HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-04-09, Page 4I 4- .+ ZURICH - ONTARIO NOTICE Place your order now before the Spring rush to get your water ponds and base+ments dug, Bulldozing; done, by the hour or contract. Go anywhere. Phone Lorne R. Becker, 57 r t. Dashwood 4t' NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TIHE ESTATE OF LalivalcSa M. Hartleih, ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Louvada M. Hartleih, late of ihce Village of Dneh. wood, in the County of Huron, de deceased, who died on the 7th dory of February. 1953, are hereby noti, fled to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on nr before the 7th day of April 1953, after which date the assets will be cli:,stributed, having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth this 18th day of March, 1958. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Barrister, Etc., Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitor for the Estate. Clearing Auction Sale Of farm :tock;Implements, Feed and Housheold Effects, at Lot No. 7 Conc. 9. Stenlevv 'Tarn. 1 1-4 ,piles west and 3 miles south of Varna. nl' 3 :1-.t mile'' north and 1 1-4 miles east of Zurich (Babylon Line), on TUESDAY, APRIL 14th. at 1 pan. Homes —Team of Pere'heron mares 9 yrs. old! C<nttle —2 Holstein cows recently fre.ehened: Holstein cow. dne Mav 24 3;To1st"ein cow due Mav 22; Holstein cow due Anril ll:st; Holstein cow due April 20: Holstein cow due June 1.; Holstein cow due July 4; Ayrshire caw recently freshened. bred again; The above cows are all three pial, old and all are vaccinated. Pigs -2 Tamworth sows due ?aid of May; Yorkshire hog. 2 yrq. old. Implements — 1950 Casa Motiol S. tractor (A-1 condition) : Cage 2 furrow tractor plow: Cockshntt side delivery rake (nearly new) ; Cock- shutt 13 -disc fertilizer drill. neariv new; Cass snrina tooth cultivator: Fleury fisell tandem disc. nearly new: M -H. binder, 7 -ft. cnts inter- natioeal hav loader;' set of 1sT -IT. drag harrows. nearly now; ;1I -•H. mower 7 -ft. cut, nil bath; ribber tire w'aoon: flat rack, gravel box, hay rack. circular saw: ?dfee`or'nlcic- Deering hemmer mill; International fertilizer drill: Inter. 2 -row scuffle with hean puller; electric feed cook- er: electric fencer; National 2 nnit portable milking machine; •b milk cane: strainer, set of sleighs, harnese 1 collars and to.ps'; 4 range shelters, brooder stove, Stewart slectric clipp- tr, slings. hay rope, trip rope, and chain; 40 rods of fence. new; 4 units of silo wirt; wheel barrow; walking plow; clover seed, feed bar• refs; furrow straightner •for Caro S. tra.rtor; -sledge hammer and wed- ges; forks, shovels, logging chains and numerous other articles includ- ing quantity of salt and cattle min- erals. ZURICH HERALD Enough for ten men, or even more, if lac multiplies his efforts with the latest farm implements, such as field cultivators, milking machines, combines and tractors. And, when ten `men' are hard at work, you make ten times as good use of every hour. And your income is, of course, greatly increased. So, if a lack of ready cash stands between you and any one of these mechanical farm-hands, you owe it to yourself to look Into the question of a B of M Farm Improvement Loan. Drop in at your local B of M office just as soon as you:. find it convenient. You'll be pleasontly surprised at the low cost of a B of M Farm Improvement Loan, and at the easy repays"ent terms that can be arranged. Boost your income by multiplying the reeults of your Work. AN K OF IMO k N �_ R AL s� T• eseee �ee'e'3 96 -see cage, +: Zurich Branch: Hensall Branch: Crediton Branch: CARL SCOTT, Manager WALTER JARRETT, Manager CHARLES PARKINSON, Manager DIY BAF ro A lila 7N CANADIANS rr (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashwood (Sub -Agency): Open son., Wed. &"Fri. WORKING WI fli CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SiNCE Feed -450 bushels of mixed bay; Terms—Cash a quantity of straw. George Dunn, Proprietor Household Effects —Some house- Hicks, Garnet Clerk. hold effects including combination Alvin , Auctioneer electric and wood range, nearly new, lawn mower. No reserve as the farm I; sold. Murray Edward Terns—Cash. Hoiiner, Proprietor. W. Elliott, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of Livestock, Tractor, Farm Imple.- ments, Hay, Grain and Household Effects, on the premises, Con. 2, Lot 29 and 80, T sborne Twp; 2?•_ miles north of Exeter and 114 miles east on Hurondale Corner 'T'he Midersiemed Auctioneer has been insirncted to sell by public auction FRIDAY, APRIL 10th, at 1 p.m. Maraca — Belgium mare, 9 yrs. old, Clyde n.nre 12 yrs old. A good re- liable work team. Cattle — Durham cow, due middle of April; part Hereford and Der- ham cow due latter part of April; part Holstein and Jersey cow clue latter part of April; Durham cow slue before sale date; Durham cow, clue first in May; part Hereford and Holstein cow, due before sale date; 2 yearling Duham heifers, 5 fall calves, Durham and Herefords; Her- eford Bull, rising 3 years old; Hog~ — Part Tam and York t9ow, carrying third litter, due middle of May. Part Tam and York sow, car- rying second litter, due letter part of April. Tractor and Farm Implem me - Allis Chalmers B Tractor used twe seasons in guaranteed view condition hl -H. two furrow plow, 11 -hoe Coc- kshutt fertilizer drill; 11-hee di -c grain 'drill; M -H, binder 0 -ft. cit; section spring tooth harrows, steel tire wagon, 2, ashorse cultivator, steel truck wagon, 3 -section diamond harrow:, dump rake, John Deere 2 - furrow tractor plow; M -H. inant.n•e spreader with tractor hitch; 2 I-2 le p. gasoline engine; Maxwell mower r -ft, cut; McDeering cream separat- or, bag truck, walking plow, horse clipper, stone:heat, 25 -ft. ladder: mot pulper, chicken shelters, quan- tity of tile, quantity of fire wood, 1:ir;ge iron kettle, logging chains, forks, shi,vels, many articles too numerous to mention. Hay and Grain — 300 'baled beet of quality, timothy and alfalfa; quantity of loose hay, second cut ilfalfn ; 100 bushels of Clinton seed oats. Household Effect> piano, oak rocking chairs, antique etyle chairs, bedsteads with springs and mattrea.,, dressers and commod- e•, washing machine with gas motor, t u'nersu: Congoleuln rugs, centre t. ,Ices, hufet, shall tablee, pictures, ::ll kinds of cIi.11r's, kitchen set, taws a':,r 4 ('hair:1, t.;1.n1'N, comforters, cook eve ie gond ('t,'idition, Qu:`i3O 11 r• c :i oil stove, pails, sealers, tri' • • No reserve ae the fa1'rfr i'1 Clearing Auction Sale of Livestock. Track, Tractor. Faris, Tn,:nlements, Grain and Hoe sehold .nIffacts. on the premises. Lot 21, Co:i 2. Stephen Twp., 11/1. miles went of riveter on Huron Street or 2 1-? miles east of Crediton and 2 1-2 miles north. The undersiene'1 Auct- ioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, APRIL 1:Sth, At 1 o'clock p.m. :shsrn Horses —Team of :Pert -heron steel - dines 8 and 9 years +cold, Guaranteed time and reliable. Cattle —Part Durham and Here- ford cow. carving third icalf. dne enrr of Mar: -Durham cow 4 yrs, old, wits' calf at foot: Durham cow, rising '> years old, with calf at foot: 'Dnreinee cow. carrying second calf, with calf at foot: blue roan row. 4 yrs. old with calf at foot: Durham rearliere heifers -(2(; Registered Shorthorn hull 21 months -old Ransom breedir.'r .Reg, Shorthorn Brill. 3 years old. Ransom 'breeding. Thio is an ext'., good herd with younger cattle all vaccinated. • Hogs — Yorkshire sow due nml-- dle of Mar; Yorkshire sow with. lit- ter of eleven: Yorkshire sow bred 3 weeks; 6 Yorkshire chunks, aver- aging 125 lbs, each . Truck and Tractors — G. M. C. half -ton truck in A-1 new condition. Correct mileage 25,000 miles: Allis Chalmers "B" tractor in guaranteed new condition, Farm Implementss•—M-H. 2 -furrow tractor plow: McDeer'g 11 -run dice; fertilizer drill; M -H. binder, 7 -ft. cut,, in good condition; McDeering side delivery rake used one season; rubber tired wagon, 16 -ft hay rack like new; M -H. 2 -furrow disc plow; cream separator, like new; New Idea mower 5 -ft. cut; steel trunk wagon, M. -H. 3 -horse disc; Cockshutt 3 - horse cultivator, 4 -section diamond harrows, pair of bob sleighs with platform; Cockshutt sulky plow, new set double harness; fanning mill, steel water trough, block and tackle, hair sling ropes, logging -chains; qtl^.n titv of extra good cord wood, maple and beady; rot pulper, forks, shovels -;nd many articles too numerous to mention. Grain -•--100 bushels mixed g;',•ain, oats and`barley. Household Effects ----Findlay kitch- en stove, dining -room extension table with 5 matching chairs, f; kit- chen chairs, sideboard, day bed, 2 beds complete with springs and mat- ! res , etre., etc, Ne reserve as the farm is sold, 'Perms ---- Cash 't:tt1' Finlcheiner, Proprietor `nrnef. hicks, Clerk. \Val'?er', Anrtioneer, 1817 D 180 FOR QUICK SALE Team of work horses 10 and 11 years old in good -condition. Apply to Philip Durand, 1 mile north of Drysdale. 2t° Clearing Auction Sale Of Livestock, Auto, Truck, Tractors Farm Implements and Misc. Itents, On the premises, South three quarter Lot Lia, Con. 8, Stephen Twp. 2 1.-2 miles.east and 1 mile south of Dash- wood, or 5 miles west of Exeter, on Huron St. The undersigned Auct- ioneer has bet n instructed to sell by public ruction, on WEDNESDAY APRIL 15th. At 1 o'clock p.rn, sharp Horses — Grey Percheron mare, rising 9 years old; black Per•eboron gelding, rising 10 years old, Cattle—Holstein cote, carrying 2nd calf, rnilkin.g, due latter part of July, part Hereford and Durham cow, car- rying second calf, milking, due in June; part Hereford and Holstein cow, .milking; white Durham cow with calf at foot; red Durham cow, carrying fourth •calf, due 1,Iay 10th; part Angus and Holstein cow, mak- ing, due in August; white Durham cow, carrying third calf, due before sale date; Dunham heifer, with calf at foot; part Durham and Ayrshire cow, milking, carrying fourth calf, due in1 • , Jule, Durham heifer, carry- ing first calf; Durham cow, carrying 6th calf, due latter part of May; part Hereford and Durham heifer, carrying first calf; 2 pure bred Hol- stein heifers with calf at foot; 2 pure bred Holstein heifers carrying first calf, due in August; Durham cow, due before sale date; part Dur- ham and Hereford cow fresh one week, calf at foot; Durham cow. clue first week in May, with calf at foot; 2 part Hereford and Durham heifers rising two years old; part Holstein and Hereford heifer, rising 2 years old; 7 Durham and Jlereford grase • cattle, rising 2 years old; 12 Dur - !ham and Hereford fall and winter calves; roan Durham Bull i1 year old, 1suitable for herd Sire; roan Durham, Shorthorn 13u11, rising 3 years old. This is an extra good herd of cattle. Auto -•- 102.9 Ford coach in good condition. Truck --- 1035 Chevrolet 2 -ton truck equipped with stake rack, hoist 'and gravel box. • Tractor ---• Case "C" tractor on rubber in A.-1 condition; Inter- national Farmall "A" tractor in uer- antced condition, equipped with g- row scuffler, bean pnlleY, and rra:w international 10 -ft, sweep rake, Implements Etc. -.-.John Deere bin- der 8 -ft, cut, like new; McDeering 11 -hoe ,fertilizer drill with grass seeder attachment; Deering 11 -hoe disc drill; .M -II. manure spreader, 111:e new; Deering mower, r -Cts eat: l?• -lie l7tooth spring tooth tractor cul,iv:ttor; M.11, 2 -.furrow trnetor S: plow; Faix+bank Morse 11 -inch Ham- mer Mill; heavy duty 75-tt. rubber belt; Hydro Flex 32 -inch chain saw complete with 120 -ft. of hose (demon- strator); power driven emery stand; rubber tired wheel barrow; i; new electric motors 11-4 and 1-6 h.p; 4 - section diamond harrows; 3=drum steel roller; 'heavy duty rubber tired wagon; hay rack, 3 -horse disc, pr. of bob sleighs; 2, 3 -horse •cultivators; 2 new horse blankets; set of brass mounted ,b'rvtchen harness; plow har- ness, line shaft, Hinman 2 -unit milk- ing machine, used 2 years; chicken shelters, 3 ducks, logging chains, gent's bicycle, and a large number of Misc. items. No reserve, everything will be sold. Terms — Cash Joe and Anthony .Martene. Props. Glen Webb, Clerk. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area • The Easter Season Another great holiday has cone and gone, bringing many visitors in this community and nearly every home had some one to Ball on thein, either children, relatives or friends. All of it gives an example of peace to the upset world. This past Easter, like those of the past, has found many vacant places in homes, which meant grief to many; we cannot fully realize what the -future has in store we can but live in hope. The weather and roads- were ideal for the week- end holiday, and hundreds of cars travelled this Blue Water Highway, and we :believe this past. Easter at our Parish Church., was the greatest attendance of past history, and the number of Holy Communion distrib- uted to pari.shoners and strangers, will go on record. Let us remember the. first ,Good Friday when people of that day ,clamoured for public honor, by trying to • destroy the faith that already had - been delivered to the Apostles, ,By nailing Christ to the Bross, how foolish were their efforts, that first Good Friday was a gloomy one, to the world. Never•the-less, as years went on, the despair vanished away and each Easter from that first one brought new hope to the world, and today each Easter we find the spreading of that Christian Faith, once delivered by the crucified Christ has .triumphed the world over, and has left new hope for all hereafter, • Passes In Kitchener. Hospital Word was received at time of writ- ing 91 the deale of Mr. Solomon Wil- liams in Kitchener Hospital in his 75th year. Mr. Williams lived a few years in Zuriaah, also in the su round- iiig of St. Joseph later on moving to Seaforth. Burial will be in See"- -forth on Thursday morning in St., Sames Church cemetery. Cr <leceas- ed ;was married to the former' Bertha Dueharvne 52 ycain ago, a native tee this parish. (Further accoent ie t follow), • nIImImmmmim111111ioimmi111MMImlilimillNEWI1111IIIIIEMillNlllllillllliNIIIIIIIiililliiIli11111111ll111111il0111111111111811111118111111111111 urstlay, April 9th, 1953 Spring Dry Cleaning AND STORAGE Now is the time to send all those fur Coats and Winter Garments to be Cleaned and Stored. Super Sanitone Cleaning plus fully Insured Moth Proof Vaults. Fur Coats Cleaned by the Scientific Fur Cleaning Process. Fully Insured from the time the Customer leaves them at our 'Agent's until they are returned to you next Fall. BRADY CLEANERS • Agency in Zurich at: ` DENOMME'S BARBER . SHOP Plant and Office -- Main Street, Exeter PIONEER ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW There's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER: RADER Bir MITTLEHOLTZ Phone 63 - Zurich • • • • • Notice to Farmers The Huron'County Agricultural Committee is sponsoring a Public Meeting to learn if it is the wish of the farmers of Huron County to form a Live- stock Protective - Association. Associations have been formed in Elgin, Mid- dlesex and Lambton Counties and have had a de- cided effect on reducing cattle Rustling and Poultry •• Thefts. - •• . The following speakers have been secured: Mr. R. H. Graham, Assistant Livestock Com- missioner Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. • 0 • • 5 • • • • • a a • • • • • Y.; Mr. Stewart Brown, Shedden, Elgin County Association. Sgt. Needham, Ontario Huron County. The meeting will be held in the Clinton Town Hall on Friday, April 10th, 1953, commencing at 1:30 p.m. All Farmers in Huron County are attend. President, • 4 i • 4 4 4 Provincial Police, et ..�1 8,. rs invited to • • WIMP • A. H. Erskine, Clerk, County of Huron. WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF Grass and Clover Seeds WE CAN CLEAN AND TREAT YOUR GRAIN IN THE HENSALL MILL - BE SURE AND ORDER YOUR FERTILIZER IN PLENTY OF TIME AND AVOID A LAST MINUTE DELAY THE SIGN OF: —Quality Products Efficiency ----Courtesy HENSALL ' DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Phone Hensall 115. • Zurich 220