HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-03-19, Page 4T eirsd'a ..' 'cli 19th, 1953 CIeati' Auction Sale Of Livestock, Tractors, Farm Imple- e:'nte, Hay, Grain and Misc. Items. ilDn the Premises, Lot 13, Con. 2, Ilasboi'ne Township. 1;4, miles east *aid half mile south of Exeter. on auron Street. The undersigned Auc- tioneer has 'been instructed to sell by Public Auction ou THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 'iC°ommencing at 1 o'cicok p,m. sharp Cattle -- Part Durham and Jar. sey ,cow, due first week in April; Holstein cow, due middle of April; Holstein crow, milking, due In Aug- ust; ugust; Holstein heifer, carrying second calf, due around sale date; Holstein cow, milking, calved November 1st; blue cow, due latter part of April; part Angus and Holstein cow, due latter part of March; 3 Holstein heifers, rising 2 years old; 8 Holstein heifers, rising 1. year old; 3 Holstein heifer calves; 1 Holstein bull, rising r LIONS CLUB OF ZURICH Z associated with Ontario Society for Crippled • .• • • 1 • • Children EASTER SEALS HELP CRIPPLED CHILDREN Easter -Time 1953: Easter Greetings to Friends of Crippled Children. 2 years old. Tractoirs -- Massey I•I'itrris 102 Junior Standard Tractor. equipped with starter,. lights and wheel weights This tractor is in A-11 shape and .'will he sold in, guaranteed condition. Me - Deering Farmall A. Tractor, equip- bped lights, 2 -row scuffler and eet lifter . ood condition. Farm Implements -- McDeering 8 -ft. binder, in new condition; Cock- shutt ockshutt 3 -furrow plow; i\ Deering 13 - plate fertilizer drill with tractor hitch and markers, like new; M -H. diiop head hay loader, like new; Case Haanztier Mill, like new; 50 -ft, drive belt; Cockshutt 8 -ft, double disc; 1L.ingewyee 42 -ft. bale elevator, new; Case rubber -tired tractor, like new; A IL horse drawn steel wheel men- eree spreader; 'McDeering 4 -row bean and beet drill; Case forage blower; McDeering 5 -ft, cut, oil 'bath mower; McDeering 3 -section spring tooth harrows; M -H. stiff -tooth cultivator; 3 -section 15 -ft. wide 'lever harrows; McDeering hay redder,' M -H. side de- livery rake; Fleury 8 -ft. cultipacker; M,H. dump rake; Bradley rubber- tired 6 -ton truck -wagon., equipped ,with beet rack; '2 -wheel trailer and stock rack, set 'bro'b sleighs and pl tit form, like new; bag truck, 1,200-1b.-.. scales; M -II. roast pulper; milk cooler.e •. pig crate; set 'britchen harn.css, set of sling ropes.; 'logging chains, steel baarrets and many articles too num • erous to mention. Hay and 'Grain — Quantity of . • baled hay; '6 'bushels Alfalfa seed,' • 100 bushels mixed grain; tl tons of cob corn, snore or less. No reserve, • everything -Will 'be sold. • Terms—Cash ® Russell Morley, Proprietor. Garnet Hicks, Clerk. Alvin Waip er Auctioneer. Suppose this etter were a crippled youngster — perhaps a boy with a brace on each leg, or a little girl on crutches — jiving you a chance to help. 'You'd reach for your pocketbook, fast. This letter asks your help again on behalf of the 'crippled children of Ontario — children who need medical isna %surgical 'treatment, braces, crutches, hospitalization. Again at Easter -time we depend upon generosity to 'continue -the work that will mean hope for other crippled Children in ,our community and throughout the province. .. Please put your contribution in the PINK ENVELOPE — whatever your heart prompts you to give. Every dollar is sincerely appreciated and carefully used. You will be happier this Easter for having helped.. Please use the seals to spread the message of help for erip¢led children. LIONS CLUB OF ZURICH (If you know of a needy crippled child net 'receiving care, please notify us.) Easter Seal Committee: Theodore C. Haberer, Chairman; Reg. Illsley, Treasurer; Arneild Merner Publicity Chairman, Carl Scott. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF CATTLE TO BE 'Sa'RAYED FOIL WARBLE FLV IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY: COi OF ONE SPRAY ,. 17c CiD, OF ONE BRUSHING 10c T ;C NCLUSION EOF SECCOND TOR APPLICATION HAY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL $18 An Evening Ffe your spare time. Just 3 easy free, trial sales amazing Patented Autenaibic Refrigerator Defrosters s can dray you that. Hundreds f prosleets commission. Rush name, address for guaranteed profit offer. D-Frest-O-Matic Co., Dept. 14, New- inarlbit, Ontario. GR.XHAM CHISEL PLOWS WilI be shown in a OT1oN PICTURE FILM Tn the aTna Township ;-fall On Moniay, March 23rd ..8 p.m. Also lee ithie new Goodrich silo cap that >irevents spoilage in grass and corn Isi'lage Pilo* tad Gehl Equipment Dealer, Sponsored by your local Graham R. 1.41. Peak, Klippen. Admission Free t g Clearing Auction Sale ®! Of Real Estate, Household Ettcets w and Misc. Items, on the 'premiaes, East Half of 7.ot 157, Vol. S., in the VIJJLAGE OF ZURLCH The unideraigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell .dry public auctirirt •on SA. URDAY, MARCH 214.. At 1 o'clock p.m. sharp Real- Estate — .Consisting of half acre of `land on which is situated 'a two--sfborrey white brick house; the main floor ,consists of large living room and diningz oom • one bedroom, kitchen and 'pantry: the upstairs 'has four 'bedrooms, clothes closets :and 'trObl ro,,iynn. Also a large !t,+asement; -never lalling well with best Of water. 'There s ,also on the premises a good size dtnble barn, some fruit trees and the very best of garden land. This i ".an ideal home. 1 i1'eai its of Real Estate — 1.0'01:• on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Will be.sold subject to a reasonable re- served;!bid, if not previously sold. Household Effects, Etc. — Sher- lock Manning piano in first class con- ditilin•; solid oak dining -room ex- tension table; 6 dining chairs, 2 oak •ce¢rtke• tables, 3 leather rocking ccliairs,' 2 oak • rocking tahairs, West- inghouse electric table radio; Cole- aran oil burner, used cone winter; Beatty washing machine, like new; New ;Williams sewing machine, chime mantle clock, setee, drop leaf table, 5 kitchen chairs, kitchen clock, tap- estry rug 9x12 -ft; congoleum rug; smoking stand, hall rack, pictures and picture frames, couch, trunk, new electric fan, electric heater, hot plate, ironing board, sewing table, electric iron, 4 'bedroom suites, dres- sers, commodes, wheel chair, trunk, quilting frames, cupboard, quantity of sealers, crocks, assortment of dis- hes, ,galy..,tube, numerous kitchen utensils, many articles too numernus to m'e'ntion. Mist. Items — Quantity of coal, large ,sugar kettle, work bench, lawn mower, wheel harrow, step ladder, siallgle Ladder, new leaf rake, garden hose, scythe, tree pruner, ash sifter, carpenter tools, 40 -gal drum, oil cans, etc., etc. In case of bad weather sale will be 'held in the Lu- theran 'Ghurch Shed. Terms—Cash. Mrs. Anna Finkbedner, Executor of the late Conrad Schilibe, Estate. Mete Webb, Clerk. Alvin Waiper, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of Livestock, Truck, Tractor, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain +and Misc. Itemis, On the premises, i,bt 13, Con. North East Boundry, Usborne Twp., 8 miles north east ,of Exeter, S miles south east of Hensall or 114 miles north.,ef Farquhar. The undersigned Auctionteer has been instructed to sell by public, auction on TUESDAY MARCH 24th, commencing at 1.00 o'clock p.m. sharp. Horses — Team of wont horses, true and reliable in every way. Cattle — Holstein cow with calf at foot, fresh '2 weeks; Holstein cow carrying third calf to freshen around sale date; Holstein cow, fresh 3 weeks; Hrol•stein cow, milking, not bred ; Holstein cow, mincing with -calf at foot, fresh since latter part .of Jan; Holstein cow with calf a:t foot, fresh since Feb. lst; 5 yearling Holstein heifer. These are good qual- ity and very best of strain Holstein cattle, Truck — 1949 Dodge half ton pickup, correct mileage 44,000 miles, fully equipped in best of condition. Tractor — Massey Harris 44 row crop tractor, equipped with starter, lights and power take -off, used 3 seasons, in perfect mechanical con- dition. Additional items to fit tree - tor: gravel loader, manure Toader, 4 - row scuffler and circular saw. Faun Implements—M.H. 3 -furrow tractor plow used 2 season's, like new. M. -H. 11l0 -ft. cultipacker, M -H. semi - spring tooth cultivator, like new; 3 - section spring tooth harrows; set lever harrows, 55 section. diamond harrows, double tractor disc, steel roller, 'Case manure 'spreader on steel; M -H. binder, 7ft. scut in new condition; 111cDeering disc; 13 run seed drill, like new; Allis Chalmers power 'driven side delivery rake; M- H. mower 5 -ft, cut; hay loader, M- H. ensilage cutting box, i•ulbaer tired wagon; 16 -ft hay rack, steel truck wagon; 2 walking plows, hay rake, 2 garden scufflers; Vessot grain grinder, New Holland. Ha.m'mermill, fanning mill, thresher, drive belt like new, 4 chicken shelters, colony house 12x12;; 3 Queen oil isrooders, feeders, Surge 2 unit milking mach ane, like new; 8 80.1b. milk cans, strainer and milk :pails, steel .stone - boat, • set of scales, grindstone, em- ery, bag struck, set of double : harn- ess, riding 'saddle, wheelbarrow, root pulper, water tank, cream separator, quariltity of oil, steel drums, lawn mower, electric radio, sausage grin- der and .press, sugar beet forks; new grain shovel, large • vice, logging chains large amount of numerous tfltSC.• iteirts. Hay and Grain — 1,000 bales of good quality mixed hay; 300 bushels Beaver seed oats; 16 bush. Mont - calm seed barley; Quantity of 'cob conn.. Na Reserve, everything will be sold Term .Cash Mrs. Gladys Stewart,_ 1 prietress. Elsner •Stewart, Clerk. Alun \•Vaip(l', Auctionene, For ige# 14,forrnation apply ,r;TiM away fo: No. 13 Perfcp,i ql tDepot, Wallis House, Rideau dr CftnAltAte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No, 6 Pereennel Depot, Artillery Park, Boost 6ereet, Kingston, Ont. Canadian Army Recruiting Station,'1 90 Richmond St, W„ Toronto, Ont. ic Ho.7 Personnel Depot, Wg,iseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Mfs., London, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Mein Street West, North Boy, Ont. Army fie€r'wjfing Centre, James St, A,l'ntoury, 200 J90160 St. N., Hamilton, Out, Assaw•o .One of the biggest jobs in the Army -- and, in fact, ke Canada — falls to the ROYAL CANADIAN ORDNANCE CORPS. This Corps has the huge job of obtaining, and Ldistributing everything the Army requires from shoe hoes to tanks — over 220,000 different items. As the Canadian Army grows, the job of Ordnance grows, Right ;clow ;more men are needed -- men who can qualify as storemen, clerks, tailors, shoemakers and can• vas workerL The Array will train men in any one of the many different trades and skills required by Ordnance. Once trained, the young roan who serves in this Corps will find truly osststanding opportunities for promotions. With general conditions of service, pay and pension plans at an all-time high, there are wonderful prospects for young men in Ordnance. Learn a trade and build an unusual and important citeer for yourself in the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps. You are eligible if you are 17 to 40 years of age, tradesmen to 0, physically fit and able to meet Arrny test requirements. Applicants should bring birch certificate or rather proof of age when reporting for Interview. 4/0i#0e CANAD1AN' ARMY ACTIVE FORCE IoW; ffv ': Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors of this farmer. owned and controlled, growing co- operative, non-profit enterprise, it was decided to pay for the long distance telephone calls when the customer is phoning in for service between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays and Holidays, and 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days. T Therefore,w hen requiring service PHONE CLINTON 242, Collect, Week Days 7:30 to 10.00 a.m. Sundays and Holidays, 7.30 to 9.30 a.m. notices} in heat later than this veseuld be more Iikely to conceive if bred on the following day. Cows - OP Feeds • ARE, THE BEST Clark. Co-op Dry and Fitting Ration ..,.,,..,..,. $3.75. Co-op Dairy Ration 3.60•• Co-op Dairy Conc. . 4.85 - Co -op Beef Conc. 4.80' Co-op Call Starter Grower Co-op Calf Meal .......,.5,0'0' HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Phone Hensall 1 15. Zurich 220• (Free Deliveries Every Friday) Ee- .111111111111.011111110111.11 PIONEER ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW eke, .,f N.: •}.T;-: r?`: -.4"'`•:S' There's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER: RADER & MITTLEI-IC)LTZ Phone 63 - Zurich OUR STANDING IN CHRIST 1.. . Redeemed by 'His blood. Forasmuch asye know that ye were not redeemed with cor- ruptible things, as silver and gold, But with the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish and without spot. I Peter 1: 18.19. 2, Justified by Faith: Being justified freely by His grace through the redem- ption that is in Christ Jesus. Rom. 3: 24. Therefore being ,justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Rom, 5:1 3. Children of God. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that WE the children of God. Ram. a:16 Beloved, NOW are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that, when Ho *hall appear we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him sis He is. Will f&.., . I Jokn 3.. 2. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Rax 50 R. R. 1, — Zurial>,, Ontario