HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-04-02, Page 4ZURICH ONTAf10 NOTICE Place your order now before the spaing , rush to get your water ponds-, and basements dug. 13ulldozin $onus. by the hour or contract. ('so anyWhere. +Phone Lorne R. Beelear•, .57 r 4, Dashwood 4t'' NOTICE TO CREDITORS TN THE ESTATE' OF X,auvarxa M. 1-Iartleib. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIM'S againet the Estate of Louvada :t? T artieih, late of the Village of Dash- wood, in the County of Huron, de - deceased, who died on the 7th d,t,. of February, 1953, are hereby noti fied to eend in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or - before the 7th day of April 1953, after which date the assets will be distri:bnted, having• regard only to claim then received. Dated at Seaforth this 18th day of March, 1953. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Barrister, Etc,, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitor for the Estate. Stock Surplus Sale On the Premises. Main Street Exeter opposite Town Hall. The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction On SATURDAY, APRIL 4th, Commenicng at 1 p.m. Sharp the following: Enterprise Cook Stove; Norge Shur Heat, Silent Glow Oil Heaters;! 2 burner hot plate, Williams Refrig- erator 10?e, cu. ft; gale. wash tubs, aluminum pressure cookers, copper boilers. Coleman gas iron, electric iron, fence stretchers, Thermometers, wash boards, enamel tables, weighs and tobae'gans, floor mops, cross -cut saws, Web saws, flower pots various sizes; garden hose. chicken feeder:, weeders, hydraulic jacks, small jacks, large assortment of carpenter tools, vices, harness, rubber belting, garden spades and shovels, hay knives, -hog troughs, trap nests, electric brood- ers, extension ladders, assortment of pails, tractor jack, large assortment of shirts and overall., .mineral feeds:, radio, electric clipper, lawn mower, assortment of rubber boots, prastic hose, hand ;yaw.., carpenter levels, as- sortment of paint brushes, 4 trouble lamps, electric soldering irons, cloth- es line wire, paint, liquid fertilizer, if PLAN TO ATTEND THIS SALE. f No Reserve, Everything will be told. Terms—Cash Exeter District Co -Operative Co., Proprietors. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. a round new condition and will be gold fully •guaranteed. Tractor -- 1949 Ferguson Tractor in new condition, equipped with star- ter, hydraulic lift, '2 -furrow plow and spring tooth cultivator. Farm implements — McDeevin binder, 7 -ft. cut, in new conditiol pair trucks extra; IVIcDeering 1. hoe disc: fertilizer drill With grass seed attachments 'and tractor hitch, used one season; M -EI, mower 0 -ft. cut, used two -:seasons; rubber tired wagon used -one season; M -H, man- ure 'preader in new condition; 10- t't, flat rack like new; McDeering drop head hay loader like newt Woods electric' roller, equipped with one lap. motor; Renfrew electric cream separator, like new; damp rake, 4 -section diamond harrows, steel truck wagon, Oliver snuffler: M -H, bean puller, set of sleighs, 3- - drum steel roller: Chatham fanning mill, complete with sieves; 2.000.1b. cap, platform Scales, bee truck new colony house 12x12, scalding trough, Cockshutt plows, clover buncher. cutter. pig crate. 3 5 -gal. cane of Na—Chur Fertilizer, new Holman 5 -ton jack, numerous nig eeouoh':, stoneboat, 2 sets double harness, single horse stuffier, grindstone, tar- pulin 12x1-21 block and tackle. shot gun, logging chains, butcher kettles and stands, sausage grinder and pre large quantity of good twine and grain bags; sap pan, 50 sap pails, spiles, set of sling ropes, cider bar- rel, Cycloneseeder new; cross -cut saw. neckyokes. pails, forks. ehovels, doubletr.ees and -many artrclee too numerous to mention. ( Hay, Grain and Seed — 15 ton of best quality mixed hay; 450 hush - els ofs choice mixed grain, oate and barley; 10 bushels of good (leen red clover seed; 2 bushels of tim- othy and red clover seed. Horses — Matchen black Cr, -dc' work team, true and reliable in every way. Cattle — Part Durham and Here- ford heifer, due in September. with calf at foot; 12. part Hereford and Polled Angus Heifers, due in Octob- er, with calf at foot; part Durham and Jersey cow, due in Sept; with calf at foot; roan cow 5 yrs. old due at time of sale; part Hereford and Angus cow, due middle of. _April; part Durham and Hereford cow. mil- 1 kine-. due in October; Jersey cow, milking, due in October; Derham cow, milking, due in September; white Durham cow, milking, due in 3 - September; part Durham and Here- ord cow, due in Sept; 3 part'Here- ord Durharns due in October, with calf at foot; part Durham and Here- ford cow with calf at foot, fresh 6 weeks; part Durham and Hereford cow, with calf at foot, fresh two weeks; 5 Hereford heifers, due in Sept. and Oct,, with calf at foot; Hereford heifer carrying first calf due before .sale date. 4 fall calves. Dark red Shorthorn Bull, 20 months old. This is an exceptional good herd of cattle. Household Effects — Heintzman fano, all newly reconditioned; 8- iece chesterfield suit, like new; a eautiful combination China cabinet, odd chairs, new cedar chest, _din- ing room extension table with 5 mat- ching; chairs, variety of dishes, seal- ers, croaks, butter dish, single steel bed, good velvet brussels rug 4x3?i> yards in good condition; coal oil stove, black with. cream trimming, has oven attached and thermometer, 5 burners, 3 cooking burners and 2 oven burners, guitar, Etc. No reserve, everything will be sold. This is an extra large sale, Ever•: - ing as in first class condition and ill start sharp on time. So conte arly. Terms—Cash illiam Dietrich, Proprietor. tade & Weido, Clerks Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Complete Dispersal SAL Consisting• of 00 Head Choice Dur- p ham and Hereford Cattle and Misc.Items, en the premises, Lot 19, Con. h 12, Hay Twp., 114 mile west of Zur- 2 ich and half mile south. The under- signed Auctioneer• has been instruct- ed to sell by public auction on . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8th, Commencing at 1.30 p,m.. sharp Cattle — Roan Durham cow, with calf at foot, fresh two weeks; Red Durham cow, with calf at foot, fresh one month; red Durham cow, milk- ing, bred Jan. 23, with calf at foot; red Durham cow, milking, bred Nov- ember 15th; part Holstein and Dur- ham cow, with calf at foot, fresh 2 `h weeks; roan Durham cow, due at e time of sale; Hereford cow, with calf at foot, bred Feb. 7th; roan Durham w cow, due in June, red Durham cow, S with calf at foot; roan Durham heif- er, "with calf at foot; road Durham heifer, with calf at foot; part Jersey anti Durham cow, due before sale Clearing Auction Sale date; part jersey and Durham heifer, carrying first calf, due before gale date; Hereford heifer, with calf at foot; Durham heifer, due aronncl sale date; roan Durham heifer, with calf at foot; red Durham heifer, due around sale date; r ed Durham heif- er, ready for market; 3 Hereford grass. steers, averaging 1,000 -lbs each; 10 Durham and Hereford steers and heifers, averaging 700 -lbs. each, ready for market; 13 Durham and Hereford steers, averaging 1 100lbs. each, ready for market; 13 Durham and Hereford steers, averaging 1100 lbs. each, ready for market; 0 Dur- ham and Hereford fall and winter calves; Registered Hereford Bull Domino breeding. A real herd sire; Plan to attend this Sale. This is an trutstendjng; herd of Cattle, Convince yourself by nein them on sale day. 'All young cattle are vaccinated. reserve, every animal will be gold • `1lisc Items -- 2150' cedar pos':s of various sizes will be sold in lots of twenty. International electric cream separator, used one year; six feet of corn silage. Terms—Cash Jerome Dietrich, Proprietor. ,Earl Weido, Clerk. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer, EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Auto, Tractor, r.ive- . tack, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and Ilotssehold Effects, on the peens - lees, Lot 25, Con, 11, Hay Twp., one anile north of Zurich. The under- signed Auctioneer has been instruct- ed to sell by public Auction on THURSDAY, APRIL Seth. Commencing at 12 o'clock, sharp :Real Estate — Coneisting of East Half of Lot '8, Blind Linn, eaet of Zurich, Hay Township, Babylon line; 50 acre, of choice clay loam; all till- able land with the exception of a good young orchard and 3 acres of tnersh land; also a never failing well aeth bet of .,piing water Thrs re an ideal grass farm. Terms of Reil Estate -- 10% on t'uy of sale, balan•'e in 30 days. -4tutomobile . . 1949 special Delux ieelge fnnr-door :a"dan, correct mile - see 10,000 smilee, This oar in in all Of farm stock, Implements, Feed . and Housheold Effects, at Lot No. 7 Conc. 9, Stanley Twp. 1 1-4 milee !west and 3 miles south of Varna, or 13 3-4 miles north and 1 1-4 miles (east of Zurich (Babylon Line), on ! TUESDAY, APRIL 14th, at 1 p.m. Horses —Team of Percheran mare; 9 yrs. old! Cattle —2 Holstein cows recently freshened; -Holstein cow, due May 24 Holstein cow due May 22; Hol::etein cow due April 11st; Holstein cow due April 20; Holstein cow due June 1; Holstein cow due July 4; Ayrshire cow recently freshened, bred again; The above cows are all three years old and all are vaccinated. Pigs -2 Tamworth sows due 2nd of May; Yorkshire hog, 2 yrs, old. Implements — 1950 Case Model S. tractor lA-1 condition) ; Case 2 furncw tractor plow; Cockshutt side delivery rake (nearly new) ; Cock- shutt 13 -disc fertilizer drill, nearly new; Case spring tooth cultivator; Fleury Bisell tandem disc, nearly new; M -H, binder, 7 -ft. cut; Inter- national hay loader; set of M -II. drag harrows, nearly new; M -H. mower 7 -ft. cut, oil bath; rubbe.n tire wagon; flat rack, gravel box, hay rack, circular saw; McCormick - Deering hammer mills International fertilizer drill; Inter. 2 -row scufl'ier, with bean puller; electric feed cook, er; electric fencer; National 2 unit portable milking machine; 5 milk cane; strainer, set of sleighs, harness collate; and tops; 4 range shelters, '.'nooder stove, Stewart electric clipp- er•, slings, hay rope, :trip rope, and chain; ;40 rods of fence, new; 4 tinite of : ilo wirt; wheel barrow; walking ,plow; clover seed, feed bar. rels; furrow straightner for Case S. tractor; sledge hammer and wed- ges; forks, shovels, logging chains and numerous other articles includ- ing quantity of salt and cattle min- erals. Peed ---450 bushels of mixed fray, a quantity of straw. _ Household Effeetti --,Some Nese- hold effects including combinntion :'icrctrk anti wood range, nearly ems awn mower.'. No r'e erve as the far'r'i sold. e ZURICH HERALD M`141Mcn,rvaa-rasr re+es F'.IO E ONE MAN POWER.'. CHAIN SAW SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW There's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER: RADER & MITTLEHOLTZ Phone 63 - Zurich Terms—Cash. Murray Rohner, Proprietor. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of Livestock, Tractor, Farm Impl assents, Hay, Grain and Househol Effects, on the premises, Con. 2, Lo 29 and 30, 'Osborne Twp; glee mile north of Exeter and 1,4 miles err on Hurondale Corner The undersigned Auctioneer has tee instructed to sell .by public auction FRIDAY, APRIL 10th, at 1 p.m. Horses — Beleiaun mare, 9 yrs. old Clyde mare 112 yrs old. A good re liable work teen. Cattle — Durham cow due middl of April; parr Hereford and Dui ham, cow due latter part of April; part Holstein and Jersey cow due latter part of April; Durham co due before gels date; Durham cow due first in Mey; part Hereford and' Holstein cow, due before sale date 2 yearling Deleam heifers, 5 fall calves, Durhann and Herefords; Her- eford Bull, rising 3 years old; Hog. — Part Tam and York :low, carrying third litter, due middle of May. Part Tam and York sow, car- rying second litter, due letter part of April. Tractor and Farrar Implements— Allis Chalmers B Tr•aetor ns;ed two seasons in guaranteed '«',v condition M -H. two furrow plow, 11 -hoe Coc- kshutt fertilizer drill; 11 -hoe die grain drill; .M -H, 'binder 6 -ft. eat; 3 -section spring tooth harrows, steel tire wagon, 2, 8 -horse cultivators, I steel truck wagon, 3 -section diamond harrows, dump rake, John Deere 2 - furrow tractor plow; M-11. manure spreader with tractor latch; 2 1-2 h.! p. gasoline engine; MVlaxwell mower 5 -ft. cut; 1VIcDeering cream separat- or, bag truck, walking plow, horse clipper, stoneboat, 25 -ft. ladder; root pulper, chicken elicitors, qunn- tity of tile, quantity of fire wood, large iron kettle, logging chains, forks, shovels, many articles too numerous to mention, Hay and Grain — 300 bales best of quality, timothy and alfalfa; quantity of loose hay, iecond cut alfalfa; 100 bushels of Clinton seed oats. Household Effects Williams piano, oak rocking chairs, antique style chairs, bedsteads with springs, and mat -trees, dressers and commod- es, washing machine with gas motor,l rtuneeous Congoleum rugs, centre j tables, buffet, small tables, pictures, all kinds of dishes, kitchen. set, ta',le j and chairs, quilts, comforters, cools stove, in good condition, Quebec heater, coal oil stove, pails, sealers, i etc., etc. No reserve as the farm,1 sold. Terms ---Cash George Dunn, Proprietor Garnet Hicks, Clerk. Alvin Wainer, Auctioneer HENS AO.. attlEtMeNralasornes xliturad!ay, April 2nd, 1953 "Well, Cathy, it's out in the kitchen, and I'll get it before we have our story. Folks my age need to drink milk too, just as much as you young 'uns. A wise old doctor, who knows a lot about it, says milk keeps my bones strong and straight .. , just like it's helping yours to grow." Brix FOOD SERVICg 409 Huron Street Toronto, Ontario tat From the original oil painting by the well-known Canadian artist J. S. Hallam, R.C.A., O.S.A. alaSZIKEIffillabRNEME=MISMIIMMS E ! honor of Mr and Mrs R. S. Thurtell, Iazo ere Shortly leaving for- Leamtng- ton where Mr. Thurtell has been 'transferred. They were presented with a handsome living room mirror. 0_1 The address was read by W. W. Jar- rl rat and presentation by Miss Shir- t : ley Flynn, and Miss Mary Goodwin. A social hour was enjoyed and delic- t limas refreshments 'served. nl DASHWOOD of ! JSpecia] Easter services will be conducted in 'lie churches here on 0 Sunday with Sunrise service. e I Mr and Mrs Geo Tiernan spent a few days in Detroit. -Mr and Mrs Walter Ness and Tim- mey of Detroit and Mr and Mrs Paul 6 w Ness 0f Stratford spent the week -end with their mother Mrs Ness. We are pleased to report that Mrs e E. Bender who has been confined to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, for 0 several weeks, has .returned home toi melt improved. il•Ir• and Mrs Hazen Dark of Win- n• dsor spent the week -end with her' parents, Mr and Mrs Chas. Stein • - hagen. ; • Mr and' Mrs Wallie Wein attend- : a ed the funeral of Mrs. Wean -s fathet the late 11,r. ,S. Smith at Parkhill oe . Monday. 41. 1, ..nn. .. a ,., -n.4[. i.-itY R. HENSALL kN tr Sles ONTARIO Your Mercury - Lincoln - Meteor Dealer Offers the following reconditioned Cars and Trucks 52 CHEV, SEDAN, 13000 miles 52 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 51 HUDSON SEDAN, Loaded with 'irxtras 51 DODGE, Special delux Sedan, Extras 51 51 51 50 50 50 49 48 '48 ss 'Confirmation services were :rel in the Lutheran church last Sunda, A nuniber of men are busy gettin ba bhell Ba!ba11 diamond in shape for the Mr and Mrs Fritzley of Goaer_ ich, 1 were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Jas. Hayter. j' 1 and Mrs Russell Hoperoft are I Spending' a few weeks in Strathroy. Joseph. Hickey, 88, retired farm- er of ,Stephen Twp. died at the home of his nephew, Newton Hayter Born neer Bayfield, he moved to Ste• phen when -quite young. Resting at the Hoffman Funeral Home till Thursday when interment will be made in Grand Bend cemetery. Funeral services were held from the Hoffman funeral home curd Church .of O+u Lady, Mt. Carmel of 14 -year old NormanRagier who was fatally shot by his younger brother. His school chuans of S.S. No. G,Khiva "'tended in a body, also cousins were flower bearers, his six brothers act- ed ae casket ,bearers. Internment took place in Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Rev. Fogarty said the 'Mass. Discussed Artifical Ice The executive of the Coimmuntty Centre, 'T!ire Chamber of Commerce, and the Zurich Lions. Club met at the Community hall Tuesday evening to look into- the matter of installing all artifical ice freezer in the arena. As a result a committee was appointed to look further into the matter, and report. With the mild winter just passiriig;wand practically no ice, the place is of little use and a big (:e - pence to keep up instead of a pra- ng proposition. The cost would be somewhere around $30,00.0 of which it is hoped the Govt. would give a substantial grant. However enol : will be reported tater on. CHEV. Delux Coach METEOR Custom Sedan, Over- drive METEOR Delux Sedan FORD Tudor. MONARCH Sedan, Overdrive Studebaker Coach, Extras MERCURY Sedan (2) DODGE Coach and Sedan PONTIAC Big 6 Coach b Co; k PHONE 17S '47 PONTIAC Coach 8. 47 DODGE Coach 46 PONTIAC SEDAN 40 STUDEBAKER Coach 40 HUDSON Coach 39 CHRYSLER Sedan, exceptlonallr goea 39 FORT) Tudor, emmaculate. eonga 38 DODGE Sedan. 38 FORD, Exceptional Shape. 36 FORD Two Door 36 DODGE Four Door TRUCKS 51 MERCURY Half Ton 47 HUDSON 3j -Ton 47 DODGE One -Ton tp i r Sales - HENSALL, ONT, 0 .lice Y' Far Y 'vers The Huron County Agricultural Committee is sponsoring a Public Meeting to learn if it is the wish of the farmers of Huron County to form a Live- stock Protective -Association, Associations have been formed in Elgin, Mid- dlesex and Lambton Counties and have had a de- cided effect on reducing cattle Rustling and Poultry Thefts. The following speakers have been secured: �.. Mr. R. H. Graham, Assistant Livestock Com-- e. missioner Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. , Mr. Stewart Brown, Shedden, President, Elgin County Association. . Sgt. Needham, Ontario Provincial Police, es Huron County. The meeting will be held in the Clinton Town Hall on Friday, April 10th, 1953, commencing. at 1:30 p.m. All Farmers in 'Huron County are invited to attend. '1 A. H. Erskine, Clerk, Sunday County of Huron. Banker Leaving MissMary Goodwin was hostees at her home Frida+r evening J2rtth, for the staff of the Bank of :Montreal in 1' r WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF Grass and Clover Seeds WE CAN CLEAN AND TREAT YOUR GRAIN IN THE HENSALL MILL BE SURE AND ORDER YOUR FERTILIZER IN PLENTY OF TIME AND AVOID A LAST MINUTE DELAY THE SIGN OF: —Quality Products —Efficiency ----Courtesy HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Phone I Iensall 115, Zurich 220