HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-03-19, Page 1:Established 1900 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR ae a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. '7.30 p.m.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome to all Services EMMANUEL LVANGELICA.L U. 1R. CHURCH Zurich --- Ontario REV., H. E. EZOPPEL Minister Mrs. 'Milton Oesch - Organist SUNDAY SERVICES. - 10:00 'a:m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7:30 p.m. — Divine Worship Welcome) at 61111 Services ---"Coma thou with us and we will do thea good." Num. 10:29. WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If you're a easeful driver you can get remarkable low rates with State Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's caredrivers make their own, low huts Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 11. Zurich, Ont. Are You Suffering From Headaches? Hg so have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and equipment at OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN A. L. COLE, R.O. GODCK .►,I, mod Glasses at liteislIssusite :i 1 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAYSERVICES: 5:00 a.an. — Prayer Fellowship. 8.45 a:m. — Prayer Fellowship 10:00 a.m. — • Sunday School 11:00 :a.m. — Worship Ser. -vice 8:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting (Bi - WEDNESDAY: weekly) 8:00 p.m. — Prayer Fellowship (In the homes) YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! Aldan Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday March 20-21 Rafael Sabatini's SCARAMOUCH E. In Technicolour Stewart .Grainger Eleanor Parker Janet Leigh Mel Ferrer His Rapier flashed in a hundred duels as he fought for the glory of France and the love of its most fabulous Beauties Cartoon: 'The Cockeyed Canary" Tuesday, Wednesday March 24-25 Just This Once Peter Law -ford Janet Leigh Lewis Stone A •Carefree Boy, A Carefree Girl. A Million Howl in this Screamingly Funny Romance Newsreel and Selected Shorts. IN MEMORIAM McBride— In loving memory of my dear father, Samuel McBride, who passed away one year ago, March 122nd, 1952. I little thought when leaving home, He would no more return That ha death he soon would sleep. And leave us all here to mourn. I did not see the pain he bore Nor did I see him die, !I only know he passed away And never said good-bye. i In loving memory, and ever te- me ,rnbeaed by , his. daughter, M.rs. Beta: Taylor. . TIME OUT Have you taken. the time lately to look over the insurance you carry? Each type of policy is designed for a particular purpose, to fill a certain need. A periodic review. of your life insurance is necessary if your prot- ection is to keep pace with your needs. Take time out with me to go over your insurance program to- day. It's a service given without o'bli.gaation. T. Harry Hoffman NORTH( AMERICAN A Mutual' Company Phonm 7e -W' i LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY .— All Profits for Policyholders Dashwood, Ont. HIEL'S Superior Store Frozen Foods Bird's Bye Frosted Foods FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS - VEGETABLES - FISH, - ETC. Week -end Specials Fancy Red. Sockeye Salmon 7 3-4 oz. tin ,39c Quick Quaker Oats, Irg 3-1b. box 34c Clark's Tomato Juice, 48 -oz tin 29c Pure: Cane Gran. Sugar, 5 -lbs. . 49,c Phone 140 C. H. THIEL. - Zurich Lyric Phone 421 Friday, Saturday March A Poche War Smok4; Gilbert Rowland Glenda Farrell It's M. G.,M's Action Adventure drama of the Roving Wesal Monday, Tuesday Marc!,'' Flat Talk , Sterling Hayden Richard Coelson A Bomb Shell • Story of the. Hill Daring, Scouring the Esc Skies. HERAL ING, MARCH 19 1953 THE SCOUTS' CORNER The first visit of an official from the - Provincial Staff of the Boy Scouts Association occurred on the at£termum of Wednesday, March 4th, wlhen Field Commissioner Harry- C. Firth of London visited at the' home of the llocal Scoutmaster, Janes W. a Reid. Mr Firth was unable to re- main for the ,Cub and Scout meetings as the was due at Grand Bend to at- tend the investiture' of the Cubnlas- ter .there. However,, plans for the forthcoming Charter Night were dis- t,ct cussed and the .Commissioner prom - Ned that he (would personally attend •to present the Charter to the local F3;0 Group. This Charter Night will be a festive occasion and all friends and supporters will be invited. Watch roasg :the date and more details in the •:;ltar facture. Before that time arrives, the boys will be invested into the Association. All necessary supplies except the Group neckerchiefs has arrived, and it is hoped that these will be along in a few days. In the meantime, meetings are being carried on as can also save you money on a usual, and the Scoutmasters and Cub- masters report excellent progression complete pair of Spectacles. the part of the boys •of.,'both sections • - The public may not be aware that certain adult members of our com- inunity have taken the initiative in ssponsoring the boys. They are kriawn as the Group Committee and have already raised funds for need- ed equipment. At present the Com- mittee Consists of Edwin Gaseho, Wed., Thursday Mair' Million Dollar Mere! 'di Esther Williams 1,• Victor NLcCure r: IM:G.M.'s Musical Technicollotir c Musical inspired by the True , » y of Bathing Beauties Notice A public meeting will he Iield'xrli fie; Town Hall, Z11ri'ch '. On MONDAY, MARCH 23rd- 8. pm.. For the purpose of organizing' th2 4- H. Calf •Club for 1953.• All :.lisrehti' and children interested are in'Vited to attend. John Butler, assistant Agricultitrl Representative, will be present., i r Ross Dick, • Herb Op (Club Leaders Monster in AT St. Peter's Parish 114 ST. JOSEPH;,. ONT NORMA'S , BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMNTS Tel. 228. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. PROMPT Optical Service YES.! Two days we can duplicate accurately your broken Lens any Size, any Colour from the broken pieces We do not need your presc- ription We also have the newest in Frames and Mountings. We president, Earl Yungblut, secretary - treasurer; Paddy Bedard, Milton Desch and Leland Willert. These men are to be highly commended on their support of such worth -while activities. It is expected .that new members will be added in the near future. We need more leaders, Ur - :gently, to join now could make you Charter ;Member. Watch for more from the Scout Corner — There's :Plenty to come. PUBLIC SCHOOL MARKS EDU-. On r e.to CATION WEEK. • A. G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscription in, Canada, Year $2.0 Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50. RAG RUGS and CARPE TS y Ona New Modern Loom, viade tax Order -- Seth 0. Amann, Zurich¢ Ont. Phone 128. INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LORNE S. EILER LOCKER SERVICE - . ROE FEEDS. WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 — HENSALL, ONT. ®+ • • • 0 • 00• • • • • (French Settlement) • 1 a tam (Crowded Out Last Week) ' "4ktah =h 4 .•O v .. Qcarxs Pre— vented a prolonged prcgrarrduring 9 p.m. Share the past week,the Public School here I • $250.00 WILL BE GIVEN AWAY maaged: a 'cuple of highlights to IN CASH PRIZES )nark th passing of Education Need;• I 15 ROUNDS AT $5.00 EACH 4 SPECIAL ROUNDS 3 OF $25.00 EACH, AND ONE ROUND FOR $100.00. SPECIAL ROUNDS 25C. A CARD OR 3 FOR 50C. Admission $1.00 MIDNIGHT DANCE Easter Monday WITH RAU'S ORCHESTRA DANCING Every Saturday Night Thereafter Everybody WelcoratI NOTIC An important meeting in the- inter- ests of conducting an organized soil survey in Hay Township will be held in the Township Hall, Zurich On Wednesday, March 25th. At 8.30 p.in. Huron County Agric. Represent:lt- Ivcs will be present. FILMS WILL BE SHOWN. FARMERS PLEASE ATTEND! Carl L. Oestr.•eicher, President • . Clifford F. Pepper,. Sec. Treas. Hay Township Federation Unit DASHWOO'D t iAl 00o* e.w••••e• 00000•00000000000 0000000 totilatot ttntr411 441##t* Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Niight` S4rvwwe - or 122, Zurich Telephone: Res. 89 On Wednesday afternoon, • Provincial•N•S.S •0$*6••••�•• S••••••••Eitft•••••114.04 0 Olfficers Zimmerman and Reid of the Exeter detachment of the Ontario Police visited the school Provincial with an hour showing of films deal- ing with traffic safety. It was part of an all-out drive to cut down accid- ents on your highways - and if We could •show the same films to the speed demons, we might hope for Iess worry over our youngsters on their way to and from school. In introducing the officer's, the Princip- al, Mr. Reid, stressed the fact that the Police Force devoted more time to trying to keep people out of trouble than they do in catc'hir g those already in trouble. Constable Reid 're-emphasized the importance orf crime prevention, and said that the police officers are always friends of those who try to do right. The children left no doulbt of their en- joyment of the films. 2 On Thursday afternoon frown to 3 p.m. the school held Open House No special display was in evidence as the members of .the staff felt that parents should have the chance to visit the classrooms under normal class clonditions and observe the run- of-the-mill work of the students. large number of parents, predomin- antly an:tly 'mothers, took advantage of the Occasion and many expressed the hope that another opportunity of a similar nature vould be presented before the end of the year. At three o'clock, students were dismissed to allow parents and teachers to see two films brought in for the occasion by Mr and Mrs James Koessel, 'Nips, the Principal. They were, "Why Arthur Koessel, Virginia and Norma Wion't Johnny Eat?, " and "Develop - spent the week -end at the home of ing Responsibility." In welco4ting untz. and Mrs C. F. Pfile and Mrs',:- J. � parents to he saccept the ldidea that eduurged t - Ku Mr and Mrs Frank Duterte who ,eating our children is a ,partnership have been visiting with her parents, of the school and the home, and said Mr and Mrs Everett Heist for sonne I that he and the members of the start: time, left on Tuesday for their home were always Wa v, Sack. (nal .problems i et progress it Zr and MrsHenry Hoffman pents. re t last week with their dghter, Mr. 'gested that hewould atherthat any r sug- d r and Mrs, Norman Evans at Richmond I criticism, be tido n, whether o leer it. behgooduo had, Hill. Mr and Mrs Ed. Stelck have re- deal withproblems about which he turned after .pending several weeks. had no information. Heu ged;aural with their son Mervyn in Bradford. i support of the young people, e1 Mir and Mrs Ken McCrae :led Bon- I that he held no synpathyor'm ith thhe ose nie Heathen spent the week -end at We° haveph blaseme th em, boysset ,..• ls in 1 Oakvis.e. Mrs. Milton Haugh who has 'been Zurich. 1 in London Respite' for :some tittle After the !pictures, the teachers , has returned and is convalescing it retired to r their irdavv idual el ssroom:a her home here. to Mrs. A, V '7'ieirian entertatii�1ed a wished to consult therm. We ]lope number of her friends to a St. Pat- that with us in Zurich education is rick's party on Tuesday night. important enough to merit our in Mas., Maria Hayter, widow of the terest every week in the year. The late Wm. I.ayter of Stelihen Twp necessity :of.setting aside 'one week passed away 111 Detroit on Sunday in tri impress the people of our fair her 85th year, The remains nwerp eral ' coacountry with the 'iiup rtacice of c ed - brought brought to the l g eatu- Home, 'Dashwood from where ,b�ri l cation little 'ride. To all ween. took place on Wednesday, terment in Grand Bend Cemetery, i in the year. 03006 ZURIeI-I'S Grocery Store We are ever at your service with the best line* obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Menne Oesch - Zurich PRODUCE WANTED, Phone 165 asosinsiissimmissmssmommossesrossessmoissmusmussmasavesnssnamossemit WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF COLD WEATHER FOOTWEAR LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc., Etc. See our Fine Assortment of Yard Goods dust in. Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl GIVE US A CALL! THE BLAKE sTt I 1E E. Schwartuentruber, Prop. Phone 114#7