HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-04-09, Page 8ZURICH ONTARIO - ,41jUlat., NEW DRESS MATERIALS — A Fine Range of New Nylons, Slubs, Sheers, Crepes, Sharkskin, Silk Shantung, Nylon Plisse, Satins, Spun Rayons. NEW pRINTS— See the famous Fruit of the Loom Prints, finest quality, Guaranteed fast colors at per yard ....79c. Other Prints at frons 39c to 69c a yard 80 Pieces to Choose from NEW SROADCLOTHS— Denims, for Children's Wear; Ginghams, Charnbrays, Krinkle Cloth, TVIE,'D.Ps Wear 414.1 1.4 LOCAL NEWS Mr land Mrs neg. Insley were \\V week -end visitors in Toronto. kia ... t and Mrs heg. Black and fain - w ily F pent the week -end at Dresden.. . .Mr and Mrs I C. L. Smith were vis - m Roto London Jai Thursday PC ',Ir. Ray Ptitterson of Honsall was % a business, visitor in -town Tuesday: Mr and Mrs Louis Farwell and g ,, family were Easter visitors with \11 V1 their mother, ro Mrs. J. W. Haberer has returned home ..froin Victoria Hospital, L Ork Ci" 0 n, after taking treatments there. V .. Mr and Mr; fy Stansberry, Dian and 1 of Detroit called .on Mrs. T man on J. • Sunday. .Mr Laurence Hartman and Mies TI..t,•.,a Early of London ....spent the week -end 'with her mother :dr.. `1heres:. ILo..tina 1. ..olr and Mrs ally Schilbe and chil- N 4 data of Loudon are. w;cading the )7‘ holiday,t in town. W Mr and Mr.:. Clarenee Houmao of ql'h G.:lt rkited with relati'.7es in Zurich e the 3.:,v,ter Holiday, 'AP 1r and ....,,. Ra,ph. 'ill:Joy and family c.f Wied:Aor en,loY::.4 the Eas- ,,,..„ tee we;Ii-end at tho. 1,.)o!e of .the 1 foi%lf,r...; aulyt tint! ztrwle, Mr MEd y - Mrs. Wan. Witnmr. .:' •,) Mr.and Mrs Hugh Sirunons of Trenton ,wore 'holiday visitor,' at, the home of ithe latter'mother Mr; E G, )i.le;rei., 14 Com. liardge of I. option and Mr. Archie -77.17:-.,te...ed. of Druc..yll,4d .4pnt t.' -e. week -end at the home of • their parents, Mr and Mrs Samuel Hey :at• lake, Dr. and Mrs.. Cockburn entertain- ed friends front Detroit over the v.,eolt-end, and part .of the- thnc wos .:pent out of town, Misq Mae Smith has returned to her duties. at Chalk River, after a tenant week -end at the 'home or lic.q. i:trents, ;Mr and Mrs C. L. Smith. Mr and Mrs Eminerson Smith and. .:',r and Mrs Arthur Varley and son vkit- Thos. I:UW(7H HER A LD • 9 SEE US — For eve-rything in Men's Wear, New • ::.1(,i)‘; Suits, Top Coats, Jackets in great variety Ai of Styles and Colors. New Trousers, Sacks, ats, Shirts, etc. A large supply of Work Clothes, Underwear, Sweater Coats, and Boy's Wear of every description. E Wuorl. 'Tv oo.d 11.1.1.s P.ol-n,,-1 John of Iiipnen, were Sunda -N... - , ,o home ol nal NIrs Aleyers. Mr and .11,rey of B.N., Of ratford; Mr and _Urs 1Vin. Clement' izanole of Honsal, were holiday ..:1Tts with Mr and Mrs E and of inger$roll ond (1ordon lurchey of Seman el. -end visitors with Mr and Mrs. 1 13. Horner arid other relatives. $?•,/ „ Groceries - Dry Goods ... Men's Wear ' j • - ' - ... 3. of Ailsa Craig.; '‘'.11, and Mr. ,,,,t , Ir ond 1Irs Eyvin Cingerich and TELEPHONE 59 Cl-ris Erb of town re -turned home af- ter .spending the week -end at Adams - \lite, Pe•nn., visiting, relative's and friends there.. Easter visitor:s at the home of' Mr and Mrs David Dneharme were, Mr 0 lifoneth Charrette and Miss Barbara 0 1 Deaoinme of Detroit ; Mr and. Mrs. 9 ,o , ro.n. Ducharme and family, Lond- on; .11.1. and Mrs Gilbert' DuCharme - • „1:1 i Dahlin. 1 I children of Goshen Line south; - 3 aMni'. and''Mrs George . Ducharme of 1 trT: .,kr., CY../13 AND SAVE FOR 61t r 3 . 7,..Ite C.oronw1in. Srraphnolc 0 J j ar.ingg" vsualt zum cal VP Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds of Groceries • A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES • CO --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! GIVE US A CALL! JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE . Phone 98 r 1 9 3) Ca t46013tett,-,..-V;i9110. 9 HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE 3 6 e Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time, 4, Al We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in tin -ie always leave your orders early 4„. q 1 ° with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? f [ t f; q Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prof> :11; ably Yo Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over z ; T 9 s for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best g Advantages. e a We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried i 1 and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enaraels and Varnishes; Floor wax. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmi0) ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ) • Timely, Authentic! New! Startirg. in tl-q.], '-'ale$ it'sue of The Det.cit E.:41/VitiV 7Thes, limy on sale. r • '"'"11, vning of a Queen", by • .Pee•I Onerflinger, noted ca1respon- O dent in London, describingtrio main- eoth* .behind the :renos lob of plan- ning the forthcoming coronation of Queen • Elizabeth. Profusely trated Get The Detroit Sunday Tim- es. 6 DASHWOOD Daugh4-ers Sunday School Cla,A of the PUB Church are holding a tea and sale on Elat urday afternoon from 3Tto 5 p.m, in the Meo.., Club Roo,. Huron 8c Erie DEBENTURES Or Canada 'Trust Certificates NOW • PAYING ON INVEST" MENTS; $1.00.00 OR OVER 1. OR 2 YEARS 3% 3 TO 10 YEARS 4/4, % INTEREST HALF YEARLY j J. W. Halserer - Phone 161 Fire, Automobile and Casualty Insurance. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXffTER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5, pan. at Zurich At Township Clerk's Office 'Ti, Touis Kraft is confinee: to hi; ded the funeral of his sister, 21fIrs. hl with a heart attack, Jos. Davis, Exeter.; Miss Carol Webb Lome KI • tiolidly visitors were Mr and ard :of London at her home here • 11.1 • NEW FORMULA : sHuR GAIN CHICK STARTER. 20% Protein Gives 25% More Rapid Growth. $4.70 cwt. iChicks fed New Formula Shur Gain are Fahy Feathered two weeks earlier. • ' • el MILT DEITZ & SON ir Thursday, April 91,h, 1953 7,Prom21,1 1 eo Give your New Flock a Complete New Feed! 1 Zurich Ontario I A • • • a 1 Cong Rugs ONE-THIRD OFF ON LIST PRICE .0) a 0 Rer 40, • nts "Immediate service" Di YOUR 1,001111TY FOR I+ • Estate Planning and Wills' • • Investment Management and. Advisory Service • 41 JA; Guaranteed estments 2% on savings . deposits‘.may be mailed . For prompt attention call RYE B. 13ATEBSON Trit$i Officer Ilensall, Ontario, Phone 51 any office of GUARANTY _T UST COMPANY OF CANADA • TonoNro• oprrri WAWA WilcosoR nucARA FAU,s t! DBLTRY • CALGARY VANCOUVEIR 1 ‘es TiwymanyillA; and Mrs Robt. Hoperoft and i;on r Pt. Colborne with his parents here, Miss Pat' Stelek. of Bradford with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Ed. Steicko Glen Haugh of Naperville at it's home; Mr and Mrs Engar eher, Mr and Mrs Bert Grant of Pemlnohe with Rev and Mrs Getz; Donald fcl,e of Detroit with mr and 11 - Merner has. purchased the meat mar- , ket from A. V. Tiernan; Mrs. Letta Taylor and Anne with friends in Lon don; Miss MarySnell and friend of London at her home here; Mr and Mrs Meltin Wolper of Ingersoll with• relatives; Mr Garnet Wildfong of Sarnia, 'Mr and•Mrs Reith Wildfong of Byron and Grant of Londoii at their home here. Mr and Mrs. Albert • , ison finnan; Mr and Goetz and family writh his parents; Mrs E. 1Tntchitmon of Blair with Fel- !Miss Betty .Gaiser, Lois and friend atiyes here; Mr and Mrs Geo Wolfe; of London at their home here; Mr• and !Minna Morlock of Toronto with ,lar4d MJ1.O. A. E. Oestreicher in Chat - .parents here; Miss. Clara Gassman iham; Mrs. Lucinda 4MIcIsaac has re - with frlends in Detroit; Mr and Mrs. IT .1 K at R. Goet; it14„,; Della Mark at her home in Listowel; Mr and Mrs Cha, Steinhagen atten- ...tuned fter spending the winter in. Detrorit; Mr, Hubert Miller has..pur- chased the farm ,of Mr. Jacob Wein riorth of . town. sereensteetemesassasamtemsreesnasressousenaesamlesiasssessasrmanestsszywissesie ware always in stook. STADE EID ZURICH ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE Hard - 1 seoaasaiopoles~..,asomeaosess• *******0 ke uiniture WE HAVE A FINE DISPLAY OF ALL LINES OF FURNITURE A Good Variety of Linoleum, Congoleum and Axrninister Rugs, Etc All our Lamps are very Reasonably Priced! Have a good supply of Springs and Mattresses, as Beautyrest, Airfoam, Etc. GIVE US A CALL Phone 122 or 89 Zurich 4, • 1 • • • • • I 4! 4, 4, 4, 4, e 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0 0 0 4' We carry a complete Line of Fencing Plumbing • Heating • Tinsmithing. uder ham are • • We have a number of Rolls of Floor -coverings with only a few yards left on. These are available for less than HALF PRICE Measure those small rooms you have Cover them for a small amount. Come in and see our Variety and Bargains SPRING HOUSECLEANING TIME Have Your. Old Floors Sanded and Refinished While YOu'Do Your Housecleaning FREE ESTIMATES ON ANY J013 T. and T. FLOORING SALES AND SERVICE , LINOLEUIVI, TILE and FLOOR:SANDING Leroy Thiel Phone 240 - Herb Ituricheim Reasonable Rates — Work Guaranteed 0 .g& 0 9 43 -11 our a dware Store Have you seen our Paint Festival Specials? Do not miss out on these Bargains! Wax and Cleaners also on Special ..We have.a Johnston Floor Polisher for Rent. Moffat and McClary Electric Ranges and Refrig- • erators. Moffat and Hardwick Gas Ranges See our new type upright Deep Freeze Phone Zurich - 63. %„,if 101 L JERI IMM11111111111111111101111111111111111MMIIIIII 4A.P.,PA4V.0.0.„44,ewfegsqvi, WALL BOARD Easy to paint oz paper. Many grades and types in stock. Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents MAPLE FLOORING Select grade, end-matehed maple Flooring. Per 100 Square Feet $23.00 CONVERT YOUR Arne 10% Down 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Space can be suus‘lb, and Economically Converted luta extra Bedrooms or an income pre* clueing Apartment. . You can de most of the work Yoursfblf. See our collection of plans and idea*. FREE ESTIMATES Fred C. Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies Carload of Cap. Cement just arrived 4,