HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-04-09, Page 1Established 19 ST. PETER'S ZURICH, ONT ',.RIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 'Est n•-etaaaa ar s ins• tagr a: Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONTARIO REV. E. W. E•IEMRIC1-I, PASTOR 11.11 a.m.-Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.-Sunday School.. 7.30 p.m. -Vespers. Everybody Wexlcom© to all Services Ertinci ';IIm, EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich .-- Ontario REV. H. F.. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Desch - Orgteniat SUNDAY SERVICES -- 10:00 a.m. - Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. - Bible School. 7:30 p.m. - Divine Worship Welcome at all Services --"Come thou with us and we will do thee a�aod." Num. 10:2S. WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If you're a ea:reful• driver you can Pt remarkable low rates with State Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful. drivers make their awn low Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. a. .x. r' 4. ,r 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 N L C E s. N 1 c ie ting IN THE INTERESTS OF rfl, l ia1 [ice ; ;rich Will be held '1 THE COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH On TUESDAY, APRIL 14th. At 8.30 p.m. Sharp EVERYONE INTERESTED IS UR.G.EiI% TO ATTEND This meeting is being called jointly by the Zurich Chamber of Commerce, Zurich Lions Club, and the Community Centre Board.. Let's all get Behind this Very Needy Project 4 4 195.3 3 4. 4. • 'f44. • }„m=mazrye:.aa,.e.<nnc dna-Irg "x,ziar, :.,+..T.,;,ta `tZ e s.,Ira r; taxi 'JIW Zurich Mennonite Church , Pastor- Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 5:00 a.m. - Prayer Fellowship. 8.45 a.m. - Prayer Fellowship 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.xn. - Worship Service • 8:00 p.m. - Bible Meeting (I3i- WEDNESDAY : weekly) 8:00 p.m. - Prayer Fellowship (In the homes) YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! Are You Suffering From Headaches? llf so have your .Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods. and .equipment at .t OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN A. L. COLE, R.O. iitODERIC.: - ONT. tt ood Glasses at 15e0ona'ble Prices Special Gospe' Services EVANGELIST - Moses H. Roth, Baden, Ont., at. the Zurich Mennonite (lurch AMU, 9 ,. fl COME 'PRAYING, I.ECEIVE 11 BLESSING 1 BRING YOUR FRIENDS "Seek ye the Lord while He may he • Found. Isa. 55: 6. 4...•..a�©a4...,9 �a Q•4.....•••sm•44a.oao.®a�ah.4,r p.4s.o.....®� T. HAIRRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME a AI' Funeral Director - Private Car Ambulance . Member of Ontario Funeral Association a HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTII�'i- e. 1 CATE - PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT e. •e• HOSPITAL. BEDS TO RENT - INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN a : • FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED k'1.OM MITCHELL NURSERIES 4 4. WE WIRE ANYWHERE 4 0 a 24 Hour Service -Dashwood. Tel. 70W s, 1 ���4�4s 4.�as��c+�4��a�4�0�a����r�c��sc���•e��•i+a�B�4�C•<d•®�e4'�C94v�1Q3 �� 'Z. rsswemrr asrm:nams E=z o„camx:,me'.�r4's'�-mRtst.�:.w ry u ;' .)J 6661., "., i.erior ,�, R,i ,yam, t't e Frostet Fax13 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS . VEGETABLES - FISH, - ETC. .Aylmer Peaches, choice halves Straws jam Ige 24 -oz jar Sockeye Salmon 7 3 -4 -oz. tin Old Dutch Cleanser 2 tins 0 ci.a s 2, 15 -oz tins....35c ^7c 38c ....2 7 C: C. H. THIEL Zurich leetessainessesestessettiwaisessesissinossavallataysavvessesaistesssassseneellailaiseessatassiellara CARD) OF THANKS _Mrs. Henry Vungblut wishes to thank her many neighbours aria .l•'ri- encts for the kindness shown to Iter during her recent illness with cards, tre:at:, flowers, etc. Which she ap- preciated very much. NOTICE A meeting of the Blue Water Gun Club. will be held in the otnttiton Hotel, Zurich, on Thursday eve., April 0th, at 8.30 o'clock and mem- bees are requested to attend. Chas. Rau, President. Len Sararas, Secy. Phone 421 t EXETER Friday, Saturday Kiril x0i Cattle Town I::ia:5 Morgan ihe battle of the Cattle kings -Gun gaiust Gun -herd stampeding against herd -in the last ditch conquest of the range -land. Monday, Tuesday April 13-14 The Lady Says No David Niven Joan Caulflid And on the same program Paula • Loretta Young tient Smith ^S•mvmvoS :wiwrwv.s+xme.amYn.�.�..: The Last Game L it e1y the .last game of hockey for this sealsion wi11 be played in the Lu- tin Arena on Friday night of this 'week when a benefit game will be Ie flayed between the Zp. ich Flyers ,gull the Mount Pleasant team. Don'tmiss this one: Proceed:; for injured players. • It Is Spring Wednesday, Thursday April 15-1(3 Fearless Fagan. Janet Leigh Carleton Carpenter The true story of the. G. 1. who took his pet lion along when he joined the army. don Theatre The very finest of weather has prevailed the past week -end, we do not recollect of' ever having just so nice weather for this occasion. Good Friday, by many is always taken for • ,a :t b^,' Elgar , as a day of had weather, 'but this year the weather - Mae was •ahead of time and brought ght in good weather on this memorial clay Things are drying up wonderfully. The od+d farmer on high dry sandy Soil has scratched a bit or. the higher :spots, but no •'ceding of "r4 zioi+s are noticeable, but not too far off. Quiet Holiday The ideal nice weather for Easter Seemingly kept things a btr quiet, as there was little stir around,people ,,..,i e '.:a r tiee'h + 1 ,,, )od. ".Zillions I of Christian peoples the een111 over Went to church in recognition of the occasion. report stste' that in the Vatican •in Roine a three quarter Million people assemble•1 at one time at St. Peter's Square to i eceiac the Easter benediction from Pope Pius XII, which are a lot of peonie to gather at • one bane. So we inn COn- solate ourselves that Christianity is stili forging' ahead. Attendeesd' Meeting Leonard Erb, Mee. Nancy Koehler, Mrs. i,Vm Hay, "Mrs. XX e'.vell Geiger, Mre. C. L Smith, attended the South Huron Girl's Club Achieve- ment Day on Tuesday afternoon, held in (ahe Seaforth 11ie,h School .itxd1.torium The Project being 'slog:Ian tae, Smar under lite .. 'rectiari .of :111Liss' J'eait Stecidc:t,i lone Economist of the Department of e Apr ie):aliv. 0+ C tt' ' int.. Terry Montgomery, Aerie. Rein e eni ^tie, , spoke a few wo1 d e on the selcndid i work whicht.............................hee.-- I 0 Certificates and spoons were presrn- ear) ted to the £iris :and their direetnrs j from the different Branches, and their fashion show and s',i+s were interesting and enjoyed by a well attended audience. Old Landmark Torn Down Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscription in Canada, Year 82.0af Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50. NORMA'S • BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR PPOIlei'd,`MENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prep. zcLzs,yre.� PROMPT Optic„ Service YES i .fwo days we can duplicate accurately your broken Lens any Size, any Colour from the broken pieces Vie do not need your presc- ription We also have the newest in 'rames and Mountings. We :an also save you money on a complete pair of Spectacles. Aa G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician RAG RUGS and CARPE TS On a New Modern Loom, Made to Order - Seth 0. Amann, Zurich, Ont. Phone 128. INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS 1t, LORNE S. DIALER. LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 - HENSALL, ` ON"�`� a- - *x v+x:r=--za Car.+,.) •.^•^•,e z- ,.-.arum rxcrrscacr.a�¢aesxwu�xar -.xs zxssa.. ,crm ;4"3ooC,'r�'9. 'ani@3t fEioveeooec000 as e./0 0900 6.00e,45 d?Or:40i s7 e,KN x 4. 4. 4. .d3 4 se: 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. seg, e+ o©ca@OclO n6tc Q0eeVQ D0©0+0 a.Sf 4.0 .+Maa0®Vc cJ4.® 9®38013a 4. e 4 ® • .-. GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday April 10 1 L Red Skelton Lovely To Look At Technicolor Itatheryn Grayson Iloward Lieet now adoinin_g the town. A happy pleasure parade apaikhnegi makes, chanes, . and who kna::- s W hat with mirth, merriment and ratede • will be in store in the next , fty Cartoon "Frightday the 13th. years or iso. -------- To Hold Public Meeting Tuesday, Wednesday April 14 -la One of Zurich's oldest buildin rs, namely the old Deiehert blacksmith shop isbeing tee down by re; new owner, Ellroy De;jarcline who pur- chased it from Ws; Tnez Yungblut some time ago. This building iiii4 be close to 100 years oic?, and in the days of the horse and i,ug�,'v did :a thrieine• bn-.iness. Here obi Debbie received his .hoes for the hare grav- el roads, as well ne doing far ni stork. Here practically a'1 the mon work was done f•er the Hes \Vngon and Carrage works, close 'h ; then there was all the farm repairs t. be made, harrows and cultivtors shni eene•i, Plow point:; redone, bean kni' e hae- pened, etr. But all this i o a thine of the pat 1s the last.Smithy, Eddie Weltin has. -olcl ant and after several decades of hard wort: le on the retired list, which he i- c ? wor- thy off. We ronwnller this ill oo 10 the early tears in the f ur rains; of ' he century 1 t least three forges and! 0 anvils clinging day by day. . but '+�,w I all is quirt. However in 1,i4r• .��.mm�. .�• u.� ..n. �.. � . 4. 4. a Licensed Embalmer and Funeral irector Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS:. FOR. ALL OCCASIONS . , Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season Canned Fruits and Vegetables on as well ai hand Candies ' Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A Manes Lesch PRODUCE WANTED. CALL Ga m Phone I ei-a tl •azre5niamwrnnrnunnruauecas�N �,ww�e*^••r"u'"i... we did not dream of the fine maim;es t „east e", gP s" J aeraereac7�it!mirea �t",eaEar-w 1@:3"+.,�sn' areeee,. , So •le ;9ya.'...h"',.kT':a^t"skin""u�..x",s''.�SF.iv'`,"ySc�u'4�"i!:E'' As will be noticed on this page I Stop, ou're Killing Me a display advt. concerning a allelic I, In Warnercolor meeting called for Tuesday evening, Broderick Crawford Clara Trevor 4141 1.4tri by the Community Centre Board, The Lions Club and the Virginia. Gibson Chamber of Commerce regarding ar- k's the slaphappy sae of L' bu,°cd tificiial Ice for Zurich arena. This beer baron with ,big 'business idc-.•t.' is thsecond twnex and a battered bankroll. ecutieves to meeteeti, blitg theof stheir t -e trine Newsreel and Selected Shorts. +tltlPublist 11tvMint, iseeting iOne being of thed. an:i leWith t I 1 BENEFIT GAME ockey IN THE LUCAN 'ARENA On Friday, April 10th. Gaine Called for 8.30 p.m ZURICH vs. • in history, there was 1:ttle doing' ill winter in the Arena for lack of good ice, and without hockey games; je+te. the present s:ructure w.li be hard to raise funds to kora) tin the expense of the wine. We ars all anxious to know what the coot of a freezing plant would be, but, it is thought. somewhere in the neighbor- hood of $30„000 should install such plant, which seems a lot of money far a smell connnunity to shake oat of it: sleeve. But probably those in <ia.w hority �eat1 flied ways ono means to finance the project., at least we hope so. So come on out to this ilnpol'iant meeting and voice your MOUNT PLEASANT 011111011 what you think of the no - Give these two evenly matcheddertaking. We all'hope to gun some Teams your full support in this valuable information in regard.; .; to -Benefit Gaine. this next move namely "Artificial Proceeds for Injured Players Ice for. Zurich." WE HAVE A GOO STOCK OF COLD WEATHER LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc., Etc, See our Fine Assortment of Yard Goods just in. Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl GIVE US A CALL' LAKE Sriftifoit. ,. Schwgartzentruber, Prop. i'bone 11-97