everybody welcome. Lad-
ies 'provide lunch.
Mrs J. Sinclair was hostess at her
home Friday eve 17th. for the Thrifty
:Kiiipfpenettes meeting, which opened
• with bbe theme "The More We Get
You cannot make unalterable plans
for the feenre, but you can plan to
litece. aseurity, A good life insurance
program, carried through while you
are still earnine. can nrbvide a ste•
ady income for von after retirement.
You can decide when you will retire
and twihat 'montbly income you will
require. Arrange to !hee••in your. Re-
tirement Income program now,
through -
T. Ha'y Hoffman
A Mutual Company -- All Profits for Policyholders
Phone 70-W Dashwood, Ont.
Side by side on the. merchants' shelves —
Canadian materials and "imported" goods. Do pots
get any advantage when you go for
"imported" products?'
In textiles, at least, the answer is simple. Canadian
mills turn out fabrics and yarns that match or
better the production of any other textile country
of the world in quality.
They are made by Canadians who are paid
good Canadian wages; they are designed to please
Canadian tastes, meet Canadian needs.
This is no plea to shun "imported" materials.
They should be considered along with domestic
ptoducts by every Canadian consumer, but on a
strict what-do-I-get-for-nsy-dollar basis.
Ask for Canadian textiles if you want the best
for your money.
Manufacturers of Top Qualify
Canadian Products Which Carry Thr'
honey: Trade Name
To Day if You Hear His Voice
SEEK—good sand not evil that ye may live. Amos. 5:14.
YE—are !brought !with a prthce. I Cor, 6:20,
THE --Lord is grealt and greatly to he praised, Psa 96: 4.
LORD—Teach ;lie to pray. Luke 114
WHILE—I have my being, I will sing Pioaise to my God.
Psa. 104; 33
HE—thatt hath the Son hath Life, and he that hath not the
Son shall pot see Life. I John 5:12
MAY be well with you, who walk in the way your God come
mended.. Dent 5:33.
BE—of good ;cheer, I have overcome the world. John 10:33..
FOUND—I FOUND HI'M twlhoan any soul loveth. S. of Soloman
e 3 :4.
ISA. 55:6.
Box 50 R. R. 1, — Zurich, Ontario.
Spring Dry Cleaning
Now is the time to send all those fur Coats and,
Winter Garments to be Cleaned and Stored.
Super Sanitone !Cleaning plus fully Insured Moth
Proof Vaults.
Fur Coats Cleaned by the Scientific Fur, Cleaning
Fully Insured from the time the Customer leaves
them at our Agent's until they are returned to you
next Fall.
Agency in Zurich at:
Plant and Office -- Main Street, Exeter;
aThere's a Pioneer in your past.
M There's a Pioneer in your future! a
Phone 63 - Zurich
Grass and Clover Seeds
—Quality Products
Phone Hensall 115. Zurich 220