HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-03-12, Page 1:Established 1900 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 &M.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.80 p.m. --Vespers. Everybody Weicome'to all Services EMMtANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich --• Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mra. Milton Oesch - Organist SUNDAY SERVICES. - 10:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. •— Bible School. 7:30 p.m. — Divine Worship Welcome at all Services—"Com. Bhou with us and we will do thee good." Num. 10:29. WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates if you're a careful driver you can get remarkable low rates with State Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make their own Low Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. • r' .. \ __e" Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and •equipment at OPTOMETRIST &d OPTICIAN A. L. COLE, R.O. GODFRecle -- i NT. • Good Glasses at Reasonable Prises 1 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY M Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES:. 5:00 a.m. — Prayer Fellowship. 8.45 a.m. — Prayer Fellowship All DayServices: 10 aam. 2, 7.30 pm Theme: "Improving the Sunday S. discussed by Guest Speakers with wide experience in S. S. Work. , WEDNESDAY: weekly) 8:00 p.m. — Prayer Fellowship (In the homes) YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! &Il.on Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday March 13-14 SKIRTS AHOY In 'Technicobo;ur Ether Williams Barry Sullivan Joan Evans • Here's the Year's Gayest, Brightest, Musical ,Treat. Cartoon "Feast an Furious. Tuesday, Wednesday March 17-18 .Rita Hayworth Affair In Trinidad iGlen Ford, Alexander Scourby Those "Glide" stars are back to- gether again News and Sportsreel. CARD OF THANKS I I wish to sincerely thank our 1 neighbours •and friends for their kindness ,shown to me by sending me :gifts, treats, cards, etc. Also to my 1 public school chums for their letters while I was a patient in the Seaforth Hospital. I say again Thank You! Signed, (Paul Weido. CARD OF THANKS Many thanks to all relatives, nei- ghbours and friends for their grate - fullness in, being so kind to me while II was a patient at Seaforth Hospital sand at home in sendingme gifts, • tend. "tasatS" titd" 'persa2a "=Astilua^ ;etc,: which I appreciated very 'much. I say thank you again. Marion Deters. Family Income Life Insurance is the only investment which will tell a man today hew much guaranteed monthly income it will yield his family for all the tomorrows. Let your North Amer- ican Life representative help you figure lout how much income your present life insurance provides for you family. See him today. T. H3rry Hoffman NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company -- All Profits for Policyholders Phone 70-W Dashwood, Ont. T E L' erior Store • Fro,zen Foods Bircts 'Eye Frosted Foes FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS - VEGETABLES - FISH, ETC. Week -end Specials Elt..MiI R PEANUT 'IW TTER 16 Oz. JAR CAMPHELL'S VEG. SOUP, 2, 10 -OZ TINS I'•:.IiIB)0iY'S DEEP BROWNED BEANS 2, 20 -OZ. TINS 32c AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RAISINS, 4 CROWN Phone 140 C. H. THIEL - Zurich LBS 23c ,.370 10c Lyric Theatr Phone 421 - EXETE ESA MG, MARCH 19 1953 Friday, ,Saturday Mareh.1.37`, Woman of the North Count; Rod Cameron Ruth Hussey This action packed melodrama w hold ones interest throughout. Monday, Tuesday , March 1644 Wait till the Sun Shines Nellie Jean Peters Hugh Marlowe If its a family entertainment ycu want, this one is it, it tugs at yolir strings, ro s you zn he ais Oz. teeeseeef _ heart 11 t 1 and sends you home with a full eve ening of top entertainment. *✓( Zurich Loses First in Playoffs on Wednesday, Thursday Vlaxcli ,18-1 My Man and I ,Shelly Winters Wendell Corey When he held me in his arms I for got the past. First Show every Saturday 6, pan. Returned from Hospital Master Papal Weido has returned houne Boni Clinton Hospital after a apen'dix operation and is progressing very - favourably. Engagement Mr and Mrs R. E. Pooley, Exeter, announce the engagement or their daughter, Diorothy Jean, to Charles John Cowen, son of Dr. and Mrs, H. H. Cowen of Exeter, the marriage to bake place in James Street United Ch+uecb, Exeter, Friday, March 20th, 11058. • HOCKEY NEWS Home Ice . an the fourth game in the play - Offs with Lucan here on Monday ev- `.ening Lucan defeated Zurich by the score of 4-3. At the end of the first period it was 2-0 in favor of Zurich, but as the natural ice became softer, the stalwarts from the south took advantage and scored three times in the second' period, Zurich getting one more to cause a tie three -all. Then with only seven minutes to go in the ,game Lucan got another goal which was the winning one. Last Wednesday eve et ,Goderich Zurich won 5-10, and onFriday eves at Lu - can they again won 7-5. But here on the soft ice they lost out. The next game is this eve. Wed. at Lean end we hope the Flyers will remain on top. Monster Bingot AT St. Peter's Parish Hall ST. JOSEPH,.. ONT. (French Settlement) On Saturday, March 14th. 9 p.m. Sharp $250.00 WILL BE GIVEN, AWA IN CASH PRIZES 15 ROUNDS AT $5.00 EACH 4 SPECIAL ROUNDS 3 OF $25.00 EACH, AND ONE ROUND FOR $100.00." SPECIAL ROUNDS 25C. A CAR OR 3 FOR 50e. Admission $1.00 EsTe al)ed -.. Welcome ST. PATRICK'S Will be at the Community Centre, Zurich On Tuesday, March 17th. Music by the Syncopartors' Orchestra DANCING 9.30 — Admission — 75 Cents each Sponsored by the Zurich Public Library Association GRAND armval In The ZURICH ARENA On Thursday, March 12th. Women's Institute The Zi tch Branch of the Wom- en's Institute met on Monday even- ing at rfihe home of Mrs Thos Mey- ers. President Mrs. Gus Roche took Chive of the opening exercises. The eD secretary and ,treasurer's reports were read by Mrs. Forrester, and ap- •, proved. :Correspondence letters were' • re,at t- 4- letter of Thank You from I. the South Huron Hospital for the. • $200.0 donation received from the i, Z r�lv Binancb, was reed: Other bus - ::e' used 0a iiis'siiat�aers �+ r'e ilsc $ 'was . voted to the Canadian Health A's:soi iatree ,. Toronto; $10 for the St John's Amibl'nc, Woodstock. The pro- gram Cone took charge. Mrs B. Mack giving several contests, and a apron .parade was one of the highlights of the evaniirg: Make and Wear an Apron. _Mrs, Elmore Klopp winner of the prize received an apron. The hostess' Mrs 4.Ceyers, Mrs. 'NI enno Oesch and' Mrs Bryce Mack, prepared' a delicious llot supper including fresh hot buns, baked by Mrs. Meyers, scalopped potatoes and weinerr, etc. A. vote of thanks was given for such splendid' liospital'ity. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 228. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH m Prop. P.OMPI Optical Service YES Two days we can duplicate accurately your broken Lens any Size, any Colour from the broken pieces We do not need your presc- ription We also have the newest in Frarnes and Mountings. We can also save you money on a complete pair of Spectacles.. A. GI HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscription in Canada, Year $2.011 Subscription U.S:A., Year $2.50. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zurie Ont. Phone 125, INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LORNE S. 1 ILER LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 HENSALL, ON'1°„ Ni.•enE•ee•e®eeeeaa see wase • • • • Farm, Forum 'The Unique Farm. Forum met at the home of' Mrs. H. Schilbe and family with 1'8 members present. The topic, "More Attractive Farmsteads" was taken by Mrs; Bert Klopp . The farmstead' appearance is important because it adds prestige to the com- munity mei alsu increases the value of the farm. Improvements which coist little can• be accomplished with hard work and initiative e.g. -keep- ing fences' and buildings in repair: Costly• repniis such as painting, roof- ing, new fences, etc. can be done• grad'uall'y as fiends and time prevail: Most faarmers in this community have sought` to, make improvements, on, their' fauns. A farm beautification project can serve a useful purpose in Judging to start at 8.30 pain. slim:.,farm• communities.. Following the i In case of soft weather, Carnival Jae held March 14th. Good Cash Prizes will be give'r the following Winners: . Girls 12iand under, Fancy - (I -019F held at the home of Mr and iwrs• Girls i1(6 and under, Fancy - Con;iir• Hilton- 'T+rueniner. The topic 'fine discussion, recreation was conducte by. Mrs E'Isreod Truemner, after week the hostess served a delicious lunch. The next meeting will be Men's Pinny Men's Gonne Best National Costume. Open Mee' Best Dressed Animal $2.00 Boys 1'21 and under, Fancy - Conal• Boys 16 and under Fancy an y - Comic. mie' Ladies' Fancy Race: Boys and girls under .1'" Youngest Person on Skates. Oldest person on Skates Broom Ball - Chamber of Conauietce vs. Zurich Lions. gefreshanseni 4~ Good Music Eveyabody Welcome, Adniasion — Adults 35c. 1i•O4 t T° '12 and under 15e.. Crowded Out Owing to the heavy volume of ,ad- vertising our supply of copy far ex- ceeds our available space, so we jest will have to hold some very interest- ing item's over for next week. Thanks Youthfor Ohrit LOCAL TALENT NIGHT 1 VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTA-L, Rev. J. L. Coyle, Wingham, Spetaer' Heard on CKNX In the United' Nations Look at Farm Fbt'um will' be l'eti by Mrs. Clifford Pepper. Me.. Victor Dinnin, Mrs. Ward Fritz; and Mary Lou attended a bradhl' shower in Exeter on 1lfonday evening in honor 'of Miss Dorothy Poodles,,. bride -elect of the rruenth. FILMS FOR ADU'tTS FRIDAY, MARCH 1+a -- a P.M. • •- isseeemaaec0000esennvimaia • • tott4tot wooat cs� Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent 'FLOWERS– FOR Day and Night Service or 122g ••••••••oommea••eseemo ea•ae•+tees essimeoe Telephone: Res. 89 ZuAICln eeeeeee114e®ee@ee® 1 t zcRIeWS Groc.ery Stor We are ever at your service with the best line; obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts M and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Menno Oesch PRODUCE WANTED L unncfl Phone 165 0111MUNINNIMEN0d ems: WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF COLD WEATHER 1 In response to numerous requests= 'there {will the an adlalt, showing ot Ifilims in the Township Hall on the: ,evening of Friday Marsh 13 at eight. e'clock. Included in the program are: Newfoundland Scenes, a half hour of full colour about .Canada's tenth pro- vince. Prospecting For +Petroleum a colour film en, the oil industry. Can- ada's Awakening North' a film on the riches of the North West Territories - its people and industries. Ali; Eye Witness, news short dnd a ten min- ute short on cancer will also be in- cluded. All are welcome ivsd are caged to cootie to this initial program The Board of Education has kindly consented to let us use Their equip - Ment. There is no admission but a Silver collection will be taken to nor- er cost of the hall and transportation on the films. Come prepared to off:. iiress your opinion as to whether we glum:hi have more of the sail. thing lee the ;future, If you want t em, le t I us know t;'4 you .can haai,'a theny.--- �7larne; lit, lieId, Pr"ojeG.tceu\sst, Clinton District Collette O.tt Satiny, March .i 4th, 8 p t Crile; tend bring you 14eighlrAttt . FOOTWEAR LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc., Etc. See our Fine Assortment of Yard Goods lust Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl GIVE US A CALL! TH:I lL4 a E. Schwartzentruber, Prep. Phone 1147