HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-03-05, Page 21wrwMnurwwwww+.«mw•au»w.+,e-w.,wm�wr.w,o+.w..,•-w..w�.arww�gr�www.w+.v+w.ww.:.: .
It seems to this observer that one of
the greatest sports dramas of 1952, which
had quite a nunnber of these, was crowded
into the last day but one of the year,
when little Tony Despirito won a des-
perate battle against the most relentless
opponents of all, Old Father Time.
Tony Despirito is a jockey. He hadn't been heard of when
1902 dawned, he may never again hit the heavy type. But
December 30, 1952 was his moment of glory, the climax of a
play that A']pped the imagination of sports folk all over this
• On the morning of December 30, Tony had ridden 385
race winners. So that every one of the year's closing days would
count, he flew to Havana to ride in the Sunday races there,
then flew back to Florida to resume his attack on the old mark
of 388 winners in a single year. So, with one day to go, he
needed four winners to break the record, and on that day, he
rode the four winners, became the new champion. He had
one day to go, which is drawing it as close as any camera
fnish could be.
The undersized son of a textile mill -worker, at Lawrence,
Mass., was so small that other youngsters called hind "The
Runt" and shooed him away from their gamnes, lest some big-
ger tad should trample hila. So he wandered the eight miles
to Lou Smith's Rockingham Park, and began to hang around
the barns. Kindly horsemen Let him earn a buck by walking
"hots"—that is, cooling out horses after a race.
He rode horses for training in the morning and finally, he
got a mount, but he didn't get close to the pay-off line. In fact,
he rode so poorly that the Stewarts instructed that Tony wasn't
to have any more mounts until he developed skill and timing.
So it was back to the exercise gallops in the mornings for the
]cid from Lawrence.
In January 1952, at Florida's Sunshine Park, he got an-
other chance. He rode Great Shuffle and won, Even then, suc-
cess didn't blaze a sudden easy trail. For stewards at Sunshine
shooed him away, told him to quit riding before he killed
himself, or somebody else. "You'll never be a jockey," they
But the kid didn't heed the advice. We presume he felt,
as have a lot of other kids in a great many other sports, that
he had the stuff if given any kind of a break. lie went back to
New England, and on the Lesser tracks there, he began to ride
at a rate slightly more than sensational. One day he had six
winners, is now the eighth jockey in 57 years to ride more than
300 winners in a year. And despite a IO -day suspension which
seemed to wreck his chances late in the year, he rode coura-
geously, rode well, until, on December 30, with the end of the
year just over 24 hours away, he piloted home four winners,
became bolder of the new riding record. A. sporting and
dramatic feat indeed.
Your comments and suggestions for this column wUI be welcomed
by Eimer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonne St., Yaronto.
Turning a pitcher into an out-
fielder isn't anything new in
b seball. The classic example
was, of course, Uncle Ed. Bar-
row's making -over Babe Ruth—
who might have been one of
Zoe game's greatest lefthanded
flingers—into what was un-
doubtedly the most fearsome
:Gong -distance larruper and, in-
cidentally, the most potent box-
office attraction of all time.
* to
But for a character to start orf
ea a heaver, then become a sue-
tssful outfielder, and then
*gain go back to the mound is,
to us at least, something new.
And although the Pittsburgh
Pirates are not, as a rule, a team
a1ennanding very much of the
;a'tlns' attention, there will be a
:tot of interest in how they fare
ibis coming season, and especial-
: what sort of fate lies in store
Clete -Looking Topper...-. The Na -
Veinal Association of Retail
Clothiers and Fu; nishers sprung
something new at their annual
annvention when they had pretty
lornela Davis model men's af•
ler-dinner forma fashions. The
Hamburg will have a hard time
.replacing the topper, especially
!f et is warn by gals like Pamela.
for the change -about player re-
ferred to, one Johnny Lindell.
e+ 0
Big Lindy's whole story is a
rather strange one. Back in 1941,
when the Yankees brought him
up from the farm, he was a 23 -
game winner for Newark. But
manager Joe McCarthy just
couldn't see him as a pitcher,
even with a record like that. The
kid stood six feet four inches,
weighed two hundred and fif-
teen, he was fast, could throw
and was a better -than -average
ball -hawk. Best of all he could
hit that ball a mile. So Lindell
was told to forget all about pitch-
ing and concentrate on becoming
an outfielder.
Y 0
.His main trouble, though, was
that he didn't have enough con-
centration and lacked the spark
to become the truly great play-
er hs might have been. Johnny
liked to laugh and get some fun
out of life. He never did settle
down and give the game the 100
per cent attention it demands.
* 4eg
There were flashes, though,
when he showed what he might
have been. In the 1943 world
series, for instance, he came
thundering recklessly into third
and practically jarred Whitey
Kurowski loose from his eye-
teeth. Whitey lost the ball, his
glove, his hat and consciousness.
It was the key play of the series
because the Cardinals were nev-
er the same again.
0 0 s
• Lindell was the hitting hero ot
the 1947 world series with an
average of .500 although he did
break a rib in trying to spoil a
double -play. Cagey Eddie Stanky
gave him both knees in the ribs
by way of illustrating that John-
ny should mind his manners.
0 * 0
Hardly able to get out of bed
the next day, Lindell played with
his torso taped like a baseball
bat. He tasted as long as able
and then limped to the club-
house. There he met Larry Mac-
Phail and the Roaring Redhead
was in one of his most tempes-
tuous moods,
"Why didn't you tell me about
those ribs?" screamed MacPhail,
"Why did you try to play in that
Nr *
The usually mild-mannered
and easy-going Lindell blew e
fuse. He pushed his face into
MacPhail's face rend Iet his boss
have it.
Beauty and the -- Outstanding, and prize dogs from all parts
of Ontario, including this Shetland. Collie "Quarrie Brae,", shown
here with Peggy Rose, will be on display at the two c i g shows
which will be held in conjunction",with the Canadian & gfi nal
Sportsmen's Show in the. Collseunl, Toronto. The Sportsmen's
Show will be held for eight days commencing March 13. The
Dog Shows will be held for the :benefit of the Toronto Humane
Society on March 18-19, 20 21,
"Because I wanted to win the
blankety-blank ball game," he
bellowed. "And what are you:
going: to do about it?"
Lindell's jaw jutted out pug-
naciously. So MacPhail decided
to do nothing about it,
0 0
But that was virtually John-
ny's last flash. On the momen-
tum from his world series feats
he carried through to his best
average, .317, during 1948 and
then he began to fade fast. The
Yankees sold hirn to the Cardin-
als, who desperately needed a
right-handed outfield slugger.
But the big fellow couldn't. hold
On, o a
One afternoon three or four
years ago, according to Arthur
Daley of The New York Times,
Lindell Was warming up in
front • of the Yankee dugout,
playing catch with Yogi Berra.
The Yank catcher casually reach-
ed out his glove for one toss only
donee extra alai ll unexpectedly
to ave the ba
y hit him on the
shin. The Yogi man yowled.
"Whatcha throwin', John?" he
"It's my super-duper knuckler,
sonny boy," laughed Lindell.
"Gimme another," said Yog.
Lindell gave him another and
another. Soon a couple of curi-
ous Yankee players stood open-
mouthed behind Lindell, watch-
ing the big outfielder float in his
new dipsy-do pitch.
"Thatsa good pitch, John,"
said Yogi, a note of respect in
his voice. "I'll betcha you could
win with it in this league."
"I know," laughed Lindell. "If'
I had had it when I first came
up I'd be a pitcher today instead
of an outfielder,"
A 0 0
When the St, Louis Cards final-
ly let the big outfielder go, he
drifted out to the Pacific Coast
where Fred Haney ]net him with
the surprising announcement:
"Welcome to our pitching staff."
"At least I'll be the best rest-
ed pitcher you ever had," quip-
ped Lindell. Not only was he
rested but he also had the new
knuckler which he had develop-
ed in those warm-up sessions be-
fore every game.
It was afully-controlled pitch
last year and Lindell was a 24 -
game winner for Hollywood. Now
-- just eleven years after he
pitched his last game in the Big
Time, the 36 -year-old ex -out-
fielder is back for another crack
at it. Impressed by the fact that
he was voted Most Valuable
Player in the Pacific Coast
League Iast season, the Pitts-
burgh Pirates have bought hila;
and, as we said before, it will be
interesting to watch just what
happens to Johnny Lindell from
here on in
Ater Oliver Wendell Holmes
retired, be was•siowly and feebly
walking down a street in Wash-
ington, when an old friend ac-
costed him and shaking his
trembling hand asked, "And bow
is Oliver Wendell iiolmes to-
day?" "'Thank you," said the
great jurist. "Oliver Wendell
Holmes is well, quite well, I
thank you. But the house h
Which he lives at present is be -
:coming quite dilapidated. It is
tottering 'upon its foundations.
Time and the seasons have near-
ly 'destroyed it. Its roof is pretty
well worn out. Its walls are much.
shattered, and it trembles with
every wind. The old tenement
lets becoming almost uninhabit-
iabie, and'I think Oliver Wendell
'Holmes will have to move out
';of: it soon. But he himself is
gxite well, quite well."
7He' TAf GE
THEW/J:4;W /4 raRo'wro
ARCH 11 WREN 4'53
rims Us THESE O•tkd6 ,s"- EATUR
The 4 Phillips 04 Tile Vidtari ;I,
0.beutifui Claude easel; Willy Kee
foul Remelt , .' Morrie. and Suttlfffd
1t.o Holland ret:: tied,
Vis• ;ii* Choeeine • Satvina • Wins t Cons* Tillie
Casting• and Spinning
Canadian Notional Spnrt,.ee,H',. %ow
The Careen., Tercefe
hear 3)ne
rieere send mo
sox Seat> Matinee
Rai Semi m Eventeg perto,menie 3n the Amea
rs.ab - Le--'.�...r..�...-..- _
(.ae.r.,Fn ae, .e! 0.0)
b0/010 4:11 plume fled my manly oris
cheque foe; --- - .-....I payment for Iher• Nate.
V(.rn rd.,y
2111015: t:veninge and Saturday A,teditetee—All hate Reserved
km leak 32.00--Reseerrad Se*ie 31,90
Week Day Matinee--Resomad box' Seats $.1';.1.20
Giber treats rush—Adolfo 31.041--.ChIidren 50e
PUNTS and varnishes, electrical motors.
electrical appliances, liobb)'ehon RfaebinerY.
Dealers wanted. Write: Warco Grease and
0)) Limited, Toronto.
BABY ClllC0 5
D.l✓?ALERS wanted to sell baby chicks and
''terkey points for one 0f Canada's oldest
established and largest batcheriee. -Where)
,co halesion8 paid. Feed dealers, farmers,
implement dealers, agents for nureerlea,
cream truck drivers, end other dealers
make excellent mute. Send Cor full
details Box No, 97. 123 Eighteenth St..
New Toronto. • Ont.
BELLY hatched chicks ,for livability and
high production, hatches twice weekly from
fully approved and pullorum free breeders.
An the popular breeds and crosses for
meat or egg production. Day old or started.
Can ship anywhere. Write today for price
Wt. I{elly's Hatchery, Lindsay, Ont.
WHAT is it you need—for your own mar-
kets? Pullets—cockerels—mixed — wide
range breeds, crossed. And a limited quan-
tity started. Prompt shipment. For April
delivery, order now also. 'Bray Hatchery,
120 John N., .Idamllton,
FOR maximum egg production purchase
White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds or
Tied crosses. For broilers New nampsblres
or Hampshire crosses. When buying for
maximum egg produotlon buy chicks with
lots of R.O.P. breeding back of them.
Send for 1963, catalogue ittells you all
about the breeds of chicks to buy for the
purpose you want • them and which will
make you the most money. Mao Turkey
Poulte, Older Pullets.
CANADIAN 4.PPROVED ehiclts at rook
bottom prices, non -sexed chicks ae IoW
as $13,49 per hundred, non -sexed imuits
tie low as 68c. Send for 1968 price ldet
sand catalogue.
HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean-
ine? Write to us for information. We
are clad to answer your questions. De-
partment 13, Parker's Dye Works Limited,
791 Tonga St. Toronto.
CRESS CORN SALVIt--For sure relief.
Your Druggist sells C'ttESS.
MON thresher 22 x 23 run only 20 days.
113 perfect shape. Also 40 HP Remaly
engine on air tires in good running order.
W111 set) together or will separate them,
enweed Wilson. CarpbelIville, 12.R. 1.
"Aberdeen-Anguua are acknowledged. all
ctr,nind the World, to be 1110 best crossing
Beef 13ulis. leaving uniform progeny of
Modern beet type. uniformly black, horn.
len .fact -manuring. with top Meshing
FSn•ty-seven Angus bulls (the World', best
dehornera) will be offered at the Ontario
Ellitl Sale. Coliseum, Exhibition Cxrnunda,
Toronto, March 2121,., 1968.
12omenther the Ontario C(000lrtnlent DAYS
a bonne nr twenty percent of the price up
to one lnmdred and Ofty dnllare each
Ontario/ Aberdeen -Angus kesocletinn,"
1210NOV MOTE !roam cleans and moth-
uroofa .same time. Why pay $15: Just
Mean end mothproof more. Details. stamped
e11ve1npe. Hudson, 1419 - 36t11, Louisville
11, lieuttaclty.
2 ?MRS I)Al3'•2 44130175 $1. Blue, white
or Pink. 100%7 wool felt. Out and reedy
in sew. Circle O. 3e Bryant Way, Denver
19, Colorado.
Yes, we ,'an help yob to seenre top market
value for your livestock shipments. Our
organization. with ire ,]cillo.] slog of
weighmn and assistants will scot your
stock to best weighing ron(litinn
Our eo1odlnen beeriest, of their deify con.
Mot with all buyers. )ergs and, small, he -
cause they know ea,A1 11130021 regscte '
moms arid know who will pay the nuns)
tor 'Elle rlafia of otoek yet (111't'e to offer,
tan manta sure .0'1u receive ,1)) your live•
stork is worth.
Consign your llvostork shihment8. 10 Mo.
Currie' & '4Iv("urdy Limited. Ontario Stock
Yards, Toronto,
RECONDITIONED rebuilt Electric Sfotore,
all types and adzes. Specify voltage and
cycles. Guaranteed lowest prices. Piper
Electrical Equipment, 279 Springfield Ave.,
.Newark 8, New Jersey.
UN1v3R8A. L Electric Portable Sewing
Machine, all desirable features, attach-
ments, regular price $109.50, Special
$99.10) Guaranteed. Trautner Sales Co„
P,O, ;Box. 82, Duluth, Minnesota
A TRIAL—Every ,sufferer of Rheumatic Pains
Or ];neuritis should fry Dixon's Remedy.
235 Elgin Ottawa
$1,25 Express Prepaid
TAPEWORMS, pinworms, cause serious
diaeaseel could be your trouble) thou-
sands helped. Free literature describes
condition end remedy Write f.fuiveney's
Remedies Limited, Deor Iv S.. Toronto,
e F M)NEX rb
One woman tells another. Take superior
"b'SE1ttIN:FY." to help alleviate pain, die -
tress and nervous tension eesnrlated with
goodly periods.
55.00 Postpaid In plain wrapper
980 QUEEN ST. EAST rl) Orn.°
BANISH the torment of dry eczema ra8hee
and weeping akin troubles Post's Eczema
Salvo will not disappoint you.
Itching, scaling, burning eczema, acne,
3)ngr0rm. pimples and foot eczema, will
respond readily to the stainless odorless
ointment. regardiese or hnw stubborn or
bopelese they seem.
P121015 02.50 PEE 3,1R
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
880 Queen St. E. Corner of Legate.
Now Asthma Relief
in minutes or your money back
Ask your Druggist for an
Asthmcanefrin Set
• unconditionally guaranteed
DURING these winter months the body's
resistance to common virus infections as
at its lowest, 12iake sure you are receiving
your daily vitamin requirements bytaking
lridelity's Multiple vltatnln Capsules con-
taining vitamins A, 13-1 (Thiamine), 71-2
(Riboflavin), 0, D. Niacin. Bottle of 100
eapaulee for 38.00, Fldelityla Wheat Germ
011 Capsules are 31.50 for bottle of 100,
or 100 for $2.00.
028 Main St, W. - Hamilton. Ontario
301N CONAIJ44'S LEADING 8001ftile.
Great Opportunity Learn
&'leaenn1, dignified prnfe881en, good wages.
T30uscode of successful Marvel grnd125108
America's Greatest System
illustrated Catalogue gree
Write or Call
859 Q Hoon St W., Tornn".o
44 ging St., 4lamliton
72 Rideau St., Ottawa
WOOD by mai). Plans. Finishing meter.
tale. Write tor price list. Dept. W,, 'rho
Pine Shop Lid.. 2220 Benny live.. Moo.
tread 28.
WANT LOVI6L7 SKIN, glistening eYes,
Iron nerves? Purchase Korea Tnhlete at
Your drug or deitartment. store, or write
P.O, Pox 471, Wton)peg,
AN OFFER to every Inventor -List lin.rentlon' and full information 'sentTlie Ramsay Co., Registered ?e'en,
bey6, 273 Bank Street. Otte.wa
8'EATHESTON0A UGH & Corr, any Pa-
tent Solicitors. Established :290. 054'
Saytion Street, Torontorequest: Booklet Of :ntnrnia.•
• ...'ehn-SoNAL.
81.00 TRIAL offer.' Twenty-ilve deluxe
personal requirements. Latest +"13a106"11e
Included. The efedlco Agency, .gime 124,
Terminal A. Toronto, Ontario,
,atony as thousands of others have line OE s
a seven day scientific treatment that,
quickly eliminates all craving fel, tobacco.
Iron free booklet write C. W. Eleg Phar.
modal Ltd„ 13ex 672. London. ()Norio,
Club introduce ycu to lonely poop=e desir-
ing early marriage. Many Wien means.
widows with farms or city D1O01rly, 'Pity
and country t;lr1, Members from :oast to
coast. Proven results since 1924, twee par•
titulars in plain sealed envelope. :. C.
Club, Box 128 Calgary, Alberta.
LETTERS Remailed from kitiilnnalres'
Playground, 20c. Palin Beach Postmark,
"ren beautiful Florida Postcards tine Dol -
Sar, postpaid. Carver, 165 Ron; :trail,
Palm Beach, Florida.
NEW ruga made from your old rasa and
woollens, Write for catalogue o.nd omen,
list. Dominlon Rug Weaving company,
2477 Dundas Street West, Toronto, 'Ont..
Nearly Clary
Very_first use of soothing, cooling liquid
D.D. D. Prescription positively relieves
raw red itch—caused by eczema, :ashes,
0calp irritation, chafing—otheritchtroubles.
Greaseless, stainless. 43c trial bottle must
Satisfy or money back. Don't suffer. Ask
your druggistforD.D.D.PRESCIUPT)ON
ISSUE 10 -- 1053!