HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-03-05, Page 1blished .1900 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 1 + a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School, 7.30 p.m.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome to call Servlcea EMMA1 UEL EVANGELICAL U. . CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist wUNDAY SERVICES. - 10:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7:30 p.m. — Divine Worship Welcome at all Services—"Come . 'thou with us end we will do theo good." Nuri. 10:29. W1-liY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If you're a careful driver you can get remarkable low rates with State Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make their own low Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, Phone 78 r 13. istrict Agent Zurich, Ont. ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 5 1953 Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and equipment at OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN A. L. COLE, R.O. GODERI`CH -- ONT• forguaranteed profit offer. Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 5:00 a.m.Prayer Fellowship. 8.45 a.m. — Prayer Fellonvship m 10:00 a, — Sunday School 11:00 a,m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.an. — Bible Meeting (Bi - WEDNESDAY: weekly) 8:00 p.an. — Prayer Fellowship (In the homes) YOU .ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! GRAND a `entre Y•END Friday, Saturday March 6-7 The '• rigand In Technicolor Anthony Dexter Jody Lawrence Gale Rorbbing A Robust,. Romantic Swashbuckler Selected Short Subjects Tuesday, Wednesday ..March 10-11 Virginia Mayo Alan Ladd Joseph Calleia The Iron Mistress In Technicolour (Adult Entertainment) Alan Ladd as Jim Bowie, the LouiS= ana Bayou Man, and Virginia Mayo as the Shameless Natchez •Belle. Paramount Newsreel —Corning Next Weekend, March 13- ESTHER WILLIAMS in "SKIRTS AHOY" In Technicolaur $18 An Evening For your spare time. Just 3 easy free trial sales amazing Patented Automatic Refrigerator Defrosters can pay you that. Hundreds .of hot prospects commission. Rush name, address D Frost O=Matic Go., Dept. 14, New- nI Phone 421 heatre - EXETER{ Friday and Saturday March 6-1 Deadline U.S.A. Humphrey Bogart Ethel Barrymore A great Newspaper story full of action, thrills, and romance. Monday and Tuesday March NIP' We're Not Married Ginger Rogers David Wayne It's a riot when everyone discovers "We're Not Married." Wednesday and Thursday Mar. 11-12. DOUBLE BILL A Yank In Indo China John Archer Jean Willes I And on the same program Good .d GI.�• cia Reasonable' easonable' Puree tra,s ltet., lntarzo. Family Income Life Insurance is the only investment which will tell a man today how much guaranteed monthly income it will yield his family for all the tomorrows. Let your North Amer- ican Life representative help you figure out how much income your present life insurance rhim providess for your family. See i rry Haff man NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company — All Profits for Policyholders Phone 70-W Dashwood, Ont. IEL'S penor Store zen Fo ds Bird. s Bye Frosted Foods FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS - VEGETABLES - FISH, - ETC. Week -end Specials Fancy Golden Cream Corn, 2, 15 -oz. tins 27c Strawberry J • am, large 24 -oz. jar 40c, Jell 0 Jelly Powders, 3 pkgs 29c Carnation Milk, 2 Targe tins 27c. wommermisromanmentereseammermertmomsmar.stomosernnommemern..1"iima Phone 140 G. H. THIEL Zurich Mutiny Petrie Knowles Angela Landsbury, Last Show commences at 8.45. ster Help Others! The Easter Seal campaign is now beginnring with -only a few weeks to go till Easter. There is no better way you can contribute a dollar or two roc an by helping the poor and unfor- tynalte children who are not as lucky Big some of us, able to earn your own living and be up and about.Help ti hat you Canand your Easter sea - see' will be .all the more pleasant. Women's Institute '.The Itiarch meeting of the Zurich Woanens' Institute ;will be held on randay evening, March 9th, at 8 o"eIock in the town hall. Topic: i rlbane Economies and Health. Roll Mlle Apron Parade—make and wear an apron. Committee. Mrs. Bryce Mack, Ma's. Thos. Meyers, Mrs. xti(enno Desch. All ladies are cord- ially invited CHAMBER OF 0OMMERC•E VISITS HIGHWAY MINISTER • Chanvber of Commerce delegates, Messrs. Geo. Armstrong and Warden Alvin Kerslake for Hensall, Reeve Earl, CampbeilIl of Hay Twp. and Messrs. EarI Thiel and Reg. Illsley fOr Zueich, visited Toronto last Wed- nesday edn esday to •confer with Minister of Highways Mr. Geo. Doucett in re- gards to the completion of l-laghway 84. ' Under the .guidance of Mr. Thos.` P,yde, M.P.P. The delegates obtain- ea very fair hearing of our prob- 1,4m, and, though no actual dates or ?ion -rises were rade, the delegates aare satisved that this matter will re- c4ive attention. at an early date. 9 p.m. Sharp tFormer Resident Passes $250.00 WILL BE GIVEN AWAY Word has been received by relati- IN CASH PRIZES s here of the passing of Mrs. Amos Mader, nee Kate Geiger, former a sdent of the 14th Con., Hay Twp., bing•horn inRay in1876and died Ingo AT St. Peter's Parish Hall ST. JOSEPH,.. ONT. (French Settlement) - Om Saturday, March 14th. 15 ROUNDS AT $5.00 EACH 4 SPECIAL ROUNDS HERAL Single Copies 5 Cents, Subscription in Canada, Year $2.011 Subscription U.S.A.., Year $2.50, NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel, 1323. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. PROMPT Optical Service YES! Two days we can duplicate accurately your broken Lens any Size, any Colour from the broken pieces We do not need your presc- ription We also have the newest in Frames and Mountings,, We C in also save you money on a Complete pair of Spectacles., A G., HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. RAG RUGS and CARPETI1 On a New Modern. Loom, Made 11111 ua Order — Seth 0. Amann, Z, Ont. Phone 128. INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS • LORNE S. MILERLOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 — HENSALL, ONT, • • ••• •• Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director • Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS (i)MiSI®'.0E10Pst, . a; COS 11100606 ottattg it*Vat ,04g* • • 3 OF $25.00 EACH, AND A ONE ROUND FOR $ .OQ. of February (115th, at Langdon Mercy • SPECIAL ROUNDS 25C.A CARD •,o pi+ral Noath Dakota, aget 76 • OR 3 �ROR ;;60C ,. - Adinislsion, 11.00- r .": V�s`pent her- girthood Year.; Everybody Welcome in the Zurich district. In 1909 she • • Telephone'° Res. 89 •was married to Amos Schrader of : Osnabrook, N.D., and resides there her entire married life till they moi>- 000090 0*eit•OOGO ed to Langdon, was a member of the Evangelical U. B. Church, and leaves to mourn her loss, her husband Amos Schrader; one brother, Ed. Geiger of Cavalier, N. Dak., a sister, Mors. William Elsie, of Grand Bend. .Day. andlligh..S.erviPe or 122, ST. PATRICK'S E Will be at the Community Centre, Zurich on Tuesday, March 17th. .Music . by the Syncopartors' Orchestra DANCING 9.30 — 1 Admission — 75 Cents each Sponsored by the Zurich Public Library Association CARD OF THANKS Miss Ann Datars wishes to take this mediums to thank her many lr•i- ends for kindness shown in any way while she was a patient at St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London. I wish to greatly thank all my neighbours and friends; Rev. E. W. Heinrich and Rev. H. E. Roppet and eveayione for the personal Balls, treats, cards, etc., which I recery ario Municipal Electric Association While I was sick. Many thanks again. Mrs. Nettie Simon. ° held at the Royal York Motel, in Toronto. Many items of interest to the consumer were discussed follow - in which resolutions were debated Farm Forum The Unique Farm Forum met at the hone of Mr and Mrs. E. Blake 'Horner for the regular meeting. Mr James Lead, guest speaker, led the discussion on "Is Eqicality In Educ- ation Possible?" He'outlined the handicaps of teechinrg and the oppor- tunities. It was felt that if rural sohools were to be maintained, the opportunities could not be equalified with that of the urban school. Mr. Albert Katbfleis:c'h read parts of a report regarding the act that is un- der rebate in parliament regarding e a rd ng the carryin -of drugs by Mr. Kalibfleisch urged the farmers to back the veterinarians. The next meeting will be held at Mr and Mrs. Hilton 'Truemner's TRUSTEES ATTEND CONVEN- TION Zurich Village Trustees O'Brien, Schilbs and Illsley attended the three day annual convention of the Ont - BON At the Farwell Nursing Home, in Zurich, on February 26th, to xdr and forwarded to the respective de - and Mrs. Theodore Leibold a daugh- • partmsents of the Ontario Governor- ter. ent and the Ontario Hydro. Speak - At the Farwell Nursing Horse, in ers heard were, Ontario Hydro Cha:ir- • •nd man Robert H. Saunders, Leo Dolan, Director of the Canadian . Gover arn- ent Travel Bureau and Hon. Orlo M. Brees of Albany N.Y., Whose speech was the highlight of the conventions. HOCKEY NEWS 1 9 1 Zurich, en February 218th, to bra• Mrs. Keith McBride, a son,. A broth- er for Larry. The Voice of Temperance So we have beverage rooms are, Huron. That's not what they hat's i The Zurich Flyer 3, like in times called by their patrons—but ' past, are - finding those Irish from what they'are called by.lders, And that's what they are. We have:Lucan plenty to -ugh. Last Wednesday beverage rooms even though the peo- evening •at Lucan they were at the nt, he te of Huron have never voted Paifor 1 score 9-6. d of Thle en thist Mondays the e themt andnot er nay want them. just another way in which the letter ; the first a in i� ltv,;itha overtime. At Ata he ofd p the 2 is being Waded and the { spirit of the law frustrated. It is endn of the regular game the score in the record that every oneof these I see- ll goalenin the by a Zurichovert overtime ray- brought rooms has had police .question is ,Lucan er accidentally deflecting the> puck brought against it. Thegq ,into his own goal. So the boys —how had long are men going to it on paying a third more for their in-ep �j Misch. they d' ending that a tte. back 'l he trap s beverages: Moreover, nthe I second ' playing esday Wage roans representone IiquOe tragic evening,aa and so theytwillbedp ay t wursafeatures nuisance. The people of Huron do until one team has four wins to their not want beverage rooms. —Advt. credit. 1 ®e� $00 06619•04!06�� 'r re Stealt GOO • • • • • • • • •. Zurich • Gr leer! �j << ori We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies . Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL - Menno Oesch Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. ['hone 165 WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF COLD WEATHER OOTWE LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc., Etc. See our Fine Assortment of Yard Goods just in. Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl GIVE US A CALL! IRE IIL4KE F )fir E. Schww*rtzentruber* Prop° Phone 11-91