HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-04-02, Page 3I E Calvett SPORTS COLUMN tit date. It happened this way: There was some discussion among amateur leaders to the general effect that when the next Olympic Gaines are held in Melbourne, Australia, in. 3956, they should be cut down to fit the size of the sponsoring country's ability to take care of the world's greatest athletic celebration. The high cost of everything—food,transportation, equip- ment—in view of the ever-increasing number of athletes and officials involved, and the ever-expanding sports programs, was the cause of this debate. For Finland sustained a heavy loss, last summer in its Olympic venture. So the daring Mr. Brundage, practically taking his athletic, " if not his human life in his hands, tossed a bomb into the debate by suggesting that the women's events be dropped from the Olympic program. He suggested separate Olympic Games for the women athletes, which, of course, could mean that women's participation in the Olympics was ended. For what nation would care to take the financial gamble of staging an Olympic meet for women only? The girl athletes will scream in fury if any such effort is made, for the competitions, engaging girls only, in a corn- paratively few years, has become a very definite and colorful part of the big Games. Of course, Mr. Brundage in self-defense —of which we believe he will need a great deal—couid retort by pointing to history. For, more than 2000 years ago the wo- men's Olympics were separate from the nien's game, which women were not even permitted to view! But taxies have changed since then. Women have become, steadily, a more important factor in the sports world, and to sprinting, diving, swimming, figure -skating, and other Olympic events, they have made a very definite contribution not only of feminine pulchritude, but of real athletic qualities. Mr. Brundage will find himself the centre of a great upheaval if he seriously undertakes to enforce this man-made idea. Our own notion is that Olympic transportation and other expenses could be sharply cut by every nation, including our own, if the teams included only those athletes who have proven they can equal the best Olympic standards, and have a real chance of scoring points. Then, too, regional or zone competi- tions might reduce the size of each nation's Olympic team. There were no fewer than 69 countries represented at Helsinki. .Literally scores of athletes, male tend female, verging on mediocrity by Olympic standards, get on board for the ride, every Olympic year. It's this excess baggage which runs up the costs, not the presence alone of the girl athletes, bless their little hearts. Your caminents and suggestions for this column will be weicontect by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 43Y Yonge St., Toronto. a"? te'510t DISTILLERS LtMITED AitiFIERSTEURG, ONTARIO e401(1, 0 It may be a trifle early in this year of grace to start picking any entasts" or "bests" along the sports trail. So we'll settle, right now, for a somewhat shaded "most", to Avery Brundage, the • high potentate of amateur sport in America, as the "most daring" gentleman of this year ..11[....meilel•WO.4•661.11..1014.1101.0010.010111.1111....•••001..... A writer in a large Canadian weekly recently made the state- ment that, for danger and ex- , oeltement, the Grand National Steeplechase in England lays . away over any other sports event sea earth. And maybe, he's right, 'et that. But we wouldn't mind .• =Aix' ig him a small wager that .. he sport of bob-sledcting, as . , practised over in those clear Alps, , rams English, steeplechasing a e . dose second, or might even nose ta out. Now we do not wish to pose as an authority on either of these pastimes. The nearest we ever came to participating in the Grand National was tearing up ;sundry sweep tickets on same. And our experience of bob -sled- ding was pretty much confined go the back hill slope in Elora erhich ended out on the frozen *surface of the Grand River. The latter was exciting enough, good- ness knows, especially the time when we put too much trust in the thickness of the ice and end- ed up in about three feet of very frigid water. Three feet may not sound like very much water, but . it's sufficient to wet and chill a small boy all over—and through. Stilli, we guess that this Cresta Run in Switzerland may be a teeny bit steeper and—possibly a mite more dangerous. Here's the way it looks to a writer in ".Answers." At the top of a steep slope of polished ice, a man wearing a crash helmet, gauntlets and el- bow protectors lies face down- wards on a steel skeleton. He is given a signal, and plunges sud- denly downwards with a speed that may reach 80 m.p.h. if he is lucky, he lifts himself from his toboggan just one min- ute later, more than three-quar- ters of a mile away, 500 feet lower down. Into those 60 sec- onds" on the Cresta Run have been packed more thrills and 44A: 16', .04,'Kr$2 Oriental Patience in cin Occidental Pastime—At the recent Sports - en's Show in Toronto, eight-year-old Richard Matsumoto at- tracted much favorable comment with his skill in the delicate eirt of fly -tying, Phial} Iv. non t,e De Log Riding Dog—Peppy, idleilted balancing dog starring at a sports show, perches high*„'a chair -back for his master, Bill Fontana, of Fort Frances, Oritit:io, The man balances the floating log white his dog stands on thi dertir which straddles the bobbing hair -breath escapes than men have in a lifetime, The Cresta Run is the faSeeet and most testing toboggan coulee in the world. Early ever year, when continuous frost provide the necessary polished surface, it lures men from many countries to St. Moritz. o thousands of pounds. The snow Experts ride the breath-takieg is banked and water poured on course themselves, and thou- the surface of the Run, where it sands more come just to watch, freezes. The process is repeated The hazards of the course make until there is a thick coating of the sport as exciting, for spec- polished ice. An elaborate sig- tators as for riders. The sport nailing and timing aparatus, elee- reaches its climax on ,Februaey trically controlled, prevents two 12th, when the riders compete riders being on the Run at the for the Curzon Cup, blue riband same time, and measures the of tobogganing. tine taken to a hundredth of a secon d. For this reason it is a sport where the middle-aged often beat the young. Daring and cour- age alone are not enough. Lord Brabazon made some of his best runs after the war when he had passed his sixtieth birthday, * The Run has to be built afresh each winter at a cost of several * * On the path of ice between banks of frozen snow are ten Every rider dreams of hitting corners, banked so that they can his best form at a time when the can be taken at speed. The track is fastest. slightest misjudgment and the A hard -to -beat tecord of 56.9 rider goes shooting over t e veconds was set up in 1935 by bank. But the curves are oi y William Fiske from the U.S.A. part of the story. The course hs varying gradients cunningly - signed to test the rider's skilL/ X4 * * With his face only a few inches from the ice, he travels at speqts varying from thirty to eighty miles an hour. To steer he shi#s his weight on the steel ekeleeee.- He has no brakes except his boots, fitted with rakes which he digs into the ice. In this, the fastest sport in the world with- out engines, everything depends on the skill of the rider—and his courage. * 4 * The course starts with a steep dive. When the rider reaches maximum speed, he is at Church Leap; and the. toboggan momen- tarily leaves the ice. He "lands" and continues. Every hazard of the course has its name. Battle- dore and Shuttlecock, perhaps most famous, is an S-bend where the rapid change in direction sends many riders over the bank. Those who suffer this misfortune qualify for membership of the Shuttlecock Club. One hazard is hardly mastered before the next is presented, un- til at the Cresta Leap the rider is airborne, a second or two be- fore crossing the finishing line at the bottom. * Inspite of the dangers, serious injuries are few. In a long .ca- reer that started in 1907 and in- cluded three wins of the Curzon Cup, Lord Brabazon had only one serious accident when he fractured ribs and his jaw. 1 But bruises and abrasions there are in plenty, in spite of rubber "cushioning" to absorb .. the worst bumps, and heavy pro- tective clothing. Spills are usual- ly more spectacular than dangers ()us, but no one is allowed on the full Cresta Run until he has qualified on portions of it. 4, la IN The Run is opened in sections so that even experienced riders can work up gradually to . the hazards of the whole course ta- ken at full speed. For many years women have been forbid- den on the Run. in addition to complete phy- sical fitness, a rider needs an acute sense of balance and Abil- ity to make split-second deci- sions. Only experience teaches the fastest possible speed at dif- ferent points of the Run under different con di floes. RE flEVkD5 IN A JIFFY or phoney beck Very first use of soot eg, :feeling, liquid MILD. Prescription tee tively relieves taw red lithe -caused by tezetea, rashes, scalp irritation, ehatinge-other itch trouble. Grefise- ,ese, etaiulese. 43c trial bottle must satisfy Or teonry hater. Aelt Veer druggist tor D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION.. * Fiske's name is commemorated not only at St. Moritz, but also at St. Paul's Cathedral, for five years later he became the first U.S. airman to diee in the war. Aeroplane pilots and racing mo- torists often do well at this most nnrnechanical sport. The quali- ties of split-second thinking and judgment required are the Same in racing on the ice, on the roads, and in the air. Medical Hint Help for the Paralyzed. Paralysis of legs and the lower portion of the body after injury to the spinal cord is not always hopeless — not even when the paralysis has lasted for years. For a dor- mant nerve connection may still remain and proper training may put 11 10 work. After an intensive program of re-education of nerves and muscles at a West Coast rehabilitation institute, 3 patients who had been complete- ly paralyzed for as long as 8 years could make use of leg muscles. The new treatment may help some others long paralyzed after accidents on the farm, In mines and in automobiles. SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT -- • • "Since my wife's friends at the Century Club assured her she'e a poet," complained a barrister. "she's awakened me every day this summer at 7 a.m. chanting, So, the morn.' " "That's better than my wife," grumbled his neighbor, a book publisher. 'Mine wakes me at the same time saying 'Mow the lawn!'" GUARANTEED FUEL PUMP' FOR AEI FORDS • $4.98 Order Today ond Then Forget About Future Nei Pump Trine:dm 51_00 Deposit on All C.O.D Order' ERIE ENTERPRISES SOX X FOR: ERIE, ON1 Inn= es, tee:eerie*: grar,,, just ask ed. for a ASK ''OR. Classified MUMPS WANTifee OILS, GREASES, TIRES PAINTS and varnisheit, eleetrtent mr electrical applianeee. elobbyebop Meat , ,v Dealers wanted. Write: Wereu Graeae Oil Limited. Toronto. ." WHAT AIDE PI1n8E4,1MS? New. novel, emelt fashion accoesory. One agent void 128 in throe houre. Send 51.60 Fur zemPle. Amite Wanted. Cetalogue, North Star Novelty, 119 Wellington South, Hamilton. Ontario. ARTICLES FOR BALE MATTRESSES, 510.00: swinge: continent- als. FOAM rubber mattresses, etc, leactory-to-eou and save. Veteran Iledding. 645 Lansdowne Ave.. Toronto. BABY CRICKS teHICES for March delivery. Or April. Wide choice, pure bred*, interesting eroeses, Chleke for production on any market. Coelcerele, pullets, mixed: dlaYold, etarted. Ask tor particular,,. Bray Hatchery, 120 aim N,, Hamilton. WE have Canadian Approved and 11.0.P. Sired chicks. Both grades sold at Vele, low prines. Approved non-mexed thiel;s as low as 112.99, heavy pullets 519.95. heavy eockerels 54.45. turkey poults 58o R.O.P. mired ehleks slightly higher. Our chicks and turkeys will make you extra money, and the erre cost is Res. Catalogue, TOP NOTCH CHICK SALES Guelph Ontario BREEDING is,or the greatest importance M our program for better chicks and better turkeys. Buy the right breeds for egg production sired by R.O.P. cockerele SIAM you will actually get Your pullete for nothing. 5 dozen extra eggs le quite common, We also have seeded breeds for meat. 1963 catalogue tells you the breeds 10 buy. Alec. Turkey Poults. Prices reset - °nettle. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. 0'ergue Ontario RAISE RELLY CHICKS KELLY hatched chicks for livabilltY and high prodectlon, Hatches twice weekly from telly approved and pullorum free breeders. All the popular breed e and emotes for meat or egg production. Day old or started. Can AMID anywhere. Write today for price Het, Kelly's Hatchery, Lindsay, Ont, LAKEVIEW SUSSEX X RED High Egg Production, very little broodiness. March and April Pullets still available, Write roe price on other 'breeds and heavy cox. LAKEVIEW HATCHERY LTD. Exeter Ontario 17e PULLETS 17o We have bookings on eflg and can supply Pullets In Assorted Heavies at above prices, 4 oure 'Breeds 7 Crossee available. All Breeders Bloodtested. 60 '''Super Red Cox Se HURONDALE HATCHERY London Onta.rio DYEING AND CLEANING 1.AVE you anything needs dyeing or clean. Mg? Write to us for Information, We are glad to answer your questiong. De. Partneri? H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 794 Yonge St. Toronto. roe SALE CRESS CORN SAINE---For euro relief. Your Druggist sells CRESS. WATERLOO 83-48 all steel Thresher, coin. mete with Drive Belt, Grain Weigher, and Roller Bearings. gever used for custom work. Also 10 ft, Power Binder, all new canvas, Excellent condition. Percy De Kay, Hyde Park. 87,000.00 200 -acre Dairy Farm near King- ston, lake frontage, 100 acres pasture with tiering wood, large barn Implement sheds. Large frame hotzse, hydro, good well. Contact William ,Taokson, Parker, Ontario. NEW Chain Saws, Off Season reduction, Dealer enquiry invited. Box 89, 128 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ontario. 515 40 ANNIVERSARY SALE $:$ ON Yard goods and remnants. 1-9 yard white ;silk, satins, lingeries creee Plecee Pounds 79e; 10 pounds $3.50. Order C.O.D. mail. rive catalogue, Mrs. Schaffer, Box )68, Drummondville, Quebec. MUNRO'S Manitoulin Monarch Canadian Approved Ponies, B.B. Bronze ior growers who prefer the big fellows. Ideal Whites, for those who want all top prices. (Toms dress 16 to 18 Ibm.) Live arrival ruaranteed. Hussell Munro, Ka cra wong. )ntario. 'OK SALE --Good Portable Saw -11111 and Rumely Tractor reasonable, Fred Meek, 'eraseie, Ont. VESPIIA turkey farm, Canada'a oldest exclusive ell -turkey 20501.24th. anniver- sary. AU turkeys earefully selected and blood tested Pullorum free, 100(ei nve delivery guartinteed. Free turkey guide and nriee list. Order new for broad breast- ed bronze mune, A. D. Paterson and Sous. Box '101, Barrie. Ontario, W7TIT5: Pent Ducklings, $30,00 per hun- dred. Pardo's Durk Hatchery, Blenheim, Ontario. Phone 2384. ClesTOM belching of (1oose, Turkey and Duels Pees. :tend for inform, dem PartiO's Duck 11ory. Writhe in), ,3t, Phone 3394. Sleepless nights, crossness atm tidgeting may be signs of pinworms and intestinal worms . ugly parasites that infect ehildren of all ages, Leaving them run- down and nervous, Pleasantetasting ItITJLVENErs MOTHER'S 81'R1END dispels these peat a , restores appotite, children soon feel better again. MULVENEY'S EVELL (Por adults) A notural herbal tonic that settles tweet elornach, tones up the liver and kidneys, also expels pinworms and intestinal worms. e. MEILVENEY'S REIVIEDIEs Available *1 414 92ruggisf* MITE 13 — 1953 Adv 010 hippie are talking about this good nil from taking Dixon's Remedy for Rh allelic Pains and Neuritis. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid — 0 FEMINEX * One wunien tees another. Take superior ..M.DdINEX" to bele alleviate palm dj- Irese and nervous tension negotiated With monthly perioes, 55.00 Postnald In Mum wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS 880 4109,EN ST. EAST 'TORONTO POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eeaema zombie and weeping skin troubles Pnet'e leer: Salve will not disappoint you !telling, soalthg, burning eczema. acne. ringworm. pimples and font eczema, will respond readily to the etainlees odorless centooene regardieee of e00, stubborn Or hopelese they seem. mice 52.80 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES Sent Past Free en Receipt of Price 589 Queen 51, 13, Corner rf Logan. Toronto ASTHMA Now Asthma Relief minutes or your money hack Ask yoUt Druggist fee en Asthmonefrin Set t3ncon4ltlonsIIy CUB re n, ePd PROTECT YOURSELF . DURING these winter months the body'si reeistance to common virus Infections Is et its lowest. Slake sure yon are receiving Your (lane Vitamin requirements by tetchier ridelity's Multiple Vitamin Cepaules eon - Mining vitamins A. 13-1 (Thiamine), 2-2 (Riboflavin). C. D. Niacin. Bottle of 100 capsules for 58.09. Pidelity'e Wheat Germ 011 Capsules are $1.60 for Witte of 100. or 160 for 52.00. EXIDEI.ITY PHARMACEUTICAL CO, e28 Main St. W. - itaraitten, Ontario OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN RE A HAIRDRESSER P13131 CANADA'S LEADING SCIttliiL Greet Opportunity Lp Hairdressing leeeturant, dignified Pr nf eSgion gotta wages. Thousands of successful Mei ve I graduates America's Greatest etern ellustrated Catalogue tree Write nr Cnll MAR VEL fe A IRD n ESS1NG SCHOte s 238 Bloor St W , 13ranehes: 64 King St., Hampton 72 Rideau St.. Oats we ANT LOVELY SKIN, glistening eees, iron nerves? Purchase Keefe Tablet:: at :cur drug or department stere. or write Box 471, Winnipeg. PATENTS eae °erne to every Inventor—L.1st or tn. ventione and Rill Information Earl free. Phe Ramsay Co., Registered Patent A Um, teem. 572 Bank Street. Ottawa. VEATHESTONHAUGH & Company Pa. tent Solicitors. Established 1890. e50 Bay Street. Toronto. Rooltlet ef Informa- tion on request. PERSONAL LEARN end live. 'Write for free pamphlet to: Western Gospel League, W. Ileadman, 9, North Battleford, Sask. , QUIT CIGARETTES *exile' eft thousands as oi rs have tione with the all of TOBACCO ELIMINATOR A. 7 day ecientific treatment covered by money -back guarantee to quickly eliminate all craving for any form of tobacco. For tree booklet. write- C, Nine, Pharmacal Corp. Ltd., Box 678. London, Ont. RUGS NEW rugs made from YOU: 0:ti rugs and woollens, Write for catalogue and °rice flee Dominion Rug Weaving company, 5477 Dundee Street West, Teronto, Ont. TEAcunns WANTED Bronze County Protestant Central School Board requests applications for Knowlton Composite High School: Commercial Specialist (Gregg system). Household Selene Speelnllst. Class teach- ers at Grade f. Grade 711 end Grade er level. Salary scale based on egoerienee and qualifications. Send full particulars to F.:Awavel Perry,. Supervisor of Schools, Knowiten, Quebec. WANT HO WA.NTED—Old views of ,7anadian 4-ntier, or other Canadian eubjetes. Atlas of any Ontario county, T. W. .iones. P.0. Box 202, Toronto. EMPLOYMENT Wanted 1 Flo-U.S, Navy and Conn Guard, Will consider any offer. Henry Thurman aoit on , cont G used Repair Base, Elizabeth ty, North Carolina. �11r 11 L THE Ti Everybody gets a b't run-down now and then, tired -out, heavy headed, and maybe bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That's the t'me to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's s imulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then you feel better, sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all druggists. You can depend on Dodd's. 52 Pile Sufferers. Get Qek Relief lee" tee , eh, aura :It Oa of Keeps vPLI Reser at eight. .1ritee eon almost frantic lie dee—go to ant drug store sod got a ortekage of t.,n amt. See how fast Ole Mien, .%1, hit r, ;int Neon* ointment coop tho eery burning. reileves heiting. soothes ottin Si,t, get retie SO an minute he the eaten 1Prie 41101frati0O W.!se.n.4 1113(3 51, of tennfort, toe Lon -0 Int risen now fit ens One etme, StiOnoll ree keen von (1000:. .,11,1101.51 week,. enb, aftee IOU, 'YOUR OWN UTTER CIC ('ItielTES wiThr „eseete esiareesteress sessetesteeeWeesstee esteseese s• esese ZAz ,.e . • 4414:* 44. 4. to 7Atigopt y • 404:10* • ' C/GAIMT E 13ACCO A SPNOLE SIP TELLS